Дневник VIII : понежельник 9 сентября 2024 года - пятница 13 декабря 2024 года :

понежельник 9 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Something to commemorate Korean Peninsula and the War in that region.
9:00 AM Mandai mayonaise 400g x1.
9:30 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Felix Mendelssohn Barthordy: Violin Concerto in E with anti-Zionist Yehudi [יהודי] Menuhin and ouvertures.
10:30 AM Reconstruction of January 25, 1925 concert to celebrate Furtwängler's 39th birthday during his first USA tour at Carnegie Hall: Mendelssohn: «die Hebriden ouverture», Opus 26 (15 February 1949, Pathé Références (1998, EMI 7243 5 66770 2 9), Richard Strauss: Symphonic poem «Don Juan» [Pathé Références (1994, EMI CDH 5 65197 2)], Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky: Symphonie Nr. 5, Opus 64 (Music & Arts CD 712, 1992, recorded live in Turin in June 6th, 1952). 2:00 PM.
0:00 PM Ueta Naika Clinic for catching cold (soar throat).
1:00 PM to 6:00 PM Arrangement of SPIM Flower & Decoration for flowers to be handed to Eva on December 22nd, 2024 in Ako and Wittamer Sacher Torte on 21st of December, 2024 (Irina Grigore was right on it! Surprise!!! At the time of April 26, 2024, most people were still very cruel to me. But. there were some exceptional figures). Lawyers Association of Japan is a nut in comparison to its people. Japanese people have much more common sense than they have. Typical is Masaki Kitoh and Megumu Tsuji. They were only self-protective and lost their jobs by their own self-protecting remarks. Masaki Kitoh is an asshole, who was laughing out loud on TV (while insultingly praising Kohki Ishii on tribute book to Ishii) and then was rationally fired (which means he didn't know who he was and his true values: over self-esteem), let alone Megumu Tsuji.
6:24 PM Practicing Fortepiano Beethoven Opp. 31-1 1-2 (2nd movement thoroughly) first and only attempt of the day. (no recordings).
7:00 PM (12:00 мск) Something to do with Korea. Something to do with this date in 1948 in Edinburgh Festival conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler. 9 September, 1948 Edinburgh Festival (Orchestra stabile dell'Accademia nazionale di Santa Cecilia) Programme: Georgio Ghedini: Partita (astouningly overwelming, marvelous and magnificent masterpiece); Richard Strauss: «Tod Und Verklarung», Opus 24. [Pathé Références (1994, EMI CDH 5 65197 2) - inter-mission- Beethoven: Symphony No. 5, Opus 67 (Pathé Référence CDH 69803 2 recorded on 28 of February and 1st of March in 1954 in Musikverein Großersaal [His Master's Voice recording on whose dates were recalled for Leonard Bernstein's final recordings in Vienna with Bruckner 9th symphonie, the symphonie Wilhelm Furtwängler recorded on October 7th, 1944 in protest against Heinrich Himmler of Kriminalpolizei. NSA-CIA-FBI targetted LB understands how Furtwängler suffered throughout his liftime and he shared it within himself in early Spring, 1990 on the same dates]) [re-construction of an extremely important concert].
2:00 AM Daniil Trifonov at Yellow Lounge (live). Overslept on the floor till 7:30 AM. Watched in delay.

вторник 10 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Wittamer and Hamayu on December 21, 2024 (Saturday). Former around 0:00 PM and the latter at 10:00 AM.
1:00 PM - 3:50 PM Watching LDP leader candidate Shigeru Ishiba live interview.
3:50 PM - 4:50 PM Issui-kai Leader Mitsuhiro Kimura interview with Former PM Yukio Hatoyama.
4:00 PM baking loafs of bread.
6:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano Beethoven Opp. 31-1 2-1 for first attempt of the day. (recorded just for myself not open to public).
7:00 PM Collector's Corner by Henry Fogel Sir Thomas Beecham II (first half).
7:45 PM Jun Etoh's book credit card was illegally rejected as The Russian Federation Speaking Woman Ms. Zakharova says. Rakuten's Mikitani is a coward liar (persona non grata) if not worse than Masayoshi Son of Softbank, who has built all his luxury on his very abuse of my own privacy over advertising of his own company, which to be lost to my hands by the end.
Osaka's Secret Nazi Police under Hirofumi Yoshimura's direction in their cooperation with The Pentagon over their military satellites that has more power to Tokyo's LDP and Kantei intentionally converted some parts of this writing of mine above in Japanese into, "やっぱりれいわがええわぁやっぱりれいわがええわぁやっぱりれいわがええわぁ". They are thus evil without slightest doubts and thus this crazy and the real axis of shames of the Japanese race. I had no means but to expose it as the records of their decades of Nazi deeds still trying hard to overturn PM Kishida's brave decision making as proud PM of Japan by Osaka's insulting on him by their deed as proven as they did above. I had no intention to record psychiatric sessions, which is by the way in serious need to them Ishinese, at Shichiyama Hospital tomorrow, but it turned negative at last minute by their foolish Nazi deeds. 8:08 PM. What I was not satisfied with today's press conference by PM candidate (LDP leader candidate) Shigeru Ishiba is that he had somehow lacked courage, if even employing euphemism, to point out that Osaka's Yoshimura is refusing to pay my neighbors with enough immediate compensations over his and his parties' decades of Nazi deeds by deceiving the ordinary residents for that with a rational compensation at amount the range of 100 to 300 million Japanese Yen but still force swallow them by Nazi kickback tiny money. What a shame!!! Yoshimura and other Ishinese must be all arrested and their parties must be force resolved just like the case of Das Dritte Reich of Adolf Hitler. 8:21 PM. The very core reason that I have long been accusing Ishin and Ishinese is that some of my neighbors have not been assured longevity and some have been suffering from serious illness. Yoshimura's Ishin and Ishinese are not at all concerned with this very fact from which they have intentionally ignored to look at what has been going on the territory of their homemade Nazi human hunting. 9:10 PM. To say frankly, Hirofumi Yoshimura must be granted for death penalty by choking because of this crime of his Nazism. This is my long time thought and never be overturned or made conceded. 9:11 PM.

8:00 PM Collector's Corner by Henry Fogel Sir Thomas Beecham II (second half). Wonderful and wonderful performances. Listen to it from here.
0:00 AM Couldn't sleep because of huge rage against Hirofumi Yoshimura and Ishin and Ishinese, likewise Mikitani, and not to mention, Masayoshi Son. Listening to Vladimir Horowitz Letzte Aufnahme (CBS Records | Sony Classical | Spring, 1990) to change mood to calm my temper down.
1:00 AM decided not to sleep tonight. Edited Takashi Asahina's second visit to Chicago Symphony Orchestra in Bruckner 9th Symphony WAB 109 for YouTube.
5:00 AM Maria Callas «Il Barbiere di Siviglia» by Giacomo Rossini.

среда 11 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Get up at 6:00 AM taking Shawer for Shichiyama Hospital (Extremely fruitful and important conversations with Dr. Tsuzuki on Ishinese and their Nazism). Kintetsu Abeno 11:00 AM Wittamer Ms. Mizoguchi (Ms. Kodota was absent in shift working time) for message card for Saturday, December 21, 2024. Sandy Mayonaise x1. Nazi Police officers (there were two Nazi officers in the Police car I observed their faces and judged as they are enthusiastic Nazists without slightest hesitations) under direct order of Hirofumi Yoshimura was stickingly betting on Nazi stalking at Kashiwara Station as well on my way back. 0:10 PM. Their aim is simple: force make me turn down endorsement on LDP leader candidates and camouflaging all the Nazi deeds are conducted under direction of PM Kishida, which is clearly denied in my conversation today with Dr. Tsuzuki. That troublesome book by Jun Etoh, on which Nazis Osaka Kriminalpolizei under direction of Hirofumi Yoshimura under direct order by the USA's Pentagon via their military satellites are betting on was for them reasonably cancelled in their cowardice. 0:23 PM. The reason why Rakuten's Mikitani is Persona non grata for The Russian Federation (let alone Masayoshi Son of Softbank) and these are Tokyo's deed but apart from PM Kishida's direction.
3:00 PM Visiting Plaza Pharmacy Ohta branch and Fujiidera City Municipal to talk with Mr. Tamai to show photos with Eva (had an extremely fruitful conversation!!!).
After all, I have no idea why Ishinese and its Police is stalking me over satellite information acquired by the Dept of Defense of the USA, meanwhile PM Kishida and most LDP politicians are truly trying hard to contribute to this country with their people. Of course, I know there're always exceptions, and Ishinese is possibly this case for the fear to be arrested (self-protections). Most Japanese people are generous and trying to do contributions to our society and behaving good to others from the heart. (6:23 PM понежельник 9 сентября 2024 года :)
5:00 PM Go to bed due to extreme exhaustion.
- may well be changed and cancelled. -
9:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano Beethoven Opp. 31-1 2-1-3, 31-2 1-2-3 with Schoenberg 11-1 for first attempt of the day. (recorded open to public).
10:00 PM Listening to Vladimir Horowitz Letzte Aufnahme (CBS Records | Sony Classical | Spring, 1990) to change mood to calm my temper down.
11:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano Beethoven Opp. 31-1 2-1-3, 31-2 1-2-3 with Schoenberg 11-1 for first attempt of the day. (recorded open to public).

четверг 12 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano Beethoven Opp. 31-1 2-1-3, 31-2 1-2-3 with Schoenberg 11-1 for first attempt of the day. (recorded open to public).

пятница 13 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
In the morning, I pulled out the weeds at Ms. Matsumiya-san's house in fury against Nazi Ishinese.
1:00 PM Calling Akoh City Hall for Eva's ticket on December 22nd, 2024. Got a seat す27.

суббота 14 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
10:55 AM Yamato delivery of Emanuel Feuermann The English Columbia Volume I. The driver was wicked person (if not Nazist. I suspect he is an Ishinese working for Nazi bribes). I should never have saluted him back with Arigato-gozaimashita. He was apparently envy at me for my fortune I worldly acquired as compensation in the nearest future. This guy has been for enough length of time (to the length of period from which he can be safely returned to ordinary life without penalty over judgment of guilty) for his faithful deeds to the Nazi party of Ishin by Nazis national voting being held daily (I have never met this guy and he knew of me), and that tells it all. No other slightest whys.
11:00 AM Meantime, the Feuermann recording including audio restoration is superb. Pearl is at times ends in disappointment (esp., Alfred Cortot not for uncertain reasons like their OPAL Ferruccio Busoni self-harming transfer).
Festival: Nanjing Forest Music Festival 南京月祭音楽祭。
YouTube playlist revised. Saint Cecelia Day of 1943 Alte Phiharmonie Berlin November 22, 1943 and its predictions and sequences.
Wrote a Instagram Message to Martha Argerich on Maurizio Pollini's passing with his last recording in Rezidenz, Munich on Tsedek Schubert sonata Nr. 18, D. 894, etc. But, Instagram (NSA-CIA or Ishinese Nazis force removed the original message so that I followed accordingly, which means I withdrew all the messages having sent to Martha so as to nothing to be remained).
1:00 AM Philipp's Duo Fortepiano concert in Moscow. Philipp is a gentleman
cannot be missed.
Decided all the CDs I will give Eva Gevorgyan on 22 December, 2024 in Ako, Hyogo Prefecture. I wrote a card yesterday. Today I wrote a likewise New Year's Eve card to The Embassy of The Russian Federation To Japan in Tokyo.

воскресенье 15 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Re-organize playlist: Alte Philharmonie Berlin legendary concert on November 30, 1941 (on Saint Celelia Date in 1943 [b. otd 1902 Feuermann] bombed into ashes by the USA). Sticky YouTube insisted of this playlist was marked as "Private" has by now gone and as officially being "Public". Interesting thing is Atlas at Rockefeller Center. One year ago and taken by a group of travelers chanted with pleasure. Now, it's time to have been gone, because it has been revealed by Intelligence agencies of The Russian Federation, People's Republic of China and Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia, etc. that 911 terror was committed by White House Neo-Cons under secret approval of Rockefellers topped by David Rockefeller. 11:48 AM.
A Japanese top secret agency in Ministry of Foreign Affairs has hidden my comment by order by the USA and by their own decisions on Furtwängler's Bruckner 6th symphonie recorded 13, 14, 15, 16 November, 1943, the last Alte Philharmonie Berlin concerts before bombing to the dust by the USA air force on Saint Cecelia Day of 1943 (and its 20 years later, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas by Ralph Yahborough [D, TX]).

What are they so upset by very basic elementary level of truth revealing?

November 22, 1963 - President John F. Kennedy's at the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce breakfast.

My truth revelations on the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

понежельник 16 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:00 AM Dinu Lipatti the Last Recital in Besançon high court on this date in 1950.
9:00 PM
Орган Live! в Томске в Ютубе.
Write a Instagram letter to Igor Levit (on surface, message is seemingly rejected by Igor, but he is not such a chicken minded man as I know of him).

вторник 17 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Complete Feuermann Pearl III (arrived and listened to). Revealed Ms. Matsumiya and Ukawa's Hirofumi Yoshimura's Nazi trick making by threatening my neighbors by tiny, tiny, tiny amount of force-bribe. It was force deportation to other place by Nazis national voting; no more nor less. For them, Nazists surrounding Nazist leader Hirofumi Yoshimura, it's maximum threat making against me. No joke. Our neighbors are furious about their piled up deeds with tiny, tiny, tiny force bribes!!!
8:00 PM - 9:30 PM Watching Artbene premiere concert (J. S. Bach).
9:11 PM SWF D15 is being delayed and receiving no answer from their director's board. I reported the problem and decided to wait for reply from them SWF (because I am not in a hurry; even if it was more convenient business with President Phillip Ludec in 2014 or a few years earlier).

среда 18 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
SWF 901, 902 (903 by Igor Levit) with Henry Fogel over emails. 1:30 PM around incoming call by Yamato Transportation Company of Fujiidera by its owner (an extremely foolish person) by breaking promise to call after 6:00 PM. Told that guy to make that certain Nazist Yamato worker Tanaka call me at 6:00 PM. Incoming call by Tanaka intentionally 5 minutes delay at 6:05 PM in their crazed imagination to make a threat on me to forcibly make me imagine the fate of Robert Francis Kennedy. That Nazist Tanaka has no apologetic feelings at all and pretending good guy but got frightened when I told him that he would be arrested over this crime. Nazists are foolish as typically observed in Ishineses and incurable disease excluding the case of arrests and confiscations. 6:19 PM. While Nazist Tanaka called me at 6:05 PM, Tokyo just hated and was fearful to let Nazist Tanaka call me during Sergiu Celibidache conducting the 2nd movement of «Aus Der Neuen Welt» Symphonie nr. 9 by Antonín Dvořák. 6:38 PM.
Listening to the playlist «Alte Philharmonie Berlin legendary concert on November 30, 1941 (on Saint Celelia Date in 1943 [b. otd 1902 Feuermann] bombed into ashes by the USA)» all day just in order to confirm that I am pinpointly correct on anything that foolish Nazists cannot imagine (Proof: I have been received good news from Kremlin that I worked brilliantly well far beyond their expectations on this date by noon. Likewise promising reaction by E Randol Schoenberg and Igor Levit and Eva Gevorgyan as well. Note that an experienced Lawyer with historical background would never act joyfully unless the case will never be overturned even by assaults and traps of any sorts by their enemies). 6:29 PM.

четверг 19 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:00 AM Go to bed. 0:05 PM Got up. Drinking lemon water and a cup ot Coffee with suger.
0:14 PM Jasch Heifetz, WIlliam Primrose, and Emanuel Feuermann plays Brahms sonati (Biddulph).
As told on Instagram messaging to Maestro Gianandrea Noseda on Simon Rattle's project in Berlin code named «Beethoven with Webern», I have been long curious about the true cause of death of Anton Webern in 1945 in Vienna. Was he truly mis-shot by the USA military service man? Why Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli refused to play 12 tone music after he completed to play all of them (all the works by Arnold Schoenberg, Anton Webern, and Alban Berg) in private concerts (hint: How Arnold Schoenberg started to hold their concert movement in Vienna? Weren't they Salon concerts? Maurizio Pollini refused to re-issue Arnold Schoenberg recordings on CD in original artwork (you need to seek for vinyls at 33 1/3 rpm to hear them), meantime, also refusing re-issuing on CD Luigi Nono's «A floresta é jovem e cheja de vida (1966)»). Hence, wasn't that Anton Webern intentionally killed by the USA as, for them the USA, a radical activist (terrorist for the USA) in music scene, whose activities were too truth provoking and dangerous to the USA? You judge it by his grave below. 2:22 PM.

Anton Webern's Grave in Vienna.

3:30 PM Japan Post mailman delivered concert ticket at Akoh for Eva Gevorgyan. The mailman was a good person (So that I am still betting on Yoshimasa Hayashi and Seiko Noda to appropriately lead their own nation by accepting my truth provoking ideas for genuine political reforms for the Japanese including resetting of Constitution of Japan (that equals to respecting their own emperor family), once victims of Rockefeller dominant world). Courage, folks!!! Courage!!! And, do fight against evils represented by Nazist Fühler Hirofumi Yoshimura and their rampant Philistines faithful!!! 3:59 PM. 4:03 PM 4:18 PM.
The proof of my 1986 unofficially recorded playing at Kyoei-seimei Hall on Steinway Model D Franz Liszt «Hungarian Rhapsody nr. 2» is possibly survived and known internationally by this date. 5:38 PM
0:00 AM - 0:28 AM Tokyo's Nazi Plots Under the UN Monitoring, While listening to H.Schiff, Celibidache - Dvořák Cello Concerto in B minor, Op. 104. Still they are disabling control-key. With force reset Facebook search window lists. 0:48 AM.

Stupidity with 5555555555.
Stupidity with 5555555555.
Stupidity with 5555555555.
Stupidity with 5555555555.
Stupidity with 5555555555.
Stupidity with 5555555555.

пятница 20 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
8:08 AM Got up. (The Apple Keyboard doesn't work for control-key plus small letter "p" so that using wire-keyboard [I am holding LAN cable and wire-keyboard just in these case based on my experiences in the past]. Facebook searching history is disabled as shown above to 4 people including E Randol Schoenberg. Facebook is likely needing mending [replacement by using transferring Firefox data to newly installed one] to restore searching history).
0:30 PM Got up (for second time).
Truth provoking thoughts on Matthew 25:14 - :30 on the USA Nazist trolls. 2:22 PM.
Called Apple Inc., Tokyo and demanded them to email back to me which accepts a reply.
I don't want to say this because Eva Gevorgyan was liking Martha Argerich, but I have never been impressed by her playing (this was her biggest influence on me [I had Argerich and Michelangeli CDs at the time of recording], but apparently I am more being influenced by Michelangeli). I am recently not practicing the fortepiano partly because Argerich and Barenboim are still active in the music business. These two pianists are, by borrowing Hidekazu Yoshida's words, "worldly popular people" not artists by any means as Sergiu Celibidache hated Argerich appropriately. I suspect that Argentinas are all ass-holes like their President Milei. Argerich is just too percussive who was lucky enough to be taught ping-pong by Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli while Barenboim was forcibly demanding Wilhelm Furtwängler to be described by him as a "genius". I suspect that Michelangeli didn't teach music to Argerich because Michelangeli knew extremely very well that Argerich had no talent in music except just percussively and continuingly hits the keyboard with "dazzling technique" (it's mechanic if properly borrow the words by Vladimir Horowitz: When the position of the back of the hand is high and when you play with this position, the sound automatically becomes percussive.This method, however, makes the audience misunderstand that she is skillful even at an older age over 80 years old. The truth is the exactly opposite. She can't play the piano with an appropriate position of the back of the hands as in the case of Michelangeli faithful late Maurizio Pollini did struggle, which means that, as Argerich certainly knows, if she change the hand positions to more flatter for mild tone, her technique (mechanic) will be eternally lost. So, as business very well but artistically nothing) while Barenboim has been always stalked superheros in music business starting from Furtwängler to Celibidache and Pierre Boulez and learnt nothing to do with music because he has no talent in music. Sergiu Celibidache was kind to Daniel Barenboim and Gidon Kremer's wife for political reasons and Barenboim's stalking attitude towards him. Elena Bashkirova has no talent in music as well as her father had (just hitting hard the keyboard as I witnessed his Mozart K. 466 in Salzburg masterclass on the date of Solar Eclipse in 1999. Bashkirov was so boring just perfectly equally to Daniel Barenboim still is). Daniel Barenboim's true instrument is not piano not to mention but women. I stop writing on this subject because Argerich at least contributed in two things in music business by praising Ivo Pogorelich and Eva Gevorgyan; I wonder why a person who has no ears could appropriately praise these two super talents, while Barenboim for nothing except destroying the orchestras and concert halls like Alan Gilbert and Andras Schiff still do concentrate in. I hate Martha Argerich and Daniel Barenboim to their bones as I hated brainless ass-hole Seiji Ozawa as a son of good friend of 731 military criminals in China. 8:06 PM.
11:00 PM Shostakovich 11th symphony, Opus 103.
1:00 AM Boris Beresovsky play NIkolai Medner 1st Fortepiano concertro everyone was joyfully laughing, understood what I was doing was correct if not too dangerous. A brave soul is the minimum requirement to be a Russian citizen!!! And, this is not enough!!!

суббота 21 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
10:59 AM Got up. VIsited Hojo Japan Post Office to withdraw JPY 1,000 to complete payment for Emanuel Feuermann from Tower at 7-eleven. Sleep repeatedly even drinking coffee due to fatigue until 4:30 PM Got up.
I had a very good business for the Russian Federation last afternoon. Glad about that.
Visiting Hojo Japan Post office to withdraw another JPY 1,000 for the purchase for Emanuel Feuermann at Yahoo Auction! 4:30 PM
Sandy brown sugar for coffee and bread 6:40 PM Noteworthy is that workers at Sandy were super generous (last time at cashier as well). 6:43 PM.

Jeff Bezos' Amazon JP together with Tokyo's Nazists raised the price of coffee from JPY 1,558 to JPY 2,268. This disappointment debate after iMac attacks by Tokyo under monitoring UN tells it all. And, facial mask from around JPY 200 to JPY 726. That's Nazists work.
As told once, The Russian Federation and his allies (in this case Vietnam never betray you as Tokyo does without slightest pains).
A note to Seiko Noda. She seems not to accept replies so that I submitted this comment from her webpage form.

Yahoo Auction! Emanuel Feuermann Brahms x 2 (Biddulph) merging the order for shipment. JPY 750 plus JPY 185 (shipping) plus payment fee JPY 100 at 7-eleven. Tokyo hated my comments on Twitter and changed their plan to have been sold these 2 CDs at a reasonably cheap prices. So, I decided just to observe their deed of pricing not for a purchase. 11:51 PM. To tell the truth this is welcoming. I will get newly remastered Emanuel Feuermann CDs tomorrow purchased at Tower Records at 7-eleven, and it was a sort of residues for Heifetz Brahms Violin Concerto with Serge Koussevitzky. 11:56 PM.

The finalized result of bidding. (Reger Variations on the theme of Mozart K. 331 in A mojor)
The finalized result of bidding.

воскресенье 22 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Got up at 9:00 AM around. 7-eleven for Emanuel Feuermann CDs. It has not yet been arrived. (Tomorrow by 7:00 AM). The cashier was super kind. 9:38 AM.
0:00 PM Dinu Lipatti Bach D minor concerto and Chopin E minor concerto, etc. (Jacquline Disco, Switzerland, 1989). 1:06 PM.
2:54 PM Anton Bruckner symphonie nr. 6 WFMT recorded on December 9 and 11, 1982 at Chicago's Orchestra Hall) conducted by Rafael Kubelik.
7:00 PM Язык музыки. Оркестр (meloman).

Tokyo's shameless Nazi plots. I decided never to purchase these books on Japan unless they will make an official apology with appropriate compensations with arrests of Nazis like Softbank's Masayoshi Son and Apple Inc., et al.
Tokyo's shameless Nazi plots. I decided never to purchase these books on Japan unless they will make an official apology with appropriate compensations with arrests of Nazis like Softbank's Masayoshi Son and Apple Inc., et al.
Tokyo's shameless Nazi plots. I decided never to purchase these books on Japan unless they will make an official apology with appropriate compensations with arrests of Nazis like Softbank's Masayoshi Son and Apple Inc., et al.
Tokyo's shameless Nazi plots. I decided never to purchase these books on Japan unless they will make an official apology with appropriate compensations with arrests of Nazis like Softbank's Masayoshi Son and Apple Inc., et al.
Tokyo's shameless Nazi plots. I decided never to purchase these books on Japan unless they will make an official apology with appropriate compensations with arrests of Nazis like Softbank's Masayoshi Son and Apple Inc., et al.

Changed my mind after watching LDP leader election debate. Ordered Edward Seidensticker's book. 10:17 PM.
Jun Etoh's book will be ordered when my budget and availability at reasonable price in a good condition meet after this coming November. 10:19 PM. Decided to purchase for a relatively good condition one. 10:35 PM. (Less coffee and JPY 10,074 food budget for October. I will take this risk by myself: home baked bread and pasta with finely chopped garlic plus lemon water). Just JPY 7,000 at current price without purchase of coffee. So, JPY 3,074 for something obento or onigiri to balancing in nutrition. 11:38 PM.
Until 2:30 AM Sleeping.
2:30 AM 7-eleven for Emanuel Feuermann recordings. LIstening to disc one: Brahms doppelekonzert and Schelomo.
CD 7 recordings with Franz Rupp. I prefer Biddulph transfer in general and especially for String instruments, 4:05 AM. I purchase them in coming months. Biddulph transfers are elegant including scratch noises - connoiseur's recordings.
понежельник 23 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Emanuel Feuermann Complete RCA recordings at Tower Records 7-eleven.
Listened to CD1.
Go to bed.
10:00 AM Got up. LIstened to CD 2 of Feuermann. Found that only Biddulph is worth hearing. (other labels are abusing noise reduction).
11:39 AM Force aleep. Casals Trio's recording of Beethoven's Archduc Trio.
Jascha Heifetz Brahms Koussevitzkky was fantastic recording. Must buy next time.
Sleeping again due to enormous exhaustion. 0:06 PM.
Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli's Robert Schumann fortepiano concerto taken by audience on its 2nd day, which is October 16, 1991.
Hen ry Fogel's 82nd birthday on September 23rd, 1942.
Telegram recovery with 2-step-verification with new password being written down on my notebook for this occasion. Register for Russia Beyond, Alexandr Dugin, Geopolitics Russia, and Foreign Ministry of The Russian Federation, etc.

вторник 24 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Complete bank transfer for Payment for Seidensticker book at Hojo Japan Post office. JPY 1,080 (JPY 980).
Horowitz Live! NBC.

среда 25 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
четверг 26 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
пятница 27 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
суббота 28 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
воскресенье 29 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
понежельник 30 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
вторник 1 октября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Tuning of the Fortepiano A = 438 Hz. Starting at 10:00 AM. Recycling Dryer powders and pills over electric oven range. JPY 16,060 in the case of shortage for payment, I will use bank transfer on October 5th. Home roasted coffee (Guatemala and Toraja and Mexico and Brazil). I ask the tuner whether he accepts 16,060 fee or more. If he accepts I will offer him a piece of cake for him. Otherwise, I can pay up to JPY 17,000.
среда 2 октября 2024 года :
четверг 3 октября 2024 года :
пятница 4 октября 2024 года :
суббота 5 октября 2024 года :
воскресенье 6 октября 2024 года :
понижелньик 7 октября 2024 года :
вторник 8 октября 2024 года :
среда 9 октября 2024 года :
Get up at 6:00 AM Leaving for Shichiyama Hospital. Plaza Pharmacy Ohta branch, Fujiidera City Municipal. End of abandoning eating meat.

суббота 21 декабря 2024 года :
10:00 AM Hamayu for haircut at JPY5,500 plus 1,530 transportation fee with bicycle parking. 0:00 PM Wittamer Sacher Torte JPY 4,212 Ms. Kodato and Ms. Nakagawa (name plate later: To my family with love and affection and deep gratitude).
воскресенье 22 декабря 2024 года :
9:20 AM InterContinental Hotel Osaka SPIM Flower & Decoration Mr. Yamaguchi (JPY 22,000 incl tax). 10:00 AM departing Osaka Station to Akoh via Himeji arriving Akoh at 11:36 AM JPY 2,310.

Eva's concert in Ako at 14:00 PM. Visiting my mother and sister at Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture.

Дневник I : пятница 14 октября 2022 года - питница 3 марта 2023 года :
Дневник II : суббота 4 марта 2023 года - втроник 9 мая 2023 года :
Дневник III : среда 10 мая 2023 года - понедельник 25 октября 2023 года:

Дневник IV : четверг 26 октября 2023 года - понежельник 22 января 2024 года :
Дневник V : втроник 23 янбяря 2024 года - понежельник 22 апреля 2024 года :
Дневник VI : втроник 23 апреля 2024 года - среда 12 июль 2024 года :
Дневник VII : среда 12 июль 2024 года - четверг 8 август 2024 года или - воскресенье 8 сентября 2024 года :
Music at the Limits: Правда и Свидетельство III (Truths and Testimony; A Tribute to Edward Said: интервью с Йосиуки Мукудае)

高橋悠治に: 置き手紙
Newly revised Constitution of Japan (as of 23 декабря 2023 года : to be updated for the perfection: newest update as of четверг 11 января 2023 года: on the issue of Korean Peninsula and Unification of People's Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea)
Demands on the Japanese (Reconciliation Act)
Forbes Billiionaire Ranking in Humanity 2022-2023 Season
