Demands on the Japanese and EU, UK, USA (Reconciliation Act) : Fine on themselves
損害賠償金 : 5,000 兆円。国民一人当たり、5,000萬円。国債発行で賄う。予備費の運用はけじめとして禁止するので、通常予算に赤字国債として組み込ませる。(当初、1括支払い可能な100兆円だった事に留意する事。無反省だから (官僚の事を指して居る。山本太郎の問題は、連動しては居るが、勇気と選挙目当てに内心では行って居る自己批判を出来無い、と謂う別問題だ。)、罰則として、上乗せされる。而もdefaultし無い、即ち、最低限の国民生活が行える、ぎりぎりの所で、損害賠償金を取り立てる手法も選択肢としては、在る。)
- Imprisonment of Nazi criminals after Jun'ichiro Koizumi but including Yoshiro Mori, and except Yukio Hatoyama cabinet. Imprisonment of Sumio Mabuchi (former Ambassador to Ukraine), Taro Kimura, all those Donald J. Trump bidders, et al.
- Make Sony, BMG-Victor, Universal Music (World), Altus, to The Russian Federation state own company forever.
- Steinway and Sons D model CD 75 (Vladimir Horowitz concert fortepiano)
(to be added and therefore continued …)
- Steinway and Sons D model and stool owned by Sergei Rachmaninoff
- Michelangeli's Tokyo complete NHK Hall recital in 1973 in colour video DVD with bonus of 1965 complete NHK S. O. concert with Mr. Michelangeli (Altus)
- Horowitz 1983 complete NHK Hall recital on June 11th precisely as aired on June 12th, 1983 not in the current form of as being issued on VHD. (Altus)
- Horowitz June 28th, 1986 complete recital aired by NHK in Hitomi Memorial Hall of Showa Women's Collage no omission including audience applauses. (Altus or CBS Sony - I mean Thomas Frost supervising.)
- Maurizio Pollini 1986 recital for Young People as exactly as aired by NHK including interview, plus Opus 78 to complete the recital, which was ommitted on televising not on FM broadcasting. (DVD and CDs, Altus)
- Celibidache 1986 Tokyo concert televised on NHK: Schumann 4th and Mussorgsky "Pictures at an Exhibition" (Altus)
- NHK BK Osaka放送局制作1980年12月9日初回放送、『お母さんの勉強室』「親子で作る年賀状」master copyとその複製を総べて没収。(前原誠司と黒岩現神奈川県知事のFuji TVを筆頭に、日本国政府の自公民主の政治家、media人が越権行為で、それを隠そうともせずに観て居た物。TV朝日は市川寛子を観れば自明だが、越権視聴を隠し通して来たが、電通の広告もここから制作された物も多い。) この放送回を所持して居る放送局が在れば、放送権を剥奪する。個人所有が発覚した場合は、例外無く禁錮1,000年と家族を含めた資産の没収が命じられる。
- 電通と博報堂を没収する。個々のCFに関しては、逐一責任の所在と規模を選定して、罰則を定める。是等に出演した役所広司の様な男優、滝川クリステルの様な女優も同様に裁かれる。 譬えば、元boxerの赤井の出演の引っ越し屋の物、Toyotaの「自由に大仕事を!」、勘定奉行、タケモトピアノ。Pilot Ball point Pens, Coffee Boss, Softbankは謂うに及ば無い。
- Maple Tree Music Stand crafted by the brother of Hirato Okuno.
Debt: USD 30,000,000,000,000,000
- Imprisonment of the War Criminals as Elon Musk, Donald J. Trump, Joseph Biden, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clintons, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, George Walker Bush, Jimmy Carter, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Mitch McConnell to Paul Ryan, et al., for 1,000 years.
- Confiscate fortunes of Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, TIm Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, et al. And, lock them into prisons for next 1,000 years. The USA Presidents likewise. All in swap deals with Free Julian Assange.
- Free Julian Assange.
- Steinway and Sons Stool used by Vladimir Horowitz
- Johannes Vermeer «Woman holding balance» to Saint Petersburg (to Ermitage)
- Chopin Manuscripts Morgan Stanley (former Alfred Cortot collections)
- Beethoven Manuscript of Sonata Opus 109 (Library of Congress possession)
- Atlas at the Rockefeller Center to Moscow Museum
- Confiscate the diary of Margot Frank (b. February 16, 1926) to Anne Frank House.
- All the correspondence letters between James Sheldon and James Dean and any of such kind between these two personas from letters to photos and signatures. All must strictly be in their originals.
- The Metropolitan Opera 1966 Opening publicizing poster and of New York Philharmonic and of New York City Ballet with famous photo in original (newly printed gelatin photo from original negative in larger size than usual 12 x 8 inches) taken in front of these posters in front of the Avery Fisher Hall with Leonard Bernstein, Rudolf Bing, and Samuel Barber.
- Sam Goodie Americas Avenue Vladimir Horowitz Letzte Aufnamen Posters
- American Ballet Theatre «Giselle» Playbills on May 10 and June 12, 1990; 20 archived copies for each.
- Ownership of the same room in the Hotel Hilton International Americas Avenue, in which I spent first 3 days in the USA through May 6 to 8, 1990.
- All the rest of the Vladimir Horowitz remaining unreleased recordings both taken at the recording studios at his house and recitals (concerts) including rehearsals.
- Horowitz Live! in its original broadcasting form by NBC with News clips.
- Horowitz in the White House in its original broadcasting form by PBS with news clips.
- Carnegie Hall reopening as original broadcast on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System - CBS is a system not even a Station while PBS is a perhaps reasonably in rare in the USA - a Service, Public Broadcasting Service) with Horowitz addition in his last appearance at the same Carnegie Hall on occasion of its reopening on December 15, 1986 with news clips not only by CBS but those by ABC, NBC.
- «Waterloo Bridge» (MGM, 1940) original film Script
- «East of Eden» (Warner Bros., 1955) original film Script
- «Maria's Lovers» (MGM, 1984) original film Script
- «Fail-Safe» (Paramount, 1964) original film Script
- «Roman Holiday» (Paramount, 1953) original film Script
- Carlos Kleiber at The Metropolitan Opera House 1989 and in other years
- Carlos Kleiber with Chicago Symphony Orchestra in 1978 and 1982 (From the WFMT archieves; Altus)
(to be added and therefore continued …)
- Remembering Maria Callas (Maria Callas Memorial Concert) host Leonard Bernstein (PBS, 1983) on region 0 DVD (Kultur-Altus)
- Bernstein 70th Birthday concert aired by PBS on August 28th, 1988, at the end, with live satellite telecast excerpt of Tchaikovsky 5th symphony from the mid part of the third movement to the entire fourth movement (Note that David Rockefeller Jr. (fourth kind) was an Administrator of the Boston Symphony Orchestra) to the climax of the last movement from Tanglewood Festival (DVD, Altus-VAI, region 0)
- Bernstein conducts Boston Symphony Orchestra in Tchaikovsky 5th symphony in August 28th, 1988. (DVD, CD; Altus-VAI, region 0)
- Bernstein conducts his Chechister Psalms and Jeremiah symphony in Berlin (already released by Kultur-VAI on DVD but in region 1 not in region 0, VAI-Kultur and to be distributed worldwide in region 0 with substantial detailed informations on liner note on the programme including this Israel Philharmonic tour to Germany in 1977, five years after the massacre against Israeli team in Munich Olympics 1972, in-cluding audio recorded «Kaddish» in Meinz, perhaps in the result of Leonard Bernstein's correspondences with Sergiu Celibidache).
- If in the case of James Sheldon's daughter is still enjoying her life as a woman, enforce on the both of James Sheldon's off-springs be gotten transgender operations; namely, his son to woman, and his daughter to man. Dick Cheney's daughter will be delighted with this news. "According to the laws of reincarnation, in the next life I will be a woman and you will be a man", Henry King and David O. Selznick forewarned and sermoned and blessed, so that this should be the-greatest-possible-in-life-gifts to these two criminals that are under protection (just like cocaine addict Zelensky) of the USA government. Viva LGBTQ in the very truest sense of the term.
- Entire or fragments of recordings made either officially by public or in private on January 25th, 1925 Carnegie Hall performance by Wilhelm Furtwängler and The New York Philharmonic with the programme as follows: Mendelssohn: «Die Hebriden» Ouverture, Richard Strauss: «Don Juan», Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 (Marston)
Debt: EUR 1,800,000,000,000,000
- Some mercy on Hungary, Austria, Ireland, Serbia is to be considered.
- Imprisonment of Angela Merkel, Olaf Scholz, Emmanuel Macron, Ursula von der Leyen, Jens Stoltenberg, et al., for 1,000 years.
- Beethoven Egmont, 6th, and 5th symphonies by Wilhelm Furtwängler on May 25, 26, 27 released with audience 15 minutes applause reactions. No cut. [Proof of the complete recordings are existing even on the Germany government level (I trust that complete recordings for the 25th as well are existing), alas, at least for the 27th : 25 & 26 May, 27 (Haus des Rundfunks) & 29 May, Berlin - BPO, Beethoven: Egmont, Overture; Symphonies No. 6 & 5* If not indicated otherwise, the concerts in Berlin took place in the hall of Titania-Palast] (SWF or Altus)
- Likewise Weber «Oberon» ouverture, Shostakovich 9th and Tchaikovsky 4th conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler on January 28 and 29, 1950 with Salzburger Festspiele «Ein Heldenleben» and «Petrushka» in 1948 must be issued to public. Tchaikovsky 5th in Berlin in 1947 and Bartok Concerto for Orchestra, Firebird, Bach Vn concerto and Mendelssohn violin concerto in E major or in D minor with Menuhin on May 25, 1952 as well. (SWF or Altus)
- Complete 4 movements of Tchaikovsky's Serenade for Strings recorded on February 2nd, 1950 in Vienna by Wilhelm Furtwängler and the Vienna Philharmolnic (SWF)
- «A Quiet Place» in its complete form on DVD (in its original telecast in April, 1986 on ORF, DGG/Unitel or Altus).
(to be added and therefore continued …)
- 80th Birthday Concert of Sergiu Celibidache with Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli (All the audio and video recordings on that 4 night opportunity on DVD and audio, 1992, Sony)
- Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli complete recital in Mozarteum, Salzburg in 1967 (ORF, DVD)
- Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli complete Bonn recital in Beethoven Festival in 1970 (DVD, Altus)
- Celibidache March 31st and April 1st, 1991 concerts (These two dates were not coincidence. Celibidache teased John Davison Rockefeller IV [D, WV as being 4th kind] for his phoney Wedding at the Rockefeller Memorial Chapel in the University of Chicago, with music) with the Berlin Philharmonic in the Schauspiele Haus in the former East Germany (now hypocritically called as Konzerthaus) Berlin with introductory speech by Richard von Weizsacker and its rehearsals in 30 minute documentary (DVD, Sony)
- Rafael Kubelik Vaclav Platz concert of «Ma Vlact» on June 9th, 1990 (DVD and audio, Altus)
- Leonard Bernstein 1989 September 1st Gdansk attack 50th memorial concert in Warsaw (DVD and audio, Altus; This web link concerning Bernstein's birthday explains why some good Poles hate the BBC and British government.)
- Leonard Bernstein June 1, 1990 in Prague Spring in Beethoven 9th (Rehearsal and concert, DVD and audio, Altus)
- Carlos Kleiber 1989 Berlin Philharmonic two concerts (Altus)
- Late Herbert von Karajan's every live recording in Salzburg (ORF, Altus not Orfeo) and Berlin starting 1983 with audience applause and reactions between movements (Altus)
- Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli 3 Beethoven Concerti recordings in Vienna on DVD format (Unitel or Altus)
- Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli complete concert performance including «Emperor» concerto with Carlos Kleiber from NDR archives with all the DGG recording sessions with these two titans (Altus)
- Celibidache DGG Box of Complete Beethoven Symphonies with The Radio Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart (DGG and Ioan Celibidachi)
- Michelangeli ORTF 1974 Paris concert with Celidache in «Emperor» concerto on DVD (Altus)
- MIchelnageli Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra 1969 with Celibidache in «Emperor» concerto on DVD (Altus)
- Complete Alfred Cortot recordings including teaching and rehearsing and every test recording (Marston)
- Imprisonment of Greta Thunberg for War Crimes for 1,000 years tagged with Zelensky.
Debt: EUR 2,500,000,000,000,000
Debt: EUR 300,000,000,000,000
Debt: GBP 3,000,000,000,000,000
- Imprisonment of Tony Blair and Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, and Teresa May, Boris Johnson, et al., for 1,000 years.
- Hang Norman Lebrecht (I mean of Death Penalty).
- Free Julian Assange.
- Winston Churchill and King Charles III's oil and water colour paintings
- Vladimir Horowitz recital programme on May 22nd, 1982 with The Times Newspaper review and 2 ticket stubs.
- Wilhelm Furtwängler complete Wagner «Der Ring» cycle in 1937 release.
- Wilhelm Furtwängler complete Beethoven symphony cycle in 1948 release.
- UK's Thefts on my property not only Margaret Thatcher signed Christmas card of Windsor Castle and Vladimir Horowitz legendary 1924 recital programme leaflet (signed in Russian by Horowitz himself) and 1982 London Vladimir Horowitz photo, et al, but including ISGM Dutch room post card which I gave by deception to Kamal and via Kamal to Megan Cahill must be returned.
- London Symphony Orchestra authentic complete concerts with Celibidache (Audio restored from the BBC’s authentic archives plus DVD for Omnibus and Michelangeli plays Ravel concerto with them LSO and Celibidache, Altus)
(to be added and therefore continued …)
- Release of BBC 13 series documentary «The Mighty Continent» (1979) in original 50 minute each on DVD with Japanese subtitles provided by NHK that omitted the each episode into 45 minutes long as their custom or as their contract with the BBC.
Debt: CND 1,000,000,000,000,000
- Imprison Justin Trudeau, et al., for 1,000 years.
- Glenn Gould recording of Beethoven 2nd concerto as his last recording and as a conductor with Hamilton Philharmonic with a certain hired pianist (Sony)
- Glenn Gould recording of Brahms 1st concerto in Baffalo conductor Josef Krips (at the music festival there; this is one of those recordings of Glenn Gould once promised so that was announced to be issued in 1993 and by the late 1990s), New York nearby Niagara Falls (Sony; Also note that NHK officially announced on air that they acquired all the Glenn Gould televised video recordings, and they never telecast any one of them.)
Debt: AUD 1,500,000,000,000,000
- Imprison Anthony Albanese, et al., for 1,000 years.
- Complete recordings of Nellie Melba (Marston)
- January 1936 Vladimir Horowitz concert programme booklets and posters in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Haifa.
- December 1936 Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and Haifa Israel Philharmonic inauguration concerts original Posters.
- Release of Benedetti Michelangeli (with Celibidache and with Giulini) from the Israel Philharmonic Archives. (Altus)
- Release of inaugural concert of Palestine Orchestra on December 26, 1936 in complete as possible remastering with HaTikvah recorded on the occasion of Israeli Independence May 14, 1948 (Altus not Hellicon which latter doesn't know how to restore historical recordings).
(to be added and therefore continued …)
- Release of Benedetti Michelangeli's concerts in 1979 - 1980 season in tour with Zubin Mehta in Europe (live recordings in full concert programme).
概ね、上記の債務は、The Russian Federationに対する、中央銀行準備金として支払われる。私がПрезидент ПутинとСергей Лавров外務大臣と管理し、The Russian Federationの国民のWelfareとhis allied nationsのPhilantholopyに運用する基金として運用する。各国のDebtsは自国の国債に限らず、これ等、上記の国際terrorism組織の連邦準備金をも吐かせる。 President Putinとの相談で、Allied nations, especially People's Republic of China, Arab Kingdom of Syria, The Islamic Republic of Iranにも、応分の配慮を講じる。
現在のUNに代わるBRICS, Africa, Eurasiaを中心とする組織を、Moscowに創立する。同盟国を中心に、徐々に、UNからの移行を促す。この時、UNからの即時離脱は特に設け無い。(понежельник 22 июль 2024 года : This will be realized in inevitable fashion is my observation. The question is the last nations who stick to the current UN is to be Japan and the USA. So, how smoothly make Japan ousted from this system by punishing them by meantime protecting their lives on citizen level is the most fruitful path, For this purpose only Yukio Hatoyama is useful, not to make me be a political asylum to Our Russian Federation but peaceful way over Tokyo's and Washington D. C.'s apology to me [this process has half been accomplished over computer graphics assassination attempt against Donald J. Trump and likely his winning in the Presidential race on November 5, 2024, with which process that the USA will be died out]. And, leaving Japan in most peaceful way over marriage to Eva Gevorgyan. Smart phones and my number cards are useful weapon to complete this mission of selecting enough good persons from the rest evils that have to be imprisoned). While the organization that is substitute to the current UN will be built in Moscow, but If due to very practical reasons, the UN itself cannot be moved to Moscow, Geneva is the right place for the UN to be moved from New York City to reset this entire world of ours. Washignton D. C. if they have payed piled up sabotaged annual UN membership fees, it's too late for them to let the UN kept as hostage in the City of New York that triggered Great Depression on October 24. 1929, which is the current UN foundation date in 1945. Moving current UN to Geneva, Switzerland is my maximum concessions.
무쿠다에 요시유디
Йосиуки Мукудай
Yoshiyuki Mukudai
#FeelTheBern accordingly. "Not Me, Us and beyond".
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يوشيوكي موكوداي