You are the owner of this world
Today is the day I only use English, so I will write this article by English too.
I have been surprised by how many "note" writers have mental issues.
I would like to write down what is the important for us, and what is the important for those people.
I am a guy who suffered from many life crisis but now I am so happy and strong guy.
I passed through very difficult things and achieve the result which brings me the confidence.
That's why I am knowing how we can change our world and what is important, now. I would like to introduce them.
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"
This adage reaches out to every condition and circumstance of human endeavor.
Our thinking way is everything where we live. If you thinking way is evil or weak, your life will be misery or If you thinking way is kind and strong your life will be happy.
This is because Action is the blossom of thoughts, and we can manage the thoughts because thoughts is yours.
You are not of thoughts. Thoughts are yours.
You must know this.
If you become the slave of "thoughts", you cannot make your world. You must live in other people's life because Thought is easily affected by relations with others.
If you plant seeds of beautiful rose and raise carefully, the beautiful flowers will bloom, but if you don't plant the seeds, of course those flowers cannot bloom.
This is the rule of the world, if you plant beautiful mind, beautiful outcome will bloom, if you don't plant beautiful mind, misery life will bloom.
This world has many rules.
And life rules are very simple. I think the simplest rule of this world.
You can make the world by your thought.
Your thought is yours.
I would like you to know, your life which means this world is yours.
Thank you for reading.