
Pointers to Get Your ID Approved by Companies Registry on Your First Try

When setting up a company in Hong Kong (by the way, we can do it for you ), each director and shareholder must submit a copy of their ID to Companies Registry (CR), the government body overseeing the registration of new businesses. CR often rejects these copies for not meeting their standards.People then have to send the documents again, delaying the incorporation and costing them money.

This short article will help you do everything exactly the way Companies Registry wants you to and get your company started in Hong Kong on the first try.

What ID docs are we talking about? 

All directors and stakeholders must submit a copy of their identification document.The copies need to be certified true copies.

Certification for Hong Kong residents can be done by

- Certified Public Accountants; 

- HongKong Solicitors;
- Notaries Public .
- Directors and acquire from outside of Hong Kong, need to get notarized copies of their IDs.That means they need to find a notary public and buy the service of notarization.

What is a notarized copy?

The difference is that certified true copies are recognized only inside the country they have been certified in and notarized documents are recognized internationally.

How do I ensure a person has the capacity to act as a notary public?

Here's what Osome recommends to help ensure your notary public will meet Companies Registry standards:

1. Before arranging your appointment, confirm the notary public's commission is current.If it is not, any document notarized by them will not be legally authenticated.

2.During your appointment, obtain a copy of the notary's certificate confirming his commission as a notary public.This usually includes their legal name, identification or registration number and the dates of when the commission took effect and the date on which it expires.

3. Ask the notary public to note their website on the copy for verification purposes.Some of them do not include this by default.

What should a notarized passport copy look like?

The passport copy must be in color, clear, and easy to read.Don't risk your time submitting a blurry one.

The document must be in English.If your document is not in English, the copy must be translated into English by a recognized translator.CR will not accept the copy in any other language.
