Duolingo English Test - 後半パートの攻略法について
Duolingo English Testの後半パートの写真を観て話す問題以外の4問について私なりの攻略法について共有する。
今回私が指している後半パート構成は、Readingのセクションが終わった後からの以下の問題でSpeak about the Photo以外の問題のことを指す。2022/07/21時点では、以下の順序で出題された。
Read then Write
Listen then Speak
(Speak about the Photo)
Read then Speak
Listen then Speak
例)Talk about a sport or activity you did when you were younger. Why did you enjoy it?
例)In many countries, people tend to move overseas or to a different part of their country for their retirement. What are the reasons behind this phenomenon?
例)Professional athletes earn a lot more money, in comparison to people who have other significant jobs. Some people think that athletes don’t deserve to be paid so much. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
例)Discuss the arguments against animal testing.
描写(個人)、描写(一般)⇒ 主張 + 質問回答 or 理由2つ+主張
比較(個人)、比較(一般)⇒ 主張+理由2つ+主張
論理展開のしやすさ & 現実になっているのはどっちか判断
以下が「Read then Speak」で出題された場合の1〜3について 設問外貨の場合「Professional athletes earn a lot more money, in comparison to people who have other significant jobs. Some people think that athletes don’t deserve to be paid so much. To what extent do you agree or disagree?」
描写(個人)、描写(一般)、比較(個人)、比較(一般)のどれに該当するか判断 ⇒ 比較(個人)
論理展開のしやすさ & 現実になっているのはどっち ⇒ 貰いすぎではない(現実ではもらっている人が多数存在して論理展開しやすそう)
構成に当てはまる内容を出す(英語で考える)⇒ 2つ理由と具体例
設問と回答 サンプル
設問)Talk about a sport or activity you did when you were younger. Why did you enjoy it?
対象:Table Tennis
理由 1
We meet various kinds of people through playing table tennis because all generation are able to play table tennis.
I joined a local club on each Sunday, and I met the people from elderly to young person.
理由 2
It is not easy sport. So you can feel the improvement if you practice a lot.
I practice every day, so I become better than others.
結論:Table tennis is a wonderful sport for young people.
回答)I enjoyed playing table tennis when I was young a lot for several reasons. Firstly, through playing table tennis, we can meet various kinds of people because all generations are able to play table tennis. I joined a local club on each Sunday, and I met the people from elderly to young people. Secondary, It is not an easy sport. So, you can feel the improvement if you practice a lot. I practice every day, so I become better than others. Overall, I believe, table tennis is a wonderful sports for young people.
設問)In many countries, people tend to move overseas or to a different part of their country for their retirement. What are the reasons behind this phenomenon?
There are several reasons why people tend to move overseas or to another part of their country for their retirement.
is that they want to spend less than they did when they were working.
For myself, I plan to move to certain Asian countries when I retire.
they do not have to live in the middle of a city, as they do not commute every day.
I think they prefer a calm and quiet place with a lot of nature.
These are some of the reasons for moving to the next location after retiring.
設問)Professional athletes earn a lot more money, in comparison to people who have other significant jobs. Some people think that athletes don’t deserve to be paid so much. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
I disagree that athletes are overpaid
Reason :
Give us a lot of pleasure though their play, which makes us enthusiastic
For example, many people were impressed to watch olympic games
Reason :
Contribute to our society though encouraging others
For example, they shows the humans incredible potential through their play
設問)Many believe that formal, standardized examinations are the only effective way to assess a student’s performance. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
回答)I agree with this statement very much for the main two reasons. Firstly, standardized examinations like tests at the end of each semester are very effective to assess a student’s performance for teachers. If tests are those, teachers are enough to prepare only one examination for all students. Secondary, it’s effective to access the performance of students' memorizing which is needed for junior high school students. The importance of most subjects in junior and high schools is memorizing, so it’s a suitable way to assess. All in all, I agree with assessing students' performance with standardized examinations.