ルーシーの骨の60% Vol.31 ~みたことの代理(再思考)~ - Thinking about proxy for what we have seen(retake)
今日までにみつかっている人類の祖先に近いとさせる化石は、ルーシーと名付けられた。”ルーシーはエチオピアの浅い川底で発見され、骨格の推定40%が完全な形で残っていた” とされている。
The only fossil found to date that makes it closer to the human ancestor was named Lucy." Lucy was found in a shallow riverbed in Ethiopia, where an estimated 40 percent of the skeleton remained intact."
It is a project to add a table of contents to the sources for the production that will be created in the course of the activity, and to present something that has not yet been found in the process of being produced, in the title "60% of the bones that Lucy has not yet found.
東地雄一郎は、”みたことの代理” について、2022/12月に神戸でA=AA≠Aシリーズに組み込みコピーとオリジナルの中で思考をした。
今年に入って、これとは別のアプローチで ”みたことの代理” を再思考をはじめた。その成果を31番目の制作ソースとして提出する。
Yuichiro Higashiji has been thinking about the "proxy of what we have seen" in the copy and the original, incorporated into the A=AA≠A series in Kobe in December 2022.
This year, he has begun to rethink the "proxy of what we have seen" with a different approach. The result of this work will be submitted as the 31st production source.
◆百名山を切り開く/Cutting for 100 mountains
◆みたことの代理とは?/The proxy for what we have seen
A proxy for what we have seen is a hand that moves our thinking forward by replacing the temporary figure as a surrogate for what we have seen. It is easy to forget that the process of making the work was never there in the after-the-fact approach to confirmation, but by looking back in this way, we can organize what we know, can't we? We can think of it as.
Throughout history, the world has witnessed many histories and events through photography. The Apollo missions, Hubble, and Voyager brought us outer space. The same is true for the reports of wars and the Earth we now know.
The known that photography brings to us is not necessarily the experience itself. This is because it is an experience through the virtuality created by the photographic medium. At this point, I am interested in whether the virtuality of the photograph is a copy or not.
The work is a concept, and the physical output is a proxy for it, not the work itself. My work is a proxy for my work. At this point, the act of viewing the work is a proxy for having seen it.
わたしは、外見だけで内容を確認する手段として、イメージの断面を観察することを着想したが、断面を観察するその様は、本のページをめくって内容を確認することを代理しているのではないか? というところから思考はスタートしている。今回遠くにみえるあの山は、外見こそ知っているが、私たちが実際に内容確認できるすべはほとんどない。しかし、物理的に仮想を設定して断面を作り出すことができれば、その内容へのアプローチは進むのではないかと考える。
I conceived of the idea of observing a cross-section of an image as a means of confirming the contents of an image by its appearance alone, and I wondered if this way of observing a cross-section of an image might be a proxy for turning the pages of a book to confirm its contents. This is where my thinking started. Although we know the appearance of that mountain seen in the distance this time, there is almost no way for us to actually check its contents. However, if we can create a cross section by physically setting up a virtual image, we may be able to approach the content of the mountain.
東地雄一郎/ Higashiji Yuichiro