まいにち英文法クイズ #057
(1) 今は昔ほど買い物に出かけません。
I don’t go shopping as often as [ used to / I used to ].
[解答] I used to
[解説] 同等比較の2つ目のasは接続詞であるため、後ろは「主語+動詞」のカタチになります。原則として主語を省略することはできません。
I don’t go shopping as often as I used to.(今は昔ほど買い物に出かけません)
(2) このiPadはもう一方のiPadほど良くない。
This iPad is not as [ good / well ] as the other one.
[解答] good
[解説] 形容詞goodが正解。wellは副詞のためNG。もとの英文 This mouse is not good. をイメージすると分かりやすくなります。
This iPad is not as good as the other one.(このiPadはもう一方のiPadほど良くない)
(3) たぶんいつもの2倍時間がかかります。
Maybe, it will take [ twice as long as / as twice long as ] usual.
[解答] twice as long as
[解説] 倍数表現twice(2倍)は「as … as ~」の直前に置きます。
Maybe, it will take twice as long as usual.(たぶんいつもの2倍時間がかかります)
(4) 僕の車はあなたの車ほど新しくはありません。
My car is not [ newer than / as new as ] yours.
[解答] as new as
[解説] 「not as … as ~」を使ったカタチです。My car is not newer than yours.(僕の車はあなたの車より新しくはありません)という表現は、「同じくらい古い」という可能性もあります。My car is not as new as yours. であれば「あなたの車と同じレベルでの新しさではない」→「あなたの車よりも古い」という意味になります。
My car is not as new as yours.(僕の車はあなたの車ほど新しくはありません)
(5) できるだけたくさん映画を観たいです。
I want to watch [ movies as many as / as many movies as ] I can.
[解答] as many movies as
[解説] もともとの英文 I want to watch many movies. に「as ... as I can」を組み込んだカタチです。I want to watch movies as many as I can. は「as ... as I can」を取り除くと、I want to watch movies many. となってしまうためNG。
I want to watch as many movies as I can.(できるだけたくさん映画を観たいです)