
5th session of online meeting and creation of Theatre Company shelf in Tokyo and Lab Teater Ciputat in Jakarta.

Finished 5th session of online meeting and creation of Theatre Company shelf in Tokyo and Lab Teater Ciputat in Jakarta on 27th March.

What a wonderful work to do work with really respectful and creative, greedy to enjoying colleague. What a joyful work to do the creation with friends who have totally different background (religion, culture, language) all Focusing to find and enjoy it that the a point in common, and the differences itself.

Talking and sharing thoughts, philosophy and feeling about;

Japanese Buddhism, Shinto (both of traditionally or ancient indigenous and modernized Shinto), Islam in South East Asia and Sufism, kejawen through the texts of Yukio Mishima and Danarto, The a point in common between Japanese and Indonesian culture and philosophy and differences, Modern History in Asia, What is the Art itself being for or should to be in each society, community, country, for the co-production and collaboration between us.
I was totally refreshed from daily deskwork's tiredness. Every session, step by step it's becoming much more creative and inspiring!

Thank you guys! and really well done. See you again the week after next again!

ちょっと前の記録ですが、3月27日(土)の夜。東京のTheatre Company shelfとジャカルタのLab Teater Ciputatのオンラインミーティングとクリエイションの第5セッションが終了しました。

ジャカルタの時間に合わせて(時差2時間)日本時間の22:00開始、予定では24:00終了のところ終了したのはほぼ26:00! ぶっ通しの4時間、メンバーも大変ですが通訳の野村羊子さんの仕事が半端ない。もう、感謝の言葉もありません。ありがとうございます!






みんな有難う! 本当にお疲れ様でした。ま次の次の週末に会いしましょう。
