ルーシーの骨の60% Vol.22~修復のための即興と再構築~
スタジオに残っている廃材で制作の痕跡を再構築する修復の作業である。制作場所を共有しているstudio wo が残した痕跡と昨年の東地が残した痕跡をつかった制作である。
This was a restoration project to reconstruct the traces of production using the scrap wood left in the studio. I used traces left by Studio wo, with whom I share a common production space, and traces left by Higashiji from last year.
In order to prevent infection, the two have been constrained in some way, either in time or in space, but they have never stopped talking to each other, rather they have always operated without the limitations of location.
What was not shared in the studio, Higashiji unilaterally picks up the traces and makes contact with them, reconstructing and confirming the dialogue that should have been there.
場所:黄金町バザール内 studio-yuusui (日の出湧水前)
Place: studio-yuusui in Koganecho Bazaar (in front of Hinode Spring Water)
Time: 24 hours
Period: 10/1 to the present
制作背景/Production Background
covid-19に影響により黄金町での制作活動を中断してたが、黄金町バザール2020の制作のために、ルーシーの骨の60%の活動を再開する。黄金町バザール2019で実施した(A=AA≠A Re-take)のような、自身のスタジオをつかった思考の開示からはじめる。
After interrupting her production activities in Koganecho due to covid-19, we resumes our work on 60% of Lucy's bones for the production of Koganecho Bazaar 2020. She will begin with a disclosure of her thoughts using her own studio, such as the (A=AA≠A Re-take) conducted at the Koganecho Bazaar 2019.
In particular, Case 7 is a dissatisfaction that could not be realized at the Koganecho Bazaar 2020, and we feel the need to do so again in light of the situation at this point in time 2020.
ケース3 /case3
Stacking paper that has been consolidated into a unit.
Use stacked paper to show that the surface on which the image is fixed is not uniform. Deform the surface to show that it is not uniform.
It cannot be confirmed by entering the glass.