Дневник VII : среда 12 июль 2024 года - четверг 8 август 2024 года или - воскресенье 8 сентября 2024 года :

среда 12 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
0:00 AM Complete payment on Saint George ribbon T-shirts XXL x 7 (due to shortage of money, this month purchase remained to x4 next month x3). Amazon JP with instant key coffee 300g x1, and ballpoint pet (black x10) A nation whose deeds are justified won't change its prices even at Amazon. The Russian Federation and its allie Vietnam.
11:00 PM Go to bed. 5:00 AM Get up. 5:00 AM Oath to National Flag and Anthem of the Russian Federation. 6:00 AM (0:00 мск) Execute what I have decided at least two weeks ago, and you will be surprized in misery. But, that's it and this is what you had decided on me not by me (I have been forcibly execute this for quicker finale of this stupid theatre show). The name of the person I block on Facebook basis is E. Randol Schoenberg. He first blocked me when I tagged him to 1948 Hatikvah recording to please him. 2nd was Hillary Clinton FBI warrant on which I told the precise information of rigged elections starting 2006 mid term with George Walker Bush in his concession to David with mic (I told the truth then Schoenberg blocked me). 3rd time was over Clara Buijs in 2019. Now for the 4th times but not by his side but my side. The Game has been changed completely oppositely. The other day, I found some of Arnold Schoenberg's music is beautiful (ex. Opus 42 played by Glenn Gould and Maurizio Pollini), but this is a different story. 7:00 AM Leaving home to Shichiyama Hospital, Not visiting Softbank Abeno Q'Mall without cancelling the appointment because it's totaly their error and crimes (deletion Yahoo ID with touch pen at 0:30 PM JST as being made appointment this afternoon (29 мая 2024 года) by certain male worker named Kawai. He insisted that he can't guarantee the person who will work for me on the June 12th: force cancelled on 3rd of June 2024). I got off train at Tennoji station in precise order to observe the Japanese around there and here; how many percent of the Japanese race has felt ashamed of themselves over bribe and lying economy (on May 29th, 2024, on way back home, there were stalkers prepared in front of my seat I took the photo but the one with New York Yankees cap and didn't record the announcement of the Kumatori station that the JR West intendingly delayed the train by 15 minutes in precise order to threat me). Plaza Pharmacy O'hta branch, City of Fujiidera municipal. Sun Plaza for box tomatoes if such are displayed. As being made contract as David Rockefeller's birthday nothing to do with Russia Day. We the correct side of human history is still fighting with the ghost of Rockefellers and his kinds.
Horowitz plays Great Songs for Christmas 1969 for Goodyear Tyres recorded on Nicolai Medtner
«Сказка» Opus 51 nr. 3 (recorded on June 12, 1969 on the David Rockefeller's 54th birthday together with Johann Sebastian Bach arranged by Ferruccio Busoni «Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ» BWV 639.
Днём России!!!!!!!🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🌿🌿🌿💞
1:49 PM Returning home. Today's most fruitful session at Shichiyama Hospital. Overslept and got up at 9:00 AM so that the plan was all delayed and I judged in my observation of the public in my way back home and decided not to get off train at Tennoji station. This decision making was correct and working well.
2:00 PM Visiting Plaza Pharmacy O'hta branch and City of Fujiidera Municipal to meet Mr. Tamai. Mandai eggs (x10) x2, 4:00 PM Arriving home.
5:00 PM Gianandrea Noseda conducts Antonín Dvořák symphonie nr. 9 «From the New World» with Washington National Symphony recorded in 2020 on spotify.
6:22 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition.
Blocking E. Randol Schoenberg and re-following Eva Gevorgyan on Instagram basis for I know that this should work fine if not very best (closer to the very best except I gave my precious time to Washington D. C. over Noseda. Even I do know Gianandrea Noseda is a very fine and courageous and honest person, this should not be the very day to hear it). 6:59 PM.
8:00 PM Vladimir Horowitz plays Nicolai Medtner «Сказка» Opus 51 nr. 3 (recorded on June 12, 1969 on the David Rockefeller's 54th birthday together with Johann Sebastian Bach arranged by Ferruccio Busoni «Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ» BWV 639 and Franz Liszt Consolation nr. 2 (Tsedek by CBS Records sold to Sony [Son of New York]). [repeated for 1 hour and a half].}
9:35 PM Vladimir Horowitz plays Johann Sebastian Bach arranged by Ferruccio Busoni «Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ» BWV 639 and Nicolai Medtner «Сказка» Opus 51 nr. 3 (recorded on June 12, 1969 on the David Rockefeller's 54th birthday) in precise order to detect the very truth over 110 story World Trade Center and its demolition by Standard Oil fueled Airplanes, and its aftermath till this date [repeated for half an hour including reversed order ones].
10:00 PM Посмотрию премой эфил Тюменскаи Филармонии. To celebrate once a bitterest as Chernobyl Russia Day I hear it on Apple not on Sony.
0:00 AM 7-eleven V Preca JPY 10,390 for Candlesticks by Standard Oil Headquarters dated April 19, 1986. (no sticker, though). I decided the purchase in order to finalizing the collapse of the USA empire on the date of Russia Day after David Rockefeller's Nomenclature birthday. I think it was not a bad purchase not for the price but for the date and timing of purchase. The USA has been cornered, thus.

четверг 13 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved. "Sperm to worm, Womb to Tomb!!!"
6:50 AM Got up.
7:08 AM Sergiu Celibidache dirigiert César Franck symphonie in ré mineur (recorded on 27-28 September 1991) and Claude Debussy Nocturnes (6 July 1983). Surely, Celibidache following the way of WIlhelm Furtwängler in Franck's symphonie in ré mineur.
9:00 AM Sergiu Celibidache dirigiert Johann Strauss Polka and Waltzes. (recorded on 27 May 1981, 9 June 1982, 10 June 1983; Made in UK, SWR 2).
9:48 AM Leonard Bernstein «West Side Story» Original Broadway casting (recorded on September 29, 1957).
0:10 PM Leonard Bernstein «West Side Story» Original Movie Sound Tracks (1964, recorded August 9 (Nagasaki, Catholic, Kennedys) and 10, 1960).
1:30 PM Leonard Bernstein «A Quiet Place» (Wien, April 1986, revised edition to 1983 original premièred in Huston; live recording) Disc 2: Sam: "October 18, 1974"… Also "October 8th, without 'to whom it may concern'". I didn't know this work has quotes from the 3rd movement from Felix Mendelssohn Bartoldy Violin Concerto in E major, Opus 64. (not Tchaikovsky but Mendelssohn. Very convincing!!!)
4:20 AM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition.
4:30 PM Leonard Bernstein «West Side Story» (DGG, 1984, Studio special cast recording; CD not recording session DVD; Made in and Printed in West Germany). Disc 1 track 16: 9 bell tolls not 10 - very strange if not conspiracy. I knew of the implication of "what does Anton stands for" as we all become children of Maria (which means we will all be modest Jesus Christ unconsciously) when we see and watch this theatre piece (in any formats), but didn't notice that "Te adoro, Anton [Thank you, Anton]." means Anton Bruckner (and Samuel Barber's «Anthony and Cleopatra» on September 16, 1966 at the Metropolitan Opera) as well and very intendingly, so that Yoko Kamikawa, Tokyo's Nazi Foreign Ministrer is sick crazed psychopath person, who still trust that she can deceive me into their favourable scenario. It's extremely natural Lenny sticked to the year 1955 to composition process of this theatre piece as written in its original liner note.
6:00 AM Leonard Bernstein conducts his symphonie nr. 3 «Kaddish» and «Dybbuk» in Meinz, Germany, final revised version première recording on August 25, 1977 for the former, with Israel Philharmonic Orchestra; and with The New York Philharmonic with the latter in the CBS Studio 30th Street, New York City in April, 1975. «Kaddish» has quote from «ouverture» to the 1955, Warner Bros.' film «East of Eden» directed by Elia Kazan. «Dybbuk» is a story of Jewish history. Very interesting story-telling as you know of it.
7:00 PM - 2:40 AM Sleep due to relatively mild but strong fatigue and exhaustion.
2:45 AM Glenn Gould plays Beethoven «Emperor» concerto nr. 5, Opus 73 on December 9th, 1970 in Toronto with Karel Ančerl and Toronto Symphony Orchestra (CBC recording in substitute to Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli).
3:30 PM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli for CBC in 1970 for Beethoven Fortepiano sonata nr. 3, Opus 2 nr. 3, these recordings are most likely proof with that was shot in Dakota Apartment «Rosemary's Baby» (Paramount, 1968) is the proof of conspiracy against my family tree (most likely as the last direct descendant of Jesus Christ; this is on the side of my mother. Lenny's «Kaddish» première date is December 9, 1963 in Joan Peyser's biography is its proof with this final revised edition recorded live in Meinz, Germany on Lenny's 59th birthday is another proof in connection of his correspondences with Sergiu Celibidache).*
*«Rosemary's Baby» (Paramount, 1968) anagram for "All of them witches" is "Wolf The Alchemist" foundation reason of Wolf Conservation Center at 7 Buck Run, South Salem, New York State, which even left-wing extremist Yoko Itasaka acknowledges by the beginning of the year 2003 (before January 10th of that year which means by fall of 2002 in Utako Kurihara's Nazi commitment with Yuka Takechi. And, this is why exactly I should never forgive Yuji Yamaki and his people). Nazist Hélène Grimaud. Why you should trust Denon made Music & Arts CDs issued in the last century, especially during 1980s and never trust Denon musicians including Hélène Grimaud (betrayer from her debut [仏像行きますね - 高晟埈, 隠滅さんとは結婚しないでね - New York University ESL course attendant certain Amigo to 棚元典子]. If on The New York Times article basis: May 29, 1994 debut for the birthday of John Fitzgerald Kennedy "RECORDINGS VIEW; Sacre Bleu! Don't Call Her French, Or Even Female" and "MUSIC REVIEW: In a Pianist's Brahms, A Chopinesque Esprit" for her postponed Alice Tully Hall debut recital after years of none concertizing opportunity except for Teldec recordings (just for photography "values" as my good friend Mossad-CIA double Dan Koren [do refer Richard Gere filmography] once insisted. Only point Dan and I was different in opinions was who was the best Haydn fortepiano concerto player. Dan's choice was reasonably for him for his profession and unfortunately Martha Argerich, George Sand awarded by Vladimir Horowitz in his letzte Aufnahme in 1990 CBS Records distributed Sony Classical. The correct answer had to be Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli for His Master's Voice a.k.a. EMI). and Mostly Mozart Weeks at Avery Fisher Hall in August, most notoriously in that of 1991. That's conspiracy Wolf-gang «Amadeus» Mozart and Freemason). According to Norman Lebrecht, "anagram is good" only if he could successfully block me on Facebook over his intentional misleading to anagram, in which way Lebrecht and Brits have fallen down with Jessica Duchen and Robert Fisk and Michael Church (I mean that those information on me Duchen abused was collected from the first in the last century). Can you attest yourself, dear Hélène over your nearly four decades of Nazi commitment even by curbing Nazi crimes committed by Klaus Barbie with your good mate Emmanuel [Jesus] Macron with even single word? Never is the only single and correct and an appropriate answer to it. Historically proven already by the nations on the side of BRICS.

пятница 14 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved. Date of Colonization of Hawaiian islands by the USA in 1900.
6:18 AM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli (My Classic NHK FM in 1987; Michelangeli and Solti week; another proof that I am correct) Day 1. Joseph Haydn fortepiano concerto in D and Beethoven concerto nr. 2 (written in the second) Opus 15.
Something by the Dutch for Pennsylvania 1600 and Japan-Netherlands diplomacy in 1600.
8:18 AM Vladimir Horowitz at Studio: Robert Schumann's «Kreisleriana», et al. (DGG, 1985, Made in and Printed in West Germany; recorded at RCA Studio A, New York City in September, 1985). Joachim Keiser's liner note was very interesting as well in particular Itzhak Perlman and his daughter as studio guests. But, I do not personally regard that Itzhak Perlman, a gentle soul without doubt, though, did learn deepest intentions and thoughts of Vladimir Horowitz. If otherwise, this all the tragedy we are experiencing daily never happened in our human history (including those forgeries on Holocaust (I am at least accusing of Klaus Barbie who is protected by Emmauel [Jesus] Macron of France that is accusing Yugoslavia's President (Serbia's) Slobodan Milošević) and Judaism over Passover Seder by Elie Wiesel and Benjamin Netanyahu to "Ascension" of President Rishi of Islamic Republic of Iran).
9:25 PM Vladimir Horowitz: The Complete Masterworks Recordings 1962 - 1973 in 9 volumes [not 10] Volume VII Early Romantics (2 CDs): Chopin and Schumann (Made in Austria and Printed in Netherlands Sony Classical, 1993) including «Kreisleriana» recorded on December 1st, 1969 - the very next recording after Boston Symphony Hall recital on October 26, 1969 on Domenico Scarlatti's birthday at 3:30 PM, whose concert included Franz Liszt: «Hungarian Rhapsody nr. 13» only public performance of this particular work like «Scherzo and March» by the same composer on Metropolitan Opera foundation date of October 22, 1967 in Queen's Collage. I could play Chopin polonaise nr. 6 «Heroic» as Horowitz plays in this recording when I was 17, although didn't know bar 147 - 150 issues. So, the interpretation was shallow, but mechanically closer.
1:23 PM Disc 2 «Kreisleriana» Opus 16 and «Variations on a theme of Clara WIek» Opus 5
2:00 - 4::58 PM Sleep due to exhaustion. Taking sleeping pills.
5:00 PM Jascha Horenstein conducts Dmitri Shostakovich symphonie nr. 5, Op. 47 Orchestre National de l'ORTF cond: Jascha Horenstein Live, Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Paris, 10 October 1967.
6:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition.
6:05 PM George Friedrich Haendel «Water Music» recorded in 1964 in Hague by Pierre Boulez and Hague Philahrmonic Orchestra (Denon).

Myrtle and two Red Jade Apple trees.

7:00 PM Посмотрю концерт в Москве в 18 апреле 2024 годе Евы Геворгяна (в Меломанe).
8:18 PM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli plays Haydn fortepiano concerti. nr. 11 in D major and nr. 4 in G major (Recorded in Johanneskirche, Thun, Switazerland on January 22 to 24, 1975 for His Master's Voice; CD released by EMI, 1988)
9:00 PM Прямой эфил в Новосибирске. (Сибериуса и Прокофиева).
1:18 AM SWF issued in 1998. «Tristan and Isolde» October 3rd, 1947 live recording of the 2nd and 3rd Acts. 2 CDs SWF 981 | 982 Yahoo Auction!
4:00 AM Go to bed.

суббота 15 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
7:0G AM Get up.
7:18 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Wofgang Amadeus Mozart «La Nozze di Figaro» 7 August, 1953 in Salzburger Festspiele Felsenreitschule.
10:20 AM Hoji Japan Post Bank branch deposit at amount of 1,000 for iPhone (starting this month for one entire year it will be JPY 12, 720 upon contract).
10:45 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler accompanying in Hugo Wolf 13 Lieders on August 12, 1953 (Walter Legge edition) Salzburger Festspiele Großersaal with Elizabeth Schwarzkopf.
11:35 AM Made a purchase of Wilhelm Furtwängler in Vienna (EMI Pathé Références: CHS 5 66770 2, 1988) and Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Smetana and Richard Strauss (EMI Pathé Références: CDH 5 65197 2, 1994).


11:55 AM Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition.
0:50 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Wofgang Amadeus Mozart «Don Giovanni» July 27, 1953 in Salzburger Festspiele Felsenreitschule. (transfer is a disappointment. Too much use of echo, noise-reductions to pitch corrections. I don't buy it. Monaural is monaural. Stereo effects applying is abuse against the original recordings).
4:00 PM 7-eleven Amazon JP payment. Daiso safety pins, Watts clips large. At the timing of my entering home, Kriminalpolizei came through the road, possibly hinting to cause brain storming in me in precise order to force delete my accusations on Klaus Barbie (EU, NATO-OTAN, USA, Tokyo) to forged Bibles (Tokyo-Washington D. C., and if possible, also force delete real James Sheldon). Kriminalpolizei are thus all evils, especially their bosses. Fool and crazed just in perfect order to Das Dritte Reich. They are Das Vierte Reich. And, this is why Ukraine-USA can only be defeated straightaway by Our The Russian Federation. Reasons and rationality, folks!!! Some logic training: USA is facing national default so is Japan. NSA is monitoring all the conversations of Kriminalpolizei of Japan. Some wiser speces in the NSA-CIA has been wishing soft crashing and to save his and his family's lives. So, information leaking to The Russian Federation and its allies. Kriminalpolizei of Tokyo is making excuses to its people but in reality they are all thus helplessly brainless!!!
5:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven symphonie nr. 6, Opus 68 recorded in Berlin 20 | 21 March 1944, «Cavatina» Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), «Leonore» ouverture nr. 3 recorded on January 28, 1945 im Morgen in Wien to commemorate Liberation of Auschwitz Extermination Camp. (This is the limit of up-to-date remastering. Original is 1997 Tahra edition of the 6th symphonie. That's the faithful original sound). To my ears, flac restorations are all awful and hardly bearable to listen to. Likewise DSD while SBM was great (and restored by the greatest engineers like Thomas Frost).
6:55 PM Vladimir Horowitz «Die Letzte Aufnahme» recorded in October and November, 1989 (CBS Records, Sony Classical issue in the spring of 1990). Reversed the Bach-Liszt BWV 12 «Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen» and Wagner-Liszt «Isolde's Liebestod» repeatedly in order to reach Vladimir Horowitz's pains and fights in the form of music.
8:18 PM Посмотрю концерт в Москве в 18 апреле 2024 годе Евы Геворгяна в Меломанe.
9:30 PM Yahoo Auction! payment.
0:30 AM Go to bed.

воскресенье 16 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved. Horowitz in Symbolic Egypt part 2.
9:45 AM Got up. 9 hours of sleep in total depression over Startsky and Hutch, Klaus Barbie, James Sheldon, Emmanuel [Jesus] Macron, to Passover Seder, to yesterday's conversations with flop NSA-CIA agent (because he was typical arrogant CIA agent; selling no valued things [on this occasion was USD 500.00 for reluctantly signed by Vladimir Horowitz, so that The New York Times October 8, 1989 edition was an only valuable]. at high price), all of them. Took 4 pills of Olanzapin (as usual of my taking this pill; when necessary I take necessary amount of pills. At times, there is no need to take pills before sleep and even one tablet). Trying to Watch concert held at Mariinsky Theatre last night. Then Japan Post arrives.
Immediately played Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2 and 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947 (1998 issue, SWF 981 | 982). Read through and at the meantime, mental health condition became completely sane in sudden and Olanzapin no longer necessary - at least this morning to afternoon perhaps not in the night but 2 pills. Baking breads.
11:09 AM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2 and 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947. till 1:40 PM. Fantastic reading and restoration. Read through «Candide» Covent Garden London 1989 programme booklet. Wonderful gift!!! The sender was polite and knows the value of this special gift.
11:56 AM Startsky and Hutch: A Body Worth Gurding: Anna [yes, her name should have been Anna, so this part is possibly true] was right, but Hutch (leseer handsome one) was on the left and Anna was on the right of the screen (look at yourself in the mirror, Yankees. As Han Suyin once told with D.O.S. what is right is left and What is left is right in the mirror, Yankees or American no Indians that failed to find Polaris over surface traveling on the Atlantic Sea (before the Polaris, they didn't observe the true compass of our Sun which is rising and sinking from and under the sea; I mean that there is purpose-full intenetion for the finding of the North American Continent. They the Dutch company didn't head to the East but to the West and found those people whom they called Indians [הודי] and made American-Indians into slaughtered (Nishi-kara nobotta, ohisama ga higashi-ni shizumu. Korede-iinoda, korede-iinoda, bonbon-bakabon, bakabonbon, tensai-ikkada, ba-ka-bonbon), although they the Angro-Saxons did the same later in India, but in at least slightly less milder manner. There should be good reason they headed East to find Indians on the North American continent) and found Indians [הודים] against Jews ([יהדים], for their perfection as human so that Downing Street 10 [Yod]) in the West not in the East; that does not equal to that you are Jews; You have even forged the history of Jews over Passover Seder and Chiune Sugihara and Klaus Barbie and the story of that Wilhelm Backhaus was a Nazi. Natural and reasonable that James Sheldon, who produced James Dean in his living with him over homosexual demands on Dean, changed his profession from Producer to TV Director. And, his daughter and son became two sons. How did you cook Sheldon's niece in London to fly over to New York to see her daughter at a kindergarten in Washington D. C.) in the ending marcus-long passionate kissing scene and it was in the dark, and perhaps outside or in a room of Hutch's apartment. To say good-bye. This is typical Yankee style of deceptions, just likewise Sam Goody New York Times ads case.
0:13 PM Cancelled to hear «Horowitz in Tokyo» to keep this pace of serenity of life.
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM Have some sleep to due to exhaustion. Yahoo Auction! account was cracked probably on the side of Softbank (an evil company). 5:00 PM FIled this case to Softbank (Yahoo Auction!), because I have a business to its merchant and I have responsibility to report of arrival of the CD, which means I took every single legal action against Softbank over this intentional error on the side of Softbank. 6:30 PM.
6:30 PM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2 and 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947 (1998 issue, SWF 981 | 982). [repeat of the morning].
9:50 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition.

Proof of Tokyo's Kriminalpolizei in assist of Washington D. C. once again invaded my house with Nazi Justice dept. and swapped Dictionaries to deceive me. Don't you feel ashamed even slightly Emmanuel Jesus Macron? What you are committing is Nazism and conspiracy. Their mission is clear: to make me dispose in fury valuable autographed materials by deceiving me (just like the case of this morning over «Candide» sponsored by Japan Airlines (JAL 123). Alas! Unfortunately for you Tokioans, I fooled you first based on the truth before re-consulting dictionaries and taking these photos). And, my father's swapped dictionary has become newer and tighter over swapping, and this proves your defeat in your deepest anxiety. You are the floppest. You are the narcissus pierrot lunaire narcolepsy, never me.
Proof of Tokyo's Kriminalpolizei in assist of Washington D. C. once again invaded my house with Nazi Justice dept. and swapped Dictionaries to deceive me. Don't you feel ashamed even slightly Emmanuel Jesus Macron? What you are committing is Nazism and conspiracy. Their mission is clear: to make me dispose in fury valuable autographed materials by deceiving me (just like the case of this morning over «Candide» sponsored by Japan Airlines (JAL 123). Alas! Unfortunately for you Tokioans, I fooled you first based on the truth before re-consulting dictionaries and taking these photos). And, my father's swapped dictionary has become newer and tighter over swapping, and this proves your defeat in your deepest anxiety. You are the floppest. You are the narcissus pierrot lunaire narcolepsy, never me.
Proof of Tokyo's Kriminalpolizei in assist of Washington D. C. once again invaded my house with Nazi Justice dept. and swapped Dictionaries to deceive me. Don't you feel ashamed even slightly Emmanuel Jesus Macron? What you are committing is Nazism and conspiracy. Their mission is clear: to make me dispose in fury valuable autographed materials by deceiving me (just like the case of this morning over «Candide» sponsored by Japan Airlines (JAL 123). Alas! Unfortunately for you Tokioans, I fooled you first based on the truth before re-consulting dictionaries and taking these photos). And, my father's swapped dictionary has become newer and tighter over swapping, and this proves your defeat in your deepest anxiety. You are the floppest. You are the narcissus pierrot lunaire narcolepsy, never me.

10:30 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts "Leonore" ouverture Opus 72b in Hiroshima on August 6, 1985 for 40th memorial of its being atomic bombed. I am choosing which CDR to make gifts to Eva Gevorgyan on September 7th.
I have picked up 3 CDRs and they are very reasonable and memorable. These CDR medium were once made in Japan by Taiyo-Yuden with ceramic coating on its surface (very best of its kind). My censorship has rejected this Leonard Bernstein disc from the must list. J. S. Bach «St. Matthew Passion» and Brahms 4th were better played in that obituary broadcasting, but dubbed mp3 copies could not found (naturally in a Nazist nation).
2:25 AM First purchase with Rakuten VISA card. Statsky and Hutch complete series at Amazon.com. If they forge the Anna's episode, my winning, and their loss. I can't waste my precious time any longer in this Chauvinist nation called [Nazi] Japan. I have absolut[e] zero tolerance to their forgeries (including Holy Bible) and deceptions to their rude attitude (if not every one of them; since there are exceptions if very rare; many are pretending polite to get kick-back money; a bribe in their economy. Look at election result in Okinawa. They are Argentine now. The way they have chosen is exactly Argentine's style against BRICS), any longer. And, this purchase should be the quickest solution. In the case of ambiguous forgery, I will send them to Our Embassy in Tokyo (I forewarn the USA [NSA-CIA] not to make detailed forgeries, which is just like in the case of Coyote project ommision over David Attenborough, will fail, automatically, as BBC now has zero credibility). That's my way of revealing things; not revealing nature of Nazi agents (Nazi agents can be easily exposed in my way of intellectual actions; test on them, which they cannot solve or resolve). 2:30 AM.
2:00 AM Young Rising Star in Pianism Competition in Moscow live streaming. Not my type of joyful listening, but this may be the way to create next Yuja Wang, because a pianist must be sportive, if not you are Vladimir Horowitz. 2:34 AM.
2:00 AM I opened the parcel box twice and finally decided to include Karla Häcker's books (both in Germany and Japanese: my judgement was both were forgery; and, the proof is she is talking about Bruckner 6th symphonie. I don't trust that Furtwängler told on this particular symphonie to somebody and, if so, demanded them not to speak about it). And, I still have KIng James version of forged Holy Bible Easton Press manufacturing. The copy I got at Frays ward will be shipped tomorrow morning to Our Embassy of The ever mighty Russian Federaion. 2:39 AM. additional Bible part was written at 3:39 AM.
5:00 AM Go to bed.

понежельник 17 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:00 AM Go to bed. 7:20 AM Get up. 9:00 AM Hojo Japan Post Office for a parcel 100 cm one box to Our The Embassy of The Russian Federation (mostly consists of forgeries and its reports on each item; per item per item with some newly discovered truths, which so far cannot remember [very important ones; there are two of them] correctly, but time will tell as I know it; or, maybe, I should open the box and make a copy of these two pieces of paper. Arriving date has set on June 20th, 2024; to whom it may concern. It's Summer Solstice in The Russian Federation).
7:23 AM Maurizio Pollini plays Ludwig van Beethoven's Fortepiano sonati Opp. 31 and 49.
9:30 AM Rakuten Card making a call over ID merging. Didn't work well and the customer support Ms. Naka was extremely arrogant, so that I logged in with my own Rakuten ID (it was first possible) and ordered to create new card associate with my own Rakuten ID. Fixed Yahoo ID as well to complete payment. If successfully issued, I do keep the first one to commemorate June 12th, 2024 unless Rakuten demands subscription fees including empty monthly bills, and I use the newly created card for normal use. 10:00 AM.
10:00 AM City of Fujiidera Manicipal telephone call for Mr. Tamai over hospital ticket (cancelling) at Ueta Clinic (I will ask them when again needed). Visited Ueta Clinic and got prescribed medicines. 11:30 PM.
Cheese omelet doesn't cause the symptom I had been experiencing. So, at times, I still take Chinese medicine, but not everyday basis.
11:38 AM Leonard Bernstein
«A Quiet Place» (revised final version April, 1986 in WIen, at Wienner Staatsoper; live recorded).
Act II Scene I [track number 9][Uncle] Sam "May third, nineteen sixty-eight", "Twenty-five years of him.", "Twenty-five years of … the same to you.", "How about forty years? (Slams, diary down)" pp. 204 "May third … ha." (reading again) "May seventh …" "Same old house, same old sun, same old … Sam, same …" (Sam, still holding the diary [of Anne Frank and David Rockefeller], looks up, remembering. The lights change as the Trio appears.) pp. 140 (French), pp. 156 /it Jesus Christ /it, pp. 178, pp. 198 "/it Je t'aim /it, Daddy", pp. 240 "June Twelfth. To whom it may concern", pp. 294 "There are men Who will study the books 'til Judgement Day.", pp. 350, (reading on) "October ninth. To whom it may concern "., pp. 364 (in its entity),
pp. 365 (in its entity for French and Italian translated versions) pp. 366 (in its entity), pp. 206, pp. 216, pp 218, pp. 226, pp. 246, pp. 264……. … (Artes, scientia, veritas > Veritas; Правды. Владимир Горовиц всегда был предельно корректен).
2:45 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition.
3:00 PM - 5:10 PM Sleep due to extreme exhaustion over Yahoo and Rakuten issues. My opinion is what they are doing is conforming a serious crimes against humanity.
5:30 PM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2 and 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947 (1998 issue, SWF 981 | 982). [no repeat].
8:00 PM Прямой эфил в Санкт-Петербурге!!! Стравинский «Жар-птица» Сюте.
9:00 PM Орган Live! в Томске. (cancelled due to exhaustion).
8:50 PM Посмотрю концерт в Москве в 18 апреле 2024 годе Евы Геворгяна (в Меломанe).
9:35 PM Go to bed.

втроник 18 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
4:30 AM Got up. Орган Live!
6:16 AM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2 and 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947 (1998 issue, SWF 981 | 982). [no repeat].
If my understanding of Holy Bible is correct, I don't like circumcision in Judaism. Judaism is tending to seductive and to please women by sexual pleasure (in my honest opinion). Thus, people not have gotten circumcision in heart thing … Inbar Rothschild's husband wasn't this kind? And, Inbar herself was such. She feels pretty not charming. I pointed out long time ago over Leonard Bernstein's decease news on ABC hosted by Peter Jennings that Bernstein himself regarded him as being charming against FBI (NSA-CIA)'s eavesdropping. Not pretty, but charming, and that's the way we all must pursue. 7:46 AM.
8:45 AM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition. 9:30 AM (including hearing the results).
9:38 AM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2 and 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947 (1998 issue, SWF 981 | 982). [repeat]. I have never imagined that Richard Wagner sounds this beautifully. My desert island disc.
10:55 AM Just in case, register for Rakuten Master Card. Mine is VISA. May they behave not cowardly or deceptively.
0:07 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Chopin 55-1, Chopin 55-2, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition. 1:00 PM (including hearing the results).
1:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Bedřich Smetana «Moldau», Richard Strauss «Don Juan», Opus 20; «Till Eulenspiegels Lustige Streiche», Opus 28; «Tod Und Verklarung», Opus 24. [Pathé Références (1994, EMI CDH 5 65197 2; fantastic restoration without art technology)]. Rafael Kubelik's blueprint of this work. Of course, Rafael Kubelik performed better than Wilhelm Furtwängler, but his unlimited admiration to Furtwängler is easily confirmed in this performance on general election day of Czechoslovakia on June 9, 1990.
2:27 PM VISA and Yahoo Auction! Every mission has been accomplished.
3:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Wiener Werke Gluck, Mozart, Haydn, Schubert, Schumann, Liszt, Cherubini, Weber, Mondelssohn, Berlioz, Nicolai, Johann Strauss Junior [Pathé Références (1998, EMI CHS 5 66770 2); slightly midiocre sound due to art technology applied, and yet far better to DSD technology applied transfers. Thus historical restorations are usually the older, the better sounded, because engineers hand picks from noises to pitch tune adjustment (Every Biddulph, most Pearl, EMI Pathé Références CDs not LPs, Apr, VAI, Marston [slightly lesser])].
6:45 PM Посмотрю концерт в Москве в 18 апреле 2024 годе Евы Геворгяна (в Меломанe).
7:30 PM Go to bed.

среда 19 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
4:33 AM Got up.
4:41 AM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli plays Johannes Brahms and Franz Schubert (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, early 1980s).
6:00 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Joseph Haydn symphonie nr. 88 and Robert Schumann symphonie nr. 4, Opus 120 mit Der Berliner Philharmoniker (Polydor Japan PDCG-2358, 1991).
5:55 AM Purchase at Amazon.fr Daniel Barenboim conducts Elliott Carter, Takemitsu, Lutoslawski (In my opionion, this is the highest achievement by Barenboim as a professional musician and had to purchase for Carter's Partita for the eternal Peace in the Korean Peninsula over Unification of People's Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea in one nation two governments way). JPY 1,900. For the first time, French government did an appropriate thing, which means they will return to Moscow the gifts I sent to Clara Buijs in December 2019 to January 2020. (Note: that ebey.co.uk had a tailor-made handsigned special autograph edition by Daniel Barenboim himself, but I skipped it because I know that he gives me that one or, another, in person, specially signed one).
6:56 AM Посмотрю концерт в Москве в 18 апреле 2024 годе Евы Геворгяна (в Меломанe).
8:30 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition. 9:30 AM (including hearing the results).
9:15 AM Go to bed due to exhaustion to have hopefully some qualified sleep. 10:35 AM Get up.
11:05 AM Посмотрю Церемония награждения и концерт лауреатов.
1:25 PM 4:30 Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Violin Concerto in E with anti-Zionist Yehudi [יהודי] Menuhin. [Pathé Références (1984, EMI CDH 7 69799 2 issue in 1984 recorded on May 26th, 1952. (See below четверг 20 июнь 2024 года : for detailed episodes of this theft by Tokyo's Ministry of Justice and Kantei since the era of Jun'ichiro Koizumi).
1:42 PM Purchased Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Violin Concerto in E with anti-Zionist Yehudi [יהודי] Menuhin. [Pathé Références (1984, EMI CDH 7 69799 2 issue in 1984 recorded on May 26th, 1952 at Amazon JP), because this is a serious Nazi crime by Nazi Tokyo. And, especially in such cases, its liner note and slip insert tell me enough many of information.
3:30 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Chopin 55-2, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition. 9:30 AM (including hearing the results).
4:19 PM I have registered for Amazon-Master card (Mitsui-Sumitomo) for no further use but just in case, which means that I have no intention to use that card if they issued it. I just make them look at their own face in the mirror. Who collapsed the Japanese economy and why had I fought against such corruptions even free of charge. I no longer want to work for without money in return outside of my Fatherland The Russian Federation and its allies. I think Mitsui-Sumitomo cannot under-stand (unter-stehe) my true intention of applying for Master card. Well, if one VISA why not one Master (in EU) is my question as well, though. If they reject my applying over their self-made rules, it's about time for them to be punished legally (my demands for reconciliation will be huger in that case, and that's mere it. No more, nor less. But, I will change my eyes on the Japanese race in the case of rejection, which even Mitsui-Sumitomo acknowledges if they are not oxymorons). 4:23 PM.
5:10 PM Послушал Конкорс Дениса Мацуева. Sorry to my harsh words to some parcipients. It's all about music. To make music, you have to comprehend your predecessors achieved and tried hard to tell even betting their own lives. If you keep this in your mind, everything is set okay except Tokyo-Osaka's Washington D. C. and EU leading Nazism. NATO-OTAN has admitted their failure in strategy. Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO tells it all all the time in pale.
5:40 PM Leonard Bernstein's «A Quiet Place» June 1987 Maastricht live for the 1st Act for today.
6:22 PM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2 and 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947 (1998 issue, SWF 981 | 982). [no repeat]
8:55 PM What we are eagerly needing is on/off physical switching on camera and microphones of the computer and smartphones to wi-fi. Also, on the medium level, floppy disc wasn't floppy, because it cannot be over written if you once lock it, like cassette tapes to DAT tapes. This is what is intentionally ignored by current technology upon building of other's leaking of personal information of an ultra wise person like I am to Giga trillioner Elon Musk's corporation and their government. We need physical level of blocking on it. Our privacy is ours not theirs even at free of charge. Apple Inc. must consider and pursue this way, if they still want to escape bankruptcy. Microsoft's bankruptcy and confiscation of all the fortunes including those of Bill Gates is unavoidable for more than 2 decades of criminal commitments. It's too late, Bill.
9:06 PM Thomas Quasthoff at Wigmore for Masterclass. I don't like him as a human beings, as he fooled me in Verbier with Hélène Grimaud in 2008 edition of Verbier Festival. Do you remember, Thomas Quasthoff called for audience, "Elene [Hélène], do you hear me?" and audience laughed off. No laughing matter at all. Thomas Quasthoff is a let-him-allow-a-forgiveness kind of speices.
9:17 PM Go to bed.
10:55 PM Got up.
10:59 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Bedřich Smetana «Moldau», Richard Strauss «Don Juan», Opus 20; «Till Eulenspiegels Lustige Streiche», Opus 28; «Tod Und Verklarung», Opus 24. [Pathé Références (1994, EMI CDH 5 65197 2; fantastic restoration without art technology)].
11:00 PM Watching People's Republic of Korea Chairman Kim Jung-Un and President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's Press Conference. Wishing from the heart this marks the new path for the Korean Peninsula (as Republic of Korea recognizes as I am always telling so to Han Young-Ja).
1:00 AM Прямой эфил в Москве!
3:30 AM Go to bed.

четверг 20 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved. Summer Solstice in Moscow Time.
9:22 AM Got up.
Parcel official arriving date to Our Embassy of Forever Mighty The Russian Federation to Tokyo. Summer Solstice in The Russian Federation in the year of 2024.
9:30 AM CD «Horowitz in Moscow» (DGG, 1986, Made in and Printed in West Germany).
10:30 AM Evgeny Mravinsky conducts Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky Symphonie nr. 5, Opus 64 (Altus) rehearsal on April 25th and 26th, 1973. concert on April 29th, 1973.
0:40 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition. 3:30 AM (including hearing the results).
1:20 PM DVD Посмотрию «Горовиц в Москве» 16:04 мск 20 апреля 1986 года в Московская Консерватория в Московской консерватории под именем Петра Ильича Чайковского. (Sony Classical [CBS Records and CAMI video]) My decades of doubt on his reluctant to play and record Robert Schumann's «Novelette» Opus 21 nr. 1 in F major. Why Horowitz showed reluctance to play this plain piece? If he didn't like that he could have not played this one for CAMI video and for DGG in Spring of 1985. I have suspected this is one of the proofs Horowitz knew what would happen in the USA and the all around the world over 911 USA's selfie terror and killing of the last male descendant of Jesus Christ. No other appropriate answer to suit his reluctance and hatred to the piece cannot be found. 1:52 PM.
My must purchase list of Newly released CDs. John Eliot Gardiner's new Beethoven cycle (recorded during quarantine), Sergiu Celibidache Beethoven cycle (DGG, SWR ranging mid 1970s to by early 1980s, supervised by Ioan Celibidachi), Celibidache's Curtis Institute concert at Carnegie Hall in 1984. Munich Philharmonic Celibidache series (not that necessary, though). And, that's all. Others will be old recoredings back to at least 1990s except in the case of newly literally dis-covered Vladimir Horowitz recordings from the RCA and CBS Records archives including Yale University.
3:30 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Chopin 55-2, Beethoven 31-2 and 1 1st movement exposition. 3:30 AM (including hearing the results).
5:06 PM Vladimir Horowitz in Saint-Petersburg (unfortunately at this moment) without Alexander Scriabin's Preludes (so far). [YouTube].
6:20 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Violin Concerto in E (recorded on May 26, 1952) and Ludwig van Beethoven Violin concerto in D (recorded on April 7th and 8th, 1953 in London's Kings Way Hall for His Master's Voice) with anti-Zionist Yehudi [יהודי] Menuhin. [Pathé Références (1984, EMI CDH 7 69799 2)] (first time noticed that liner note and slip insert were stolen by Kriminalpolizei (This is why my mother and my sister have been sticked to Mullova's 2nd rated Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in D and E; well-played, though, not of the first class and after this recording Mullova started taking an easygoing way for profit making with André Previn to [on] whom I have least respect. One episode on Previn, Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli's only Chicago Symphony Orchestra apperance was with Previn. I asked to hear the WFMT recording at their Rosenthal Library, they treated me kindly but with bad equipment and hence, awful sound; however, what was bad was not only audio equipment quality but playing itself (Note that My Sennnheiser HD 550 Precision didn't work over military operations, which only I noticed but didn't tell the people that surrounding me. The lady was a very kind and touching person). I don't know why Michelangeli accepted to play with Previn, a guy with no musical talent); in short, they the unintellectual human beings have been fooled and deceived by Nazi government of Tokyo's deeds with which Nazi Lawyers' Association has been deeply committed. Any sane minded people can understand this and my fury to them. Needing IQ is zero, even Donald J. Trump and Joseph Biden can pass this exam that they are Nazi criminals. Ой, wait! They cannot recognize their decades of Nazi crimes to which they have been deeply committed, for the fears to be arrested for lifesentence. Just like Tokioan's Politicians cases). This chapter of information was added one day before at the timing of my detecting of theft by Nazi Kriminalpolizei of Tokyo under permission of Ministry of Justice as they still does (if only swapping and under monitoring of Tokyo's Attoney Association) в 19 июнь 2024 года в 0:49 PM.
7:08 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Bedřich Smetana «Moldau», Richard Strauss «Don Juan», Opus 20; «Till Eulenspiegels Lustige Streiche», Opus 28; «Tod Und Verklarung», Opus 24. [Pathé Références (1994, EMI CDH 5 65197 2; fantastic restoration without art technology)].
Vladimir Horowitz intentional wrong notes in bars 147 to 150 (Numbers of Gospels; and, this is why exactly Gospel of Judas is mere a forgery, only aiming at Gospel according to Pentatonic Pentagon. No more, nor less.) of Frédéric François Chopin's Polonaise «Heroic». ①148⇄147, 150⇄149 ②148 all the time ③Correctly as written in the score ④147=148 only ⑤149 only ⑥ (To be inspected in the next following days).
CBS 30th Street Studio May 4, 1971, 8 days after my birth and 3 days shy to May 7th ③; Washington D. C. in the White House February 26, 1976 ⑤ This was intentional, but on bar 149 by swapping bar 149 with bar 148 in precise order to impress the audience true value of religious views shown in bar 147; The Metropolitan Opera May 15, 1983; ③ Boston Symphony Hall ①!!!*; May 24, 1983 Tokyo June 11, 1983 ④; The Last Romantic (CAMI Video) 1985 ③; Moscow April 20, 1986 ①; Leningrad April 27, 1986 ② which means one perfect interval lower all the time in bars 147 and 149; Vienna May 31, 1987 ③; Berlin June 18, 1987 ①; Hamburg June 21, 1987 ③
*Proof of Vladimir Horowitz's harshest accusation on Boston Symphony Orchestra Administration which held David Rockefeller Jr. as an Admin.
8:00 PM Go to bed. Over slept till 3:30 AM!!!
1:00 AM (3:45 AM) Смотрю концертный вокальный вечер в Москве!
Vladimir Horowitz: The Complete Masterworks Recordings 1962 - 1973 in 9 volumes [not 10] Volume VII Early Romantics (2 CDs): Disc 1: Chopin.
6:00 AM Go to bed.

пятница 21 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved. Summer Solstice in JST.
Can you imagine that, that from this date on we are ahead to Winter Solstice. Our summer is scientifically like this. But, never mind. Our great nation, The Russian Federation don't know WInter Solstice forever!!!
3;30 AM Got up (refer to the previous day of diary for this section).
5:18 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert sein fortepiano symphonic concerto recorded on January 19, 1939 (Pilz 78004, 1988). Miraculously wonderful work by Wilhelm Furtwängler some passages were adopted to his 2nd symphonie premièred on February 22nd, 1948 (222-1948 a result of Zionism; or rather, the USA's interest from the first was not Zionism or anything of the sort but perfectly controlling oils in the Middle East region; and for this purpose only Israel was needed for them Rockefeller dominant USA until Donald J. Trump changed the course of following regarding Israel for more profit making machine by replacing somewhat old-fashioned by-that-date Rockefeller doctorine. But, deception is deception, which means once being revealed never being able to follow that path, if not you are assholes).
6:28 AM (0:00 AM мск 21 июнь 2024 года) Richard Wagner premièred on 17. August 1876 im «Götterdämmerung» aus «Der Ring des Nibelungen» recorded on June 1st, 1937 in London's Covent Garden Theatre conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler (Music & Arts CD 1035-1 and 2; in the perfect connections with Vladirmir Horowitz London recital on June 1st in 1986 at Royal Festival Hall). In memorial of National Theatre and of Supreme Court in Tokyo over Saint Francisco Treaty [very reason why Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli called himself a descendant of Saint Francisco of Assisi] singed on September 8, 1951, and not to mention, signed at the Opera Theatre there.
8:54 AM Purchased Sergiu Celibidache «Der Taschengarten» (DGG, 2002). Laundry. Complete payment for Celibidache CD (DGG).
10:43 PM Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «concerti for fortepiano with orchestra» K. 37, K. 39, K. 40, K. 41 (Nos 1, 2, 3, 4) «Standard Oil's Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1890 concerti» by Pierre Boulez fortepiano Yvonne Loriod.
11:45 AM Go to bed till 1:00 PM.
1:08 PM Evgeny Mravinsky conducts Dmitri Shostakovich Symphonie nr. 11, Opus 103.
2:30 PM Practicing Fortepianocfor muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 and 2 1st movement exposition. 4:00 PM (including hearing the results). 3:30 PM including hearing the results. Overwelmed Hélèhé Grimaud in Bach Prelude BWV 846 and Beethoven Sonati. I played better than the witch. Quite a remarkable results despite 20 minutes of daily practice. I tried to concentrate in music today than was usual. It worked somehow to a certain limited degree.
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM Subscribed Stirling Journal and DSCH Shostakovich Journal (auto-annual renewals). £40.00 in total approximately JPY 9,000 in annual basis.
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin [East Germany] (Act 2 and 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947 (1998 issue, SWF 981 | 982). [no repeat]
6:00 PM - 11:00 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts «Tristan und Isolde» (recorded in 1981 and issued by Philips (in 5 LPs) and in 5 CDs as 410 447-2 Europe, in the Metropolitan Opera centennary year of 1983).
11:00 PM Go to bed early for there is no live streaming today.
1:00 AM Got up. 1:22 AM Go to bed.

суббота 22 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved. Department of Justice foundation date in the USA in 1870. 1:00 AM Got up and 1:22 AM Go to bed. 4:20 AM Got up.
Finally Got up at 4:20 AM o'clock. Preparing to receive Amazon USA DVDs delivered by Yamato in the morning.
4:45 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Ludwig van Beethoven «Cavatina» Opus 130 and Große Fugue. Leonore ouverture nr. 3 recorded im morgen at Musikverein Saal, Wien. [SWF 901]
5:30 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert January 25, 1925 (on his 39th Birthday) concert at Carnegie Hall: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: «Die Hebriden ouverture» (Telefunken-SWF 043), Richard Strauss: Symphonic poem «Don Juan» [Pathé Références (1994, EMI CDH 5 65197 2)], Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky: Symphonie Nr. 5, Opus 64 (Music & Arts CD 712, 1992, recorded live in Turin in June 6th, 1952). in reconstruction of an extremely important concert. The result: Astoundingly marvelous and revealing in every sense from tonal orders to excellent performances!!!
7:00 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Ludwig van Beethoven «Fidelio» August 3, 1948 at Salzburger Festspiele (SWF 992/993, 1999).
9:00 AM Repeat of January 25, 1925 reconstruction concert.
10:55 AM (5:00 мск) Россия 1 National Anthem of The Russian Federation.
11:00 AM Statzsky and Hutch : A Body Worth Guarding. Inspection and investigations. Instantly made Forgery. I know this story very well and it was aired twice at least as I know it. Nazi USA's defeat with Nazi Tokyo. And, Nazi Yamato Transportation company (the delivery driver was a Nazi Jügend trying hard to deceive me by pretending that he does not at all receiving bribes (JPY 100,000, No?) and is not engaging in Nazi business either his nation. One of so many Worst of worst!!!). That they couldn't demand me import tax is another vivid proof of Tokyo-Washington D. C.-NATO deceptions in this specific case can be pointed out as proof. 11:53 AM.
11:50 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» Prelude und «Isolde's Liebestod» und Johannes Brahms concerto nr. 2 by Edwin Fisher all recorded on November 9, 1942 (Kristallnacht [November 9-10, 1938] Memorial concert). I mean that what's the international investigations on Adolf Hitler's Das Dritte Reich over Berlin Olympics in 1936? What had (have) you all investigated?
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 and 2 1st movement exposition. 4:00 PM (including hearing the results). 3:30 PM including hearing the results.
2:45 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Ludiwig van Beethoven «Egmont» ouverture, Opus 84, «Pastoral» symphonie nr. 6, Opus 68; symphonie nr. 5, Opus 67 reconstructed from recordings from 27 May («Egmont» DGG, Symphonies: Music & Arts CD 789).
4:29 PM Leonard Bernstein's «West Side Story»; nr. 13 «Somewhere», nr. 12 «I feel Pretty», nr. 10 «Tonight». (United Artists, 1964; original sound tracks).
5:00 PM - 10:45 PM Had a qualified sleep.
10:45 PM Evgeny Mravinsky conducts Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky «Romeo and Juliet» Suite Opus 64 bis and Symphonie nr. 5, Opus 64 alfa (new findings on Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky: symphonie nr. 5 is Opus 64 alfa to «Romeo and Juliet» Suite as Opus 64 bis) on November 6th, 1982; so Bis (Absolut[e] Vodka nation that is meaninglessly issuing Nobel prize over decades for political protections) to Alfa order (Altus).
0:05 AM 7-eleven SWF Brahms including 23. Januar 1945 (2 CDs) complete payment: Yahoo Auction!
0:10 AM Practicing Fortepiano today's session hearing.
0:30 AM Прямой эфил в Премме!
1:30 AM Прямой эфил в Москве!!!!
5:30 AM Go to bed.
****Open strategy. Keep money anytime for Horowitz in London on May 22nd, 1982 programme booklet, Standard Oil Headquarters Candlesticks issued on April 19, 1986; therefore, current bidding on Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli's BBC Radio 3 recorded recital programme booklet is not that important purchase for me (which means, I am, frankly speaking, holding slightest interest in that programme booklet over £5.00 although I bid it with £12 (£12.23): the numbers of desciples of Jesus Christ). What is intentionally hidden from our history is the truly valuable materials like the 13 декабря 1989 «Candide» signed booklet I acquired the other day. Meantime, I had to purchase meaningless DVDs «Stat[z]sky and Hutch» to make this normalization process be accelarated by revealing the USA's forgery making tied with Tokyo and NATO-OTAN by sending it (the DVD) to Our Embassy to Japan in Tokyo, especially when we have straight forwardedly generous, gentle, and sincere and open-mindedly kind Ambassador like Полос Николай Станиславович Ноздрев who understands (unter-stehe) what Justice means!!!****

воскресенье 23 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
7:30 AM Got up. Slept once more due to fatigue .11:05 AM Got up.
11:15 AM Reading DSCH magazine by listening Evgeny Mravinsky rehearsing Shostakovich symphonie nr. 5 on April 26, 1973. Glad to learn there are kind and courageous people in the world not only inside of Our The Russian Federation. I know it's extremely hard to behave so in the USA. So, deepest gratitude.
1:29 PM Vladimir Horowitz recital in Boston Symphony Hall on April 24, 1983 on Sunday at 8:30 PM ① (Sony Classical, 2015; CD 16 and 17). Beethoven fortepiano sonata nr. 28, Opsu 101 1st movement recapturation: wrong notes but instantly recovered with Glenn Gould's double hitting of notes technique applied. So were «Carnaval» and «Polonaise Fantasie», but these errors were caused most likely by Horowitz's obsession never to make errors on bar 147 to 150 of «Heroic» Polonaise A flat major, Opus 53 by Chopin. 2:57 PM.
3:00 PM fatigue, but not to the degree of instant felling a-sleep. But, maybe, I had better have some more sleep by taking sleeping pills before practicing fortepiano or further listening and reading DSCH magazine. I have first to decide which way to take. Sleepy but not that level of natual sleep in bed without the help of sleeping pills. This is something most irritating in life with Nazists (if not everyone is evil, but if taking bribes, their deeds equal to self-commitment into national Nazism regardless the use of the amount of money they receive from their government) in Japan. 3:02 PM.
3:05 PM Послушаю (Смотрию) концерт Евы Геворгяна в Москве в 18 апреле 2024 года.
3:55 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Hamburger Symphonie Orchester in Richard Strauss «Mort et Transfiguration», Opus 24 recorded on June 9th, 1947 (1992, SWF 921; Exquisitely Marvelous Transfer).
4:20 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Smetana and Richard Strauss (EMI Pathé Références: CDH 5 65197 2, 1994).
5:30 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition. 6:15 PM (including hearing the results).
7:00 PM Baking Challah.
6:18 PM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2 and 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947 (1998 issue, SWF 981 | 982). [no repeat].
9:00 PM - 11:50 PM Fell asleep.
11:50 PM Sergiu Celibidache conducts his own «Der Taschengarten» recorded from May to September, 1979. SWR Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra.
1:00 AM Прямой эфил в Зале Зарядье.

понежельник 24 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:30 AM Go to bed and Got up at 10:30 AM.
11:00 AM (5:00 мск) Elena VPN's birthday. I have written a birthday card for Elena, which will be sent to Our Embassy to Japan in Tokyo next month. Photography is to be sent to Elena at this precise moment.
11:30 AM Visited Hojo Japan Post Office and sent this month (originally planned to sent to be arrived on July 3rd, but financial reasons, there is no difference; then, the sooner, the better)'s documents and proof of Nazism led by Washington D. C. tied with Tokyo-Osaka arriving June 26th.

There was time when I wanted to work in this business. Any longer. My physical health is the number one concern. I have herniated neck discs. I wish I can get adequote surgery treatment when I reach Moscow.
Do you have literacy of why this placard was appeared in sudden? They the Tokyo and unconstitutionally and ihumanely demands me repentance and want to make it a show for lazy way of life. I just didn't point this very truth out. I wanted to let them notice for their piled-up Sins. And, it was impossible in 70.1 percent ratio. (вторник 9 июля 2024 года!)
There was time when I wanted to work in this business. Any longer. My physical health is the number one concern. I have herniated neck discs. I wish I can get adequote surgery treatment when I reach Moscow.
Do you have literacy of why this placard was appeared in sudden? They the Tokyo and unconstitutionally and ihumanely demands me repentance and want to make it a show for lazy way of life. I just didn't point this very truth out. I wanted to let them notice for their piled-up Sins. And, it was impossible in 70.1 percent ratio. (вторник 9 июля 2024 года!)

0:25 PM (12:00 мск) Something to do with Korea. Something to do with this date in 1948 in Edinburgh Festival conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler. 9 September, 1948 Edinburgh Festival (Orchestra stabile dell'Accademia nazionale di Santa Cecilia) Programme: Georgio Ghedini: Partita (astoundingly overwelming, marvelous and magnificent masterpiece); Richard Strauss: «Tod Und Verklarung», Opus 24. [Pathé Références (1994, EMI CDH 5 65197 2; - inter-mission- Beethoven: Symphony No. 5, Opus 67 (Pathé Référence CDH 69803 2 recorded on 28 of February and 1st of March in 1954 in Musikverein Großersaal [His Master's Voice recording on whose dates were recalled for Leonard Bernstein's final recordings in Vienna with Bruckner 9th symphonie, the symphonie Wilhelm Furtwängler recorded on October 7th, 1944 in protest against Heinrich Himmler of Kriminalpolizei. NSA-CIA-FBI targetted LB understands how Furtwängler suffered throughout his liftime and he shared it within himself in 1990]) [re-construction of an extremely important concert].
2:56 PM Overwelming experience to rebuild the Furtwängler concert in Edinburgh on September 9, 1948.
3:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-1, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Chopin 55-2, Beethoven 31-2 and 1 1st movement exposition. 4:00 PM (including hearing the outcomes).
4:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» im Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2 and 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947 (1998 issue, SWF 981 | 982).
7:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Violin Concerto in E (recorded on May 25 and 26, 1952) and Ludwig van Beethoven Violin concerto in D (recorded on April 7th and 8th, 1953 in London's Kings Way Hall for His Master's Voice) with anti-Zionist Yehudi [יהודי] Menuhin. [Pathé Références (1984, EMI CDH 7 69799 2)] (Tokyo, for the first time, has officially admitted their thefts over invasions against my house under military satellites supervisions (including those of their "enermies"); over arrival of Yuhudi Menuhin's Pathé Références Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy in E and Ludwig van Beethoven in D Violin Concerti with Wilhelm Furtwängler [Pathé Références (1984, EMI CDH 7 69799 2)]). 5:30 PM.
Meanwhile, found that Tokioans are still committing in tailor-made forgeries. English liner note is swapping Luzern into Salzburg, in perfection accordance of being meaninglessly, except their nation-wide decided glorification of their national Nazism. 8:00 PM.

Tokyo admits their national Nazism for the first time. Плавда есть плавда!!!
Tokyo admits their national Nazism for the first time. Плавда есть плавда!!!
Tokyo admits their national Nazism for the first time. Плавда есть плавда!!!
Tokyo admits their national Nazism for the first time. Плавда есть плавда!!!
Tokyo admits their national Nazism for the first time. Плавда есть плавда!!!
Tokyo admits their national Nazism for the first time. Плавда есть плавда!!!
Tokyo admits their national Nazism for the first time. Плавда есть плавда!!! Still, tailor-made forgery. English liner note is swapping Luzern into Salzburg, meaninglessly.
Tokyo admits their national Nazism for the first time. Плавда есть плавда!!! Still, tailor-made forgery. English liner note is swapping Luzern into Salzburg, meaninglessly.
Correct information in German and French but in English all for NATO-OTAN's sake. And, better transfer to the original, though.
Correct information in German and French but in English all for NATO-OTAN's sake. And, better transfer to the original, though.
Correct information in German and French but in English all for NATO-OTAN's sake. And, better transfer to the original, though.

9:00 PM Орган Live! (cancelled due to extreme exhaustion).
9:00 PM Go to bed.

втроник 25 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
9:00 PM Go to bed. 6:00 AM Got up.
6:10 AM Орган Live! (last night delay).
7:19 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» im Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2 and 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947 (1998 issue, SWF 981 | 982).
11:00 AM Leonard Bernstein conducts Anton Bruckner's symphonie nr. 9 with Vienna Philahrmonic Orchestra on 26th of February and 2nd of March, 1990 (DGG, Made in and Printed in the USA).
0:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johannes Brahms symphonie nr. 1, Opus 68, 4th movement on 23 Januar 1945 in Berlin the next to the last concert during war time, live recorded. (SWF 952)
0:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johannes Brahms Haydn Variations, fortepiano concerto nr. 2, Opus 83; and symphonie nr. 4, Opus 98, 4th movement of Opus 68 on 23 Januar 1945 in Berlin the next to the last concert during war time, live recorded. Recorded on 12 | 15 December, 1943 (SWF 951 | 952; this is most likely original; then, how does SWF explain the liner note on Bruckner nr. 6 symphonie? Did Wilhelm Furtwängler truly conduct 222 times of Bruckner works in his life time; even if it is certain that Wilhelm Furtwängler gave his 2nd symphony première on February 22nd in 1948 and repeated it in Vienna on the same date in 1943? Or, should I translate that these were held 4 times during the wartime but only for the 1st and 4th night were recorded?) In any case, this is the first small step for normalization from Nazism of Japan and of the USA and of NATO and of EU nations.
1:38 PM What I have long wished to comment on: American Express, who is keeping sending me monthly empty charging bills. My mother once called it as harrassment, but I did never take that in that way. American Express, over CIA's [official] investigations on me provided my credit card purchase history back in 1990 and the upper personnels felt sorry for me who had no possibility at the time even to find a girlfriend let alone a woman who would be my wife to be, the typical of this was in mid January, 2008 staying at Chelsea Hotel, I visited One World FInancial Center and found American Express exchange booth there. I asked for the two gentlemen to exchange my JPY 30,000 or something into USD. They look saddened and felt empathy to me. I like that part of America (the USA). Today, I received American Express empty bill monthly report, and I imagined without their existence, probably, Tokyo rejected to issue a Rakuten-VISA card to me. I am so thankful to American Express for their choice of this deed from the bottom of my heart. 1:46 PM.
3:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-1, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Chopin 55-2, Beethoven 31-2 and 1 1st movement exposition. 4:00 PM (including hearing the outcomes).
4:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven symphonie nr. 6, Opus 68 recorded in Berlin 24 March 1944, «Cavatina» Opus 130, «Leonore» ouverture nr. 3 recorded on January 28, 1945 im Morgen in Wien to commemorate Liberation of Auschwitz Extermination Camp.
6:22 PM Посмотрию концерт Евы Геворгяна в Москве в 18 апреле 2024 года.
7:00 PM - 2:00 AM Had some sleep.
2:00 PM Прямой эфил в Санкт-Петербурге!!!

среда 26 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved. UN Charter day.
4:00 PM Go to bed. 2:30 PM Got up.
2:45 PM Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «Requiem» K. 626 «United Nation's Requiem» Leonard Bernstein Hot-line edition. Issued in 1990 late summer (September).
As evidence, here is a copy of first Pacific Music Festival held in June to July, 1990 under Leonard Bernstein. Here is his words released on June 26th, 1990. "Should I spend whatever days the good Lord gives to me going back to my first love, the piano, and playing all the Beethoven sonatas again? Should I just go on being a conductor playing all the Brahms Symphonies again year after year? Should I devote myself only to being a composer and writing the various kinds of music that I do write? When you get to be 71, you consider such problems. My decision has been, without too much difficulty, to spend most of the remaining energy and time the Lord grants me with education, sharing as much as I can with younger people - especially with very much younger people - whatever I know not only about music but also art, and about being onself, finding one's self, knowing-who-you-are and doing the best possible job. If I can communicate some of this to as many young people as possible in the years that remain to me, I will be a very happy man.
This Pacific Music Festival is one very large aspect of this commitment which I hereby make for the rest of my life." (1990 Pacific Music Festival Opening Ceremony, Art Park, Sapporo, June 26, 1990 [Please note that there is some likely possibility against the original text which has been swapped with partial forgery remixed with Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli's words over 2 decades upon invasion against my house]).
3:54 PM Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «concerti for fortepiano with orchestra» K. 37, K. 39, K. 40, K. 41 (Nos 1, 2, 3, 4) «Standard Oil's Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1890 concerti» by Pierre Boulez; piano Yvonne Loriod.
5:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 and 2 1st movement exposition. 5:30 PM (including hearing the results).
5:30 PM Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Opera «Apollo et Hyacinthus» K. 38. Origin of Morgan-Rockefeller doctorine.
6:00 PM Baking bread (not Challah).
6:50 PM Vladimir Horowitz plays for CBS Records Robert Schumann's «Kreisleriana», Opus 16 recorded on December 1st, 1969 at CBS 30th Street Studio. First performance ever after Boston Symphony Hall recital on October 26, 1969 with once in life time performance of Franz Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody nr. 13 on the 284th birthday of Domenico Scarlatti.

Amazon USA's promise. Altough Jeff Bezos has his own history of forcibly making purchase not in their USA site but the Japanese site.

[8:00 PM Amazon USA: Inspect on «Statsky and Hutch» [never Starsky that is only understood as Star-sky meaningless except Star Wars Project by The Pentagon] : «Missing Anna»; or, «A Body Worth Guarding». (if the USA is not that that chicken minded and completes delivery on this pre-promised date on (by) the effective date of the United Nations' Charters). It arrived on the foundation date of Department of Justice of the USA. And, it was forged. Marcus kiss was skillfully forged with mostly correct story-telling lines. It was midnight and kiss was more passionate and long not three times as this forged version suggests and marcus thread was also very long in between these to actor and actress; enough length of their horizontal head long. (done on 22 June, 2024).] Result was, of course, forgeries. Theft of my JPY 8,000, Elon Musk and Inc. You owe me that debt x astronomical. You like X, right? Then, how about JPY 8,000 multiplied (x) with 10,000 trillions? 2:55 PM.
7:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johannes Brahms symphonie nr. 1 4th movement recorded live in Berlin on January 23, 1945 (SWF 951 | 952). Didn't notice that I had this copy acquired directly from SWF. (Sound is, of course, superior to the Yahoo Auction! one. I can't judge which was forged or newly remanstered, because this Brahms 1st 4th movement recorded in Berlin on Januar 23, 1945 sounds exactly the same to NHK FM broadcasted one in 1988). I took off the wrapper of the rest of the CDs I acquired from SWF (Meistersinger and SWF 951 | 952 Conrad Hansen one. The latter is identified that the recording date was 31 October 1943). Bruckner 6th and Franck | Brahms were remained with wrappers and remained unopened. 7:
7:45 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven fortepiano concerto nr. 4, Opus 58 (Conrad Hansen) and symphonie nr. 7, Opus 92. (SWF 951 | 952).
7:52 PM Temporarily conclusion: Some are original, while others are forgery. And, what is certain is that those I purchased directly from SWF are all newly remastered. 9:10 PM.
9:15 PM - 5:50 AM Have sleep. Originally planned to get up 1:00 AM to live watch Alexander Rudin's concert from Moscow, but I am at the edge of my harming of my health completely; or successfully not. I would like him to generously understand the conditions on which I am still being placed. (This last paragraph was added четверг 27 июнь 2024 года 10:39 AM.)

четверг 27 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:50 AM Got up.
7:00 AM Ignacj Jan Paderewskj complete recordings (Apr). All the recordings Ignacj Jan Paderewkj (Apr). 8 discs in total. 4 hours;
CD 1 The complete Victor recordings 1914 - 1931 disc 1 and disc 2; and 2 total playing time 2.5 hours. All the recordings Ignacj Jan Paderewkj (Apr).
10:00 AM Sun Plaza tomatoes (6 in box x1) and lettuce x1 I wanted to purchase lemon juice at Sandy, but they were closed at the timing on my way back (next time when the weather is mild; it's starting raining). Take Vatamin C (currently lacking).
Received Standard Oil Headquarter's dated April 19, 1986 candlesticks when I was about to leave home. The driver for this dlivery was extremely kind person. The casher at Sun Plaza was also very generous. I worked for these kind of people.
The next issue is wether or not I send this candlesticks to Moscow to make their possession 6 in total; currently they are holding 4. I think this is a wise way to keep the item. 4 at Moscow 2 at my house. Over next purchase of the same items, I will send 3 to Our Embassy to Japan in Tokyo. Current plan is something like this. Today I met extremely kind Japanese people, but there also are evil people as well; as I have witnessed this latter kind over years and decades. As for 6 candlesticks in Moscow, I don't think that's a wise decision [Franz Kafka: Gregor Samsa in his «Transfiguration»].
0:00 PM Посмотрию концерт вечера в Москве! to 11:00 AM.
11:00 AM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-1, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-2 and 1 1st movement exposition. Recorded but not published 0:30 PM.
0:45 PM Go to bed. 2:25 PM Got up.
2:26 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johannes Brahms concert Haydn variations, fortepiano concerto nr. 2, Opus 83, symphonie nr. 4, Opus 98. (SWF 951 | 952, 2008; found out that both are authentic, but 2008 version was newly remastered).
2:42 PM The last concerns for me is that these days I can seldom have qualified sleep, the easiest way to falling in sleep is masterbation, but the USA and Tokyo regard my privacy open to public and accuse it (of course, even they cannot win in the Military Tribunal), raping attempt against low teen ages. How can they verify that their monitoring system is properly working? I must doubt. I never trust them. And, of course, I didn't commit it this afternoon. So awfully troublesome. Sleeping pills are not functioning. 2:46 PM.
The remaining job for me is regain Holy Bible and brilliant techniques at the fortepiano. 2:47 PM.
3:15 PM I have to find the way to have qualified sleep. Sleeping pills are not functioning these days.
5:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-1, Chopin 55-2, Beethoven 31-2 and 1 1st movement exposition. 5:30 PM (including hearing the results).
6:21 PM WIlhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Ludwig van Beethoven symphonie nr. 3 «Heroic», Opus 55 recorded in Berlin on December 7, 1952; Große Fugue Opus 133 recorded in Salzuberger Festspiele on August 30, 1954 (1984, Bruno Walter Society, Denon made and fair transfer).
Gioconda de Vito and Edwin Fischer play Brahms sonati (YouTube). This recording is one of those when I was collecting LPs. nr. 3 is perhaps surpassed by Milstein and Horowitz but this Opus 78.
8:00 PM Go to bed. Hopefully can get up at 1:00 for a live concert from Moscow. This recording may be sounded out-dated and old-fashioned, still worth listen millions of times.
10:30 PM Got up (still too early with full dose of sleeping pills).
11:00 PM Edwin FIscher and Gioconda de Vito playing Brahms sonati.
1:00 AM Прямой эфил в Москве! 1:30 AM Go to bed.

пятница 28 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
1:30 AM Go to bed. 11:30 AM Got up. Traumatized by MK Ultra Sonar that insists that the USA is on the right track and My new placards are all false. Then I found these when I got up. Rational for them NSA-CIA and White House, isn't it? And, a kind Japanese seller had sent me photos of Testament CD by Gioconda de Vito and Edwin Fischer. That's fine, but they are still deceived by Kriminalpolizei and their government. If not nonesuch a dream and a qualified sleep. They even tempted me over Eva Gevorgyan trying hard to install jealousy in me for her. Also, they tried to install antipathy against The Russian Federation. All their illogical attempts have been completely fallen down. The pin-point target was forged Holy Bible which bishop at Osaka Orthodox Church passed it to me at JPY 1,500 in their attempts with Tokyo [and at the result Tokyo Orthodox Chuch bishops are holding hostility against me, so was that part with the photo of them with Ambassador Ноздрев was targeted to trigger coup]. 0:48 PM.
There was, however, only one truth in their saying, that is about Pathé Références of EMI. They had tendency (like Pearl's better sounded older bronze medals) to newly pressed CDs in older and therefore the same slipcases without changing the newly transferred year. This is the only correct thing that the USA has said to me over night torture in bed. 2:07 PM.

NSA-CIA trolls except The Russian Federation (but not important one).
CIA's last (if not very last) attempts of controlling my mind. Failen thus above.
CIA's last (if not very last) attempts of controlling my mind. Failen thus above.
CIA's last (if not very last) attempts of controlling my mind. Failen thus above.

Ignacj Jan Paderewskj complete recordings (Apr). All the recordings Ignacj Jan Paderewkj (Apr). 8 discs in total. 4 hours.
0:00 PM CD 3 and 4 total playing time 2.5 hours. All the recordings Ignacj Jan Paderewkj (Apr). 4 discs in total. 5 hours (because of his cause of death on June 29th, 1941 in his room at 57th Street North-East end Buckingham Hotel was not coicidental, but on this date was failed negotiation of signing on Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1918). Another reason is not to overheat the Sony "XA 50 ES" high precision CD player working by now closer to its Silver Jubilee!!! Unbelievable!!! I have fixed broken Oven by cleaning its condensor by cleaning part by part, though (it's age is more than 40 years approximately 45 years!!!). Was that my own hall of fame? Or, was that as well USA's long time military operations against me?
1:06 PM - 1:40 PM Hojo Post Office and 7-eleven to complete purchase and withdrew train fair for July 3rd of Shichiyama Hospital.
2:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-1, Chopin 55-2, Beethoven 31-2 and 1 1st movement exposition. 5:30 PM (including hearing the results). 3:30 PM.
4:00 PM Vladimir Horowitz in Tokyo at Hitomi Memorial Hall of Showa Women's Collage on 28 June 1986 (NHK FM's original broadcast on the next week Sunday, July 6th in the evening and its repeat on November 7, 1989).
7:00 PM CD 5 total playing time 1.5 hours.

NATO without USA is Donald J. Trump's promise despite NATO Charter Article 14. Meta has been persistingly blocking my this pointing out. But, truth is truth. Only Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. can resolve this issue and make the USA back on track if taking over another decade.

8:15 PM Посмотрию концерт Евы Геворгяна в Москве!!!
9:00 PM Ораган Live! в Томске (cancelled over my pointing out of my teaser use of Shoko Asahara for mass-deceptions not on the people's level but on the governmental level and internationally, which has seemingly been perfectly analysed and made use for profit making from the very first on the side of the USA (Let's see Grimaud on September 11 at BBC Proms) NSA-CIA level not on the Capitol Hill level [here is John McCain case. He got shocked over my revealing of Tony Newberry's carbon monoxyde poisonous death]). Can you imagine that the entire Capitol Hill will conspire against you, which was undoubtedly impossible (watch out these figures - some are more informative and knowledgable like Ted Kennedy, who could predict the trajectry of failure of Clinton-Gore tenure) or John Davison Rockefeller IV (being informative in their Morgan-Rockefeller doctorine), but by now (I simply mean that they are conspirying against me just in order to keep their face. I am rejecting such an attempt here. I make the deal not you. And, I will be rejecting tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the day after the day after tomorrow until the USA and Japan make release of official apology, nothing to do with my current relationship with Eva Gevorgyan. Sorry, but I am a sort of such a person from the very first so that I hinted to use conspiracy over James Sheldon victimazization on me over his oath, "I want to give good impressions on America to a young intelligent boy like you" I will fight against USA and Japan for the rest of my life unless they will officially release apology to me. They will never be forgiven. Absolut zero chance for them to win against me, for that reason only who has kept his virginity for 53 years. This is how "Crying out love at the center of this entjre world" never such cheap romance novel ways). Truly good impressions on "America" you the Americans have given on me, that has traumatizing me until this date from the first night I spent at Hotel Hilton International Americas Avenue on May 6, 1990. Sorry, USA and James (a Gospel writer) for my intellect level could never met your demands since the day first.
0:00 AM Go to bed.

суббота 29 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:30 AM Got up.
0:00 PM Ignacj Jan Paderewskj complete recordings (Apr). All the recordings Ignacj Jan Paderewkj (Apr). 8 discs in total. 4 hours.
0:00 PM CD 6 and 7 total playing time 2.5 hours.
4:00 PM CD 8 total playing time 1.5 hours.
6:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-1, Chopin 55-2, Sergei Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-2 and 1 1st movement exposition. 5:30 PM (including hearing the results). 8:00 PM.
1:00 AM - 4:00 AM Жаз концерт в Москве!!!

воскресенье 30 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:30 AM Got up. Watched Midori Goto's interview. The tide has been changed. I could confirm it. Thank you.
6:08 AM 7-eleven purchasing bread.
6:12 AM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2) recorded live on October 3, 1947.
9:00 AM Go to bed. 2:00 PM Got up.
3:30 AM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947.
3:58 PM baking bread.
5:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-1, Chopin 55-2, Sergei Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-2 and 1 1st movement exposition. 5:30 PM (including hearing the results). 6:00 PM.

понежельник 1 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:45 AM Got up.
5:45 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler conducts Felix Mendelssohn Barrholdy Violin Concerto in E with Yehudi Menuhin (Pathé Références).
6:30 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler in Vienna (EMI Pathé Références: CHS 5 66770 2, 1988) and Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Smetana and Richard Strauss (EMI Pathé Références: CDH 5 65197 2, 1994).
8:06 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Ludwig van Beethoven's «Fidelio» on August 3, 1948 in Salzburger Festspiel.
10:19 AM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2) recorded live on October 3, 1947.
3:21 PM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947.
4:30 PM I have held slightly different analyses on Ukraine Conflict to which "experts" report everyday. At a certain point, Ukraine made themselves cockraoches sprayed with Standard Oil. I mean that it's been diplomacy time rather than the military conflict. And, yet, due to the deeds of Ukrainiens decade of inhumane deeds and such a regime, entire Ukraine must be absurbed into the region of The Russian Federaion is my firm conclusion for enough long period of time; a few months after Prigozhin's coup (or Deutsche Welle's concertizing streamings with Ukraine). Anyway, on that standing point, I am ciriticizing Ukraine enough long period of time not only I endorse military winning report daily issued by The Russia Federation - the only correct way to accept the conditions. Hence, no contradiction.
Well, I had to accept China's Panda diplomacy to pay tribute to Chinese governmant (I don't like that but if it necessary to People's Republic of China, it's natural for me that I must that part of fury within me and altering it to creative works). The same on Israeli issues. What's the Israeli lobbies? I haven't heard of it in that context everyone speaks up. Israel, for the USA, nothing but secutiry annex of the USA to control Middle East oils as they like it. Proofs? Every PM of The State of Israel has died in misery, especially in the case of Ariel Sharon. 5:16PM.
5:15 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-1, Chopin 55-2, Sergei Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-2 and 1 1st movement exposition. 5:30 PM (including hearing the results). 6:00 PM.
10:00 PM Go to bed.

втроник 2 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
10:10 AM Got up.
10:30 AM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2 and 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947 (SWF 981 | 982).
10:46 AM Confirmed that the CSO concerts was not held on 28 April but 27 April. Shameless Nazi deeds by Tokyo-Wahington D. C. Case closed. The rest is astoronomical compensations and arresting those almost all the Diet men and women including those in the past to lock them in the prison cell for a life time.
0:20 PM Japan Post Nazi Jügend mail man arrogantly visited at my house. This Nazi guy was knowing what was inside: Proof of Psychiatrically disable unconstitutionally issued by the Prefecture of Osaka Hirofumi Yoshimura, in precise order to pretending to hide the truth that the certification is for HIrofumi Yoshimura himself, who is facing being locked in to prinson cell for life time sentence over decades of Nazism conducted by them and Toru Hashimoto Ltd. Incidentally, encounter with this type of Nazi guy faithfully working for bribe is the most annoying events in my daily life. 0:27 PM.
0:40 AM Gioconda de Vito's CD was force cancelled over the Nazi Kriminalpolizei of Tokyo, only because I accused the Nazi Jügend mail man. They the Tokioans are blind. 0:34 PM.

Gioconda de Vito's CD was force cancelled over the Nazi Kriminalpolizei of Tokyo, only because I accused the Nazi Jügend mail man. They the Tokioans are blind. 0:34 PM.
Planned deceptions by Nazi Tokyo.

1:28 PM Nazi Jügend changed my trajectory of plan for the rest of this afternoon. Listening to Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Richard Wagner «DIe Meistersinger von Nürmberg» in Bayreuth on July 15, 1943 (for the first time to hear this composition like many other (almost all) Richard Wagner's operas). The least lovable work in the world of music hisotry, at least for me, but curse on the Elly Nay types of Nazi Japanese. If this had not happened, would I most likely never hear this music to eternity. 1:53 PM.
2:08 PM 7-eleven Apple Danish to take Vitamin C. On my way back home, Kriminalpolizei was waiting for my arrival with his face Laughing-Out-Loud laghter. Calling with his collegue. There is no medicine to prescribe for a Nazis like this particular fool or idiot, who is proud of being Nazis. 2:14 PM
2:14 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Richard Wagner «DIe Meistersinger von Nürmberg» in Bayreuth on July 15, 1943 Act 1 and 2.
4:14 PM Can a human beings commit in such a way to others is the question on Kriminalpolizei I met today and Wilhelm Backhaus forgery on the level of Osaka Prefecture Public Library level. If this is fogery as I pointed out, they are Nazis and are not feeling shame of their deeds, if otherwise, the true reason that Katarina Noever, a resident at 11 Singerstraße, Wien did never recommend me to see Klimt Museum but a museum which is famous for Adolf Hitler when he was a painter. The answer should be the former, but this is beyond human deeds, especially over today's Nazi Jügend and Kriminalpolizei service man that were whole-heartedly enjoying ordered human hunting against me. They are no human, unfortunately. We can never count them as human beings. 4:19 PM.
4:35 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Richard Wagner «DIe Meistersinger von Nürmberg» in Bayreuth on July 15, 1943 Act 3 and 4.
My reaction to «DIe Meistersinger von Nürmberg» was possitive. Unless the music (or the art) isn't used improperly by politics, there is space for appreciation. 5:57 PM.
6:30 PM Taking shower once again for once again washing my hair.
6:50 PM Go to bed. 1:25 AM Get up.
1:30 AM Прямой эфил Концерт в Малиискае Театр!!!
3:00 AM Have some more rest (not sleeping) and listening to music till 7:00 AM.

среда 3 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
6:50 PM Go to bed. 1:25 AM Got up.
Shichiyama Hospital. Extremely fruitful conversations. Leaving home at 7:00 AM. Returning home around 1:00 PM. Then, Plaza Pharmacy O'hta branch and Fujiidera CIty Municipal to talk to Mr. Tamai.
3:00 PM Leonard Bernstein «Candide» recorded live in London's Covent Garden Theatre on December 13th (deceasing date of Nicolai Medtner and one day shy (December 12, 1946) to Wilhelm Furtwängler denazification trial starting date for the latter), 1989 (DGG, 1991 Made in Germany).
5:46 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts Sibelius symphonie nr. 1 live recorded on February 22nd and 23rd, 1990 with Vienna Philharmonic in March in Musikverein Großersaal, Wien.
7:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Sergei Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-2 and 1 1st movement exposition. (slightly longer including hearing the results). 8:00 PM. (cancelled due to homeworks).
8:45 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts Bruckner 9th symphonie with Vienna Philharmonic on 26 February and 1st of March in Musikverein Großersaal, Wien.
Conducting some more, more, and more homeworks.
9:00 PM Орган концерт в Томске.
1:30 PM Кино концерт в Санкт-Петербурге.
3:30 AM Taking shower and go to bed.

четверг 4 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
7:00 AM - 2:00 PM Have a sleep (hopefully qualified).2:00 PM Got up. Drank cup of coffee.
2:20 PM Hojo Japan Post Office for an small envelope to Our Embassy of The Russian Federation. Met Ms. Mukai. She was extremely kind and generous and honest. One step forward to conclusion.
3:00 PM «Concert of The Century» recorded live on May 18, 1976 on the year of bicentennial of the USA to save The Carnegie Hall from demolition. That's Yankee style of economy; a.k.a. money laundering as Elon Musk is now committing betting his all the energy and life. Why Norman Lebrecht, why Alma Mahler Gropius Werfel.
5:00 AM Vladimir Horowitz at The White House February 26, 1978.
6:00 PM Vladimir Horowitz Golden Jubilee concert 3:30 PM January 8, 1978
7:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 and 2 1st movement exposition. 4:00 PM (including hearing the results).
8:00 PM Vladimir Horowitz at Avery Fisher Hall on September 24, 1978 (Horowitz Live!).

9:00 PM From «Kennedy's White House» Pablo Casals «El Cant dels Ocells», Leonard Bernstein «Somewhere», and Kurt Weill «September Song» issued (publi[c]-sh-ed) in and by [be-sided to] Rockefeller Center in 1938.
10:00 PM Go to bed.
пятница 5 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
1:30 AM Go to bed. 4:50 AM Got up.
5:00 AM Carlos Kleiber «Tristan und Isolde» (4 CDs, DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1982). Wilhelm Furtwängler conducts this work 1,000 times far better than either Kleiber or Bernstein. October 3, 1947 recording in Berlin Staatsoper. (1st Act.).
9:00 AM NTT for Phone bill for June (cause: lost or mis-sent to Tokyo to Our Embassy with that kinds). Hojo Post Office. Withdraw JPY 42,000 (rest is iPhone, electricity, and VISA payment so that I have to keep it on deposite) Complete payment on Saint George ribbon T-shirts XXL x 7. Amazon JP with instant key coffee 300g x1, and ballpoint pet (black x10) A nation whose deeds are justified won't change its prices even at Amazon. The Russian Federation and its allie Vietnam. Also payment for merukari for Sergiu Celibidache 1977 Japan tour programme plus. Mandai eggs (x10) x2, Sandy Chinese Garlic 1kg, Concentrated Lemon Juice, Sun Plaza boxed tomatoes (x7) x2, (x5) x2 and cabbage, 9:45 AM.
10:00 AM Call Rakuten Card for the monthly bill report. Telephone to Rakuten Card JPY 30,577 (June payment date is July 27th).
11:42 AM Richard Strauss «Der Rosenkavalier» Elisabeth Schumann, et al. (EMI Pathé Références; 2 discs) and Richard Strauss Lieders. till 2:14 PM.
3:30 PM Go to bed.
8:20 PM Got up.
8:40 PM Yahoo Auction! complete payment at 7-eleven. 8:56 PM.
9:45 PM Юрий Симонов в Меломане.
0:00 AM - 3:00 AM had a sleep.

суббота 6 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:00 AM Vladimir Horowitz plays Johannes Brahms Violin Sonata nr. 3, Opus 108 on YouTube.
3:30 AM Listening to Artbene doing chat with my good fellow friends.
5:05 AM Purchase Artur Schnabel Mozart IV K. 478 and K. 310 (Arabesque, 1988).
5:30 AM - 10:55 AM Have a sleep.
10:55 AM Carlos Kleiber conducts «Tristan und Isolde» Act 2 and 3. (3CDs)
(Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1982).
11:00 AM around, received Celibidache 1977 first visit to Japan programme and music magazine from Yamato transportation company. Currently reading it while still listening to Carlos Kleiber.
3:00 PM Practice Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 and 2 1st movement exposition. (recorded not published due to low quality in Beethoven 31-1).
3:27 PM When Reading Celibidache episodes (which arrived on this date), I suddenly had wished to attend the concert tomorrow in which Bruckner 7th is to be played. In my imagination, if I decided to physically attend the concert and went to The Symphony Hall, I am one-hundred percent certain that somebody will sell me a ticket (including returned tickets). But, I decided not to go. I can't grab the ticket from the people who have been awaiting for this date to hear Inoue. And, if he put «Corioran» or «Egmont» at the beginning of his last concert, I think that I would purchase a ticket, but I abondon it in the hope that Inoue's wish and message and what he betted in his music making will be appropriatedly inherited to the concertogoers including those professional musicians. That's a way of life if not the very best. Just think, Sviatoslav Richter visited Moscow Concervatoire to hear and meet Vladimir Horowitz? How did Evgeny Mravinsky? At times, you must make concessions for a better world that should be installed. And, that's not that tragic if one is understanding each other. 3:51 PM.
3:40 PM Taking shower.
5:00 PM Vladimir Horowitz July 6, 1986 evening broadcast reply (with the aired on November 7th [MoMA, Hélène Grimaud's birthday, my father's deceasing date, who was not familiar with these two events, the cause of death was prostate cancer but his death came in sudden on this date in the morming; let us at least remind Jun Etoh's remarks his wife died of cancers 11 in brain and 7 in lang or its vice versa; while Vladimir Horowitz deceased on November 5th, 1989 four days before collapse of Berlin Wall (according to Gospel by Ansermetniac The New York Times)], 1989 better sounding ones).
9:00 PM From «Kennedy's White House» Pablo Casals «El Cant dels Ocells», Leonard Bernstein «Somewhere», and Kurt Weill «September Song» issued (publi[c]-sh-ed) in and by [be-sided to] Rockefeller Center in 1938.
11:25 PM Reviewed this year's edition of Verbier Festival. I am currently holding membership for medici.tv for annual subscription not for music sake but politics sake. Only Verbier and Tsinandali have been exceptions for 5 years since 2017. But, I decided to pass this year's edition of Verbier Festival. It appeals to me to the least just like those Simon Rattle years with Digital Concert Hall of the Berlin Philharmonic, in those years, someone imposed me to respect musicians, and for that harrassment reason only I watched some streamings. Only 26 April 2012 edition of DCH music making from the Kammersaal was the exception. The rest was untasty meals at The Russian Tea Room that was reopened out of 7 years of closure over Vladimir Horowitz's decease. No Samovar any longer but tea bags for Russian Tea. How can one respect such a way of beings? For my measure it's at least for me absolute zero possibility to be respected by myself. Music making or religious deeds either. Out of The Russian Federation, they are too easy-going as their lives are being protected in any ways, against which I am still fighting daily. I don't want to waste my money for low qualified music makings so that I skip this year's edition of Verbier Festival if not free. Three minutes of its "highlights" is enough for me for their ways of music making. Listening to Arthur Schnabel's K. 478 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quartett is better off for time consuming. Music making is something life-betting activity as in my case, 1st movement exposition of Opus 31 nr. 1 sonata by Beethoven proves. Only Schnabel (and likely Vladimir Horowitz and Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli only) is (are) clearing this question of treatment of auftakt lefthand importance somehow as in the case of rhythmic treatments in 1st movement introduction of Opus 31 nr. 2 in which Maurizio Pollini joins. I have been tired to giving discounted bravo to those so called musicians in the West. I am belonging to the past outside of the Russian Federation. I prefer to con-spire with the Russians than to breathe with outcomers - they are to me outsiders in the music world. What they are hard doing and trying to me, seemingly, something out of music context money making business. And, I am tired of that and am completely worn out to force-appreciate their "efforts". Their music making may be pretty but never be charming. That's not called music which is life-betting deeds like genuine making love should be as well such. I prefer to read Ted Kennedy's «True Compass» if imposed. It was at least praise from him to me. He consumed his time for me spontaniously like he did for and in his ties with Leonard Bernstein. 11:45 PM.
3:00 AM Go to bed.

воскресенье 7 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
0:00 PM Got up.
0:00 PM From «Kennedy's White House» Pablo Casals «El Cant dels Ocells», Leonard Bernstein «Somewhere», and Kurt Weill «September Song» issued (publi[c]-sh-ed) in and by [be-sided to] Rockefeller Center in 1938.
0:23 PM «Concert of The Century» recorded live on May 18, 1976 on the year of bicentennial of the USA to save The Carnegie Hall from demolition. That's Yankee style of economy; a.k.a. money laundering as Elon Musk is now committing betting his all the energy and life. Why Norman Lebrecht, why Alma Mahler Gropius Werfel.
7:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert
«Leonore» nr. 3, Opus 72b on 27 oder 28 Januar 1945 in Wien Musikverein Großersaal.
7:17 PM Artur Schnabel plays Mozart K. 478 Fortepiano Quartet with members of Pro Arte String Quartet (Arabesque, 1988). The world best ever in this particular masterpiece!!! Maurizio Pollini follows in his 1999 Salzburger Festspiele apperance in both K. 478 and K. 493.
0:00 AM фестьвал Бориса Березовския 4:50 AM.
4:50 AM МАЛЕР | «ПЕСНЬ О ЗЕМЛЕ» | БСО ИМЕНИ П.И.ЧАЙКОВСКОГО | ДИРИЖЁР – КОНСТАНТИН ЧУДОВСКИЙ (delayed playing of a YouTube clip). 5:54 AM.
6:30 AM Arthur Schnabel plays Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fortepiano Quartet K. 478 in G minor with memebers of Pro Arte String Quartet.(Arabesque [outsourcing by the EMI], 1988).
7:30 AM Go to bed.

понежельник 8 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
9:00 AM Got up. Only 2 hours of sleep.
10:00 AM Sun Plaza boxed tomatoes and lettuce.
11:00 AM Fujiidera City Manicipal Payment for water bill. Talk to Mr. Tamai.
9:00 AM Calling Mr. Tamai over periodical medical check as the right beyond 40 of age.
9:30 AM Go to bed again.
11:30 AM Got up. Listen to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart K. 478 by Arthur Schnabel and members of Pro Arte String Quartet. (Arabesque, 1988) And, Wilhelm Furtwängler «Leonore» ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72b. recorded on January 28 in the morning in 1945 in Wien Musikverein Großersaal. (SWF 901)
0:30 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery part 1. Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Beethoven 31-1 and 2 1st movement exposition. (recorded not published due to low quality).
1:00 PM - 4:40 PM Had a sleep.
4:47 PM Посмотрию Концерт Евы Геваоргяна в Москве в 18 аплиря 2024 года.
6:30 PM From «Kennedy's White House» Pablo Casals «El Cant dels Ocells», Leonard Bernstein «Somewhere», and Kurt Weill «September Song» issued (publi[c]-sh-ed) in and by [be-sided to] Rockefeller Center in 1938.
7:16 PM Amazon JP Saint George Ribbon T-Shirt delivery. A good guy who had spirit to accuse Amazon Ltd.
8:00 PM
Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery part 2. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 and 2 1st movement exposition. (recorded not published due to low quality in Beethoven 31-1).
8:30 PM Фрямой эфил в Тоиске День семьи, любви и верности
0:00 PM Moscow Conservatire Liebestraum nr. 3.
1:00 AM Go to bed.
втроник 9 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:00 AM Got up.
11:13 AM Leonard Bernstein once in a lifetime conduct Cleveland Orchestra in Mahrler 2nd symphonie «Ressurrection» on July 9. 1970.
1:05 PM Nazi mail man came home to deliver CDs. He told me lies that he posted water fee request (bill) sent by City of Fujiidera. That's Nazi way of telling lies. Took photographs of the content. (almost every each time my DSC HX5 was force shot down, and one with my hand was caused by strobe effect).

Strobe effect. Light is sharper than usual in these cases. Hope that will be militarily analysed.

10:00 PM around Конкурс Елены Образцовой (to in the middle). Baking loafs of bread.
0:20 AM Go to bed due to exhaustion.

среда 10 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:23 AM Got up. (do consider the possibility of March 23).
3:40 AM Blocked John Yeh and E Randol Schoenberg as promised (and as planned: note that my first plan was blocking them on the July 7th, but they remained to post closet posts I had to wait for this date of July 10th not 9th, which is Leonard Bernstein once in a lifetime concert with Cleveland Orchestra. Why Asahina. You can't block them on such a date. July 10th, 1986 is the day of release of the LP/CD of Horowitz at Studio by DGG Japan). This is a technical matter not hostility, any longer. Health, brothers!!!
3:45 AM Vladimir Horowitz (RCA Gold Seal, Japan) Brahms 3rd violin sonata with Nathan Milstein (there was an episode in the late 1920s Europe that young Vladimir Horowitz was practicing harder while Milstein was pursuing for girls on the beach: do refer to Glenn Plaskin) and Beethoven's «Moonlight» Sonata and Bach-Busoni «Nun Komm der Heiden Heiland», Scarlatti Sonata K. 380 (L. 20), Robert Schumann «Träumerei», Haydn Sonata in E flat (somewhat Schumann's Carnaval Sphinx like) Hob. XVI 52. [BVCC 8094, Japanese early edition issued in mid 1980s].
5:00 AM - 1:11 PM Have a sleep.
1:21 PM Vladimir Horowitz in Studio (on its release date in Japan) in 1986.
2:00 PM Call NTT for delayed phone bill.
3:30 PM After trying Beethoven Opus 31-1 1st movement exposition and confirmed my physical health thus, Listening to Gioconda de Vito and Edwin Fischer Brahms Sonata CD (Testament [Willi]).
4:40 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery part 2. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 and 2 1st movement exposition. (recorded not published due to low quality in Beethoven 31-1).
0:30 AM around Go to bed.

четверг 11 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
1:35 PM Got up.
1:50 PM Carlos Kleiber conducts «La Traviata» (DGG, 1977, Made in and Printed in West Germany; although discs were swapped with latter Germany made Nazi West Europe reasons conspired with Tokyo and Washington D. C.). Ilieana Cotrubas is singing beautifully, but over all Carlos Kleiber is failing to surpass Arturo Toscanini; or, he just wanted to tell the importance of Toscanini recording of this work recorded in the form of dress rehearsals on November 30th and December 7, 1946 in RCA Studio 8H at (or by = beside) the Rockefeller Center.
4:23 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Beethoven 31-2 and 1 exposition, Schoenberg 11-1 and Bach Prelude BWV 846. Palm muscles themselves becoming much more flexible than in yesterday. I hesitated to play the fortepiano yesterday, but it was correct choice even if its result was of no value. 5:40 PM including recording result checks. Today's progress is that I at least tried 2nd theme of exposition of Opus 31-1 sonata by Beethoven in perfect accordance to its 1st theme. Not joking but stylishly built up architecture like churches.
0:29 AM Japan Bank renewed its portrait on their banknote. Jun'ichi Ishizuka's corrupted ties from the era of Edo period. A way of to say farewell to the world as a nation by revealing every shame on the Japan Bank level. Such a nation can never survive by escaping national default. Denazification is necessary and I will save several or 8.1 percent and some plus of citizens who refused to receive bribes from their government for unconstitutional human hunting of their betrayers. That's their way of farewell world by the result of conducting Right to self-determination of a nation likewise Ukraine. Very simple structure. These days fake news on the side of The Russian Federation and its allies is protecting including Nazi criminals because Japan and the USA is denying even after they have been submitted by our allies tons of proofs. Natural that the killer of Yuri Yoshikawa never be found. That's Yamashita and Fujiwara and other 2 policemen of Secret Service Police of Osaka Prefecture (Fujiwara killed her by choking and Yamashita and two others [one of which took telephone from me] supervised Fujiwara), which even Fumihiro Yoshimura well comprehending, so that daily tons of lies to protect their subordinates by acting otherwise. We and our allies have exposed that enough long time ago and now the center of subject of international arguments is HAARP as earthquake, artificial climate change and human kiling weapons, which the USA is upsettingly continues denying with the help of NATO. 0:38 AM. 0:41 AM. End game, folks. You lost. I won.
1:00 AM Концери Малер синфорния № 9 из Зала Зарядье: 2:00 AM Go to bed due to fatigues.

пятница 12 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
4:45 AM Got up.
4:45 AM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (DGG, 1987, Made and Printed in West Germany) recorded in March, 1987 in the Abanella ballet studio, Milan, Italy, where Vladimir Horowitz's grave with his fater-in-law Arturo Toscanini and his daughter Sonia and his wife Wanda Toscanini Horowitz is located. Note that Vladimir Horowitz was planned to play for public on December 7, 1989, which date is co-inc[s]ide with the opening date of Pearl Habour in 1941 at the Opera Scala di Milano. [one repeat: Interval of silence for concerto is 6 seconds and to sonata 8 seconds and ending silence was 7 seconds].
6:35 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Antonín Dvořák symphonie nr. 9 «Aus der Neuen Welt» (Relief)

Proof: Certificate of Authenticity (C. O. A.). On the 61st birthday of Evgeny Mravinsky in 1964.

9:48 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Antonín Dvořák symphonie nr. 9 «Aus der Neuen Welt» (Relief) [repeat]
10:26 AM Artur Schnabel plays Mozart K. 478 Fortepiano Quartet with members of Pro Arte String Quartet (Arabesque, 1988). The world best ever in this particular masterpiece!!! Maurizio Pollini follows in his 1999 Salzburger Festspiele apperance in both K. 478 and K. 493. A typical disc that tells and proves high art of Artur Schnabel who was mentor of Vladimir Horowitz for short period of time (at least he gave our Volodya not corrupted Zelenskyy some suggestions).
11:30 AM Tuckling Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Beethoven 31-2 and Opus 31-1 exposition, Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin Nocturne Opus 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin Nocturne Opus 55-2 and Rachmaninoff Prelude Opus 32-12. Palm muscles themselves becoming much more flexible than in yesterday. I hesitated to play the fortepiano yesterday, but it was correct choice even if its result was of no value. 5:40 PM including recording result checks. Today's progress is that I at least tried 2nd theme of exposition of Opus 31-1 sonata by Beethoven in perfect accordance to its 1st theme. Not joking but stylishly built up architecture of churches. Practice continues at least until including check up the result. 0:30 PM.

The Pentagon's Daily harrassments over months. What is webp by the way? I am almost all the time force replace with jpg files (usually threatening the Pentagon conpatriot servicemen in my brain and that's all to webp into jpg, at times as is today, they stickily refuse. So I decided to put this proof as well in public).

1:00 PM Arturo Toscanini conducts GIuseppe Verdi's «La Traviata» in RCA Studio 8H in New York City on November 30th and December 7th, 1946 in the form of dress rehearsals. (Music & Arts ATRA-271; The Arturo Toscanini Recordings Association [2 CDs], Printed in Austria, CD was made in Austria as well by Koch [Schwann] in 1987). In this recording, Licia Albanese is beyond superb or any sorts of sophistication. The rest members as well. Very best ever recorded (even performed).
4:10 PM Elisabeth Schumann Schubert Lieder (EMI Pathe References CHS 7 63040 2, 1989, Made in and Printed in West Germany). CD 1.
5:30 PM Elisabeth Schumann Schubert Lieder (EMI Pathe References CHS 7 63040 2, 1989, Made in and Printed in West Germany). CD 2.

Strobe effect. Light is sharper than usual in these cases. Hope that will be militarily analysed. Flash delays and going twice.

6:30 PM Go to bed due to exhaustion.
3:28 AM Get up for the live streaming from Moscow (only for the last piece). Replayed starting at 4:09 AM
4:00 AM Take a look at Midori's Masterclass. Total disappointment. And, forbidden. Not because of her music making is stupid, but stupid untimely laughters from the audiences; the American tradition except like a genuine figure like Henry Fogel. That's exactly why the USA is being thus hated all around the world. And, they not yet mind at all about it in their luxury daily lives just like the case of Tokyo. They are thinking when needed ask Elon Musk for enact Starlink to attack Russia. China, everywhere all around the world. That's Sin which Russians never commit. And, this is why exactly I have demanded demolition of the Rockefeller Center, the symbol of the USA's corruptions (or, even Rockefeller Center without Atlas would be funny and for the USA supreme embarrassment), but sick minded citizens of the USA can't understand of their Sins. In such a nation, President won't be needed. President Emeritus Ansermetniac is enough to govern and to be governed for the Americans, and in such a nation, music making is absolutely zero percent possible. They can't be F sharp but Ass dur. Americans' music making tradition was ended with the death of Vladimir Horowitz and Leonard Bernstein. And, look, there was none such tradition of American music making. Almost all the conductors were imported goods by dollar and ethnic cleasing - Rockefeller way: Another proof: Di Donato, who even cannot take a correct pitch is superheroin in the USA and collective West. That's called corruption. This is music making, never Yankee ways. Americans way is an forever flop and paranoid until that States of evil will be collapsed. They all are spoiled children, just like Bill Clinton in Oval Office, so that they felt no Sins over their piled-up corruptions. In short, Americans are brainless. Note that their Secretary of Justice Emeritus is Monica Lewinsky in perfect cordination to President Emeritus Ansermetniac.
4:30 AM Go to bed.

суббота 13 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
7:23 AM Got up. Taking shower.
7:24 AM Last night live streaming from Moscow.
8:30AM Ginette Neveu HIstoric Boadcast Performances. Bethoven Violin Concerto in D major and Chausson and Ravel. Recorded in 1949. (Music & Arts CD 550; Made in and Printed in Japan, 1986)
9:50 AM box tomatoes (mini x5)x2, cucumber (Large) x2, and brown suger at Sun Plaza.
11:00 AM Celibidache conducts Prokofiev «Scythian» Suite, Opus 20 and Stravinsky «Firebird» Suite (recorded on Octrober 26, 1978!!!!) with «Sheherazade».
11:30 AM - 0:30 PM Sleep.
0:49 PM Baking bread (bread dough was prepared at 10:45 AM) and have late branch.
3:13 PM Listening Celibidache conducts «Sheherazade», I am declairing the proofs on what is truly happening in the today's world. Read below:
Julian Assange Project Part 1 was failed on the side of UK and D. C. because, their true target was not Assange from the first but me. 1. Currently they the collective West hard trying to brainwash me that Assange was phoney unexisting figure that deceived me as a CIA agent like Justin Raimondo at Put Buchanan Institute of Antisemitism. 2. They are trying hard that my day will never come. This is false. 3. They are trying hard to implant in me hatred against Assange family who can by now have sexual intercourse at his home in Australia while my only such experience was making James Sheldon Monica Lewinsky in his very same bedroom on 17 F, The Alfred, West 161, 61st Street on May 10, 2010, exactly 20 years after his first assualt, on the sight of the direct next South to The Metropolitan Opera, which sight by now shut cutted by Fordham University of Law. This is here we exactly are on all on board. 3:20 PM.

What is this, by the way. Tokyo has not this kind of skills. The Pentagon's daily deeds, which ends in intentional crash against Fotor.

4:26 PM Remembering Carlos Kleiber. Beethoven «Corioan» ouverture (BPO, June 28th, 1994!!!!), Opus 52 symphonie nr. 6 (BRSO, November 7th, 1983!!!! ORF-Orfeo), Opus 68 and symphonie nr. 5, Opus 67 (October 12th, 1978!!!; CSO; if Casanova disc was available it would have been the best).
7:00 PM Temporarily unblocking John Yeh and E. Randol Schoenberg in perfect order to check their illiteracy and moral corruptions. It was, I think, perfectly just as I imagined of for more than a decade. In particular in the case of John Bruce Yeh. Yeh could have saved me from the evil second sexual assault attempt on May 10, 2010 by James Sheldon, but he and his daughter Molly intentionally ignored my signals of help (this is called aiding rape so that I had to make Sheldon Monica Lewinsky to get the seat of Ansermetniac, a CIA troll with his words precisely telling how and who ruled the USA - David Rockefeller). Then, WFMT twice in a row Brahms Quintet, to which John Yeh got frightened. The game had to be over at that moment. The residue was so untasty. E. Randol Schoenberg's case had been much worse symbolized by Hilary Hahn's stupid immitation of Maliryn Monroe to seduce me or beta fish in Paris. Of course, she failed in her secret mission, and now her life has been revealed by NSA-CIA in the results of her own humanitarian failure. A sick person. 7:56 PM. They will be blocked in 48 hours. Frankly speaking, Arnold Schoenberg and his kind were complete disappointment throughout my life (including Boulez Festival ones. I tried to appreciate them, but my way was better way to pursue than playing Arnold Schoenberg meaninglessly. Those music could have been belonging to someone has no weapons not as I had James Sheldon corruption case due effect on May 10th, 1990. I am playing his music from kindness and tenderness not appreciating them at all as Vladimir Horowitz never did or Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli only played them all together in his circle concerts. I hereby declair with confidence that Arnold Schoenberg atonal and 12 tone music and his kind (Alban Berg's two operas are typically representing this) is harmful to human body and human emotions unless by the hands of Russians and his allies). I would like to emphasize this point «Schoenberg is dead. And, for this time twice and forever» [Q.E.D.]
1:00 AM London Symphony Orchestra live streaming. They are politicians not musicians. Do remember that true musicians are good at politics as in the case of Wilhelm Furtwängler or Vladimir Horowitz; and its lesser version, Leonard Bernstein. Matters worse, they can never be educated. [Q.E.D.]
8:30 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Beethoven Opus 31-1 exposition. 10 minutes.

воскресенье 14 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
6:45 AM Got up.
6:50 AM Revolution Day Memorial: Ludwig van Beethoven «Heroic» symphonie nr. 3 conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler recorded December 7, 1952 (Made in Japan by Denon in the same design to Music & Arts CDs in the 1980s made in Japan by Denon CDs, Columbia Bruno Walter Society (Bruno Walter should have been much greater musician and conductor), 1984; This is a special occasion on Pearl Habour attack memorial date; there is a recording on the next day 8th of December, 1952, which is musically vacuum compared to this particular one) and Große fugue, Opus 133 (recorded in Salzburger Festspiele on August 30th, 1954); and March 19 and 20, 1944 in Vienna (Dr. Schnapp recording of precision with perfect trasferring of his [Dr. Friedrich Schnapp's] art, 1998). I can only imagine that Ludwig van Beethoven tears down his symphonie nr. 3 with kidnapped Holy Bible by the hands of Nazist Jesus called Emmanuel Macron (just imagine. in the MLB there were some players whose given name was Jesus but for French President? No joke!!!! One huge step for caging Elon Musk, Shinji Miyadai, et al for lifetime sentence into prison cell.
9:00 AM Go to bed due to severe fatigue. 3:20 PM Got up.
3:23 PM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2 and 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947 throughout till 6:00 PM. Fantastic reading and restoration. Heart trembling experience to hear this particular performance (recording as heard on SWF 981 | 982).
6:45 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Beethoven 49 set of Germany +49 «Sonatines» (two sets of small composures of East and West Germany in the Morgan-Rockefeller language), 31-2 and Opus 31-1 exposition, Schoenberg 11-1. Palm muscles themselves becoming much more flexible; including checking-up the result. 7:30 PM.
0:30 AM around fell asleep due to extreme exhaustion while listening to Gioconda de Vito's Brahms CD with Edwin Fischer.

понежельник 15 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
2:50 PM Got up.
3:00 PM Mariinsky Theatre Concert of the White Steamer children’s music festival Songs by composer Alexandra Pakhmutova (relayed watching for the concert last night by Valery Gergiev and Alexei Rudin) 7:06 PM.
7:10 PM Mahler 8th symphonie last evening in Zaryadye Hall.
No CD playing because of over night overheat of the amplifer and CD player itself being on the switch (currently off from electricity lines).
9:30 PM Прямой эфил в Томске! (не Орган Live! but still Орган концерта).
0:30 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Ludwig van Beethoven symphonie nr. 6 «Pastoral» (20 | 21, March, 1944), Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940) and Leonore nr. 3 ouverture, Opus 72b (im Morgen, January 28, 1945, Wien) (SWF 901)
2:20 AM Концерт Хиблы Герзмавы в Санкт-Петербурге! Дерижёр Валерий Гергиев. 4:40 AM.

втроник 16 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
8:17 AM Got up.
8:25 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Smetana and Richard Strauss (EMI Pathé Références: CDH 5 65197 2, 1994). 9:38 AM.
10:00 AM - 2:10 PM fall asleep due to exhaustion.
2:22 PM Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler Staatsoper, Berlin (Act 2 and 3) recorded live on October 3, 1947 (1998 issue, SWF 981 | 982).

Checked out mail box, there was nothing in it. Then, I wondered Tokyo is hating Bruno Walter to be heard tomorrow, why not delivering it today. And, checked the delivery status. The proof is as shown above. I was all correct. Also, Elon Musk is frightened. Proof was shown in his speech to his people, but more evidence is he and Tesla have deleted the YouTube clip of yesterday's conference, possibly to have made it into private. Nonesuch trick works for them. It's too late, Elon.

5:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin Nocturne 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin Nocturne 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-2 and Opus 31-1 exposition. Palm muscles themselves becoming much more flexible; including checking-up the result. 5:45 PM.
10:00 PM Nathan Milstein and Vladimir Horowitz plays Brahms 3rd violin sonata, and other solo works by Vladimir Horowitz in my meaningful programming order not the CD original order (RCA Japan).
0:00 PM Go to bed.

среда 17 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:40 AM Got up.
11:41 AM George Friedrich Haendel «Water Music» Pierre Boulez conducting recorded in 1964 in Hague (Nonesuch | Denon). July 17, 1717 thing. (7171717).
11:41 AM Have received over-night an email from Moscow Conservatoire Library. Mission half accomplished.
0:30 PM around visited Sun Plaza for tomatoes (2 boxes) and cucumbers. Mandai for eggs and cabbage. All for next 10 days. The casher at Mandai had been a kind person who had been acting very good to me years back (so that at the moment there was not that this scale of bribe economy, I conclude; Some received, while others not by even being asked for the bribe; however, before that, I was involved in a stalking case with paid group of construction workers [鳶職] on Shin-Yamatobashi Bridge. So people by people not every single Japanese).
1:23 PM Bruno Walter Farewell Concert in Wien : Schubert Unfinished symphonie nr. 8 and Gustav Mahler 4th symphonie and drei Lieder sung by Elizabeth Schwarzkopf on May 29th [here Kennedy, once again; as «Making of A President» 1960; first Pulitzer Prize Winning], 1960 (Music & Arts (The Bruno Walter Society 1986.4; April of 1986); Made in and Printed in Japan by Denon [Tokyo Nazis sent me latter version of Music & Arts CDs clearly dated on April, 1986 on the discs Made in Japan by Denon, Printed in the USA. Of course, they hated to reveal the truth behind the Caricature of Gustav Mahler by Enrico Caruso shown in the original 1984 Bruno Walter Society as ATRA CDs were]).

Original 1986 April issue of The Bruno Walter Society as connoiseur edition of the CD jacket with caricature of Gustav Mahler by Enrico Caruso.
Original 1986 April issue of The Bruno Walter Society as connoiseur edition of the CD jacket with caricature of Gustav Mahler by Enrico Caruso.
This is what Tokyo Nazis has sent me. (July 16, 2024). Their defeat is thus decided with that of the USA and the collective West. Clearly stated on the CDs themselves that this was made and published in April, 1986. Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in the USA, Music & Arts CD (CD 705) not The Bruno Walter Society earlier connoisseur edition issued if in the same April of 1986.
Wasted another JPY 3,500 due to Tokyo's even for them meaningless and self-harming Nazism.
Wasted another JPY 3,500 due to Tokyo's even for them meaningless and self-harming Nazism.
Wasted another JPY 3,500 due to Tokyo's even for them meaningless and self-harming Nazism.
Wasted another JPY 3,500 due to Tokyo's even for them meaningless and self-harming Nazism.

1:23 PM Bruno Walter Farewell concert in Vienna on May 29th, 1960 (Music & Arts; clearly engraved as isssue of April, 1986). Performance itself is a marvelous and astoundingly touching one without slightest doubt. Transfer as well marvelous. Looking forward to The Bruno Walter Society edition.
3:30 PM Practicing fortepiano for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin Nocturne 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin Nocturne 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-2 and Opus 31-1 exposition. Palm muscles themselves are still stiffy, but so, the practice warming up is important; including checking-up the result. 5:45 PM.

Without Strobe effect. Robert Taylor's autographed portrait, which arrived on this date. Good omen.
With Strobe effect. Robert Taylor's autographed portrait, which arrived on this date. Good omen.
Without Strobe effect handsomely signed Robert Taylor's portrait arrived in the afternoon on this date (removing the plastic holder). Good omen.
backside inscription.

5:50 PM Bruno Walter Farewell concert in Vienna on May 29th, 1960 (Music & Arts; clearly engraved as isssue of April, 1986). [repeat: reading liner note].
1:00 AM Go to bed.

четверг 18 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
10:30 AM Got up. Taking Shower.
11:10 AM Слушаю прямой эфил концерта вечера.
1:53 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Cherbini «Anacréon», Weber «Der Freischutz», «Euryanthe», «Oberon» ouvertures, Mendelssohn «The Hebrides» ourverture, «Fingal's Cave», Berlioz «La Damnation de Faust», Nicolai «Die lustigen Welber von Windsor (The Merry wives of Windsor: Carlos Kleiber's blueprint for his 1992 Neujahrkonzert von Die Wiener Philharmoniker)», Johann Strauss II and Josef Strauss «Piccicato Polka», Johann Strauss II «Kaizerwaltzer». EMI Pathé Références 7243 5 66770 2 [CD 3] Incidentally this issue and the issue of the next are issues of brotherhood in Art of Wilhelm Furtwängler among connoisseurs: Carlos Kleiber followed in this 1992 Neujahrkonzert von Die Wiener Philharmoniker opening with Otto Nicolai's «The Merry Widows of Windsor» (Wiliam Shakespeare [just in case of illiteracy, I add this information]) and «Moldau» for Rafael Kubelik, artistically one of two very best closest conductors to Wilhelm Furtwängler with Sergiu Celibidache (plus Evgeny Mravinsky) including his conducting techniques (Rafael Kubelik was the closest in the conducting technique itself).
3:13 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Bedřich Smetana «Moldau», Richard Strauss «Don Juan», Opus 20; «Till Eulenspiegels Lustige Streiche», Opus 28; «Tod Und Verklarung», Opus 24. [Pathé Références (1994, EMI CDH 5 65197 2; fantastic restoration without art technology)].
9:00 PM Прямой эфил в Томске!
1:00 AM Концерт прямоя эфила в Москве. Синфорния Малера № 7. 2:36 AM.
2:36 AM Go to bed.

пятница 19 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:30 AM Got up.
From «Kennedy's White House» Pablo Casals «El Cant dels Ocells», Leonard Bernstein «Somewhere», and Kurt Weill «September Song» issued (publi[c]-sh-ed) in and by [be-sided to] Rockefeller Center in 1938. July 19th, 1940. To whom it may concern (consult with Ursula von der Leyen for her Das Vierte Reich over Adolf Hitler's proposal to the United Kingdom for the Pact of Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and United Kingdom).
1:29 PM Krzysztof Penderecki «Polish Requiem» Chandos conducted by the composer himself.
3:30 PM Arturo Toscanini conducts Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
«Die Zauberflöte» K. 620 with George Solti as Glockenspieler in Salzburger Festspiele on July 27, 1937. Fascinating interpretation, but Wilma Lipp who has shared her birthday with me (it's been super rare in entire history of music; except Wiliam Shakespeare by Huxley, Aldous) is a better singer to Julie Osváth.

Nazist lawyer in the USA. You can only witness here how deeply corrupted from its root is the USA!!!

Fallen asleep around 8:00 PM due to extreme exhaustion.
Go to bed 1:00 AM.

суббота 20 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Got up at 1:00 PM.
Study on «Rienzi» ouverture case with «Die Zauberflöte» on recording contract with Wilhelm Furtwängler and with Thomas Beecham Unlimited over their secretary Berta Gaissmer and Pact of Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and United Kingdom proposal case by Adolf Hitler's Das Dritte Reich Germany to United Kingdom on July 19th, 1986 over Caroline Kennedy's marriage on this date in 1986 in-cide-ntal-ly exactly three months after April 19th, 1986 the day after the open rehearsal and the day before Vladimir Horowitz Moscow recital on April 20th, 1986 (both Adolf Hitler and Moscow Conservatoire's birthday) commemorated by candlesticks made wholly handcrafted in Romania over 24 percent lead glass for Standard Oil Headquarters. E-mailed on this subject to Henry Fogel.
4:30 PM «Надежда» в Мариинском Театре!!!
5:10 PM Gioconda de Vito and Edwin Fischer play Brahms Violin Sonati (Testament).

воскресенье 21 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
8:00 AM Got up.
9:30 AM Посмотрю «Concert of the White Steamer children’s music festival» в Санкт-Петербруге again. (first half).
10:25 AM - 5:00 PM Have a sleep due to extreme exhaustion.
5:30 PM - 6:32 PM Посмотрю «Concert of the White Steamer children’s music festival» в Санкт-Петербруге again. (latter half).
7:50 PM Those nations that supported stalking by the Japanese (regardless their nature are evil or not (and likewise with Perth, Australia) Germany, Austria, because they tried to interrupted my course of my jorney in Europe and put me back to Japan, which I didn't notice that was that every little until quite recently; they pretended kindness, like on March 5, 2007 case a woman with a girl from Perth, Arustralia, "Please take care of yoursef when going back to Japan" I did understand what she ment only vaguely), Austria, Czech (likewise by using USA citizens possibly conducted by CIA agents and their own people including kindergarten children at the Schloss at Southern edge mountain Youth Hostel of Vienna, where the reception girl got ease by being witnessed by my Austrian postage stamps with Jesus Christ, which I purchased in 1999 in Vienna or Salzburg; I was rather be worried that I was suspected an Arab extremist by the USA) and IAEA is the proof of Austria's independence is being kidnapping by the USA instead of a NATO-OTAN membership nation (proof: Austria is an EU nation and Vienna is the city in which the first Richard Wagner's «Der Ring von Niebelungen» was recorded under the conductor George Solti for Decca, London company; likewise Turkey - one of those winning nations but in the hostage state by NATO-OTAN if not EU), Switzerland - Geneva was the headquarter of League of Nations initiated by Woodrow Wilson but without USA's participation due to his party Democrats devided into "Nay" against Wilson (proof of state of hostage by Rockefellers and their ambition for next World War with which the USA aimed at conquest of this entire world; the world after 911 with Switzerland joined in the United Nations on September 10, 2002 is its posthumous of our entire world so that current state of the entire world is miracle, indeed), France (likewise but by their own citizens and not physically violent fashion [except an elder woman at Salle Playel who tried to stole my chair prepared by the hall for my broken leg and aged prostitute who was standing at my only-available-hotel in Paris in the fall of 2011] but conditionally), Switzerland (interruptions but not that violent fashion but conditionally and by their own citizens; the difference was there were some [if only some] kind souls), United KIngdom (worse than Switzerland but pretended independence for that reason only they could scceeed in deception of 2018 - 2019 course), except Robert Fisk's homosexual couple being prepared at the North-Eastern edge of Walterloo Bridge when I tried to be killed by bus on the Walterloo Bridge for my dignity. The way they have interrupted: journey to Poland for the sake of «Polish Requiem» to Auschwitz (it was in Berlin, and certain Ihara prevented me even her unknowing state of her mind my way to reach Poland; what this Ihara committed was she invited me to Christmas Oratorio at a church in Berlin in which she played flute, and then, told me, "Quickly escape from this such a place" to me who was giving to money for donation to the church - which I actually did) and my longest wish from my childhood the Russian Federation.

Starting September 11, 2001 to January 10, 2003, I understand that Mie and Yuji Yamaki tried hard to make me stalk against Utako Kurihara. That's my comprehention from the first. All has been pointed out. According to Yoko Itasaka, Kurihara's early collegue, who Itasaka herself falsely testified that she didn't know Kurihara, wished me to be re-friended with Kurihara is the only possilbe answer. But, my insistence was from the first, I would kill myself if you insisted that I loved Kurihara. So parallels shown in Daniel Barenboim's book. This is a proven case over phone call to her office, me: "You have no right to teach" Kurihara "That's nothing to do with you who decide that. Ano-koro-ha PayPay-dattashi-saa. Damasareta-noda" This conversation was to be revealed and televised as a scandal of LDP's Diet woman Mayuko Toyota. I remember this very well in the dupty bishop at Zen-Kyo-Ji temple, Higashi-HIroshima (where Daiso's Headquarter is located), his wife certain Aya Hirohata was trying hard to withdrawing from my mouths that this Mie Yamaki as her own mother was trying hard to know whether or not I was a crazed man; and, such a deception on her husband's laptop computer with the favourite link to "Rape! Rape! Rape!" to trap and threaten me. From every aspect, this can only called crimes against humanity. Whom I love as an adult was always Hélène Grimaud until her betrayals (partiallly revealed in her early Schumann concerto disc over its "teaser" with which having seperated from jealous J. Henry Fair, Grimaud found her new lover to this date was thus certainly observed) completely turned out in May 10, 2010 in 7 Buck Run, South Salem, NY, USA. Anyway, hense, this structure and judicial process is all unconstitutional and against International laws including UN Charter. Under such awful conditions of crises on my own life being threatened, there was from the first nonesuch motivation could have been sneaked in, that I kidnapped Yuri Yoshikawa on May 20, 2003. A total nonesense at all!!! Those who are still sticking to such an idea (from the first how? Kumatori was the city where I didn't know until 2019 when I was deported to its psychiatric ward by United Kingdom's deception; not only that, what I seen in dream on that date of the kidnapping of Yuri Yoshikawa was that I killed an elementary school girl by stone on her head because she insulted by her group of in total of three girls, "You are a virgin" LoL.. over my asking for the on foot route to experimental nuclear plant of Kyoto University (I was in my fury against Suong Jung Ko and Ken Itoh was planning to visit this site, but not making a plan to visit the proof is no internet searching results to reach this experimental nuclear plant in Kumatori - I still don't know where it is located). I killed in my dream the girl in anger with a stone hit at her head in front of two other witnesses of classmates and hided her corpus at a nearest wasteland surrounded by houses [note that there is none such place in Kumatori] and the girl I killed in dream looked like certain TV idol Sae Isshiki (passed away long time ago over heart attack), with her resembling figure I had quarrels on the internet. And, I, in fear, went back to the place I hided the corpus next afternoon, then the corpus was disappeared. And, I got frightened away). That's the story. And, in my dream I reached Kumatori from Shin-kanaoka Mido-suji line City of Osaka subway station and took a bus from there to reach Kumatori (none such route was and is being running in Kumatori) was what I saw in my dream on that night or the day before - I doubt USA's military's MK Ultra Sonar assault, to this date), even if one would ignore May 2, 2001 case in Masuda, Shimane Prefecture's driving school, should be sent to psychiatric ward for mental illness diagnoses. Let alone still receiving bribes from the Japanese government (more precisely from his/her own government; in international scale on our enermy's side, USA, Japan. and NATO, EU nations with some possible exceptions; counting from Turkey, Ireland, Serbia, Slovakia, and Hungary; the rest is on individual levels, which means person by person). I strongly doubt whether this Ms. Mie and Yuji Yamaki, even by now, were truly wishing to pass away as humans.
Footnote: I don't know how did I know the news of kidnapping of Yuri Yoshikawa. I didn't have habit to watch TV for news but exclusively for music (and even without music those days in deep depresssion till 2004 fall when Grimaud stepped in for NHK S.O. with Ashkenazi versus Sephardic), so that it should have been by newspaper. But, by the point of April 26, 2001, when Jun'ichiro Koizumi was elected as PM, I was switching to International Herald Tribune, with which newspaper didn't write such a local news. So, I imagine it was a newspaper my father bought for him himself.
The last of Elon Musk (self-promised).
Assault against UN Charter by the USA two days in a row.
Assault against UN Charter by the USA two days in a row.
Swapped over invasion programme of the CSO April 1998 programme booklet. I was not searching at this one, but an Izumi Hall interview with Hideomi Matsumura being forged that certain Matsumura was moved to the extreme over Vladimir Horowitz recital in June, 1983 and didn't leave the hall until the security let him know to leave the hall, which is total lie. Hideomi Matsumura was a fucking asshole. As far as I know it, Matsumura didn't hear either Horowitz or Michelangeli. He insulted Michelangeli as a cocaine addict from rumors spread around the Japanese music circle that surrounded him (Hélène Grimaud quoted this episode in her «Variation Sauvage»). The photo of the proof has been illegally deleted because it was and still is inconvinient to the Japanese goverment in Tokyo (and Washington D. C.). What Matsumura told to Izaumi Hall magazine was his Beethoven 4th, Opus 58 concerto in its première performance in Vienna not at all on Vladimir Horowitz. A sick person, who was even criticized a piano tuner Toshihisa Yamanaka, "There is a certain figure that is only coming to regard himself as though super hero just because he got an unexpected prize in the Tchaikovsky competition in 1990" is the truth. Yamanaka was a tuner to Matsumura as well. I don't blame a blind person, but he can't play better than I did in almost every piece I learned with him, especially over Chopin Etudes, Opus 10 (except nr. 8, which I have never learned until this date).

11:00 PM Опера Сен-Санса «Самсон и Далила» в Санкт-Петербурге.
1:00 AM Концерт Синфорни Малера № 6 в Зарядье.

понежельник 22 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Till 7:23 AM Посмотрю «Concert of the White Steamer children’s music festival» в Санкт-Петербруге again. «Надежда - мой компас земной» over and over again.
8:15 AM Beniamino Gigli on Pathé Références (EMI CDH 7 61051 2, 1988; Made in and Printed in unknown nation in Europe, quite rare for this series for such indication).
9:00 AM Sun Plaza for cucumbers (x3) x3, tomatoes (x2), eggplant (Large x2); eggs (x10) x1 at Mandai.
9:49 AM «Надежда - мой компас земной»
10:00 AM Go to bed. 6:28 PM Got up.
6:28 PM Beniamino Gigli on Pathé Références (EMI CDH 7 61051 2, 1988; Made in and Printed in unknown nation in Europe, quite rare for this series for such indication). for the rest starting track 11 to 18.
7:04 PM Jussi Björling volume 1 on Pathé Références (EMI 0777 7 61053 2 1, issue of 1988; «Limited edition» to celebrate HMV 94th anniversary Made in UK and Printed in UK; and fabulous transfer, which is super rare with Pathé Références pressed in the UK, this is a special treat to Jussi Björling, a Swede singer, especially his volume 2 of this edition is Made in and Printed in Netherlands).
8:30 PM Practicing Fortepiano. Beethoven Sonati Opus 31-2 and 1 1st movement exposition. Schoenberg 11-1.
9:00 PM Jussi Björling volume 2 on Pathé Références (EMI 0777 7 64707 2 6, issue of 1995, Made in and Printed in Netherlands.
1:00 AM В Москве Жаз фестиваль Юрия Вашмета.
1:30 AM В Фестивале Вербиера концерт Николая Луганския и Вашилия Петренке.
втроник 23 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:50 AM Tried to sleep but failed in over excitement. So, I listened to Vladimir Horowitz Scarlatti Album and full of «New Findings».
6:00 AM 18 (Tsedek) Domenico Scarlatti played by Vladimir Horowitz (The Complete Masterworks Recordings 1962 - 1973 Volume II; Sony Classical, 1993 Made in Austria and Printed in Netherlands total playing time is 72:01 SK 53460; recorded on April 23 [Prokofiev] for track numbers 1 to 12 May 4 and 18 [Mahler], June 4 [Evgeny Mravinsky], September 24 and 28, 1964; May 4 and 18 and June 4, 1964 for track numbers 13 to 18). All recorded at CBS 30 Street Studio, New York. «The Celebrated Scarlatti Recordings». 7:08 AM.

Плавда. Рождения Евгения Мравинския. Доворжак Синфорния № 9, соч 95. Relief (Proof of Relief issue of «Aus Der Neuen Welt» Symphonie nr. 9 by Antonín Dvořák is correctly that by Wilfhelm Furtwängler and Die Berliner Philharmoniker recorded on November 30, 1941).
Плавда. Рождения Евгения Мравинския. Доворжак Синфорния № 9, соч 95. Relief (Proof of Relief issue of «Aus Der Neuen Welt» Symphonie nr. 9 by Antonín Dvořák is correctly that by Wilfhelm Furtwängler and Die Berliner Philharmoniker recorded on November 30, 1941).
Vladimir Horowitz looking for Scarlatt's 555 sonati scores at his house. Consult his episode with Ralph Kirkpatrick (Consult with Yale University Press and Glenn Plaskin biography).

8:00 AM - 0:00 PM Had a soso qualified sleep altough short.
0:00 PM Ivo Pogorelich (15 [סוסים או חמור] sonati 60'00" total time recorded in September, 1991 in Hannover, Beethovensaal, issue of 1992, DGG, Made in and Printed in Germany).
2:00 PM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli (BDM; Decca, London; 1965 recordings).
2:36 PM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli (BDM; Decca, London; 1965) Beethoven
«Rentgenium Sonata, Opus 111» and Galuppi Sonata in C.
3:30 PM Practicing Fortepiano
for muscle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin Nocturne 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin Nocturne 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-2 and Opus 31-1 exposition. Palm muscles themselves are still stiffy after three days of break, but so, the practice warming up is important; including checking-up the result. Well, I was considering myself that there is nothing on my side to tell people all around the world through music, because I showed them my version of Beethoven Opus 31-1 and 2 expositions, articulations and dynamics to rhythmic treatments. It's half true, but I should continue this work even if the day when I can once again handle these pieces would be far-away, far away. 4:30 PM.
5:00 PM Смотрю конкорс молодых оперных певцов Елены Образцовой.
Extremely importatnt information from Joan Peyser's biography on Leonard Bernstein, which I was aware of at the point of its Japanese edition publication in July, 1990 and I feel extremely curious since the Opera
«A Quiet Place» was seemingly his hommage to my life whom to be killed by unknown reasons over barbarian rite. From that period, I was regarding this remark by Stephan Wadsworth is a shoutout the truth with its appendix is spoken by Lenny himself in Hiroshima in 1985; or, at least I have been his doppelgenger from the childhood. «Bernstein» Beech Tree Books, William Morrow, New York, 1987. (Bantam Books, under Random House, UK, 1987) pp. 465. "In «A Quiet Place», Bernstein tried to vomit his soul to get rid of the poisons that are causing the pain.
Stephan Wadsworth says that after A Quiet Place, Bernstein and he began another opera. 'Lenney said it was to be about the tragic nature of history.' Wadsworth explains, 'as it relates to this century, like war as a fact of life, and how dangerous it is that man needs to express himself and socialize himself in this way.
'I worked very hard,' Wadsworth goes on. 'I did a sprawling first draft and actually wrote the first two scenes. But after a few sessions together I withdrew. I walked out. I said to myself. 'We've done this opera before[, which means «A Quiet Place»]".

Go to bed Early by 10:00 PM after taking shower and washing body and hair two days in a row at 5:30 PM and change clothes. Sleeping pills didn't be effective. So, I didn't have a sleep perhaps until tomorrow afternoon around 3:30 PM o'clock.

среда 24 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Get up at 1:30 AM Watching Verbier Festival «Triple Concerto» and «Heroic» symphonie nr. 3 by Ludwig van Beethoven by Simon Rattle, Lahav Shani, Klaus Mäkelä, and Leonidas Kavakos. (not that at all expecting fabulous music making, but to observe the very best part of the West, and if it's better than I expected, it's a fortune).
Simon, you did it!!! Wonderful, fascinating Beethoven
«Heroic» Opus 55!!! Brovo, to team work!!! (I made a comment on Felicity's YouTube clip. So, hear from her!!! You got back to 1996 in Boston in the open rehearsal where you got extra rehearsal time from the musicians agreement!!! That was when you played Deryck Cooke version of Mahler 10th in F Sharp Major with Vn concerto by LvB with Ida Heandel; it was in-deed wonderful!!! You won once again musicians spontaneous credibility - that is music!!! Frankly speaking you should take the seat at Boston [by sweeping neglecting and being hated Ozawa] not Berlin). I didn't mention on how Ozawa stole 2002 New Year Concert in Vienna, because I didn't want to [but, meantime the truth-out by blocking], and it was Aaron Z. Snyder's lies on your open rehearsal to his (I mean Ozawa's). And, this is why exactly, Bravo!!! as you likely have noticed not my usual Bravissimo!!!!!!! onto your last evening concert. (Snyder-Ozawa's part was added to the original around 0:00 AM next morning).
Taking shower at 6:00 AM and Leaving home to Shichiyama Hospital 6:40 AM. Arriving Kumatori at 8:00 AM (postponed due to fall asleep around 6:00 AM around on bed). Backing home at 1:00 PM. Plaza Pharmacy Ohta and Fujiidera City Manucipal to meet Mr. Tamai at 1:30 PM.
Got up 11:24 AM. Call Shichiyama hospital for urgent appointment for tomorrow and next Wednesday at 9:00 o'clock. Calling Plaza Pharmacy O'hta for apoloty. Call City of Fujiidera Manicipal for Mr. Tamai. 1:30 PM Head to City of Fujiidera Manicipal for Mr. Tamai.
3:30 PM
Artur Schnabel Beethoven Concerto nr. 4, Opus 58 with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Frederic Stock as conductor (RCA).
I think Ryoko Hashizume an Arabic translator who married to a Canadian university professor in Montreal was a cancer to our society in the entire planet. Her husband tried to make me stalk anybody. This is a well-known story. And, I refused to fly Canada on my sister's invitation by declining it. And, Hashizume's husband's love letter to Ryoko is origin of e-moji, which I have hidden from public knowledge until this date. 2:44 AM.
четверг 25 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Taking shower at 8:00 AM and Leaving home to Shichiyama Hospital 7:40 AM. Arriving Kumatori at 11:30 AM. Backing home at 2:39 PM. Plaza Pharmacy Ohta and Fujiidera City Manucipal to meet Mr. Tamai. 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM.
9:00 PM Смотрите запись концерта от 1 апреля 2023 года в Томске - вся программа Рахманинова.
10:30 PM Blocked every Schoenberg I know on Facebook level, because they have never met my standard as human beings. Their existence including Nonos are simply insulting to my life just as Yoshihiko Nonomura and his kind have been such. There are better Japanese even under this such Nazism than they are so called intellects. I gave them enough time to think. And, this is the final scores they have earned in my school. I don't count them as humans as I never do on Mie and Yuji Yamakies, "Omawari-san" by Mie Yamaki's past records (and I was stalked by such Nazi "Omawari-san" on this date as well) prove this all with Yoshihiko Nonomura's corruptions.

пятница 26 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:00 AM Go to bed. Get up at 7:42 AM. Take shower. Leaving Home at 8:30 AM to Ueta I'in Hospital for blood and urinal inspections for diabetes in the result of psychiatric medications at 9:00 AM.
10:00 AM Mandai letturce x3, tomatoesx4, Sun Plaza Cucumber (x2, x3) x3, small tomatoes (x5) x2. 7-eleven danish.
11:00 AM Go to sleep. 4:00 PM Got up. 7-eleven danish.
7:19 PM I would like to write this on this date for at least partial mutual understandings between good Japanese people :
Douglas MacArthur and Emperor Hirohito. MacArthur got empathy to Emperor Hirohito over personal meetings with him and for this exact reason Douglas MacArthur was disappointed from commander in chief U.S. Army Forces Pacific (AFPAC) by Harry Truman.

And, here is a list of Japanese musicians to whom I have felt apologetic sympathy: Takahiro Sonoda (who died of aortic rupture; which I have been doubting the Satanic deed by the Pentagon, whose pianism I have never appreciated but as a person worth a praise), Izumi Tateno (who has suffered from stroke, which I am regarding from natural cause but in his struggles with my past writings and he is such a gentleman so that he never had held grudge to me unlike Michiyoshi Inoue and Hiroaki O'oi). The rest is all younger generations without apology but heartfelt empathy like the case of Ayana Tsuji. I have some, but I don't mention to each one of them. And, I surely liked Fujiko Hemming's playing for her specific character of tone from the keyboard which was super rare. May her soul in rest in peace. 10:27 PM.

суббота 27 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Korean War ceasefire date. USA once intentionally was defeated to the peninsula'a Southern edge and fought back to the 38 degree line for Standard Oil's sake. These Wilhelm Furtwängler's Mozart Opera recordings is not coincidence but co-incidence or coin-c[s]ide-nce.
1:15 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «Die Zauberflöte» K. 620 in Salzburger Festspiele on July 27, 1949 (Tahra).
4:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «Don Giovanni» К. 527 in Salzburger Festspiele on July 27, 1953 (1984, Bruno Walter Society verion).
8:00 PM - 40:00 PM Sleep due to extreme fatigue.
40:00 PM (12:00 мск) Something to do with Korea. Something to do with this date in 1948 in Edinburgh Festival conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler. 9 September, 1948 Edinburgh Festival (Orchestra stabile dell'Accademia nazionale di Santa Cecilia) Elliott Carter's Partita, etc .by Daniel Barenboim then
42:26 PM Programme: Georgio Ghedini: Partita (astoundingly overwelming, marvelous and magnificent masterpiece); Richard Strauss: «Tod Und Verklarung», Opus 24. [SWF 921] - inter-mission - Beethoven: Symphony No. 5, Opus 67 (Pathé Référence CDH 69803 2 recorded on 28 of February and 1st of March in 1954 in Musikverein Großersaal [His Master's Voice recording on whose dates were recalled for Leonard Bernstein's final recordings in Vienna with Bruckner 9th symphonie, the symphonie Wilhelm Furtwängler recorded on October 7th, 1944 in protest against Heinrich Himmler of Kriminalpolizei. NSA-CIA-FBI targetted LB understood how Furtwängler had suffered throughout his liftime and he shared it within himself in 1990]) [re-construction of an extremely important concert].

воскресенье 28 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
6:22 PM Got up.
10:00 PM Go to bed.

понежельник 29 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:50 AM Got up
6:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Ludwig van Beethoven symphonir nr. 9 in Bayreuth Festspiele in 1951 (BIS transfer). Princess Diana and Prince Charles marriage memorial. "Bed time endearment, etc" under NATO-OTAN military eavesdropping structure.
7:00 PM Went to bed.

втроник 30 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:00 AM Got up. 11:30 AM Hojo Post Office to withdraw JPY 4,000 for transportation fee to Shichiyama and veges till August 5th.
Weight 69.9 kg (lowest ever since December, 2023).
0:00 PM Watching Verbier Festival of last night and before. Pletnev and Pappano were fantastic. I don't trust that Pletnev was arrested in Thailand over child molestation in 2012. It was his deed to protect me from the evil deed by the USA and its Capitol Hill as it is this right now.
3:00 PM around Parcel of CD has arrived from France. Bruno Walter Society 1936 and 1938 Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra recordings 1992 transfer. (1992, Music & Arts CD 749). Das Lied von der Erde (Auschwitz Memorial; recorded live on May 24th, 1936), Two Rückert Lieder (recorded in London on 20 June, 1938), Symphonie nr. 5 in C Sharp (1942) except Adagetto (recorded in Vienna on January 15, 1938), Bruno Walter on Mahler 1936 recording. Made in and Printed in USA by Music & Arts in 1992.
8:30 PM Listened to Die Wiener Philharmoniker im Salzburger Festspiele 2024 Blomstedt (Brahms and Mendelssohn).
3:30 AM «Надежда»
3:20 AM «Artbine concert» Bach solo and duo violin pieces.
4:00 AM Baking loafs of bread.

среда 31 июль 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Taking shower at 6:00 AM and Leaving home to Shichiyama Hospital 6:40 AM. Arriving Kumatori at 8:00 AM. Extremely fruitful conversation with Dr. Tsuzuki. Backing home at 0:00 PM. 1:30 PM Fujiidera City Manucipal to meet Mr. Tamai. 3:00 PM.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Writing emails to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Our Russian Federation.
5:24 PM Calling City of Fujiidera Manicipal for Mr. Tamai over Russian Federation's issue via Ministry of Foreign Affairs over Meta DM.

6:00 PM Verbier Festival Michael Barenboim, Mikhail Pletnev. 3:00 AM around.
Taking Olanzapin x 1 only and Go to bed.

четверг 1 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
0:30 PM Got up. Found that Clear Electricity Stream Transmitter was broken overnight during being turned off from electric circuit not unplugued but being physically switched off. Seemingly some great part of USA's military weapons (except MK Ultra Sonor) have been leaked to the Russian Federation and People's Republic of China. This is seemingly what is called as electromagnetic wave weapon. (added on 3 август 2024 года 0:19 PM).
Remembering Sviatoslav Richter (Prague label ones). Beethoven Opp. 90 (recorded on June 2, 1965) and 101 (recorded on May 18, 1986); Franz Liszt Polanaise Nr. 2 (June 10, 1956); Robert Schumann Symphonic Etudes (recorded on December 12th, 1956) and Fantasy (recorded on November 2nd, 1959).
6:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano for muscle recovery (palm muscles are still very stiffy, and I didn't want to practice. But, if I didn't autum is coming close and stiffy muscles become more stiffy so I didn't pass the practice today). Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Beethoven 31-1 and 2 1st movement exposition (deleted by tomorrow afternoon). 7:00 PM.
9:00 PM Прямой эфил в Томске!
10:30 PM Verbier Festival Evgeny Kissin recital.
1:00 PM Прямой эфил в Зале Зарядье: Малер Синфония № 2.
1:30 PM Verbier Festival Klaus Mäkelä conducts Mahler 5th and J. S. Bach with Bruno Monsaingeon Interview. (Watch only the part of Monsaingeon interview because there is no guarantee that the interview will be included for the replay and this is extremely important one as the host Christian Thompson told that Monsaingeon wept during the interview (Glenn Gould and six documentaries [he has always sticked to number six and as being geopolitician as Jun'ichi Miyazawa is, in which I exactly mean that Bruno Monsaingeon knew that Glenn Gould's knowledge extended to Wilhelm Furtwängler as common sense among the Western intelligentsas, on the other hand, Jun'ichi Miyazawa? He clearly denied the possibility of Gould's sticking chatting over-the-phone-calls-subject with cellist Leonard Rose was Furtwängler but Herbert von Karajan, but Miyazawa was a geopolitician as well] and for Yehudi [יהודי] Menuhin) and replay for the rest tomorrow).

пятница 2 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Wrote up My observation on Special Military Operation in Ukraine, which was my paradoxical question over months (beyond half a year). Slept early on the first floor wooden floor with carpet until next morning around 10:30 AM due to exhaustion caused by sick reactions by Japanese politicians, especially Keizo Takemi and Hirofumi Yoshimura (at least except Muneo Suzuki). They the mainstream Japanese politicians tend to think torture works and they can win at its result (In this case, especially Hirofumi Yoshimura imagined in his delusion that he can withdraw more concessions from me because I told there is no war going on in Ukraine. But, I clearly did I state that Ukraine is Japan and Kiev is Osaka). That's called craze. The Russians won't change themselves once decided. That's Russian style of life. Look at WWII against Adolf Hitler likewise thing is on going. Written at 0:15 PM the next day.

суббота 3 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:30 AM Bruno Walter Farewell Concert in Vienna (The Bruno Walter Society Published via Music & Arts for connoiseurs with Enrico Caruso caricature of Gustav Mahler CD 705-1 and 2).


1:30 AM - 4:19 AM Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra conducted by Gábor Takács-Nagy with Alexandra Dovgan. Brilliant concert!!!!!!!

After (this post was made by Nazi Secret Police of Tokyo and therefore he couldn't block me. Well, it was too late for them and Washington D. C. with Elon Musk).
Toru Inoue basic type so that this guy couldn't block me.
Elon Musk's way of force Timline manipulating.
Two important updates.
Two important updates.
Collapse with the USA.
And, in the USA where over 50 percent of people still trying hard to trust Trump was about to be assassinated.

7:57 AM Resurrection of Clear Electricity Transmitter. I am pin-pointly correct in everything. Human body is as well an electric circuit as this electric circuit is; that is manipulated by far away if you admit this truth or refuse to recognize it. The entire structure of human body remains clearly as being an electric circuit. This is enough well-proven truth whether you trust or refuse to admit it; and, Chernobyl was as well an electric circuit that exploded at 1:23:58 AM in Moscow time on April 26, 1986 over Horowitz return to Soviet Union.
Why my university scores were all D except Jun Eto, which was A? Simply because it was a greatest shame for me to be judged by such stupid professors of short-sighted and of neglects in their high self-esteem without foundation of knowledge. I was fooling them off while showing my capability in the night over c-shell interactive computer programming where "Senpai" occupying computers would be got available after assholes returned home, which those assholes were keeping their computers till early evening being locked against their rules. In German class, my usual short term test scores were 9 or 10 and term test was D. I was feeling their teaching speed was too too too too slow as though teaching to 2 years old.
8:04 AM Thanks text [tweets] to Hilary Hahn via my by now investigative friendship team over her involvement in unawareness for swapping over invasions with forgery English-Japanese dictionary (entry: Turkey as being flop). Hilary didn't notice this forging and was being deceived by Washington D. C. in Capitol Hill's conspiracy with Tokyo. Floppy disc cannot be over written once turning locked. Superior hardware to current medium.

воскресенье 4 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
4:38 PM Got up.
5:00 PM Bruno Walter Society 1936 and 1938 Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra recordings 1992 transfer. (1992, Music & Arts CD 749). Das Lied von der Erde (Auschwitz Memorial; recorded live on May 24th, 1936), Two Rückert Lieder (recorded in London on 20 June, 1938), Symphonie nr. 5 in C Sharp except Adagetto (recorded in Vienna on January 15, 1938), Bruno Walter on Mahler 1936 recording. In memory of Anne Frank and her family.
5:38 PM Why don't I recognize Japanese Orthodox Church but only as Nazist party; their bishops have sold me JPY 1,500 a forged Holy Bible and having been insisting by taking their Russian believers as hostages that here is a place to honour Христос as supreme figure as ano-o-kata, that supremest person, not to show Russian nationalist propaganda. Well, frankly speaking, they were Judas in front of me as being likewise such a supremest figure after 2,000 years and refused to recognize me to imagine how was Jesus Christ as a real person. Japanese Orthodox Church priests must be all arrested over their Nazist crimes. 5:43 PM. I gave them enough time to think and they refused it but only tempted me even insisting that baptism is their previledge and unless I obey to them they refuse to baptise me. No one wants to be baptised at a Nazi Church. But, they didn't understand my clear standing point. 6:02 AM.
9:30 PM Verbier Festival Junior Orchestra live «Falstaff».
1:00 AM Пряиой эфил в
Зале Зарядье Малер синфония № 1.
1:15 AM Verbier Festival Orchestra live.
4:00 AM Пряиой эфил в
Зале Зарядье Малер синфония № 1.

Nazis at Amazon upgraded by demanding from JPY 2,000 plus for free delivery updated to JPY 3,500 plus for free delivery pretending their contribution to ecology; and, thus "you" must participate in this "new rule". In reality, it's nothing to do with ecology that is their excuse, but in reality they are just demanding me more money spending at Amazon Japan. This is Japanese Nazis way.
Carefully observe this with the above altogether proves how they are manipulating their Nazism without slightest hesitations. That's the horror part of this Home-made Nazism of Tokyo assisted by Washington D. C. (but, this part is mainly decided by Tokyo alone, which means Amazon Japan Inc.).

Tough two weeks plus is now over. I had to be enhanced myself with every possible weapons which I still have - knowledge. And, this is also so true that I don't believe that I can continue this life as being beyond half a year to one year for final resolution, so I betted everything I can on yesterday to today. You can't imagine life being stalked by Nazi kriminalpolizei on daily basis. Not only that, every person in Japan is receiveing bribes over this home-made Nazism. I am trying my best to communicate with others upon unavoidable encounters with them at supermakets, etc., but by knowing that they also receive bribes and the prices of foods are determined over Nazis National Conventions led by Tokyo (I mean every price is decided by polling over smartphone by 100 percent of the Japanese) is, if that person is not evil, something to bring me tremendous fears, because they are more or less committed to Nazism voluntarily - except some figures who can apologize to me over it - this very truth. 5:04 AM. In such a case, I tell them, "You don't have to apologise to me [because that's enough]". 6:31 AM.
And, another horrific part of this Home-made Nazism is I have no athletic power to have sexual intercourse if I get married with Eva Gevorgyan for at least half a year. What Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. is mis-understanding or more likely intentionally igonoring is that if I tried atheletic training, Japanese Nazists topped by its Nazi kriminalpolizei military chief director Hirofumi Yoshimura and his faithful citizens in Osaka will immediately laugh me out loud by insisting, "That guy is desiring sexual intercourse!!!" and now we can longthen this show by this man's self-fault, and resolution will be postponed accordingly. That's the very reason I don't commit physical trainings to protect myself in Nazist Japan. 7:44 AM.
8:58 AM Hojo Post office, 7-eleven (gas fee payment), Sun Plaza (cucumbers x2 only because Nazi National Convention decisions). Nazi kriminalpolizei was at their full-speed. I was at the first sight slightly got frightened, but it was on their side who were frightened over their Nazi bomboo spear tokko-deeds. For the 2nd time, I could only laugh. But, Nazi volunteer citizens were quite scary, except one guy who was got feared over my gesture to pass me through. He stopped driving. Worst type of Nazis was numbered 666. This is so quite sure because I witnessed and observed the driver's face, who has no pains for his Nazi deed. Another was numbered 1984, but I imagine this is his voluntary Nazi contract years ago. 9:28 AM Arriving home. Thus, Nazis are overdemanding and sweetening to themselves as having been being proven in Mao Fujita case (I like him, but I don't permit his first deed with Nazi Suntory). Mutual understanding was observed at Hojo Post Office as it is usual over past episodes to the present. We have built mutual understanding to this date. Ms. Mukai told me that I had a clear memory. It helped me to understand that my viewpoint over forgeries was correct. Today I tried City of Fujiidera Manicipal Fukushi-Somu-ka case. me: "I even made a new Constitution of Japan in which we give emperor the right to refuse appointing a cabinet by betting his stepping down from his position over national voting". the female worker whose name I forgot but possible certain Kiyomi: "only 80 percent of voting rate?" Then, I immediately understood that what was going on was daily voting to decide next trick and trap at nearly 100 percent except those Alzheimer disease, etc. 9:35 AM.
Looking forward to Hirofumi Yoshimura, who is under surrendered conditions. Yoshimura and Kishida's thought was simple. Force withdraw and overturn any slightest portions of my writings (of course, including computer graphic assassination attempt against asshole Donald J. Trump from likewise Republican Party; and, Democrats are very likewise: note that this morning Nazi crimes committed by Nazist Japan were under direct assists by Democrat's President Joseph Biden) and decisions for without that deeds they will be imporisoned too straight away. 9:38 AM.
General citizens who are receiving bribes but not holding hostility against me were frightened that they will be regarded as Nazi sympathisers, which I don't. These people may be too selfish over bribes but regretting their past and frightened over electric circuit mechanism, which means that Verbier Festival musicians are so brave that instead of getting frightened but fighting against Injustice if their last would be coming even next moment; and, it's the very best attitude against Nazi nuts. This is the biggest difference between Nazi Japan and other nations. It's quite natural that incoming visitors from abroad is sharply decreasing except residents on whatever purposes. I mean some are spies on both sides. The Japanese Orthodox Church was occupied by a USA spy (not agent but spy), who held hostility against me was controlling computer live broadcast by order committed by chief priest Georgy Yu'ichi Matsushima. It's one of some extra reasons I decided never to go back. Only Антонина was tough enough who skillfully was coming close to chief priest and witnessed his Nazi insults against me and against Our ever mightier Russian Federation; and then, did right things for me and for her religious views. Other Russians reside in Nazi Japan couldn't follow Антонина. There is a proverb in Japan, "Go-ni-ireba, go-ni-shitagae" which can be appropriately translated in English, "When you enter a Village, obey Village rules regardless its rationality"; and they were following that path. It's a very shame of them, but it's totally true. 9:55 AM. Well, I would tell you I have been being completely prepaired condition to speak about questions over Saint George Ribbon toward which the USA citizens feel offended. At Osaka Orthodox Church. An American girl pretending a Ukrainian, "I am an Ukrainian. You know the meaning of this ribbon?" me: "Of course". The American girl pretending a Ukrainian, "Shame on you!!!" I replies immediately, "Okay" (without slightest hesitation and shame, which mean I threw back her, "Shame on you" under tremendous pressures in a Nazi church where Russian citizens were all taken in hostages under Nazi top priest Georgy Yu'ichi Matsushima and on my side, intentionally, hiding my knowledge on Saint George Ribbon). On this part of information they the Nazis kriminalpolizei and the Pentagon always issuing criminal lies" unless I wrote them down here and there. That's the USA. And, their last was computer graphics assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump. I was Christian Thompson. Game decided. Never forget, never forgive. (of course I am praising Verbier Festival but the Brits saved by the Russian Federation. And, I know the wish of Buckingham Palace via Christian Thompson if not in newspeak by a coward chicken denazificated Norman Lebrecht). Christian, let's treat with Moscow Mule and Appricot something (I know you quoted
«Das Lied von der Erde» over Viktor Frankl) physically in Verbier next year!!!!!!! (Just note, I will not drink alcohol after that and never again. That's all I learned from Yuji and Mie Yamaki and Vladimir Horowitz and text on Boris Yiltzin. No alcohol, no smoking (except time to time Vodka alla penne by Audrey Hepburn). Coffee and chai is enough with time to time fresh Dover Sole muniere, and a life everyday is erev Yom Kippur). Today is my first genuine commitment with Verbier Festival in 2017. Already 7 years!!!!!!!

Nazist's Lemon Garden.
Nazist's Lemon Garden starts withering.

One more thing to add. Nazi Japanese on trains who is sleeping. Let them try whether or not she or he is actually sleeping. For that deed, you must pretend sleeping also. Then, what I found by this date is they never being sleeping but pretending in precise order to make me be labelled as chikan, which I never commit except in Berlin from Am Zoo to Galeria on October 4, 2007 to a Russian girl with salmon pink jumper over school trip and directed by Angela Merkel's order (no bus from Am Zoo arrives to Geleria but Alexander Platz). This intellectual and gentle soul was different from her other classmates - where she exclaimed, what she got impressed - She exclaimed at European Union Parliament building not for other memorial buildings or objects to which her classmates exclaimed with shouting. I learned a lot from her - cynical thing is that she is by now reaching slight shy to her 30s and should have experienced sexual pleasure unlike I haven't. But, life is life, at times we pass through the most difficult course. One more thing to add; I don't want to say this, but if you are unconstitutionally being placed in an extremely difficult conditions to survive and you don't know the exact reason for the condition, you have to make someone place to the very same condition to withdraw the reasons why nobody won't help you (a female worker at the Embassy of Japan in Berlin at Hiroshima Straße 6 exclaimed if she had protected me then she would have been the next target while dupty ambassader certain Hasegawa only wept to my story telling). And, that's all. Ambassador of Japan didn't be even responsible. It repeated on May 13th, 2019 in Narita as well. Note that if I committed chikan (sexual harrassment) in trains (I have been often victimised by female chijo; female sexual deeds to good-looking men for their sexual joys, the way of their delight in man'in densha such females are rubbing their crotch to my teigh and gets sexual pleasure is one such typical and rubbing their leg to my leg when seating is another way of getting for them such delight). I know that Chijo is existing in the USA as well. I found that in Chicago in February 2015. The case on May 11, 2010 flight from Newark to O'hare cannot be counted; me: "You know I had to sleep with James Sheldon in order to make him Monica Lewinsky, don't you?" the girl sitting next to me didn't either understand while she certainly was getting precise information over night in 17 F, 161 West 61st Street, New York, NY 10011, USA or even tried to understand my precise message. That was the beginning of «The Tragedy of America» Nazi kriminalpolizei will never arrest me, because their economy is founded on their Nazism against me. 10:13 AM.
понежельник 5 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
вторник 6 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
From «Kennedy's White House» Pablo Casals «El Cant dels Ocells», Leonard Bernstein «Somewhere», and Kurt Weill «September Song» issued (publi[c]-sh-ed) in and by [be-sided to] Rockefeller Center in 1938.
4:40 PM Got up.

Watching Documentary on Hiroshima. The USA's plan of its target was never Kure (Japanese Military Base) instead of Hiroshima (at the exact above on Japan Bank branch) also never Kokura as well Japanese Military base but Nagasaki (a Catholic city). What I have hated about Japanese is that their politicians like Takashi Takai only got frightened at my revealing truth-out. And, rushed into bribe economy with LDP to domesticate the Japanese citizens instead of aplogizing to me and compensate it until this date.
Electromagnetic wave weapon attack against clear electricity transmitter today.
1-2-3 by the unapologetic the Pentagon, USA under Joseph Biden.
In case, the Japanese Nazists refuse to apologize to me until next year's Verbier Festival, I will fly to Verbier and leave Nazist Japan eternally since I have promise with Christian Thompson and team and friendship with the Orchestra members including those who had to cancel to play music in the very last minutes, which means, this year's Verbier Festival was prepaired in this S.O.S. manner. Everyone was prepared to be playing on the stage and many had cancelled at the last minute against Injustice, especially the last evening. 8:13 PM.

среда 7 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:30 AM Got up.

Removed Nazi Placards of Reiwa-shinsen and Communist Party Japan.

4:00 PM Cooking Pepelontino.

четверг 8 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:30 PM Visited Ueta clinic for the result of blood testing. They tried to brainwash me in their "way" [do remember the same "way" by Nazi priest Georgy Yu'ichi Matsushima at Osaka Orthodox Church] of National Nazism by insisting Covid-19 pandemic again in their Nazist Japan in reality.

Nazist placards competely removed.

пятница 9 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
From «Kennedy's White House» Pablo Casals «El Cant dels Ocells», Leonard Bernstein «Somewhere», and Kurt Weill «September Song» issued (publi[c]-sh-ed) in and by [be-sided to] Rockefeller Center in 1938. [cancelled due to total lack of repentance on the side of Nazist Japan].

It is read, "even with swapped dictionaries one can win against Nazism by his own knowledge and clear memory".
dated October 9th (or 7th), 2007.

In my clear understanding, Ukraine conflict was of liberation of both entire Donetsk and Lugansk regions. It did finish quite a very short term, like three days to one month by humanitarian corridor. The rest is negotiation process on the West including sttuborn USA to resolve NATO and move current UN to somewhere else (I personally consider Geneva, Switzerland (even Swiss piled up inhumane crimes against me in the autumn course in Luzern in 2011) is among its candidate beside Moscow). 11:11 AM. For its proof: Check out Sputnik (I think it was English edition) a few days back reporting that Russian Army attacked Nazist Ukraine military and went back immediately to their national boarder. 0:12 PM.
And, here comes Schoenberg again, Arnold Schoenberg's last word, "Harmony"? No kidding, asshole, E Randol Schoenberg. 0:51 PM. I have hired better lawyer to you, which is Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. together with Caroline and her husband by revealing their choice of their wedding date, who can only feel ashamed his uncle's assassination genuine suspect having been being revealed by me.
Why didn't I even once be being deceived by empty murmurs by Mie and Yuji Yamaki? Why didn't I rush to bookstores to check their writings? One may only be fooled by such a deed just like in the case of Inbar Rothschild. Never forget, never forgive. That's very basic knowledge in the fight with Nazism (led by Tokyo and Washington D. C.).
Nazi Pentagon's teeth torture has been its full bloom for a few minutes by (the first of the sorts since 3rd of February, 2019 in London, United Kingdom; which I didn't predict until these writings above concerning Ukraine; Osaka is Kiev and Tokyo is Kharikov), most likely, providing forged texts likewise the course in 2017 to entire 2018 until February 3rd, 2019 over my revealing their lies on my analysis of English version of braille, which others including Kamal of Bangladesh could not read at all. They were treated as Professors of New Clear Bomb lab. of United Kingdom over Nazi Pentagon. 5:28 PM (torture itself starting at 5:21 PM around). 5:29 PM. Can we destroy such a weapon of evils was the centre of my investigative deeds for these three years and a half. 5:31 PM. Torture itself being continued throughout to 5:48 PM but most likely force-stop on forged texting to pretend by claiming it vulnerability of my own in an extreme conditions. But, when Kremlin observes it as it is, can they continue this torture attacks? In Tokyo, Kishida is self-concentrate himself in forged earthquakes, which has collected least mercy of myself despite the efforts at Ueta clinic to make me turn merciful to themselves last evening over their forged Covid-19 pandemic. Teeth torture reduced in its half. And, this is the difference we have built up in these three years and a half. (5:53 PM). If in the case the Russian Federation failed to let me in to their common ground of Moscow under their maximum efforts, it is simply because they can't repeat Chernobyl upon their diplomatic choice. In that case, we did it at its maximum with secret ties with Gergiev and Engström, but Engström was too enigmatic [code name enigma] figure to us Russians. 5:59 PM. Torture has been almost finished, seemingly proves what I am writing above is all correct. If the USA's choice of kidnapping the world is "Devide and Rule", our rule is "Test and verify" even under such a Nazi regime like Kishida's in Tokyo. 6:01 PM. Well, when you face your last in reality, you will understand what I have stated here is all correct. Why this date and why this cause and everything, the time of death and the very last thoughts in your own lives. 6:11 PM.

суббота 10 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
0:00 PM Get up.
2:00 PM Lecturing Humanity on the Nazist Japanese, who don't care at all even for their own people; or, how I got deeply involved in a case in the fight against Moron-go [号] in the course of autumn 2014 under Pentagon's deception by Chuck Hagel (R, NV)'s direction. That's Obama's fault.

Похищение Бараком Обамой синагоги неподалеку к северу от Чикагского университета (в феврале 2015 года).
Obama's kidnapping of a synagogue on which gate an engraved Hebrew phrase, which can be read, «Pay Respect».
Похищение Бараком Обамой синагоги неподалеку к северу от Чикагского университета (в феврале 2015 года). На иврите это читается как "Вырази свое уважение".
Obama's kidnapping of a synagogue on which gate an engraved Hebrew phrase, which can be read, «Pay Respect».

3:30 PM around Read United Kingdom edition of Anne Frank diary, seemingly this is an all old forgeries (result: That was Netherlands' intentional mis-guidence and trapping against me. What Anne Frank House had to do is make an aplogy to me over my truth-out pointing at the purposeful wrong entry of theirs on her diary on August 3, 1943: воскресенье 11 августа 2024 года) with Franz Liszt entry. Anne loved music over BBC Sunday Music but she had no specific interest in composers is the truth. Massive teeth and heart torture which started immediately I got up (and Olanzapin couldn't help for the first time after coming home in 2019) has significantly reduced in this process - this kind has been my way of verifying after 2017 - 2018 course of deception by the Pentagon. Seemingly, we have invented how to block the Pentagon's attacks and insults. If the torture on that level continued, there is no guarantee for us to reaching next summer. But. together can we somehow overcome this prepared destiny and ill-fate.
4:00 PM Taking bath.

воскресенье 11 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:00 AM Got up.
1:00 PM Did mending on Anne Frank's diary and other Holocaust related books and deeds, over forgeries. E Randol Schoenberg insisted he removed every Holocaust related forgery. Then, what's the funny for him with Klaus Barbie? What's the funny for him with Chiune Sugihara? What's the funny for him Wilhelm Backhaus being radical Nazis (over Katarina Noever gate [Noever in pale handed me facscimile caricatures of Michelangeli (by overturning her promise to give me this original not in facsimile by default) and Backhaus in Vienna], who was certainly an Antisemite as she never recommended me to visit Klimt Museum, hence. Noever told me that I was 2nd Japanese she got acknowledged in her life. I assume her first was Issei Miyake whose designed dresses were her favourite. Noever refused to count Seiji Ozawa as a Japanese which she knew to which attitude of Noever I agree zweimal 100 percent). E Randol Schoenberg actually did fix some of the entries like Diary of Anne Frank to information on Nazi Extermination Camps.
6:00 PM Sandy for lemon juice x2 for Vitamin C. 6:38 PM.
7:00 PM Mandai breads. 7:28 PM.

понежельник 12 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Kyu [9] Sakamoto's «Sukiyaki», (Ei Roku [6] suke, Nakamura Hachi [8] dai) (explicitly implying August 6, 8, 9 of the year 1945 [6+8+9=23]). Atom Bombs were not Roosevelt fault (who had struggled on its use and lost his life) but of Truman. [cancelled due to total lack of repentance on the side of Nazist Japan].
Horowitz at Studio (1985, DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany). [cancelled due to total lack of repentance on the side of Nazist Japan].
0:30 PM Got up.
1:00 PM Laundry (bed sheets).
1:00 PM Muneo Suzuki's interview at FCCJ. I just don't understand why he had to be imprisoned over Special Task Force in the Tokyo Prosector's office. He was trapped as one of many scape-goats during the early stage of the course.
1:00 PM Received an email from John Yeh and was forced to spend next 4 to 5 hours because of this to Re-consider about Backhaus being Nazi sympathiser case, CSO 1998 April 28 concert, and all the possible forgery cases on publication level with ISBN. I still doubt Hideomi Matsumura being the last audience to leave in a Horowitz 1983 concert in Tokyo (too insulting if that episode was true). Hideomi Matsumura never praised Horowitz during lessons with me repertoires including «Consolation» № 3 by Franz Liszt to Prokofiev (the news clip explains how Prokofiev despired in the USA and went back to the USSR and became regime collaborator: for the writer Prokofiev was oppotunitst, to which I disagree. He was a fighter betting his entire life; and, its proof is symphonie 6th, Opus 111) and Ernst Heafliger news clips (Hebrew and Arabic are close in their origin on linguistic level), which I had never noticed until going deep into this century. Sent email back to John Yeh and my investigative team on these issues. [The last huge question: Was James Sheldon a TV director? With two sons, not elder daughter and younger son? Some more tricks and traps making on the side of Sheldon. If he had been TV director and dis-covered James Dean, Paul Newman to Dustin Hofmann to Clint Eastwood, then he is intentionally hiding some other big names regardless sexuality]. John Yeh's easy going way always troubles me. 6:30 PM. And, David Attenborough's lottery fortunes which Norman Lebrecht and Jessica Duchen abused. Why BBC had cut coyote project on San Diego highway on DVD level? Even a highway endangers natural spieces for over breeding and hutching. This specific episode was even included in (cut into 45 minutes from its 50 minutes)
NHK foreign documentary series back to its first TV broadcast back in 1982?
6:30 PM Mandai breads and eggs (x10) x2.
9:49 PM Evil Attoney Association of Japan ordered my mother to steal my belongings - Jennifer Jones and Wiliam Holden beautifully autographed LP «Love is A Many Splendored Thing» (1955, 20th Century Fox), JPY 70 Noh-musk and JPY 75 Oo-Murasaki butterfly postage stamps to protect Megumu Tsuji who is Aaron Z. Snyder level of selfish super-asshole oxymoron bipolar schizoid, RTR Amberstone earings (possibly made of Ermitage Amberstons) from ground zero of Japan (which is backyard of my house), New York CIty Theatre invitation card issued by Thomas Kelly located at N 103, RTR Laser engraved Kremlin, Dear Chelsea - Chelsea and Socks, 23's day (letter corresponding day) of Japan commemorative gift stamps (foreign unused stamps), Yehudi Menuhin 1987 The Symphony Hall two tickets into one and two (repeatedly), tons of garbages of Hélène Grimaud interview on May 29th, 1994 for The New York Times. (note that Keio SFC had strict limit on copying to take 200 copies at maximum per a year, then why could I waste my money for such stupid deeds). And, my mother's abacus which my grandfather bought for her was stolen over invasions by Secret Police. Anyhow, Attoney Association of Japan is a complete nut. 10:06 PM.
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM Concert of the White Steamer children’s music festival at Mariinsky Theatre.
11:00 PM Go to bed.
68.4 kg

втроник 13 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
1:00 PM Got up. Struggling challenges on forgeries of our human history. 10:00 PM Go to bed.

среда 14 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Leaving home to Shichiyama Hospital 6:40 AM. Arriving Kumatori at 8:00 AM (postponed due to fall asleep around 6:00 AM around on bed). Backing home at 1:30 PM. Plaza Pharmacy Ohta 3:00 PM and Fujiidera City Manucipal to meet Mr. Tamai at 4:30 PM. Tomatoes at Mandai. 4:45 PM. 5:15 PM.
Shichiyama and Doctor Tsuzuki must admit their intentional mis-guidence on me over Gaza genocide with a male worker waiting for the same bus wearing Watermelon T-shirt insisting "No Gaza genocide or likewise protests in the world; however, only peaceful world like his remains; Watermelon? No kidding!!! Les't enjoy summer festivals" on July 17, 2024 (mass-deceptions conducted by Tokyo and Shichiyama's conspiracy; and, of cource, I have written the possibility of this case beforehand and wrote it away); then, this same guy on July 31, 2024 observed in his horror in his voluntary involvement in this case of the world politics. [7:28 мск 11 август 2024 года].
3:04 AM Ave Maria Artbene.
MK Ultra is a technology which every superpower country can possess. Sonor weapons are as well. However, this level of MK Ultra Sonor is different with overwritten technology against electric circuit. The why is unknown. I don't either know or understand the reasons. 3:07 AM.

четверг 15 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Those fairly good minded Japanese even who demands the USA should officially apologize the use of Atom bambs must understand that if slight in numbers there would an increase of loss of lives of the USA's military servicemen fighting in Okinawa and anywhere else. It's Tokyo's fault first then Truman's fault. Those people who are wishing the USA to apologize to them victims or the entire Japanese must first apologize by themselves to the world because they didn't admit surrender to the USA and to Soviet Union. (воскресенье 4 август 2024 года:).
[Sanae Takaichi on her own expense visited Yasukuni Shrine the other day to give her selfish prayer on me; while Hirofumi Yoshimura and Kishida's Tokyo is tied up daily Nazi National Convention] Proof:
here and here, and here and here and here. (пятница 9 август 2024 года)

пятница 16 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
4:15 PM Sandy Chinese Garlic (net x1), lemon juice x1.
4:30 PM LvB Opus 31-1 1st movement exposition (I noticed that Igor Levit did my things much before if not precisely the same but in the same root of analysis).
Watched «Ирония судьбы, или легким паром» for the first time in life on YouTube.

суббота 17 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.

воскресенье 18 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
4:15 PM LvB Opus 31-1 exposition (fragments).
3:30 AM «Хибла Герзмава приглашает…» в Абхазие.
Heifetz, Primrose, and Feuermann playing Brahms (Biddulph on YouTube).
baking loafs of bread.

понежельник 19 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:00 AM Bid for Heifetz, Primrose and Emanuel Feuermann plays Brahms (Biddulph) by cutting the budget for foods. JPY 5,000 taking for electricity and VISA bill will be possibly remained as residue for this month, but it will be for deposite in order to make it by July, 2025, JPY 360,000 just in the worst case, it's necessary (in precise order to put pressures on Tokyo & Osaka government). Don't buy unnecessary things. Only Must will be purchased even in foods. Home baked bread and tomatoes and cucumbers and lemon juice to put into water to take Vitamin C and eggs and coffee plus spaghetti and bulbs of garlic are enough.
11:40 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler conducts Brahms double concerto (which matches Heifetz and Feuermann recording on December 21, 1939 on Winter Solstice of that year). Heifetz and Feuermann interpretation is more gentle, but Furtwängler did overall match the Feuermann disc.

Change of Fingerings for Opus 31-1 1st movement exposition. Claudio Arrau Peters Urtext.

1:00 PM LvB Opus 31-1 and Opus 31-2 exposition in bar to bar practice (repetition is somewhat least acceptable while 1st take is garbage). Found that Arrau had the same analysis on this argument. Proof from 1965. Artur Schnabel also. And, Igor Levit. And in the case of Opus 31-2. Claudio Arrau 1965 and 1987. And, Schnabel, Pollini. And Igor Levit above. 3rd take of today.
4:00 PM Emanuel Feuermann recordings on YouTube.
5:25 PM Leonard Bernstein: The Final Concert (DGG, Made in the USA, 1991)
7:56 PM Riccardo Muti conducts Anton Bruckner 8th symphonie with Wiener Philharmoniker in Salzburger Festspiele. I can assure you that this is the very best performance ever recorded of this repertoire in entire human history.

вторник 20 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
6:30 AM Got up.
7:50 AM Emanuel Feuermann, William Primrose, and Jascha Heifetz play Mozart Divertiment for 3 Strings K.563 (I overturned the previous decision not to purchase newly released Feuermann discs only for this particular marvelous recording of Mozart. The JPY 4,700 will be made affodable from cutting budget for foods over months coming ahead) 8:26 AM.
0:30 PM Sandy spaghetti x5, Sun Plaza cucumbers (x2) x1, Mandai eggs (x1), cucumber x4.
8:00 PM Beethoven Opp. 31-1 and 31-2 exposition.
3:30 AM Go to bed.

среда 21 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
10:15 AM Got upt.
11:00 AM Mandai eggs x2, cucumbers and tomatoes (if applicable).
11:30 AM - 1:19 PM Sleeping dur to exhaustion.
7:00 PM Beethoven Opp. 31-1 and 31-2 exposition fragments. Yesterday was better. For the second attempt only am I leaving this recording session.
0:00 AM Go to bed.

четверг 22 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
9:58 AM Got up.
10:30 AM Mandai tomatoes (x6) one box.
1:15 PM Fujiidera CIty Manicipal to see Mr. Tamai over donations for «Concert of The Century on May 18, 1976». People donated over USD 10,000 to USD 1,000 for David and Peggy Rockefellers.
2:00 PM Органный калейдоскоп. Орган и скрипка – концерт в Соборе на Малой Грузинской. Replay for last evening, which I couldn't watch live.
6:00 PM Mandai bread.
7:00 PM Go to bed.
3:42 AM Got up.

Nazis monitor today. (CIA troll's deed).
Nazis monitor today. (CIA troll's deed).

6:30 AM Watching some of Takashi Asahina's video recordings.
6:40 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler Antonín Dvořák «From the New World» symphony № 9 on November 30, 1941 (Relief). 8:15 AM. One repeat.

пятница 23 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:42 AM Got up.
8:15 AM - 10:00 AM Have some qualified sleep alghouth short in time.
10:00 AM Mandai eggs x1, salt x1, cucumbers x4, bread. Grape farmer: dry rasin.
10:15 AM Takashi Asahina NHK Symphony Orchestra Beethoven nr. 5.
11:15 AM Jascha Heifetz, William Primrose, Emanuel Feuermann play Brahms sonati (Biddulph, 1989, Made in England). Oh, I noticed that today is William Primrose's birthday!!! Happy memorial day for his descending families and who admires his art of music!!!
0:15 PM Penderezki
«Polish Requiem»
2:00 PM Kurt Weill «September Song» issued (publi[c]-sh-ed) in and by [be-sided to] Rockefeller Center in 1938, if memory serves, since this year Rockefeller Center's Christmas Tree custom has started.
From «Kennedy's White House» Pablo Casals «El Cant dels Ocells», Leonard Bernstein «Somewhere»
, and Kurt Weill «September Song» issued (publi[c]-sh-ed) in and by [be-sided to] Rockefeller Center in 1938.
2:20 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler Antonín Dvořák «From the New World» symphony № 9 recorded by Magnetophon on November 30, 1941 (Relief CD).
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Practicing Fortepiano Beethoven Opp 31-1 and 31-2 exposition. 6:30 PM - 6:50 PM recording. The result: The concept is more than okay or remarkable, but in reality too many unpolished articulations and musical phrases being piled-up. This is my homework starting tomorrow in both Opp 31-1 and 31-2.
Purchasing at Amazon JP for Silver Pen (Middle bold) and etc. 9:00 PM.

суббота 24 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
6:50 PM Recording of today's practice of Opp 31-1 and 31-2 expositions.

воскресенье 25 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:30 AM Got up.
11:30 AM Leonard Bernstein conducts his own «Mass» and some of his other works including «Kaddish» and «Dybbyk».
4:00 PM Penderezki
«Polish Requiem»
5:30 PM From «Kennedy's White House» Pablo Casals «El Cant dels Ocells», Leonard Bernstein «Somewhere»
, and Kurt Weill «September Song» issued (publi[c]-sh-ed) in and by [be-sided to] Rockefeller Center in 1938.
6:00 PM Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «Die Zauberflöte» K. 620 conducted by Arturo Toscanini with George Solti as Glockenspieler in Salzburger Festspiele on July 27, 1937.
9:00 PM
More Than Music: Bernstein’s musical odyssey
10:00 PM «Chopin the ungrateful»

понежельник 26 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
0:30 PM Mandai eggs (x10) x2, Cabbage (whole). On way ahead, I met Mr. Ninomiya, a gentle and generous soul who was always on my side deep into this century not only that, Mr. Ninomiya is my mentor for construction skills on my house, how to paint walls to everything. I couldn't help praying for him for his good health. Mr. Ninomiya was one of the very one who once was deceived by Osaka Police over their forged story telling, and for this reason, he got stomach cancer. During the conversation, I tried my best to save his life from The Satanic Pentagon, but I didn't know what to tell. So, I decided to write on him for the best protecting of his life. My best advice, however, is never be making concessions, but in his or her mind, that he or she never would be defeated by such a Satan like The Pentagon. Fighting in them in your own mind is the best weapon against them (as I always do over their barbarian attacks electric circuit of any kinds).
I try to ask Mr. Ninomiya about Ms. Matsumiya (also extremely gentle soul) who, I suppose, in hospital over unknown cause for more than half a year. I would like to visit for her to pray for her to encouraging her. Ms. Matsumiya is the very person who told me from her generousity and humanity that my house was invaded by Osaka (Secret) Police and they stole my and my mothers property and swapped my property and sneaked in garbages which I didn't colect. I didn't fully comprehend Ms. Matsumiya's courageous deed but in vague, but to this date, it's more than precise even in the case, Ms. Matsumiya didn't know what they did over invasion against my house, because they didn't tell common citizens and hided the truth from general public - a barbarian Fascism is thus observed. I recommend Ms. Matsumiya to stay strong in mind against illness, that should work at least to some degree. If I visit her and try to bless her, I think that The Pentagon will hesitate their termination move against Ms. Matsumiya. Likewise the case of Mr. Ninomiya (I will do that next time). 1:38 PM
1:30 PM - 5:45 PM Sleep due to extreme exhaustion.
Twitter is currently disactivated due to abuse on the side of Elon Musk.

Twitter's plot.by Elon Musk.
Twitter's plot.by Elon Musk.
Twitter's plot.by Elon Musk.
Twitter's plot.by Elon Musk.
Twitter's plot.by Elon Musk.
Twitter's plot.by Elon Musk. Well I try it again 24 hours of moratorium.

вторник 27 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:45 AM Got up.
5:45 AM Tried to fix Twitter plot but it was impossible. Well I can at least wait for 24 hours from the first locked-out on my account.
9:00 AM Hojo Japan Post office to withdraw JPY 4,000; 1,000 for this month additional budget and the rest is for September budget. Mandai eggs (x10) x1, cucumbers x6. 7-eleven basil sauce pasta. Mutual understandings have been accomplished with the workers at 7-eleven. No hostility on both side but showing cares with one another instead. 9:49 AM.
10:00 AM - 8:00 PM Protest deeds against my Twitter account (currently restricted by planned locking and its following arrow and obit authentification method). I have temporarily made emergency account to it and wrote to Twitter (not X even on their level!!!) for an immediate demand.
6:30 PM Gustavo Dudamel conducts Richard Strauss «Vier Letzte Lieders» und «Ein Alpine Symphonie» im Salzburger Festspiele 2024. Fantastic score reading.

X is still officially Twitter against oxymoron Elon Musk's insistence!!!
Twitter right now 10:08 PM.
Twitter right now 10:08 PM.
Twitter right now 10:08 PM.
Twitter right now 10:08 PM.
Twitter right now 10:08 PM.
Twitter right now 10:08 PM.
Twitter right now 10:08 PM.
Twitter right now 10:08 PM.

As above, so I decided not to react any tweets for a while until my main account will be unlocked. Authentification process itself went well, but …..
Well, Norman Lebrecht recently told me not to use Twitter for a while since the process would be accelarated. I was half doubt on this words, however, seemingly, for this time, he is correct. 10:11 PM. But, don't you think this is too self-harmingly insulting for Jews and Christianity («Emmanuelle»)?

среда 28 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
1:28 PM Mandai cucumber (x6) x1 (to be prepared for tayhoon for the next 3 days, and just in case). The purpose was to purchase eggs (aka-tamago) x1 but eggs were sold out (and was sakura eggs; aka-tamago is super-qualified eggs for that price).
8:31 PM Practicing Fortepiano Ludwig van Bethoven Opp 31-1 and 31-2 expositions (blueprint).

четверг 29 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:06 AM Vladimir Horowitz plays Johannes Brahms 2nd fortepiano concerto, Opus 83 with his father-in-law Arturo Toscanini in Luzern on this date in 1939 in Luzern Festwochen. Absolut Vodka awarded (Ingrid Bergman) 3 days shy to The World War II.
5:19 AM email confirmation for SPIM Flower&Decoration at InterContinental Hotel Osaka for September 7, 2024 at the price of 19,800 incl tax.
6:56 AM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» concerto nr. 23, K. 488 only and making video on it (that from the first unsynchronized 3rd movement in »sfumato«) on DVD and CD.
9:30 AM 7-eleven Takahashi-san Basil sauce pasta, Mandai sakura eggs.
11:00 AM Cutting Jusmine vines around the Apple trees.
11:50 AM Calling Futaba Gakki for tuning of the Fortepiano on October 1, 2024 at 11:00 AM. JPY 17,000.
6:54 PM
뽀뽀: Kiss, 톨스토이: Tolstoy 감사합니다 Thank you (御疲れ様でした)。I suppose that Kim Yong Mee san had our photos taken in Heian-Jingu shrine back in February, 1991 or 1992.

@yumaque cannot be reached because I am not her follower, but even excluding her from the list, for Elon Musk's default, I couldn't send this tweet to Saito-san. So, here it is.
Saito-san is now accepting replies from outside of her followers, however, Elon Musk is interrupting sending greeting message to her: it's real_X (Twitter).

7:22 PM Practicing Fortepiano. Beethoven Opp. 31-1 and 31-2 1st movement exposition (blueprint for Opp. 31-1 was recorded in daylight time and being paused on the recorder level). My current thought on the Opus 31-1 sonata is that did Beethoven write this sonata as Ayeen aleek (אין עליך) sonata? I am trying to contain this attitude in this sonata, not only in the first movement but typically in the third movement. We will see the result in the coming months (deadline December 31, 2024). Today was a wonderful day. No Olanzapin was needed unlike yesterday on which I had to take 3 pills of Olanzapin. But, overall, taking of Olanzapin is limited to 1 pill per day in these 2 weeks plus. 8:31 PM.

Current on-going issue with Amazon Japan.
Current on-going issue with Amazon Japan.

Important fact here, is, of course, switching into The Metropolitan Opera [18]83 and hided 23 of Biblical Hebrew number of alphabets with Sin. That's exactly why Vladimir Horowitz later recorded this particular Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart concerto nr. 23 with Opera Scala di Milano orchestra members and opera conductor Carlo Maria Giulini at a ballet studio in Milan, Italy (where his grave is located with his father-in-law and his daughter Sonia and his wife Wanda). Even Valery Afanassiev, the betrayer, knew this truth, by the fall of 2001. All Mozart and Brahms programmes in Kyoto is proof of his decades of betrayals just for money over Peace Treaty of San Francisco (not Saint).

August 29, 1915 Stockholm, Sweden - August 29, 1982 Chelsea, London. Ingrid Bergman. Aged 67 or 68. One may recall of Horowitz in Concerts 1967 -1968. Mendeleveem (MD 101).

пятница 30 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
10:30 AM Hojo Post Office for bank transfer for first Japanese edition of WIlhelm Furtwängler: Musik und Politik (1959, Curt Riess).
1:45 PM Test take and morning practice of the Fortepiano: Beethoven Opp. 31-1 and 31-2 expositions. Opus 31-1: too dragging over 3rd takt (which should be played with light staccato or breathing not in malcato, but as a blue print it seems functioning). Take 2 (in concentration on removing the problems written above). This second take is almost tells all what I want to achieve as a musician with these two works as any professional musicians will comprehend. New light on the works of Beethoven. 3rd take (just for testing for the other movements).

суббота 31 август 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:00 AM Elisabeth Schumann sings Schumann «Frauenliebe und Leben», Opus 42, and Brahms Pathé Références (EMI 7243 5 69498 2 1; re-issue of 1995). CD Sent from UK for that to be played on this date in our fond memory of and to Princess Diana at Buckingham Palace.
I once heard that Tomoaki Ogura at Fuji TV told us that the entire world structure wouldn't be such misery against Arabs if only Pricess Diana was not killed. I truly agree with him on this issue and so that I never accused of Tomoaki Ogura (his favourite pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka was Facebook 5,000 maximum friends limitation over fraud in 1998 summer in Osaka over JPY 5,000 case, for which Tomoaki Ogura had sympathy to me and tried to treat me to please me, a guy whom I can't be hostile for his deed and attitude as human being) likewise for other reasons Nobutaka Murao at News Zero. He was a true gentleman. So was his team, with some partial doubts on Arashi's Sakurai and Mao Kobayashi (who was killed over her Lol… insults on Queen Hatshepsut; I still don't know what was so funny on that news for Mao Kobayashi), Saki Yagi, Maya Yamagishi, Emiri Miyamoto, for their deeds and attitude which was too often against their own team lacking respect on Mr. Murao.
Johann Sebastian Bach
«Matthäus-Passion» BWV 244 SFW 061 and Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» October 3, 1947 SWF 981 and 982. Verifying conditions.

воскресенье 1 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:41 AM Penderezki «Polish Requiem», Leonard Bernstein «Chichester Psalms» and «Kaddish» and «Dybbyk» (DGG).
From this date on, I go back to my routine vegetarian, not only my own faith but also some portion of the Japanese race are accusing me if I have dairy and meat. August was its test and verifying starting August 14 when PM Kishida's decision on TV that he won't run for LDP leader election. The result was mostly favourable [mutual understanding has been built with many Japanese citizens; if not my receiving slightest compensations], (from August 14 on, in particular, PM Kishida changed his strategy not to open every privacy of my daily every second activities he receives from Ministry of Defense and the Dept of Defense of the USA, which were completely open to public for years with biased information providing with Osaka governor Nazist Hirofumi Yoshimura), but some are still sticky. September maybe I run for vegan because I found eggs are addictive. On August 31 at past 7:00 AM, I purchase Tiramisu or something at 7-eleven and that's it. I am escaping the night purchase, because I found the tonight male worker was arrogant and equally untrustable. Boosting to final resolution.

The last protest by Nazist Japan among most citizens have turned to my allies.
The last protest by Nazist Japan among most citizens have turned to my allies.

I am regarding that European nations finally will get rid of NATO one by one to recover their national Independence. So is Japan, at least some significant degree. And, that UN Headquarter will move to Geneva, Switzerland with or without USA's Veto right is my analysis, if takes some slight time. The next President of the USA will be Donald J. Trump and Republican ruling government with worldly known computer graphics "assassination" attempt on Donald J. Trump and backed by Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. and Elon Musk both of who have failed in their strategy of making a winning on me. The Russian Federation and its allies have won the game already and this can never be overturned. Then, why should I eat meat just to cause frictions by Chicken coward Nazi Japanese politicians and their supporters and some likewise sort of its citizens?
Huge difference starting August 14, 2024 on is that now I can try physical training at home, which part of information was always had been leaked to Hirofumi Yoshimura and Ishineses and had become instant target of fooling and laughing of Hirofumi Yoshimura and his people at me for years. Stopping this was Kishida's only positive and humane achievement. Note that my neighbors have not received required reasonable compensations at all from their government for their deceptions and intentional misleading of these people to harm their health. We are still here if taking a look at Japan. This must not be forgotten at any moment. One may be obliged to recall the origin of Just Stop Oil - Rosemary Öl or Rosenblauten Öl?
September food budget: Pasta 400g x 30 plus canned tomatoes x 20 JPY 5,500, garlic JPY 650, salt x2 JPY 400, lemon juice for taking Viatamin C (including made in Israel) x 6 JPY 2650; Total JPY 9,200.
(21:56 мск суббота 31 август 2024 года:)
1:20 PM Baking four middle in size loafs of bread. (this style of life to be continued until October 5, 2024, except September 7, 2024 lunch at Muji cafe).
6:30 PM Fortepiano Practice: Beethoven Opp 31-1 exposition (just for record no further worth. Therefore, don't listen).
So far this is the best and is functioning as my blueprint on these sonati by Ludwig van Beethoven. I play Opus 31-1 sonata as Ayeen Aleek [עין אליך] sonata. Not a humour but a prayer. If his String Quartet № 16 in F major is aiming at and functioning as such why not in his fortepiano sonata № 16 written in G major (G as God tonality)? Beethoven composed 32 Fortepiano Sonati in his life. And, he had decided to put end with № 32 sonata in C minor 2 movement sonata. It reminds me of № 16 sonata's 2nd movements with trills - 32 devided by 2 is 16, just coincidental or not? His № 32 sonata is written in C minor - in C major. At least he had no intention to write № 33 sonata but 33 Variations on the theme of Diabelli as Opus 120.

понежельник 2 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:30 AM Got up.
5:50 AM Arturo Toscanini conducts Beethoven «Heroic» symphonie nr. 3, Opus 55*, Consecration of the House ouverture, Opus 124 and String Quartet in F major**, Opus 135 (3rd movement Adagio in D flat major (ending in F major but sounds in F sharp major) and Scherzo in F major)*** (ATRA but out of ATRA marking) Music & Arts CD 264 made in and printed in 1987 in Japan by Denon. *recorded on December 3, 1938, **recorded on March 16, 1947, ***January 1, 1938.
Found that Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli played Beethoven Sonatas, № 3, Opus 2-3; № 4, Opus 7; № 11, Opus 22; № 12, Opus 26; № 32, Opus 111 all for Christianity and Trichotomy. Schumann's Carnavals Opus 9 and 26 as well. Michelangeli played Beethoven № 3, № 4 and Schumann's Carnaval Opus 9 in Osaka on Novermber 3rd, 1974 just after his Paris concert with Celibidache in Beethoven's «Emeperor» concerto on October 16, 1974 with Brahms «Tragic ouverture», Opus 81 and Ravel's «Daphnis and Chloe suite 1 and 2».
8:25 AM Claudio Arrau Final Sessions Volume 5 Beethoven Opp. 2-1, 31-1, 54, 2-2, 78, 79. Recorded June, 1990 in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland except Opus 2-1 recorded in Reitstadel, Neumarkt, Germany April, 1988. (copy 00247 out of 10,000)
3:40 PM Missed last night opening of Moscow Philharmonic in Tchaikovsky concert, Opus 23 and Opus 64. Anyway, Ishinese are crazy with no moral is once again confirmed. They are - optimistically - observing they might be forgiven if they pretend to wish to be forgiven with "crying eyes" pretentions that they are inclining to be tagged with Seiji Ozawa and his people. Witness their shameless deeds at here and here.

вторник 3 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Leving home at 7:40 AM. 10:00 AM Hair cut at Hamayu, Ibaraki City. Hankyu. JPY 6,600 incl tax (JPY 5,000 including tax is too self-insulting), I paid JPY 5,100 for Mr. Furukubo's kindness and generosity. excl JPY 1,450 transportation fee including bicycle parking. Zusammen (total fee) JPY 6,550.

Hair cut proposal 1.
Hair cut proposal 2.
Hair cut proposal 3.
Hair cut proposal 4.

0:30 PM Sandy lemon juice x5 JPY 2,154
0:52 PM Penderezki
«Polish Requiem», Leonard Bernstein «Kaddish» and «Dybbyk».
7:14 PM Mandai salt x2 JPY 362, Sandy spaghetti x10 JPY 1,069.
7:19 PM Jascha Heifetz, William Primrose, Emanuel Feuermann play Brahms sonati (Biddulph, 1989).
9:30 PM Warming up only Opus 31-1.
Starting this date on, Sony XA 50 ES CD Player is functioning properly. Its open and close button didn't work almost at all for several days (and its remote controller has no open/close button) and in this case, auto playing upon pushing open/close button was the only choice. I wonder why they the USA stopped this interferring.
среда 4 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
6:30 PM NTT Phone bill JPY 7,300, Sandy Spaghetti x 20 JPY 2,138. 7:04 PM Sandy's casher lady was super generous and kind person!!! I was deeply touched by her manner!!!
четверг 5 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
10:30 AM Water bill, Gas bill complete payment. Withdrawal at amount of JPY 70,000. Banktransfer JPY 2,320 for Celibidache programme in 1993 (I will possibly witness decayed writings just in the case of 1992 Michelangeli Celibidache programme booklet). Merucari Carlos Kleiber in Chicago (Casanova) JPY 1,800 7-eleven.
1:37 PM Phone call to Mr. Tamai to tell current conditions surrounding me.
2:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler «Pastoral» symphonir nr. 6 recorded on March 20/21, 1944, «Cavatina», Opus 130 recorded October 15, 1940, «Leonore» ouverture Opus 72b. recorded on January 28, 1945 in Wien (SWF 901)
3:30 PM Practicing Fortepiano Beethoven Opus. 31-1 1st movement exposition 2nd movement blueprints. Opus 31-2 blueprint.
10:00 PM SWF annual membership plus Schumann 4th symphonie with scanned score of Wilhelm Furtwängler (PayPal transfer).
11:00 PM Eva Gevorgyan in 2021 Chopin Competition in Warsaw.
11:00 PM Making bread dough with dry yeast and Baking bread.

пятница 6 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Got upt at 7:00 AM. Taking Shawer wash hair. Laundry.
8:55 AM Mandai Soba noodle x2 (JPY 470), Hojo Japan Post JPY 1,000 replacement to new banknote bill. Everyone was very kind to me. Lucky day!!!
9:30 AM Practicing Fortepiano Opp. 31-1 movement 2-1-3 blueprint, 31-2 blueprint. Morning session.
10:44 AM Purchased Emanuel Feuermann Columbia recordings Volume 1, 2, 3 and Young Emanuel Feuermann (all Pearl transfers).
11:00 AM Henry Fogel Collector's Corner Kirill Petrenko Shostakovich symphonir nr. 8 (fantastic reading!!!).
0:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano Opp. 31-1 movement 2-1 blueprint, 31-2 1st movement blueprint. Afternoon session 1.
1:00 PM Watching documentary on 731 troop of Japan.
2:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano Opp. 31-1 movement 2-1 blueprint, 31-2 1 movement blueprint. Afternoon session 2.
3:00 PM Henry Fogel Collector's Corner Kirill Petrenko Shostakovich symphonie nr. 10 (fabulous reading, but I don't think that I will purchase this. The reason why is the unexistence of audience. In the era of Emanuel Feuermann, in the recording studio, there were so many recording engineers, and who were indeed the audiences. In our time, live recordings with applause and noises between movements and before and after the concerts is the ideal way of releasing recordings even on CDs. Daniil Trifonov's newly released recording is cunningly escaping from this danger of unexistence of audiences with his idea of John Cage's 4'33").
4:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano Opp. 31-1 movement 2-1-3 blueprint, 31-2 1-3 movement blueprint. Afternoon session 3.
6:00 PM Taking Shawer 6:30 PM, and go to bed at 7:00 PM in my plan, but as for school trip during adolsense my mood and psychiatric condition is currently in mania. hope that I could sleep at 8:00 PM to 8:30 PM. 9:00 o'clock by the latest. Listening to Wilhelm Kempff Beethoven Opp 31-1. He recorded a (the) monumental recording of this composition in 1962. I was astonished.
11:00 PM Couldn't sleep. Listened to SWF 981/982 Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» October 3, 1947 in Berlin. Purchased Mariko Saitoh's book on Korean language. Once cancelled but changed my mind.
1:00 AM Moscow Philharmonic concert with Nikolai Lugansky in Tchaikovsky concerto nr. 1, Opus 23.
2:00 AM Go to bed. 3 hours of sleep.
5:00 AM Got up.

суббота 7 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:00 AM Get up. Having breakfast with home baked bread and coffee without sugar. Taking Shawer. Listened to SWF 981/982 Richard Wagner «Tristan und Isolde» October 3, 1947 in Berlin.Slept during CD listening to 9:50 AM. 10:00 AM Leaving home arriving Osaka Station at 11:00 AM. 11:00 AM SPIM Flower & Decoration at Hotel Intercontinental Osaka for flowers pay JPY 20,000 incl tax (for generousity of InterContinental Hotel). 0:00 PM heading Kobe for Концерт Евы Геворгяна в Кове flowers is being deposited to an usher at 1:20 PM open at 1:30 PM starting 2:00 PM. Bringing JPY 32,000 just in case (JPY 19,800 for flowers, JPY 1,650 for transportation fee incl bicycle parking, Melodya CD for JPY 3,000 (not to be sold), 4:00 PM Konigs-Krone San-no-Miya Kobe Cake set 1,950, I overturned to purchase Altus CD JPY 4,000 and JPY 1,650 for just in case (; or, to be spent for mille feuille x2 at 7-eleven on October 1, 2024). I don't purchase Altus CD even if they are published, simply because Altus owes me too much (overturned but I still wish plutinum copies); Sealed free 5600 of plutinum (not even made of gold let alone ordinary alminium) copies and 13 another likewise copies (Christ and his desciples and numbered ones that is in the USA symbolized by Donald J. Trump with the theif case at ISGM 12 items plus USA seal on March 18, 1990 press released by the museum on March 21, 1990).
Start reading King James verion of Holy Bible (Easton Press). I was fooled by my mother when the arrival was late after a full-refund. I confessed to the seller that the Holy Bible was arrived safely and sent the money back. Good deeds is root of everything. (суббота 6 сентября 2024 года:) It's been tough decades and months, but the Justice win. I am extremely thankful to PM Kishida for his betting on his fame and dignity as a politician and human beings to save me by minimum protect on my privacy, which was wholly open to public under Hirofumi Yoshimura and Ishins via the USA's military satellite by the unlawful and barbarian monitoritng and spreading it to the entire world to threat this entire world of ours. (суббота 6 сентября 2024 года: 20:26 PM.)
воскресенье 8 сентября 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Sergei Prokofiev Symphonie nr. 6, Opus 111 and Ludwig van Beethoven symphonie nr. 5, Opus 67 Leningrad Philharmonic conducted by Evgeny Mravinsky recorded on September 8, 1974.
Eva's CD (Altus) twice.
My thought on these months. Difficulty in life Least difficult in order 1. Never drink alcohol (easy at least for me), 2. Don't commit sexual activity of any kind (relatively easy, at least not at all that difficult for me) 3. Don't purchase rare CDs by cutting food budget (extremely difficult for me). 4. (most extremely difficult) Never eat Meat upon my own restrictions not by Church's order because it's not mass rules but based on my own decision and will and while meat is tasty (I assume even by Church's religious order does also bring some difficulty). I ate grilled chicken bento this evening purchasing at 7-eleven after lengthy of looped hesitations (less meat is so easy and with slightest difficulty but abondoning eating meat completely is totally different; even if I knew that Vladimir Horowitz allowed on his rule to have poultry and Dover Sole muniére; no alcohol no smoking; it's his strict rules not of mine. If you decide something, you mustn't overturn your decision on the way is basic of morality, I believe. So, today, I committed a sin, the sin of eating grilled chicken), and actually am, somehow, satisfied with the result (because the bento was tasty, but I couldn't help but writing this sin of mine caused due to stress reading beautiful writing of Mariko Saito-san on Korean language - my past is deeply and tightly relatated to it; I couldn't refuse temptation to have grilled chicken bento), especially after writing confession of this sin of mine here (it reduced the sense of sin for better or worse), and decided not to eat meat until October 4th or perhaps some length of time beyond (therefore, I respect vegan people like Wouter Mouton of Belgium). For healthy life, if not meat, fish is to be eaten at times over Maku-no-uchi bento is likely scientifically correct (if not eating various fake meat products by spending much food budget). Eggs are also addictive as proven in the last month so that I am preventing from it (not that addictive once decided. Abandoning eating meat for long period of time is for me most difficult and different in life). 11:26 PM.
This moral question is something within me connected to the question of Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp or likewise extermination camps by Das Dritte Reich. I mean that I have read no single rape report in these extermination camps. But, Nazi soldiers must have committed rapes against Jew girls and ladies. This side of study must openly conducted is my longtime insistence and demanding will. This question is somehow connected with my eating of grilled chicken this evening. Sins are sins. Must be revealed and confessed. 0:08 AM.
0:43 AM From the stress of forced rules in Japan (except PM Koshida's on August 14th brave decision making - and except Taro Kono, Shinjiro Koizumi; but even Seiko Noda is becoming sane and stateswoman), I went to 7-eleven to buy mille feulle (sold out) so that I purchased whipped cream croissents. Then, loyal servant under Nazist Hirofumi Yoshimura's Nazi Police shamelessly take-yari [bomboo spears] -attacked targetting against me for no other purposes while I am completely ignoring their presense as creatures of inhumane with no pride as human beings. The workers (the same man and a female worker - this latter threw the coin by dropping onto my hand not pass the coins by disliking least communications with me) were (are) extremely arrogant as always and shameless and extremely rude and inhumane of them as well (they are no humans and this is residue of the bribe economy conducted by Ishin and Co. while most of the Japanese race has changed their attitude (even Nishiguchi family) and going back to their pride foundation of their own race and Japanese nationality). This minor numbers of human creatures are the remaining cancers. 0:47 AM. After all, this is the worst side of Japan, still, and yet. 0:50 AM. No excuse is being made possible for their Nazi deeds. Ishin must be force resolved by law to finish its Nazism. Ishin and their supporters are world greatest shame advertizement of the Japanese race. 0:52 AM. My conclusion is rational that some good numbers of Japanese are refusing to receive bribes but this kinds are not and must be sent to prison since it's too long to rethink and reconsider of their own national Nazi deeds and didn't reflect on their own life to my own deeds until this date by receiveing unconstitutional and unlawful bribes. And, this lengthen of illegal and unconstitutional deeds are just delaying paying compensations of their victims (my neibourghs) at amount of USD 1 to 3 millions of money to their victims, by making irrational excuses. 1:12 AM. They are only thinking about themselves not to be captivated in prison cell for others let alone glory of their own nation to be revived. 1:14 AM. 1:25 AM. Arrest of Ishin Hirofumi Yoshimura, Saitoh and Yokoyama, Baba, Otokita, Ichiro Matsui, to Toru Hashimoto and Mototake Fujita are innevitable any longer. It's nothing to do with Justice but national shameless Nazism. 1:30 AM.
A wise man, even in Ishin, acts like Senator Muneo Suzuki. He will be remembered in history as a courageous and compatriot politician. He knew politics very well, so that he endorsed Ishin's policy of reducing national deficit (in relationship with the USA bonds) while Taro Yamamoto told lies on Japanese deficit and national debts - only rational when Japan is forever being USA's colony over
TREATY OF MUTUAL COOPERATION AND SECURITY BETWEEN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA while Toro Yamamoto with Yukio Hatoyama in order to control public opinion among the Japanese (Muneo Suzuki is knowledgeable and different and strategist to be remembered as such), but not Ishin way. 3:38 AM. He is a great and charming man. 3:40 AM.
Дневник I : пятница 14 октября 2022 года - питница 3 марта 2023 года :
Дневник II : суббота 4 марта 2023 года - втроник 9 мая 2023 года :
Дневник III : среда 10 мая 2023 года - понедельник 25 октября 2023 года:

Дневник IV : четверг 26 октября 2023 года - понежельник 22 января 2024 года :
Дневник V : втроник 23 янбяря 2024 года - понежельник 22 апреля 2024 года :
Дневник VI : втроник 23 апреля 2024 года - среда 12 июль 2024 года :
Дневник VIII : понежельник 9 сентября 2024 года - пятница 13 декабря 2024 года :
Music at the Limits: Правда и Свидетельство III (Truths and Testimony; A Tribute to Edward Said: интервью с Йосиуки Мукудае)
日本国民への手紙: 旧高橋悠治に宛てて。置き手紙
Newly revised Constitution of Japan (as of 23 декабря 2023 года : to be updated for the perfection: newest update as of четверг 11 января 2023 года: on the issue of Korean Peninsula and Unification of People's Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea)
Demands on the Japanese (Reconciliation Act)
Forbes Billiionaire Ranking in Humanity 2022-2023 Season
