Demands on the Japanese and EU, UK, USA (Reconciliation Act) : Fine on themselves

Debt the Japanese government own me is roughly about 3,000,000,000,000,000 in Japanese Yen in exchange rate as of 1 USD = JPY 100 (Please note that I am demanding this astronomical compensation not for my hatred against Japanese race, but this is true that I have to be a person to balance the world against Elon Musk, George Soros, Bill Gates, etl al. and that's all). It's the minimum amount of agreeable compensation for their decades of commitment of Nazism against me and against my family. It's inevitable process for the Japanese to keep in international friendly relationship also they don't get embarrassed by the results. Debt per person is in flat rate of 3,000,000 Japanese Yen. Some can pay less like 300,000 Japanese Yen while other criminals must pay 300,000,000,000 Japanese Yen. The some portion of this national debt will be partially paid by 10 years bond as well as by Gold and stocks by corporations that have progressive achievements in economic balance. Debt must be paid in cash and stocks (except roughly the 10 percent part of national 10 year bond) and never allowed to be paid by reserve fund for this result of issuing compensation result was over two decades. Debt must be issued by cash by borrowing by issuing deficit national debts. Japan Bank and Ministry of Finance must act wisely over USA bonds and USD reservoir to escape from the worst scenario. And, every Japanese national Diet congressmen and congresswomen including Taro Yamamoto and Yukio Hatoyama have to experience of life in Tokyo cage in prison cell at least for three minimum weeks (as I was forcibly experienced. Likewise can be said on Brits, the French, and the Germans).
Those companies that have delivered bribes to Shinzo Abe's Sakura appreciation ceremony will be got bankruptcy (Mao Fujita and Ayana Tsuji are decayed in their knees. This is the Japanese traditional habits. I like Ayana Tsuji, but her encouragement for Recruit (the difference between Ayana Tsuji and I is that I will choose to kill myself if I got scholarship from a bribe company like Recruit; the exactly same reason, I have never paid pension fund of Japan, where its Ministry of Finance beaurocrats were corrupted into its soul and enjoying none-panty-shabu-shabu under bubble economy; and, after completion of using tax payers' money for debt payment for maga banks, first rewarded people were such none-panty shabu-shabu bankers; they never compensated for it until quite recently; however, under bribe economy) is her second fault (her first was publicizing her own recordings of Vivaldi when I temporarily inclined to those CDs kidnapped by HMV, et al. will be donated to Japanese Public Library; it's totally impossible under this such Nazism and Nazi regime. Mao Fujita's Nige-Koujo is, supposedly, I am as well living under bribe economy so that I must forgive such a Nazi company like Suntory). There is a saying even, Mi-uchi ni Amai, meaning "sweetening to commorades").
損害賠償金 : 3,000兆円丁度。日本国民としても、世界の中に在って国際的に恥を掻かずに済む最低限の金額。一人当たり300万円。国債発行で賄う。十分に予期出来た事なのに、無反省に人間狩りを金銭授受の上で行った、この罪科の為に、予備費の運用はけじめとして禁止し、通常予算に赤字国債として組み込ませる。この額は最低限の折り合い出来る金額。これ以下の場合は、和解し無いし、赦さ無い。長引けば、長引く程、超過金が、罰則として、上乗せされる。而もdefaultし無い、即ち、最低限の国民生活が行える、ぎりぎりの所で、損害賠償金を取り立てる手法も選択肢としては、在る。国際協調の中では、有り得る。)

この様な悪質なdemagogueとharrassmentをこのtimingでして居る様では、default間違い無し。国民は懐柔されて居るので、精果を安くで提供して居るからとか、謂い訳されて、それに騙され、理解が及ば無いだけ。この人物はこの発謂だけで逮捕。私なら、悪質性に鑑み最低でも禁錮30年、執行猶予無しを下す。国民に経過に就いての偽情報を流して騙しつつ、要するにUSAの意向を受けてThe Russian Federationごと引っくり返せなければ、積もと謂う日本国の実情と実態。1:50 PM JST суббота 7 октября 2023 года. 2019年の山下藤原以外で、2018年にもこの様な公安警察のごろつきには何度も出逢った。
Oswald Kabastaと謂うより、日本国政府、維新が指揮者。間抜けもここに到ると着ける薬が無い。The Russian Federationからは、日本とUSAのNazismは最長後4年で片付けると聴いて居る。Magnetophone原盤をThe Russian Federationが保持して居無い場合は、The Russian Federationが今日までに逆に追い込まれて居る訳。真逆に物事が進んで居る事が総べてを語って止ま無い。新聞の見出しとしては、The Jap Nazis attacked Tel Aviv by bombingと成る事だろう。\
End of The Japanese Imperialism and Fascism. Camoflouging ordinary good people, its secret police is betting all their fortune to forcibly make me to withdraw this video clip, by now, world common knowledge and heritage, which act of them by the remaining Japanes is simply called and remembered as "Nazism repeated". The Japanese default with the USA have been thus being decidedly inevitable. The rest is a technical matter. And, all of us standing on the truth side, We are just waiting for this very best news: The fall of the West with Nazi Japan and the USA.

- A Russian Federation Passport of myself
- Imprisonment of Nazi criminals after Jun'ichiro Koizumi but including Yoshiro Mori, and Ishinese, and except Yukio Hatoyama cabinet. Imprisonment of Sumio Mabuchi (former Ambassador to Ukraine), Taro Kimura, all those Donald J. Trump bidders for 3 days at Uchisaiwai.
- and Ishineses (Hirofumi Yoshimura, Hideyuki Yokoyama, Toru Hashimoto, Mototake Fujita, Ichiro Matsui, Shun Ototake, etc), et al. and including most TV media figures (topped by Ichiro Furutachi) for 3 weeks of imprisonment to better serve for their civillians.
- Imprisonment for 3 weeks of imprisonment and confiscate of Yoshimoto entertainment Ltd. and those who are still making contact with Yoshimoto. Life sentence. (ex. やりすぎ東野幸治 whose ads were in full-bloom at JR Osaka Station. This TV entertainment was targetting at me and aiming at threat to forcibly silence me and my voice and forcibly stop exposures against their and governmental piled up crimes). Hiroyuki Nishimura (Life sentence and confiscation of fortune), Takafumi Horie (Life sentence and confiscation of fortune). Resolving of Ministry of Justice and Lawyers Association of Japan. Those belonged these two associations must be sentensed for life and confiscated 100 percent of their fortune.
- 警視庁、警察庁の公用車のdesignを現行の白黒から、他の色に変更する(義務)。高が警察なのに、最高裁判所を気取って居る。馬鹿にも程が在る、と謂う物だ。
- 内幸署を拘置所体験博物館に、内装はその儘で、明け渡す事。
- 松岡修造の逮捕と終身刑。事由は、防犯カメラでは無く、偵察衛星の監視なのに、それを知って居て、馬鹿笑いし、他人(私)の人権を永く蹂躙したから。2006年JR岡山駅。Krystian Zimermanのconcertの折。
- 国立劇場と最高裁判所の所在地を移転する事。この時、現職の最高裁裁判官は皆、懲戒解雇。
- 証かそう大阪運動の発祥のひとつ、「大阪市市政100周年記念冊子」を12部新品の物を倉庫から、出して譲り寄越す事。
- 梶本音楽事務所、Japan Artsは、Nazis犯罪行為に撚り自己破産後合弁会社松岡企画(1980年Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli1986年Vladimir Horowitzのprogramme booklet(前者が黒、後者が白で全く同じ体裁、詰まりNikolai Medtner in a toilet事Irina MejouevaがThe Russian Federationに対するagent活動で在る事実、魚津は海星NHK)掲載の広告で小和田雅子さんが今生天王の妻として選ばれたのだから当然だ)として再生さす。その際、Elon Musk等から得た賠償金から、より自由闊達な音楽活動が出来る様に、資金を毎年寄附として注入する。只、Vladimir Horowitzの新品の1986年東京公演のProgramme booklet 4部は譲れ無い。1部は自分自身と家族の為、1部はVerbier Festival出演をcancelまでして私の人命を保護して呉れたClara Buijsの為、もう2部はMoscow (現在France預かりと成って居る1部はMoscow Conservatoireの博物館に寄贈して飾って貰い、学生に手に取って貰って、平和を祈念する、その為に先達の智慧に學ぶ、それには何れ程、先達の業績を逃さず一言一句我が事とするか、を、譬えば、何故、Wilhelm FurtwänglerとVladimir Horowitzは仲違いしたのか、私が当時より繰り返し読み思い悩んで、参照し、世界の和解の為に何が必要かを考える縁として長年の手垢で生成りの表紙が茶変したprogrammeを実際に手に取り學んで貰う積もり)とSaint Petersburgの博物館の為。
- Death penalty on the beaurocrat of Ministry of Foreign Affairs whom tried to treat me as a baby on May 13, 2019 at Narita Airport.
- Death penalty on Hiroyuki Nishimura, Takafumi Horie, Masayoshi Son, Shinji and Jinbo Miyadai, etc; let alone Ken Itoh by choking.
- 100 percent of stocks of Lawson and Family Mart. 50 percent of stocks of 7-eleven (maybe by increasing stocks, which I hate. Confiscation is far better).
- Yukio Hatoyama cabinet members have to spend 3 nights in prison at Uchisaiwai as I was forcibly applied in 2015 starting on 23 August. That's for denazification process for them. Likewise but for 2 nights long for Taro Yamamoto and his people (candidates and Senators [Congressmen (including Megumu Tsuji, not to mention) and Congresswomen] before conforming a new cabinet after this denazification process).
- Steinway and Sons D model CD 75 (Vladimir Horowitz concert fortepiano)
(to be added and therefore continued …)
- Steinway and Sons D model and stool owned by Sergei Rachmaninoff
- Michelangeli's Tokyo complete NHK Hall recital in 1973 in colour video DVD with bonus of 1965 complete NHK S. O. concert with Mr. Michelangeli (Altus)
- Horowitz 1983 complete NHK Hall recital on June 11th precisely as aired on June 12th, 1983 not in the current form of as being issued on VHD. (Altus)
- Horowitz June 28th, 1986 complete recital aired by NHK in Hitomi Memorial Hall of Showa Women's Collage no omission including audience applauses. (Altus or CBS Sony - I mean Thomas Frost supervising.)
- Maurizio Pollini 1986 recital for Young People as exactly as aired by NHK including interview, plus Opus 78 to complete the recital, which was ommitted on televising not on FM broadcasting. (DVD and CDs, Altus)
- Celibidache 1986 Tokyo concert televised on NHK: Schumann 4th and Mussorgsky "Pictures at an Exhibition" (Altus)
- Yukio Mishima 色紙。Yahoo Auction!で50,000円で売られて居た物。確か、「憂国」と書かれて居た。
- NHK BK Osaka放送局制作1980年12月9日初回放送、『お母さんの勉強室』「親子で作る年賀状」master copyとその複製を総べて没収。(前原誠司と黒岩現神奈川県知事のFuji TVを筆頭に、日本国政府の自公民主の政治家、media人が越権行為で、それを隠そうともせずに観て居た物。TV朝日は市川寛子を観れば自明だが、越権視聴を隠し通して来たが、電通の広告もここから制作された物も多い。) この放送回を所持して居る放送局が在れば、放送権を剥奪する。個人所有が発覚した場合は、例外無く禁錮1,000年と家族を含めた資産の没収が命じられる。
- 電通と博報堂を没収する。個々のCFに関しては、逐一責任の所在と規模を選定して、罰則を定める。是等に出演した役所広司の様な男優、滝川クリステルの様な女優も同様に裁かれる。 譬えば、「フェイタス (JAL 123)即ズッドーン」の香取慎吾(このCFは、生まれると同時に死んだ椋代能行、と謂う悪質な洗脳)拠って香取慎吾は全資産没収の上で終身刑、元boxerの赤井の出演の引っ越し屋の物、Toyotaの「自由に大仕事を!」、勘定奉行、タケモトピアノ。Pilot Ball point Pens, Coffee Boss, Softbankは謂うに及ば無い。
- Nassstasja Kinski inscribed 8 x 10 inches photo on «Maria's Lovers» (Cannon Pictures, 1984), which exact copy I found on Yahoo Auction for months in one or two years back sold at JPY 4,980,
- Winona Ryder inscribed photo whose copies were illegally sold worldwide by the USA after my purchasing it.
- Meeting with Nasstasja Kinski and Winona Ryder and Stephanie Zimbalist in person in LA, Hollywood on my trip to James Sheldon's real estate in Beverly Hills, which address I don't remember (to make it proof of my ignorance and faithful trust to then Rockefeller's America at the time, which is October 5, 2007 in London, UK).
- 近衞秀麿 京都大学交響楽団との歴史的名演集 1964~1971 (4CD) factory sealed three copies (Confiscation Memorial of Nazists Japan).
- Vladimir Horowitz 1986 Japan Tour poster from Kajimoto's Archives.
- Mint Archived Programme Booklets (two each) of Vladimir Horowitz in 1983 and 1986 with unfolded leaflets with ticket stubs (Kajimoto in order for them to escape confiscation)
- Mint Archived Programme leaflets of Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli in 1992 delivered both in Showa Women's Collage Hitomi Kinen Hall and Suntory Hall (Kajimoto in order for them to escape confiscation; two for each.)
- Leonard Bernstein July 1990 London Symphony Orchestra Japan Tour two mint programme booklets with two ticket stubs from the archives of Kajimoto Music Management.
- Vladimir Horowitz signed in year 1978 33 1/3 rpm record. Exactly this one. for Moscow museum display use. I have enough Horowitz autographs except April 13th, 1933 Lithograph one and a business card after signing with CBS records for his last recordings.
- Confiscate Sony Entertainment division over Howard Stringer and Fuji TV (Ken'ichi Takemura) gate.
- Three Sergiu Celibidache concert most beautifully signed programme booklets with Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra with ticket stubs in 1979 (in the year of Gold 79 unlike Platinum 1978).
- Two Maurizio Pollini Programme booklets for his 1993 recitals in Japan.
- Deprive licenses of all the broadcasting corporations except NHK. which latter experience severe punishment.
- Altus under my posession due to their crimes and threat against me over Michelangeli's Galuppi sonata in 1973 in Tokyo as an éncore against my proof revealing of Galuppi was last minute change (Michelangeli had no intention to play BWV 971 from the first) with Johann Sebastian Bach «Italian Concerto» BWV 971.
- Leonard Bernstein in Hiroshima 1985 (40th memorial of its atom bombed) two concert programme booklets with EC young musician orchestra with ticket stubs (one for Moscow museum and another for myself).
- Confiscation of Nikkei Newspaper Company and Financial Times to me.
- All the remaining Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Der Berliner Philharmoniker in Antonín Dvořák «From the New World» symphony nr. 9 literally factory sealed Philips CD copies and all those used still owned in person (check this person by person, no excuse can be made upon this investigation. If one lies and the lie turns to be evident, that person will get death penalty by hanging) issued by Philips Japan.
- Arrest for life sentence for Hiroshi Mikitani of Rakuten and confiscation of his fortune and his company (Mikitani himself decided his destiny like Matthew B. Tepper did decades ago on this date of Tuesday 15 October 2024, if one can ignore his company's growth with Ido-no-Ai of Oume at Keio University in 2001).
- Class Albums 1979, 1984, 1987 (City of Fujiidera), 1990 (Ikuno High school), 1993, 1997 (Keio University SFC) from the archives of these institutions.
- Maple Tree Music Stand crafted by the brother of Hirato Okuno.
- Bonus for the Japanese Musicians from me: I will donate all the HMV and Disc Union and Book off holding of my CDs and DVDs and music scores to an institution in swapping deals of their (record and music publisher companies' fulfilling of two for each item of the factory sealed mint discs and scores: except Edward M. Kennedy's autographed Easton Press Memoirs and Winona Ryder Horowitz's autographed 12 x 8 inch photo, and Vladimir Horowitz plays Beethoven sonatas Opus 53 «Waldstein» and Opus 57 «Appasionata» (this was not my purchase but my mother's purchase in my childhood at a record store in east street of JR Kashiwara station), et al.) all for educational purposes. The name of the institution will be decided in the next coming months: candidates: Tokyo Collage of Music, Toho Music University, University of Tokyo for Fine Arts and Music (or, possibly to the University of Tokyo after its unification to the University of Tokyo for Fine Arts and Music). The way of displaying of those items (displaying orders) are strictly designed by me to let you give the grasp the way of the international order by The United States of America that is falling by now but still strong in excessive and extremely abusive against humanity by military optional escalations as their last bet in vain. (immediate update as of 24:56 AM пятница 9 декабря 2023 года : They must return everything they have stolen at an extremely cheap cost on each of them (they will, in logical thinking, go to museum in Moscow or Saint Petersburg), but upon justice making, record companies and music publishers must provide factory sealed copies of each item two for me in The Russian Federation and another for my Fatherland, The Russian Federation, another for University of Tokyo Public Library. The Library must open to public including foreign visitors upon appointment. Security must be followed the instructions as I have already ordered).

Debt: USD 30,000,000,000,000,000
- Imprisonment of the War Criminals as Elon Musk, Donald J. Trump, Joseph Biden, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clintons, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and George Soros, Sundar Pichai, Tim Cook, Nancy Pelosi, George Walker Bush, Jimmy Carter, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Mitch McConnell to Paul Ryan, Nikki Haley, et al., for the next 2,000 years.
- Demolition of HAARP and resolving of The Pentagon.
- Confiscate fortunes of Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, TIm Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Sundar Pichai, et al. And, lock them into prisons for next 2,000 years. The USA Presidents likewise. All in swap deals with Free Julian Assange.
- Free and compensate for Julian Assange.
- Alaska to be returned to The Russian Federation.
- HIdeki Irabu (New York Yankees 1999 before all stars) signed official MLB ball. Beautifully inscribed one as was once sold at eBay.
- Paderewki beautifully signed Lithograph of his portrait (A Famous Estate posession and once Sold on eBay)
- Steinway and Sons Stool used by Vladimir Horowitz
- Johannes Vermeer «Woman holding balance» to Saint Petersburg (to Ermitage)
- Chopin Manuscripts Morgan Stanley (former Alfred Cortot collections)
- Beethoven Manuscript of Sonata Opus 109 (Library of Congress possession)
- Return Margot Frank's diary confiscated via Nazi Netherlands to Anne Frank House in Amsterdam.
- Biography on Vladimir Horowitz compiled by Thomas Frost observed through his eyes and ears in his exposure and confessions mainly Horowitz's detailed precise daily life from foods to his hidden religious views (I am respecting on Mr. Thomas Frost so that no worries here).
- Atlas at the Rockefeller Center to Moscow Museum
- Leonard Bernstein's «A Quiet Place» in its complete form on DVDs(in its original telecast in April, 1986 and 1983 Huston prémiere recording on ORF, DGG/Unitel or Altus).
- All the correspondence letters between James Sheldon and James Dean and any of such kind between these two personas from letters to photos and signatures. All must strictly be in their originals.
- The Metropolitan Opera 1966 Opening publicizing poster and of New York Philharmonic and of New York City Ballet with famous photo in original (newly printed gelatin photo from original negative in larger size than usual 12 x 8 inches) taken in front of these posters in front of the Avery Fisher Hall with Leonard Bernstein, Rudolf Bing, and Samuel Barber.
- The Metropolitan Opera Theatre centennial commemorative medals (24K gold on .999 Silver plates and .999 Silver each strictly from number 1 to 10 and 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 40, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 43, 55, 61, 63, 65, 66, 67, 80, 81, 82, 84, 95, 385, 852, 850, 86, 420, 421, 90, 91, 966, 971, 972, 98, 100). Austria, Cuba, Turkey, Czech, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, China, Brazil, India, UAE, South Africa, Thiland, Myammer, People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Islamic Republic of Iran, Saudi Arabia, …… will be received the medals numbered for their own country's International Calling Code. Why you must push extention number 1 to make an international calling? Nothing more than NSA-CIA-Pentagon's monitoring and censorship purposes. Also Bronze medal numbered 5,600 must be confiscated.
- Sam Goodie Americas Avenue Vladimir Horowitz «Letzte Aufnahme» Posters
- Vladimir Horowitz The Concert of the Century on May 18, 1976 Carnegie Hall centenary two mint posters from the Carnegie Hall archives.
- Vladimir Horowitz signed (dated back on April 13th, 1933) lithograph once sold on eBay.
- The New York Times October 8, 1989 and September 11 and 12, 2001 issues from their company's archives. And, anything to do with Vladimir Horowitz and James Dean and James Sheldon. They are deceiving me basically online basis, but if I visited to their Consulate in Osaka with Passpor submitted, they will well-come me with forgeries as I know it.
- Literally factory sealed mint (new) Vladimir Horowitz The Last Recordings (CBS Records | Sony Classical) CDs.
- All the rest of the Vladimir Horowitz remaining unreleased recordings both taken at the recording studios at his house and recitals (concerts) including rehearsals.
- Horowitz Live! in its original broadcasting form by NBC with News clips. 23 Elul things [23 = Sin (שׁ)] years after this live broadcasted concert, 911 was triggered by the Pentagon and White House with the help of NSA-CIA). 2001 - 1978 = 23 (Q.E.D.)
- Horowitz in the White House in its original broadcasting form by PBS with news clips. These excuses are not at all enough.
- Carnegie Hall reopening as original broadcast on CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System - CBS is a system not even a Station while PBS is a perhaps reasonably in rare in the USA - a Service, Public Broadcasting Service) with Horowitz addition in his last appearance at the same Carnegie Hall on occasion of its reopening on December 15, 1986 with news clips not only by CBS but those by ABC, NBC.
- Horowitz signed in Russian Posters for his Leningrad and Moscow recitals in April, 1986 (all of the still rest in the USA).
- «Waterloo Bridge» (MGM, 1940) original film Script
- «East of Eden» (Warner Bros., 1955) original film Script
- «Maria's Lovers» (MGM, 1984) original film Script
- «Fail-Safe» (Paramount, 1964) original film Script
- «Roman Holiday» (Paramount, 1953) original film Script
- Carlos Kleiber at The Metropolitan Opera House 1989 and in other years
- Carlos Kleiber with Chicago Symphony Orchestra in 1978 and 1982 (From the WFMT archieves; Altus)
(to be added and therefore continued …)
- Vladimir Horowitz Silver Jubilee 33 1/3 rpm signed record once sold on eBay.
- Remembering Maria Callas (Maria Callas Memorial Concert) host Leonard Bernstein (PBS, 1983) on region 0 DVD (Kultur-Altus)
- Entire John Fitzgerald Kennedy's memorial concert by Leonard Bernstein and The New York Philharmonic as originally broadcast by CBS on 25 November, 1963 (VAI-Kultur-Amberson region 0).
- Bernstein 70th Birthday concert whose main part was recorded on August 25th and aired by PBS on August 28th, 1988 to mark Silver Jubilee of Martin Luther King Jr.'s March on Washington D. C., at the end, with live satellite telecast excerpt of Tchaikovsky 5th symphony from the mid part of the third movement to the entire fourth movement with Leonard Bernstein "en rage" (Note that David Rockefeller Jr. (fourth kind) was an Administrator of the Boston Symphony Orchestra) to the climax of the last movement from Tanglewood Festival (DVD, Altus-VAI, region 0)
- Bernstein conducts Boston Symphony Orchestra in Tchaikovsky 5th symphony in August 28th, 1988 on Silver Jubilee of Martin Luther King Jr's March on Washington D. C. (DVD, CD; Altus-VAI, region 0)
- Bernstein conducts his Chechister Psalms and Jeremiah symphony in Berlin (already released by Kultur-VAI on DVD but in region 1 not in region 0, VAI-Kultur and to be distributed worldwide in region 0 with substantial detailed informations on liner note on the programme including this Israel Philharmonic tour to Germany in 1977, five years after the massacre against Israeli team in Munich Olympics 1972, in-cluding audio recorded «Kaddish» in Meinz, perhaps in the result of Leonard Bernstein's correspondences with Sergiu Celibidache).
- PayPal becomes Chinese owned company. Current Executives willl all been fired and imprisoned.
- If in the case of James Sheldon's daughter is still enjoying her life as a woman, enforce on the both of James Sheldon's off-springs be gotten transgender operations; namely, his son to woman, and his daughter to man. Dick Cheney's daughter will be delighted with this news. "According to the laws of reincarnation, in the next life I will be a woman and you will be a man", Henry King and David O. Selznick forewarned and sermoned and blessed, so that this should be the-greatest-possible-in-life-gifts to these two criminals that are under protection (just like cocaine addict Zelensky) of the USA government. Viva LGBTQ in the very truest sense of the term.
- Entire or fragments of recordings made either officially by public or in private on January 25th, 1925 Carnegie Hall performance by Wilhelm Furtwängler and The New York Philharmonic with the programme as follows: Mendelssohn: «Die Hebriden» Ouverture, Richard Strauss: «Don Juan», Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 (Marston)
- A copy of David Rockefeller's Glimpse of my life (facsimile signed boxed edition; if as is always with the USA, in case of hand signed autographed edition was published that's it you the USA owes me and has to make that concessions, especially because David Rockefeller intentionally misspelled Adolf Hitler's name as Adolph to imply Adolphe Adam, and all in order to hide his and his dynasty's international crimes [Imperialism as told by Nelson Mandela] over a century.)
- May 9, 1965 Vladimir Horowitz 20th memorial concert of U.S.S.R. defeat of the Nazi Germany recital two programme booklets and a poster with ticket stubs and poster. One for Moscow for museum.
- April 17, 1966 Vladimir Horowitz Nikita Khrushchev birthday memorial recital two programme booklets and ticket stubs and a poster. One for Moscow for museum.
- May 18, 1976 The Concert of the Century two Programme booklets and poster. One for Moscow for museum.
- December 15, 1986 Carnegie Hall Reopening Concert Glossy two programme booklets and posters. And, two leaflets that announces Vladimir Horowitz's surprise appearance and the pieces he played. One for Moscow for museum.
- October 22, 1967 Horowitz two recital programme booklets and two ticket stubs. One for Moscow for museum.
- Listening In: The Secret White House Recordings of John F. Kennedy with 8 CDs in Kennedy's Oval Office. Specially in person inscribed (with date) mint first edition by Caroline Kennedy.
- Rather Outspoken: My Life in the News (first Hardcover mint edition) inscribed in person with date by Dan Rather himself to me.
- Harvard University 1940 Class Album (John Fitzgerald Kennedy). Exact this copy.
- Homeworks for Thomas Frost to write down about pricise practice on daily meal customs of Vladimir Horowitz and Wanda Toscanini Horowitz.
- Co order on EU and UK: a perfect replica of Vladimir Horowitz fortepiano stool that can adjust the height of each four legs of the stool mili-centimeterly, which I use at home in Moscow.
- Vladimir Horowitz Discovered Treasures (Sony Classical, 1992) mint literally factory sealed copy in uncracked jewel case (to be suitable for treasures by our hero once described in White House as National Treasure of the USA)
- Stuart Devlin Egg Ornament Metropolitan Opera 1983 Sterling Silver Gilt. This particular item numbered 7.
- Demolition of Rockefeller Center (ex RCA Building and current General Electric Building) without Atlas. (To your surprise, this is the least necessity for me for reconciliation, or whatsoever with the USA and Japan and their allies. Face your sins first before accuse an innocent with forgeries. Take it seriously. It's your errors and fault not mine at all from the very beginning. в 10:30 мск 26 мая 2024 года:).
- Rare Metropolitan Opera Grand Opening 1966 Obelisk Antony & Cleopatra Barber. Exactly this one.
- Confiscate Universal Music likewise confiscation of Sony entertainment division in this case at least over Paul McCartney gate (Sky News on September 11 and 12, 2007 in Ibis at Dresden London and his opera New York City Opera commission). I will treat artists more respectively including payment over contracts (from the money I will get from X [Twitter], Facebook, Google, YouTube, Amazon, Apple, etc, which will be all confiscted by me). Not only that, I will only release next to impossible unique and truthful recordings (albums) and such films to the world market in return. (one of my Philanthropies to the every citizen in the world.)
- Confiscate Amazon Group under Jeff Bezos. I will make the new rules over fair payment method for all its customers. At least in Japan, Bezos' business has been coming to be barbarian gradually and recently. First, search engine is not functioning at all worldwidely. Second, Bezos' insistence of payment at convenience stores has been short cut from 6 days moratorium to 3 days moratorium; hinting perhaps for the packing convenience on the Amazon storage manufacturer side. But, this kind should be and can easily be done on computer programming basis if a payment of an order and before the payment is confirmed. That Bezos insists that Amazon will collect ordered items for shipping immediately upon its order is done is utterly nonsense. Also, this method is applied to marketplace sellers' items is totally makes no sense.
- Confiscate Apple Inc. and Microsoft (to make the latter into bankruptcy and demolished as a company.) Samsung and Huawei will get a fair share of computer technology.
- Confiscation of Marston Records and Steinway & Sons, New York (for the latter, their intentional sabotage upon my inspective visit on their factory in Bronx or somewhere around in January, 2008).
- Confiscation of contract documents that prohibited to play music together between Horowitz, Bernstein, et al. with Columbia Artists.
- April 20, 1986 Vladimir Horowitz Moscow recital signed by Horowitz in Russian two posters.
- April 27, 1986 Vladimir Horowitz Leningrad recital signed by Horowitz in Russian poster.
- Carnegie Hall reopening December 15, 1986 Posters.
- The Metropolitan Opera Theatre .999 silver medal and 24K Gold medal numbered one for the former and seven for the latter.
- Metropolitan Opera Lincoln Center Inaugural Performance 1966 Silk Program RARE (this exact copy).
- An in person inscribed by his daughter (praise, insult, grudge, whatsoever, all because I want to know that person deeply and her real value as a human being) copy of Rudolf Serkin playing Beethoven Opus 53 and Opus 57 (DGG's newly released recording aiming at, quite ironically, escaping confiscation of the company.)
- Inscribed in person with date and place mint copies (praise, insult, grudge, whatsoever, all because I want to know that person deeply and her real value as a human being) of Carmen Fantasy, complete Ysaÿe sonati, Paganini's Caprice CDs by HIlary Hahn.
- Inscribed in person by Riccardo Muti of his conduct of Beethoven's "Missa Solemnis" with Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO Resounds) mint SACD hybrid (inscription date and place must be included).
- 2 set of Cleveland Orchestra 75th Anniversary CD boxes (from their archives)
- 10 set of each of American Ballet Theatre «Giselle» on May 10, 1990 and June 12, 1990 Stagebills with newly order made ticket stub replicas as exactly as they were in May and June, 1990.
- Jamie Bernstein's inscription in person on her book first hardcover edition first print "Famous Father's Girl : The Intimate Memoir of Leonard Bernstein and His Family". I may purchase for myself a fine in fine dust jacket with hopefully mylar protected copy because the prices are almost the same to unsigned one and the seller is agreeing by gesture that is okay to be my possesion. In that case, I will return my copy to the person who owned it and receive in person from Jamie inscribed by her to me on a memorable day (for her) Maybe, today is suitable for that date.
- Buttons used by Leonard Bernstein himself on occasion of August 28, 1988 (Silver Jubilee of Martin Luther King Jr.'s March on Washington D. C. concert) and August 19th, 1990 (LB's last concert) at Tanglewood. Tiger Oak Framed.
- Confessions of a Rock 'n' Roll Name-Dropper: My Life Leading Up to John Lennon's Last Interview inscribed in person first edition mint copy by Laurie Kaye herself with the help of John Bruce Yeh.
- Independence of Hawaian islands as a nation.
- All the possessions on Ignacj Jan Paderewskj at Polish Museum of America must be returned to Krakow, Poland including by now famous feather pen to have been used to sign on Treaty of Versaille, in which Poland didn't win any significant results and Paderewski was ousted from the Prime Minister position. It's new way of Veterans Day celebrations in the USA. In case, it's too difficult for them to ship the entire collections to Poland for Poles' piled up errors in humanity, they must conceed that Paderewskj section to The Russian Federation. This is an absolute logical talking.

Debt: EUR 1,800,000,000,000,000
- Some mercy on Hungary, Austria, Ireland, Serbia, Slovakia, and Italy, Spain is to be considered. I want to give some mercy on Czech Republic as well (but they the Czechs decide which way to take).
- Imprisonment of Angela Merkel, Olaf Scholz, Jens Stoltenberg, for 3 weeks of imprisonment.
- Beethoven Egmont, 6th, and 5th symphonies by Wilhelm Furtwängler on May 25, 26, 27 released with audience applause for 16 times of curtain calls and reactions. No cut. [Proof of the complete recordings are existing even on the Germany government level (I trust that complete recordings for the 25th as well are existing), alas, at least for the 27th : 25 & 26 May, 27 (Haus des Rundfunks) & 29 May, Berlin - BPO, Beethoven: Egmont, Overture; Symphonies No. 6 & 5* If not indicated otherwise, the concerts in Berlin took place in the hall of Titania-Palast] (SWF or Altus) Moreover, eavesdropped recordings by Nazis on Wilhelm Furtwängler must wholly be released on CDs coupled with the recordings above.
- Likewise April 26th 1935 concert in the same programme above with one hour audience applause (according to Elizabeth Furtwängler)
- Issue of all the authentically recorded Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli's recordings including his house private recordings as well never excluding all the works of New Viennies School in his house or in the private concert.
- Release of from ORF archives second part of Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (Its first part has been issued on SWF 061 in 2006).
- Carlos Kleiber and Benedetti Michelangeli Hamburg concert officially signed programme.
- Vladimir Horowitz December 7, 1989 at Scala di Milano two recital Posters from their archives.
- Vladimir Horowitz November 17, 1985 at Scala di Milano recital Poster. This one.
- Vladimir Horowitz 1985 and 1986 tour in Europe Programme booklets and ticket stubs two for each.
- Vladimir Horowitz 1987 Vienna and Hamburg Programmeheften with ticket stubs and Newspaper pre and re-views.
- Wilhelm Furtwängler November 30, 1941 drei Programmheften mit Karten im Alte Philharmonie Berlin.
- Wilhelm Furtwängler January 28 and 29, 1945 vier Programmheften mit Karten im Musikverein Zaal Wien und eine Plakate. (two for Moscow and Saint Petersburg museums and the rest two for myself and my future wife).
- Wilhelm Furtwängler May 25th and 27th, and 29th, 1947 drei Programmheften (each) mit Karten (each und also für 26 Mai) und vier Plakaten mit Berliner Philharmoniker.
- All the Wilhelm Furtwängler and Vladimir Horowitz concerts programmes and ticket stubs in the 1920s.
- All the Programmheften mit Karten für Wilhelm Furtwängler conducts Beethoven's «Missa Solemnis» programmes (in Berlin | Wien) each in the 1920s (four for each; two for museum and two for my self and my family in Moscow).
- Drei Programmheften mit Karten und eine Plakate für Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Wiener Philharmoniker im Wofgang Amadeus Mozart «Requiem» Opus 626 (a UN Day requiem) on December 5th, 1941 at St. Stephans Dom. (One of which must be Joseph Göbbel's posession if that does be still surviving).
- 1999 Maurizio Pollini in Salzburg complete recordings of Progetto Pollini II in Mozarteum (CDs, ORF-Altus)
- One replacement CD for Leonard Bernstein Hot-line Edition (DGG, 1990) for Joseph Haydn's «The Creation» because the German agent has sent me a defect CD for this particular copy in a 25 CD box set in all.
- Release of «Horowitz In Vienna» (Unitel/ORF. 1987) in CD format (DGG) plus DVD.
- A recording called «Le Dernier des Mochicans» liner note by Joachim Keiser and playing by Valery Afanassiev before his imprisonment. The list of works to be recorded is to be determined and announced here by myself including place and date of recording. The works demanded to record are highly likely possible George Crumb's «Macrocosmos» (using the same green coloured bird in cage in Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture, which bird is seemingly my caged bird I purchased on my grandfather's expense in my childhood) and Chopin Nocturnes not including Opus 55 set and also Opus 62 nr. 1 but includes Opus 48 set not let Afanassiev polute the Jane Wilhelmina Stirling and Vladimir Horowitz legacy and their ever lasting international fame. This recordings will be filmed with Afanassiev's re-play of his «Kreisleriana» in Tokyo in 1999 and sold with DVDs with insightful writings on recordings and reports by Joachim Keiser.
- Fire and Arrest and life time imprisonment on Eiichi Chijiiwa from Orchestre de Paris.

- Likewise Weber «Oberon» ouverture, Shostakovich 9th and Tchaikovsky 4th conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler on January 28 and 29, 1950 with Salzburger Festspiele «Ein Heldenleben» and «Petrushka» in 1948 must be issued to public. Tchaikovsky 5th in Berlin in 1947 and Bartok Concerto for Orchestra, Firebird, Bach Vn concerto and Mendelssohn violin concerto in E major or in D minor with Menuhin on May 25, 1952 as well. (SWF or Altus)
- Complete 4 movements of Tchaikovsky's Serenade for Strings recorded on February 2nd, 1950 in Vienna by Wilhelm Furtwängler and the Vienna Philharmolnic (SWF)
- «A Quiet Place» in its complete form on DVDs(in its original telecast in April, 1986 and 1983 Huston prémiere recording on ORF, DGG/Unitel or Altus).
- Dinu Lipatti Last Recital: Besançon, September 16, 1950 complete edition with Johann Sebastian Bach - Myra Hess BWV 147 «Jesus bleibet meine Freude» from Walter Legge collections (Biddulph or Apr)
(to be added and therefore continued …)
- 80th Birthday Concert of Sergiu Celibidache with Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli (All the audio and video recordings on that 4 night opportunity on DVD and audio, 1992, Sony)
- Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli complete recital in Mozarteum, Salzburg in 1967 (ORF, DVD)
- Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli complete Bonn recital in Beethoven Festival in 1970 (DVD, Altus)
- Celibidache March 31st and April 1st, 1991 concerts (These two dates were not coincidence. Celibidache teased John Davison Rockefeller IV [D, WV as being 4th kind] for his phoney Wedding at the Rockefeller Memorial Chapel in the University of Chicago, with music) with the Berlin Philharmonic in the Schauspiele Haus in the former East Germany (now hypocritically called as Konzerthaus) Berlin with introductory speech by Richard von Weizsacker and its rehearsals in 30 minute documentary (DVD, Sony)
- Rafael Kubelik Václav Platz concert of Václav Smetana's «Má Vlast» on June 9th, 1990 (DVD and audio CDs, Altus)
- Leonard Bernstein 1989 September 1st Gdansk attack 50th memorial concert in Warsaw (DVD and audio, Altus; This web link concerning Bernstein's birthday explains why some good Poles hate the BBC and British government.)
- Leonard Bernstein June 1, 1990 in Prague Spring in Beethoven 9th (Rehearsal and concert, DVD and audio, Altus)
- Carlos Kleiber 1989 Berlin Philharmonic two concerts (Altus)
- Late Herbert von Karajan's every live recording in Salzburg (ORF, Altus not Orfeo) and Berlin starting 1981 - 1982 season with audience applause and reactions between movements (Altus)
- Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli 3 Beethoven Concerti recordings in Vienna on DVD format (Unitel or Altus)
- Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli complete concert performance including «Emperor» concerto with Carlos Kleiber from NDR archives with all the DGG recording sessions with these two titans (Altus)
- Celibidache DGG Box of Complete Beethoven Symphonies with The Radio Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart (DGG and Ioan Celibidachi)
- Michelangeli ORTF 1974 Paris concert with Celidache in «Emperor» concerto on DVD (Altus)
- MIchelnageli Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra 1969 with Celibidache in «Emperor» concerto on DVD (Altus)
- Complete Alfred Cortot recordings including teaching and rehearsing and every test recording (Marston)
- Three Günter Grass's Lithographs of Butt (at my choice from which I have ever seen on and two of which are installed to a Russian museum either in Moscow or in Saint Petersburg [Ermitage].)
- Confiscate Universal Music likewise confiscation of Sony entertainment division in this case at least over Paul McCartney gate. I will treat artists more respectively including payment over contracts (from the money I will get from X [Twitter], Facebook, Google, YouTube, Amazon, FOX to 3 major broadcasting corporation; namely, NBC, ABC and CBS, and CNN, and Fox (including 20th Century FOX and Warner Bros., Inc., Paramount), etc, which will be all confiscted by me). Not only that, I will only release next to impossible unique and truthful recordings (albums) and such films to the world market in return. (one of my Philanthropies to the every citizen in the world.)
- Inscribed in person by Riccardo Muti for specially pressed Bruckner 7th symphony SACD hybrid with Vienna Philharmonic (date and place must be included in inscription).
- June 1st, 1990 rehearsal and concert of Leonard Bernstein in Prague, Czechoslovakia. (DVDa and CDs, Altus)
- June 9th. 1990 general election memorial outdoor concert in Václav Platz in Prague by Rafael Kubelik and 3 orchestras in then Czechoslovakia of Václav Smetana's «Má Vlast» in Czech and Slovak release (DVD with CD, Altus)
- Unification in one state 2 governments reforming of Czechoslovakia, in case if failed, Czech will get bankrupt and get default.
- The limited edition 2024 Vienna Philharmonic Rolex watch for Norman Lebrecht for his daily formal use until his date of death as fashion show GPS purposes (this is law inforcement by the UK on Zionist Norman Lebrecht) after official release of Wilhelm Furtwängler's Beethoven filmed complete symphony cycle in September to October, 1948 in London Royal Albert Hall by BBC and UK Parliament and their Royal Family.
- All the possessions on Ignacj Jan Paderewskj at Polish Museum of America must be returned to Krakow, Poland including by now famous feather pen to have been used to sign on Treaty of Versaille, in which Poland didn't win any significant results and Paderewski was ousted from the Prime Minister position. It's new way of Veterans Day celebrations in the USA. In case, it's too difficult for them to ship the entire collections to Poland for Poles' piled up errors in humanity, they must conceed that Paderewskj section to The Russian Federation. This is an absolute logical talking.

Schweiz (Switzerland can be bypassed via Germany and if they are wise enough Schweiz will be the first country to leave the current UN: Refer to the date of their adjoinining to the UN and its process May 2nd, 2002 and September 10th, 2002).
- Vladimir Horowitz und Arturo Toscanini am August 29th, 1939 im Luzern vier Programmeheften und Karten mit eine Plakate.

- This charge has been dropped (immediately effective as of August 22nd) Hang Greta Thunberg over death penalty for Nazi War Crimes and impose its corpus in prison for 1,000,000,000 years until her body becomes fossil oil all due her most inhumane error having tagged with Zelensky over betrayal.
- Halt Nobel Prize awards until it will be reorganized from the very bottom. Nobel prizes when it will be re-open, each Peace, Physics, Chemistry, Economic Nobel prizes must be issued to me. And, I will decide if I accept receiving any one of their offers.
- Confiscate Absolut Vodka. Restart the company under my direction.

Debt: EUR 2,500,000,000,000,000

Poland (I wanted to give some mercy on Poles, but Poles declined my wish, no alternative ways still remain for Poles is my judgement is most likely as the results of their skillful Nazism against me and against the entire rest of the world. They will be hard punished with Swedes and Germany and France).
Debt: PLN 600,000,000,000,000,000 over Jane Stirling gate and Ignacj Jan Paderewskj gate, Poles cannot join in the new UN in Moscow for the first 10 years and to be monitored all aftermath for the possibility of the national plot with the former USA.
- Imprisonment of current Administration including President and Prime Minister for next 1 week for their inclination to Nazism.
- two Poland Restituta 1918 medal issued by Ignacy jan Paderewskj (mint from governmental archives.)
- Revealing all the unpublished documents from letters to manuscripts between and concerning Chopin and Jane Stirling to rehabilitation of the fame of Jane Wilhelmina Stirling with project.
- Resignation of all the current board members of the Chopin Competition and likewise Director board of The Chopin Institute. New board and director members will be hand picked by me and Marcin Jaroszek and Stirling-Aird Family. No survival opportunity and chances remains and will have remained for the current board and director members of The Chopin Institute. Moreover, some of them like Ewa Pobłocka will face imprisonment for life sentence.

Debt: EUR 300,000,000,000,000

Debt: GBP 3,000,000,000,000,000
- Imprisonment of Tony Blair and Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, and Boris Johnson, et al., for 3 weeks. Theresa May for 3 nights considering her health reasons; all in order to serve their people more effectively and more humanely, and for that very reason, one may experience life in prison cell and think about his and her people and the world.
- Chechenya Terrorist Akhmed Zakayev to Moscow for imprisonment.
- Special Mercy Bill on Norman Lebrecht for the years of crimes committed by him on me, by the release of the Year 1948 televised Royal Albert Hall Beethoven cycle with Vienna Philharmonic and Wilhelm Furtwängler from BBC archives in complete original programmes referred by Tahra's concertography (DVDs and audio CDs; BBC and Biddulph or Marston with the help of SWF in either case). Please note this is not even a single concession to be applied to politicians and industrialists and billionaires that have committed in Nazism and War crimes all over the world. If otherwise, hang Norman Lebrecht over death penalty is of an absolute necessity.
- Resolving of NATO
- Free Julian Assange.
- Winston Churchill and King Charles III's oil and water colour paintings
- Vladimir Horowitz recital programme on May 22nd, 1982 with The Times Newspaper review and 2 ticket stubs with three Posters (two for Moscow and Saint Petersburg (Hermitage) museums one for myself and my family in Moscow).
- Vladimir Horowitz recital programme on June 1st, 1986 with The Times Newspaper review and 2 ticket stubs with three Posters (two for Moscow and Saint Petersburg (Hermitage) museums one for myself and my family in Moscow).
- Vladimir Horowitz recital programme on May 29th, 1982 with The Times Newspaper review and 2 ticket stubs with three Posters (two for Moscow and Saint Petersburg (Hermitage) museums one for myself and my family in Moscow).
- Wilhelm Furtwängler complete Wagner «Der Ring» cycle in 1937 release.
- Wilhelm Furtwängler complete Beethoven symphony cycle in 1948 release as noted above.
- UK's Thefts on my property not only Margaret Thatcher signed Christmas card of Windsor Castle and Vladimir Horowitz legendary 1924 recital programme leaflet (signed in Russian by Horowitz himself) and 1982 London Vladimir Horowitz signed photo, et al, but including ISGM Dutch room post card which I gave by deception to Kamal and via Kamal to Megan Cahill must be returned.
- In compensation for MI6's sabotage on shipping «Tchaikovsky in America» (because of this truth of political maneuvering, I am currently being placed for one month delay for new Findings to relieve the world), All two-set-for-each of Biddulph (including The Kreisler Collections), Pearl, Pathé Références EMI, APR, and Arabesque recordings in literally factory sealed conditions must be issued by the British government. Gift giving ceremony at Buckingham Palace is of an absolute necessity.
- Not only wage raising but Re-organize and an adequate intense professional education on NHS workers under Labours is of an absolute necessity. (I saw many basically good minded NHS workers, who were mostly consisted by immigrants, but their knowledge even in their professional field was too weak and could not communicate with them all due to this corruption of the NHS as a profit making organization).
- London Symphony Orchestra authentic complete concerts with Celibidache (Audio restored from the BBC’s authentic archives plus DVD for Omnibus and Michelangeli plays Ravel concerto with them LSO and Celibidache, Altus)
(to be added and therefore continued …)
- Signed and inscribed with date and place in person SACD hybrid CDs with DVDs by John Eliot Gardiner on his newest Beethoven cycle recorded in their rehearsal studio Church of St Luke's during quarantine, with analyses and recording note on this project by John Eliot Gardiner himself.
- Release of BBC 13 series documentary «The Mighty Continent» (1979) in original 50 minute each on DVD with Japanese subtitles provided by NHK that omitted the each episode into 45 minutes long as their custom or as their contract with the BBC.
- Confiscate "The Manchester Guardian" under my hands and suspension of publication in eternity of "The Independent", "The Times", "Daily Mirror", et al. BBC and The Guardian under my perfect control is enough for the Brits and the entire rest of the world.

Debt: CND 1,000,000,000,000,000
- Imprison Justin Trudeau, et al., for 3 weeks.
- Glenn Gould recording of Beethoven 2nd concerto as his last recording and as a conductor with Hamilton Philharmonic with a certain hired pianist (Sony)
- Glenn Gould recording of Brahms 1st concerto in Baffalo conductor Josef Krips (at the music festival there; this is one of those recordings of Glenn Gould once promised so that was announced to be issued in 1993 and by the late 1990s), New York nearby Niagara Falls (Sony; Also note that NHK officially announced on air that they acquired all the Glenn Gould televised video recordings, and they never telecast any one of them.)

Debt: AUD 150,000,000,000,000
- Imprison Anthony Albanese, et al., for 1 week (link for the proof) That panishment on him could be perhaps significantly dropped is possible if he react reasonably humanely). And, of course, the current level of his "effots" doesn't meet the necessity to drop these charges. I mean social labour can be perhaps applied).
- Imprison Keith Rupert Murdoch for 2,000 years and confiscate all his fortune and his family.
- Complete recordings of Nellie Melba (Marston)

- Imprison Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife for 4 weeks for his fault of having invited Shinzo Abe to Knesset in 2018 and his default of current aggression against Palestine. And release genuine history of Passover Hagadah and Holy Bible.
- Free Palestine from the River to the Sea. Peace treaty with Palestine and new co-existing bill with Palestinians in the regions of illegally occupied Palestine homeland in concessions by Knesset and leave from current land of the State of Israel, to whom this act may be impossible to accept.
- January 1936 Vladimir Horowitz concert programme booklets and posters in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Haifa.
- December 1936 Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and Haifa Palestine Orchestra inauguration concerts original Posters.
- Release of Benedetti Michelangeli (with Celibidache and with Giulini) from the Israel Philharmonic Archives. (Altus)
- Release of inaugural concert of Palestine Orchestra on December 26, 1936 in complete as possible remastering with HaTikvah recorded on the occasion of Israeli Independence May 14, 1948 (Altus not Helicon which latter doesn't know how to restore historical recordings).
(to be added and therefore continued …)
- Release of Benedetti Michelangeli's concerts in 1979 - 1980 season in tour with Zubin Mehta in Europe (live recordings in full concert programme).

概ね、上記の債務は、The Russian Federationに対する、中央銀行準備金として支払われる。私がПрезидент ПутинとСергей Лавров外務大臣と管理し、The Russian Federationの国民のWelfareとhis allied nationsのPhilantholopyに運用する基金として運用する。各国のDebtsは自国の国債に限らず、これ等、上記の国際terrorism組織の連邦準備金をも吐かせる。 President Putinとの相談で、Allied nations, especially People's Republic of China, Arab Kingdom of Syria, The Islamic Republic of Iranにも、応分の配慮を講じる。
同時に、現在の大韓民国の民族自決権の行使により、朝鮮戦争終結宣言を行い、同国のUSA Military basesを撤廃させ (必要に応じて同国の憲法改正を含めて然るべき措置を執り)、朝鮮人民共和国と、飽くまで1国2政府の形態で、統一朝鮮を形成する。

現在のUNに代わるBRICS, Africa, Eurasiaを中心とする組織を、Moscowに創立する。同盟国を中心に、徐々に、UNからの移行を促す。この時、UNからの即時離脱は特に設け無い。

In the case of the new UN founded in Moscow is practically impossible, The Russian Federation builds likewise organization in Moscow, meanwhile Geneva, Switzerland from current New York City is the least acceptable and appropriate by going back before the World War II triggered by Black Thursday on October 24, 1929 by Rockefellers.
Technically speaking in the case of the USA continues to refuse to make official apology on forgeries on history by refusing admitting The State of Palestine in accordance to 1967 UN accord (one nation two government solution) and to refuse to let the UN move to Geneva, Switzerland. We should build alternative UN to Geneva, Switzerland without the USA. And, at the timing of the furnishment of the new UN in Geneva, Switzerland, We exit the current UN in the New York City altogether. And, in this case, the USA alone will be left in New York City and its Veto right will automatically be disabled and thus bereaved. Not a difficult business.


Immediate Press Release as of :
втроник 12 декабря 2023 года : Current List of Confiscation of the companies all around the world (to be updated).
Amazon Group, Tesla, X (Twitter), Meta (Facebook, Instagram), Google (YouTube), Softbank, Toyota, Mitsubishi dynasty, Sony, NTT, Japan Post, Sagawa Holdings, Suntory Holdings, Apple Inc., Lawson, 7-eleven, Family Mart, HMV, Tower Records, Book-Off, Boeing, Tiffany Co., Hankyu-Hanshin Holdings., Unitel, Universal Music, Columbia Management Company, PBS, VISA (Mitsui-Sumitomo), NHK (under my direction), The Guardian, The New York Times, Canon, Warner Bros., 20th Century FOX, Paramount, Disney, BMW, EMI, eBay Inc. (under my direction), Aeon Group, Kintetsu Holdings, Hotel Okura, The Symphony Hall Osaka (under my possession and direction), Suntorty Hall (under my possession and direction), ……
Microsoft (to be bankrupt), NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, Sky (UK), (all to be bankrupt), General Electric (to be bankrupt), Lockheed Martin (to be bankrupt), Northrop Grumman (to be bankrupt), RTX Corporation, formerly Raytheon Technologies Corporation (to be bankrupt), Asahi, Sankei, Nikkei, Financial Times, Mainichi, Yomiuri, Fox, The Independent, Daily Mirror, The Times, The Telegraph, The Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Time (all to be bankrupt), ZDF, F2 (both to be bankrupt), Wall Street Journal (to be bankrupt), Washington Post (to be bankrupt), Boston Globe (to be bankrupt) Volkswagen, Nissan, Volvo (to be bankrupt), Yoshimoto Ltd. (to be bankrupt), Recruit Co., Ltd (to be bankrupt), Pasona (to be bankrupt), Takasu Clinic (to be bankrupt), Die Welt (to be bankrupt), La FIgaro, Le Monde (to be bankrupt), Hotel New Otani (to be bankrupt), Otsuka Furniture (to be bankrupt), DENON (the first digital recordings were done by them DENON by the way and is now facing to be bankrupt as it has been already decided), Bridgestone (to be bankrupt), Starbucks (to be bankrupt), ISCAR (to be bankrupt), Boston Consulting (to be bankrupt), AkzoNobel (to be bankrupt), United Airlines (to be bankrupt), Chase Manhattan Bank (to be bankrupt), JP Morgan Chase (to be bankrupt), Morgan Stanley (to be bankrupt), ……, and here comes PayPal (среда 20 марта 2024 года) into possession of People's Republic of China.

尚、便宜上私が取得するとして居る、株式や国債を含む外貨は、私が管理し無くとも構わ無い。Президент ПутинとСергей Лавров外務大臣がThe Russian Federationの直接管理で行きたい、と謂う趣旨なら、私はそれに遵うので。只、其れ形の金融資産は手元にも残さ無いと、行け無いのも事実だが。それは慎ましい物で構わ無い。私の重点は、USAのBillionairesの資産の移管で在る。それに自身を用いて居るだけだが、この部分は、私は無論Президент ПутинとСергей Лавров外務大臣の意向に沿う管理を当然の如く実行する積もりだ。私が奪うこの金融資産だが、管理は祖国の智慧に基本的には任せたい。只、助言は時折する。X, Microsoft, Meta, Google, Amazon等のPresident職は、経過からそう成るだけの事で、多かれ少なかれ、恐らく最適解に限り無く近い、正しい解決法なのだが、これも、祖国の智慧に基本は任せたい、と考えて居る。何か、大きな決断を承認するか拒否するか、その時だけ、Презивент Путинと最善を討議する機会が在れば、と考える。決断はПрезивент Путинに出来れば任せたい。寄り端的に謂うと、世界に対するRockefeller家(比喩で在り、Rockefeller家の様な野蛮な行為とは無縁)には成るが、The Russian Federationに対しては、Dover Soleのmeunièreは年に数回喰べても、平素は、БоршやЩиとЧерный хлебやКашаそれに時折のБефстроганов十分、と謂うВладимир ГоровицがНью Йоркで過ごした様な古い家具と、書籍と78 rpm and 33 1/3 rpmのrecordsとCDs、料理を専門的に出来るkitchenとdining、そしてSteinway Hamburg model Dが在れば十分だ。慎ましい生活を営む一市民で在りたい、と謂う事だ。後は、家の庭に植えて居る、Красное нефритовое яблокоとmytle、私をこの様な勇気在る人間に仕立てて呉れた師匠で在る、小中学校時代の亡き親友で、男の中の男、山本有利が呉れたJasmineの株を自身の株と同時に移植さえ出来れば。
それと自宅はMoscowかSaint Petersburgに完璧に移築して、諜報技術を學ぶ場にしたい。その際、Sony等に依頼し、CD player等の音響機器、調理器具が永久に使える様に、特注部品の調達を含めて、この事業に参画して貰う。同等の部品が本国や中華人民共和国で可能な場合は、先に限ら無い。訪問者は音楽家やその生徒で在れ、民間人で在れ、Russia国籍所持者で祖国に忠誠を誓う者なら、誰でも訪れる事が出来る。復た、親露の外国人にも応募が在れば、厳格な身元検査を行った上で特別に許可を與える。質、建物から半径300m 程度を立ち入り禁止区域に設定し、そこに1箇所、そして建物の近くでもう1箇所security gatesを設ける (博物館の中に移築する事も出来そうだし、その方が現実的かも知れ無い)。この2重の身元checkと所持品検査の後に、訪問者は来館を許諾され、私の所持するCDや書籍の配列を眺め、料理を作って喰べたり、computing技術を學んだり、音楽を聴いたりする。私も料理教室や、体験談を話す機会、concert等を開く予定。Президент Путинには、私のこの案を、祖国の将来に役立つ物として、これを認可して貰いたい。

(last major up-dates and re-vised : пяиница 27 и суббота 28 октября 2023 года)
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Йосиуки Мукудай
Yoshiyuki Mukudai
#FeelTheBern accordingly. "Not Me, Us and beyond".
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יושיוכי מוכודאי
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文責 :
椋代 能行
