死ぬしかない 攻防戦
飛び立つ今 境界線
情けない死ぬ方(ほう)は 自殺
かっこいい死に方(かた)は 伝説
下ろされる 刃
撃ち抜かれる 扉
心臓に向けられた 他殺
開かれたホームは 死神
葬られた 魂
付けられた 灯
You never smile to me, tonight is our last chance
You ever get back to me, all right let me go
Today is our last day, Tomorrow is new day
Saw you in the darkness
Take me to the sunshine, but
Wear the clothes, Hide your skin
Kill the voices, Suicide a person, who you want to be
Step in the shoes, Walk the road
Fill the bottle
I wish to listen a love song from you,
The wish does not go through to you
Love live in the deep end
Dick in the leap mountain line