Forbes Billiionaire Ranking in Humanity 2022-2023 Season
Immediate Update : [суббота 7 октября 2023 года] 5:00 AM in Moscow Time。
1. David Bargnesi* (4+1+22+9+4=40, 2+1+18+7+14+5+19+9=75; 40 (Romania) +75 (several candidates) =115; one of those "Vagina Bidders" over Hammerklavier sonata or Boulez 2nd sonata for fortepiano in their "The Art of Fugue". November 5th, Vladimir Horowitz remembered.)
2. Henry Fogel
3. John Bruce Yeh
4. Ruth G. Sikes (tough-minded)
5. Jane Fonda, Naomi Klein (*)
6. Dan Koren
7. Gil Shaham
8. Ron Asbestos Dippold* (18+15+14=47, 1+19+2+5+19+20+15+19=100, 4+9+16+16+15+12+4=76; 47+100+76=223=100+123)
9. Hilary Hahn
10. John Mearsheimer
11. Molly Yeh
12. Schoenbergs
13. John Adams
14. Jamie Bernstein and Bernsteins at Amberson Co. (Bach award)
15. Robert Debbaut
16. Robert Francis Kennedy Jr.
17. Bernie Sanders
18. Noam Chomsky and Oliver Stone (Honoured Laureate conductors)
19. N.N.
20. N.N.
21. David A. Woolsey* (Democrats field) and David S. Naden* (Republicans field) (two complete flop CIA agents each camouflaging a friend to John Bruce Yeh)
*The entry of number 1 and 8 are, of course and not to mention, bitter irony on them "the Americans".
1. Misha Horenstein
2. Inbar Rothschild
EU (except Poland) and other European Nations:
1. Wouter Mouton
2. Ivo Pogorelich
3. N.N.
4. N.N.
5. N.N.
6. N.N.
7. N.N.
8. N.N.
9. N.N.
10. Shauni Rau and her family
11. Serena Nono and her family
12. N.N.
13. N.N.
14. N.N.
15. Greta Thunberg
16. N.N.
17. N.N.
18. N.N.
1. Marcin Jaroszek
2. Anna Dębowska
3. Jacek Kaspszyk
4. N.N.
5. N.N.
6. Rafał Blechacz
7. Aleksandra Świgut
8. N.N.
9. N.N.
10. Krystian Zimerman
11. N.N.
12. N.N.
13. N.N.
14. Martha Argerich (Argentine)
15. N.N.
1. Shane O'brien
2. Rashid Salehi
3. N.N.
4. N.N.
5. N.N.
6. Carla Louise Lunn (NHS worker upon education programme)
7. Stirling-Aird Family exclusively [2:22] Horowitz Letzte Aufnahme
8. N.N.
9. Theresa May(*) (Theresa May could have not sent Julian Assange to Belmarsh in swapping secret deal on me with Shinzo Abe, who had followed me to London on the next day of my arrival at Heathrow. It's the greatest shame and embarrassment of the Brits in their entire history.)
10. Nikky (Ex NHS Occupational Therapist at Frays Ward of Hillingdon Hospital)
11. Norman Lebrecht, Jessica Duchen
12. N.N.
13. N.N.
14. N.N.
15. N.N.
16. Catherine (Russian immigrant NHS worker at Northwick Park Hospital)
17. N.N.
18. Christian Thompson, Hannah Spencer (Lawyer. Solicitor. She has an absolute true sense of Justice. And, it's hard thing for her profession, especially, such a condition where I was placed unknowingly under Tory's deception on me.)
19. N.N.
20. N.N.
Unfortunately, those with asterisk after his/her names are subject of arrest and imprisonment not only confiscating of their fortune. Let alone, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Tim Cook, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai, George Soros, et al. Not only that, all the Presidents including current one of the USA still alive must be imprisoned for at least next 2,000 years with their staffs at the time of their business. Likewise in UK, EU and other NATO nations including Japan, not to mention.
--- the below is for criminals on rating arresting and jailing of them are hereafter inevitable ---
I quit grading and ranking musicians because musicians are musicians, and during 2023 edition of Verbier Festival we reached our mutual understandings. So, the rest here is somehow only to do with humanity mostly apart from music.Out of the list above (means being inhumane):
1. Kyohei Sorita* (for his Nazi TV appearance and squeezing money and his fortune from it), Andras Schiff* (never be forgiven but forgotten), Maria João Pires (forgotten). Frankly speaking, Pires should record a 60 minute and 00 second all Scarlatti 18 (Tsedek in Hebrew) sonatas CD as her duty for humanity. Her birthday and her past contract with Denon speak it all according to Valery Afanassiev* whose birthday is September 8th on the date of San Francisco Opera where Treaty of San Francisco was signed there on that date in 1951. Rattle? Forget about it.
2. Jörg Widmann (to me he looks too shallow-minded as a musician)
3. Many alive of whom* Eiichi Chijiiwa* praises and Eiichi Chijiiwa* himself for his magnitude of and decades of hypocrisy.
4. N.N.
5. N.N.
6. N.N.
7. N.N.
8. N.N.
9. Andreas Heafliger (for his Luzern Festival scandal: almost forgotten but why had he had to block me on Facebook? Should he have committed that crime? A seat for Maurizio Pollini in Luzern Festowochen in the summer of 2008 was something like numbered 1234 was his brother's fault not me (it sounded extremely insulting at the time) and even not him. No reply to me should have been enough for such stupidity committed by his elder brother.) In any case, he will be forgotten.
10. Valery Afanassiev* (maybe forgiven, but before I forgive Afanassiev whose deeds made in music industry must be forgotten except the number of modern Hebrew alphabets without Sin (שׁ), and his novels and his writings; and story of birthday offerings upon contracts for musicians and music industries and managements).
11. Moscow Hotel Award award winner (by Valery Afanassiev) Hélène Grimaud (will be forgiven for her deeds during 2004-2006 season with NHK Symphony Orchestra under Vladimir Ashkenazy when the orchestra was ignoring her efforts; it threw at me Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jew issue over Diaspora) as Madame Bovary (she has already died once by committing suicide by violating human dignity of others and of her own, and her twice is her real death as a heart beating creature) Better live long. (forgiven but with a sort of financial compensation; I think I will purchase your «Kreisleriana» (overturned because its mediocracy в 9 сентятбя 2023 года) (I wish that the liner note will be updated and upgraded to be being the very best possible as of today (25 августа 2023 года) and Hilary Hahn's Paganini «Caprices» not for Ysaÿe, which I purchase later after everthing will be resolved - and if not that soon after their issues, because I have my own priority and responsibility for humanity and for the truly humane world order) updated в 11:32 мск 23 августа 2023 года
12. N.N.
13. Big money game producer Norman Lebrecht* (Lebrecht can forget, but never betray me again, by big money game as he had deeply engaged in, in his own deep moral corruption, with, I hate to point this out, but with Jessica Duchen* (not a life sentence unlike all others with astarisks except John Bruce Yeh who must be imprisoned for at least and approximately thirty-one entire years) who is closer to British Royal Family).
Worst species (1-2-3: sperm to worms):
1. Valery Afanassiev*, Andras Schiff(*) (Gun-Kan March award winner who resides in Pachinkoskaya in London), Jun'ichiro Koizumi* and his kinds* plus Ishin*.
2. Ursula von der Leyen and Olaf Scholz(*)
3. Jens Stoltenberg* and RIshi Snack*, etc.
4. Donald J. Trump*, Barack Obama*, Mitch McConnell*, etc*. Most Republicans* and Democrats*.
5. Hélène Grimaud, Irina Mejoueva (Medtner in toilet award), Martha Argerich, Nelson Freire (Martha's sex friend, whose decease gave Dan Thai Son a chance not to honour Eva Gevorgyan but talentless Kyohei Sorita*. If otherwise, Eva has won the Gold)
6. N.N.
7. N.N.
8. N.N.
9. Satoh Maki (for his habit to self-insults), Irina Grigore (being selfish)
10. Yuji and Mie Yamaki (I don't drink wines. What I learned in my practice of Jewish custom throughout 2018, I learned that wines are for ordinary citizens, even if for Kiddesh, not for ruling and God chosen people as Хрис тос clearly stated in A. D. 30).
11. The rest who doubts he/she may feel to be nominated.
Special Award to musicians for humane activity:
Platinum Medal Award (worth a million in USD in current net worth of the curren-c-y): Barry Douglas (Ireland)
Gold Medal Award (worth 100 billions in USD in current net worth of the curren-c-y): N.N.
Silver Medal Award (worth 10 billions in USD in current net worth of the curren-c-y): N.N.
Copper Medal Award (worth 1 billions in USD in current net worth of the curren-c-y): N.N.
Japan: (This, unfortunately, could never have been and will never have been realized due to the complete lack of their self-reflecting and self-criticizing introspections except myself. Arrest and imprisonment with confiscation on others on this list is the only way up closer to solution, by now [суббота 7 октября 2023 года]. Treatment on other criminals are as precisely being sentenced here. As Yasuhiko Nakata* once told on Warren Buffett (by working for Washington Post as its page), re-start with default and rebuild a nation is inevitable for them the Japanese.)
拘置所体験はして貰わねば、警察の残虐性と痴呆を認識する為に、困るが、期間は下記list中の人は、努力を買って、そして人に寄っては高齢だとかの健康上の理由で2日から7日間程度の短期にする必要が在るだろう。けれども、例えば、警察官と謂うのは、相手を威嚇する目的で、片足の靴の先を対象に直角90°に対峙して真正面に向けて立つ、と謂う奇妙な性癖が在り、それで彼等は、足で相手を指し示し常時威嚇して、相手が犯人だ、と脅す訳だが、これを忠実に再現して、そうした蛮行が彼等の自尊心を高揚させる目的以外では、何の実際的現実的意味も持た無い事を彼等に覚えささねば成ら無い。拘置所にしょっぴかれると、どう謂う待遇を受けるのか、喰事、風呂を含めて、体験出来る様にするのも一手。私の折は、タオルに雑菌が繁殖して居て、酷く匂うので、消毒して使ったが、それを警察官やそれに迎合する拘置所仲間が、越権行為だ、として止めさせ様とし、あの手この手を使って来たのだが、私は飽くまで、自身を通した、そう謂う経緯も在る。飯は質素だが、7-elevenの弁当程度には、美味だった。LawsonやFamily Martよりは上と謂う事。一層の事、内幸署を拘置所体験館(博物館)にして一般公開すれば? 復た、「運動」と謂う時間が在り、無実を叫ばす運動か、と思い参加し無かったし、「読書」も在る。小さな箱の中に、Hamlet, Catcher in the Ryeが在った。何を考えて居るのか。terror行為では無いか。
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