Feeling stuck about finance

Last Sunday, I talked with an study abroad agent. the staff was nice, in general, but seems not trying to help me so a but disssapointed because she gave me the reasons why i ‘can’t’ do it. “the expense will be 5million yen per year” “scholarship is limitted” “gpa is not enough” ... why don’t you try to give me how to improve these weak points??? Are you not a sales person???? she rather recommended to go to TAFE which she has a knowledge of. I SAID, “I WANT TO DO MY MASTER” !!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly, i was annoyed.  Yea this is my real feeling and i just said it at loud. hahahahaha

doing something which is not the things someone does, is not easy, especially in Japan. people always say “ it’s impossible” “Nobody does it”
... so what? can’t I be the first person then? of course i have to prepare a lot, but it doesnt matter. Challenging something new is not easy, i know. but if you are passinate about something, you need to go for it! the lifetime is not forever, you need to use your time to make yourself happy.

For now, what i can do it to research scholarships, and try ti study hard to get a better gpa when the school starts in April.
i think i will apply for it. my feeling is real!
not easy, but would love to try!

