Empty nest syndrome..空の巣症候群


I haven't written anything here for more than 6 months.  It has been extremely busy days with new work and it has been chaotic to say the least.  2021 was again, full of corona virus news to the level that everyone was fed up with...  The only good news was Summer Olympic in Tokyo!  Japan team did really well! 

単調なめりはりのない生活をしていると、あっという間に日々が過ぎ去るのだそう。テニスはするけど、たいしてうまくない腕前。特に他に趣味もなく、ネットフリックスをみるくらいですかね。。なにか夢中になれるものがあればいいなあと思うのではありますが、今まで子育て、仕事に忙しく家族がだんだん家から去っていくと、ぽっかり穴があき、むなしい日々。世の賢者(かどうかわからんが、本出したりしている人達)によると、例えば家族が幸せだったら幸せというのはダメで、自分自身が幸福でないと、と言われる。まったくその通りで、例えば娘がハッピーそうだったらいい、なんていいうのは、依存で、、とのたまわれる。自分自身のInner happinessを見つけないといかんと。

You know, somebody told me that time flies when your life is just a repetition of the same thing without any excitement.. 2021 was like that for me except when watching Olympic game for me.  I don't have lots of hobbies like some people- like playing tennis, but that is just about it.  I do enjoy Netflix ( who doesn't? ) My life so far was work, work and raising kids.. One by one, family member leaves my nest and I now feel big hole in my heart..  All these books and wise person(I am not sure they are, but they certainly publish that sort of books to inspire people!) preaches that happiness comes within yourself, it is not conditional thing, for example, I will be happy if I become rich, or my daughter gets married, or something.  Finding inner happiness is crucial.


That is so so true!  However, it is very difficult to find inner happiness..  How the hell you do it?  I am still working full time, but I don't feel having a fulfilling life..  What can I do to lose this sense of helplessness??


Against recommendation made in books regarding "how to be happy", I would like to write about my daughter ( some says that I worry about her constantly, stop doing that, focus on yourself!) she won a lottery for two-years working visa and moved to London last year.  She is trying to find a job there, so please let me know if you know somebody in London or elsewhere who can offer an opportunity for her.  - Here is her post in LInkedin.