英検1級 エッセイ対策
内容8点: 課題で求められている内容が含まれているか
構成8点: 英文の構成や流れが分かりやすく論理的であるか
語彙8点: 課題に相応しい語彙を正しく使えているか
文法8点: 文構造のバリエーションやそれらを正しく使えているか
合計32点 CSE 850点
構想 5分
記述 18分
見直し 2分
合計 25分
Introduction (40 words, 2 sentences)
Main Body
理由1のパラグラフ (50 words, 3 sentences)
理由2のパラグラフ (50 words, 3 sentences)
理由3のパラグラフ (50 words, 3 sentences)
Conclusion (40 words, 2 sentences)
単語数チェック (200 - 240 words )
社会 Society
現在社会では in the modern world
高齢化社会 aging society / human beings come to live longer.
高齢者 senior citizens
年金制度 pension system
医療費 healthcare cost
生活の質 quality of people’s life / the standard of living
増税 increased taxation
子育て child care, look after their children
男女平等 gender equality
人権侵害 human rights violation
失業率の上昇 Raise of human unemployment
労働者不足 labor shortages / The supply of workers diminishes.
次世代 future generations
出生率 birthrate / The birthrate is already falling in most advanced societies.
司法制度 judical systems
高齢者の生産性の増加 work a longer period, alleviate society's labor shortage
高齢者の豊富な人生経験の伝承 educate younger people by using their accumulated wisdom
保育への貢献 hep their children by looking after their grandchildren
環境 Environment
大気汚染 air pollution
水質汚染 water pollution
土壌侵食 soil erosion
生態系 biodiversity
人口増加 population growth
食糧不足 food shortages
地球温暖化 global warming
化石燃料 fossil fuel
気候変動 climate change
二酸化炭素排出量制限 limiting CO2 emissions
廃棄物処理規制 regulating waste disposal
原子力発電 nuclear power
再生可能エネルギー renewable energy は必要か?
地球温暖化の防止 global warming, 太陽光発電 solar power, 風力発電 wind power, produce few harmful emissions
公衆衛生 public health, drilling coal and gas can pollute supplies of drinking water
化石燃料は限られている focil fuels will begin to run out in the next 50 to 150 years
経済 Economy
経済成長 economic growth
途上国 developing countries
富裕国 wealthy countries
工業化 industrialization
関税 duties
政治 Politics
国連 United Nations
国際法 international law
国際条約 international treaties
経済制裁 economic sanctions
外交政策 foreign policy
国際 International
グローバル化 Globalization は歓迎か?
食糧不足 food shortages は解消できるか?
経済発展 economic development, incresing efficiency of food production
バイオテクノロジーの進歩 biotechnology, disease-resistant, grow dramatically, a small amount of rainfall
出生率の低下 birthrate, steadily shrink, the amount of food needed to feed the human will decrease
教育 Education
専門知識 specialized knowledge
教育機関 educational institution
E-learning の利点
技術 Technology
人工知能 artificial intelligence
技術の進歩 Technological advancements
社会のデジタル化 digitization of society
コンピュータの高性能化 The rapid development of smaller and more efficient computers.
個人情報の商品化 commodification of personal data
個人情報の保護 protect individual privacy
個人情報の侵害 violate people's privacy
個人情報の開示をさらに強制される be compelled to disclose more personal data
労働力不足を補うこと make up for the labor shortage
人工知能によるさらなる精巧化 increasing sophistication of artificial intelligence
高齢者の介護への貢献 act as caretakers for elderly people
XXX has developed dramatically over the past few decades.
Today, XXX continues to affect many people.
At present, most of XXX are met by XXX. However, if we consider XXX, it becomes clear that we should XXX.
In recent years, XXX has become increasingly common, but I do not believe that XXX.
Although I would like to think XXX, unfortunately, I do not believe this is possible.
XXX has undoubtedly convenience to our lives.
XXX is extremely effective for doing something
Nevertheless, I strongly agree that XXX.
This belief is because it is XXX, XXX, and XXX.
There can be no doubt that XXX will become increasingly common in the future.
These three things make it superior to XXX.
I agree, however, that XXX will be eliminated in the future.
Due to XXX, XXX, and XXX, it will be beneficial to rely on XXX.
Genetic engineering technology is an exciting new area of research. This technology is likely to bring benefits in medicine and food production, and governments are well-suited to manage this kind of research.
I assume that XXX will be exacerbated in the future due to XXX, XXX, and XXX.
XXX, XXX, and XXX will lead to less dependency on XXX.
Governments should not be financing genetic engineering research. This is because of the existence of other essential areas needing research, the fact that private companies are highly competitive, and the possibility of an ethical dilemma.
理由1 導入節 (Topic Sentence)
First, the most severe threat to our planet today is XXX.
One reason is that XXX
The first point is XXX
The problem of XXX is likely to worsen in the future.
The biggest reason why XXX will worsen is XXX.
Over the past few decades,
理由2 導入節 (Topic Sentence)
Another point against XXX is
Another reason is XXX
理由3 導入節 (Topic Sentence)
Finally, the most practical way to XXX is XXX.
Another benefit is that XXX
A third factor is XXX.
それぞれの理由の説明節 (Supporting Sentence)
The community will need to turn more and more to XXX to make up for the shortfall.
In many developing countries, populations continue to grow. Moreover, these are the countries that find it most difficult to feed their communities.
Often, XXX is a result of cost rather than availability.
For this reason, it does not make economic sense to do XXX.
As long as XXX is XXX,
XXX is a significant cause of XXX.
XXX is becoming capable of doing some tasks better than XXX.
For example, we expect XXX to become more adept at XXX.
As countries develop, the standard of living rises, and they begin to import more food. Thus, in poorer countries, the price of basic foodstuffs will become impossibly high.
XXX and XXX are good examples of this fact.
XXX will ideally suit to act as XXX for XXX.
Because of climate changes, many areas that have been fertile sources of food are likely to experience floods, droughts, or other types of extreme weather.
As a result, the global supply of feed may diminish.
First of all, genetic engineering technology is likely to lead to the development of new techniques for treating incurable diseases, especially those that are genetically caused. Moreover, genetic engineering will allow for the better prediction of diseases, with the result that doctors can intervene to prevent these diseases from developing.
In conclusion,
In these ways,
Because of the above,
For these reasons, I believe XXX, XXX, and XXX are likely to intensify over time.
For these reasons, I believe that it is unnecessary to do XXX.
I think that we can say with confidence that XXX.
This trend will lead to a better quality of life as XXX.
Governments need to begin to act quickly to address these problems before they become even more severe.
Nevertheless, it is essential to take steps now to help XXX in the world.
scarcity 欠乏
erode 侵食する
meticulous 細かいことによく気を配る
in danger of
attempt to
some degree of
sooner or later
carry on ordinary life in society
express opinions
XXX must not come at the expense of XXX.
XXX must minimize XXX by XXX.
XXX all become issues when XXX prioritizes XXX.
XXX is associated with XXX.
XXX is detrimental to XXX.
XXX renders XXX unsuitable for XXX.
XXX will have to take responsibility for XXX.
It is not straightforward to do XXX.
We should nevertheless make every effort to ensure that XXX.
XXX has a positive effect on XXX.
XXX has a negative effect on XXX.
XXX will become more prevalent in the future.
not only XXX but also XXX
XXX will affect XXX, but it will never be able to replace XXX.
The situation is highly unlikely to occur in XXX.
It makes no economic sense for XXX to spend XXX on XXX.
XXX frees people from tedious or dangerous work.
XXX cannot afford XXX.
XXX may afford citizens access to visit XXX.
[国際] 経済制裁
Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3
[社会] デジタル社会のプライバシー保護
Reason 1
Reason 2:
Reason 3
[社会] 高齢化社会
意見: Positive
結論: 寿命の伸びは良い影響を与える
高齢者の数が増えると問題が起きるが、それでも社会全般に良い影響をもたらすことができる。The growing number of elderly people undoubtedly brings problems. Nevertheless, the increasing longevity we are now seeing can have a beneficial effect on society overall.
その理由は、高齢者の生産性の増加、高齢者の豊富な人生経験、保育において果たすことができる重要な役割である。This is due to the increasing productivity of old people, the wealth of life experience they have, and the important role they can play in childcare.
Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3
このように、寿命の伸びは良い影響を与える。In these ways, increasing longevity has a positive effect on society.
発展途上国が豊かになるについて、このような恩恵は世界中のもっと多くの国に広まるだろう。As developing countries become wealthier, these benefits are likely to spread to more and more countries around the globe.
[社会] 人文系の学問
The humanities include diverse fields.
Some media reports that a degree in the humanities has lost its relevance.
However, there are several reasons why I disagree with this idea.
Reason 1
Because of globalization, we need the study of languages so that we can better communicate with people of different countries.
We also need history and religious studies so that we can better understand the various cultures of this world.
Reason 2
Today, people everywhere are walking around with smartphones.
The content of these devices brings us back to the humanities.
A beautiful photograph, a good song, a funny story, or an interesting video is brought to us by creative people who are skilled in the arts.
Reason 3
The humanities take creativity to find new solutions to problems and to create new products or services that people want.
It would be a terrible mistake to dismiss the important roles that the humanities play in our society.
Agree or Disagree: Future generations will become more dependent on robots.
With the advancement of technology, caring for the elderly, and new ideas from the next generation, the coming generations will be more dependent on robots.
First of all, robot technology has made great strides in the past few decades. Some robots have already become a necessity in society, such as the giant robots used in automobile manufacturing. In addition, recent robots are becoming more sophisticated to perform more complex tasks, such as household chores, which previously required human hands. For example, automatic vacuum cleaners and smart speakers can help us with our daily tasks. In this way, the evolution of technology can make our lives better.
Secondly, robots will support the elderly in various situations. In the aging society of the future, we need to be prepared to care for the elderly with fewer people than ever before. Housework robots and AI technology will play an essential role in maintaining the quality of life.
Finally, the next generation will be digital natives and have new ideas that we cannot create or imagine. They are frequently exposed to robots and learn about new technologies faster than older generations. Therefore, it is expected that the new generation will invent new robots and influence future generations.
In conclusion, our lives will become more and more dependent on robots due to technological advances, caring for the elderly, and new ideas from the next generation. Therefore, I hope that the effective use of robots will further enrich our lives.
244 words
Agree or Disagree: Food shortages will be eliminated in the future.
Food shortages are a serious problem that our generation has to sort out globally in today's society. However, I believe we can solve this problem in the future through advances in agricultural technology, population reduction, and maintaining sustainable goals.
Our food supplies have increased dramatically over the last century. In addition, technical advances in various areas of agriculture have made our supply system better. For example, it is now possible to grow crops in harsh climates by covering them up and controlling the temperature for each crop. Our continuous efforts will pay off in the future.
Second, the world population will reach a peak near future. If it decreases steadily, food shortage issues will resolve naturally. This trend is undeniable in developed countries like Japan. Therefore, we can distribute food resources to developing countries.
Lastly, the food issue is one of the sustainable goals that motivate countries, companies, and individuals to tackle the food shortage issue for an extended period. Everyone needs to have the same vision to move forward to the goal together. We will eliminate this issue in the future if the sustainable goals keep effective.
As mentioned above, with the advancement of technology, decreasing populations, and sustainable goals, we will have enough food to live on one day. It will happen within this century.
217 words
Does the world need to promote the use of renewable energy?
We should promote renewable energy because it can solve many of the world's problems. The main three reasons for this are that fossil fuels will be depleted, renewable energy can avoid air pollution, and renewable energy technology is advancing.
First of all, fossil fuels such as coal and oil will disappear in this or next century. Therefore, we need to find alternative energy resources as soon as possible. Renewable energy sources such as solar power and wind power are suitable for alternative energy sources because they will never run out. Therefore, we require to encourage the use of these energies.
Secondly, renewable energy is effective in preventing the environment of our planet. The CO2 emission from fossil fuels damages the greenhouse in the air and causes global warming. Promoting renewable energy can reduce CO2 emissions and prevent air pollution.
Finally, technological advances to solar power, wind power, and electric vehicles have made us almost ready to promote renewable energy further. They are now more effective and cheaper than in the last century. It may even be possible to replace them one day completely.
For the above reasons, I believe renewable energy should keep promoted. It will be achievable not to rely on fossil fuels and use renewable energy only shortly.
210 words
Governments should spend more money on genetic engineering technology
In recent years, genetic engineering technology has brought benefits to our daily lives. To continue to support the livelihood of civil people, the government should continue to provide financial support for the development of genetic engineering, support for agriculture, and maintaining the food supply for the general public.
First of all, economic support from the government is essential for developing genetic engineering. That is because the research and development of this technology are highly technical and take a very long time, making it difficult for private companies to continue investing in it until it becomes profitable. With government support, related companies will be able to continue their research.
Furthermore, financial support for genetic engineering can also support agriculture. Before developing genetic engineering, farmers struggled to produce food in harsh weather and small areas. However, advances in genetic engineering have made farming much more manageable by improving more tolerant breeds. Therefore, the investment in genetic engineering will lead to support from farmers to the government.
And finally, the ability to reinforce a stable food supply through genetic engineering will allow us to buy cheaper and better food at supermarkets. Consumers are sensitive to food prices and quality, and their households influence economic growth at all. Therefore, investment in the advancement of genetic engineering will undoubtedly contribute indirectly to the government's goal of economic growth.
In conclusion, we believe that investment in genetic engineering should continue because it is beneficial to the government.
241 words
Will the world become more peaceful in the future?
Although conflicts continue to occur in many parts of the world, the world has become more peaceful in recent years. I believe this process will continue because of increasing globalization, the spread of the Internet, and the growth in the number of international non-governmental organizations.
The primary reason is the growth of globalization. As world trade increases, not only do many countries grow economically, but more importantly, they become financially interdependent. This means that, in the case of international conflicts, the countries involved stand to suffer economically. Therefore, any wars are likely to negatively affect the attackers and the victims.
Another reason is the spread of the Internet. In the past, people often supported wars because they were unaware of the extent of the involved suffering. Thanks to the rise of global media, people are aware of the horrors of war as they unfold. This will lead to increasing opposition to hostile governments.
Another aspect of globalization is the rise of international NGOs. These organizations are dedicated to helping people who are victims of war and other forms of oppression. Because of their high public visibility, they have a powerful impact on global public opinion.
For the above reasons, I am confident that the world will become increasingly peaceful in the future. Nevertheless, this will only happen if we continue to influence governments to refrain from resorting to warfare.
229 words
Agree or disagree: Electronic voting should be promoted
The growth of the Internet has led to calls for electronic voting. Still, I can't entirely agree with promoting such voting due to the lack of security, difficulty in identifying voters, and high expense.
The biggest reason is that electronic voting cannot be made entirely secure. In the case of elections, whether they are local or national, the principle of the secrecy of the ballot is fundamental. However, experience shows that determined experts can easily hack websites. In such cases, they can access the voting record of public members.
Another related point is that it is impossible to determine who uses an Internet account. If thieves could obtain voters' passwords or personal details, they could impersonate them and vote on their behalf. Such identity theft cases could undermine public confidence in elections, which would ultimately harm democracy.
My final argument against electronic voting is the cost of establishing and maintaining such a system. These days, we often see software bugs causing the paralysis of large-scale systems such as those employed by banks. Therefore, it is inappropriate for the government to spend large sums on electronic voting.
I do not think that we should implement electronic voting for these reasons. Instead, it should be limited to a few exceptional cases.
Agree or disagree: Outsourcing contributes to the sustained development of the global economy.
Although overseas outsourcing is often unpopular because of its short-term effects, it benefits the world economy. More efficient use of labor, the spread of skills to new workers, and the transfer of technology to developing countries are three positive effects of this kind of outsourcing.
Overseas outsourcing is a natural result of the gap between labor costs in one country and another. In this sense, outsourcing production or services to another location where companies can perform more cheaply is another example of the efficient use of labor. Eventually, the workforce that outsourcing frees up will move to find more profitable work.
The global economy can benefit because outsourcing usually involves training a cheaper workforce to perform new tasks in other countries. For instance, millions of force in other countries to perform new tasks. For example, millions of workers in China and India have acquired various skills through outsourcing. This movement improves the productivity of the world as a whole.
Finally, overseas outsourcing can be a form of technology transfer. When large companies build factories in developing countries, they take their advanced technology to use there. In time, local companies will begin to produce similar technology themselves, thus contributing to the development of their economies.
For these reasons, overseas outsourcing contributes to the development of the global economy. Moreover, as developing countries grow, they too will begin to outsource to even cheaper countries, thus continuing the growth even further.
Do the benefits of promoting tourism outweigh the disadvantages?
The benefits of tourism growth are much greater than the disadvantages. Tourism brings economic growth, a better conversation of heritage, and increased international understanding. For these reasons, governments should promote tourism as much as possible.
Tourism not only brings in the money that tourists themselves spend, but it also encourages investment in the local infrastructure, including transport, roads, and hotels. Tourism can be especially beneficial to develop countries. It provides income for local people, which in turn allows them to invest in the education of the next generation.
Many people oppose tourism because they are worried about its harmful effects on historical or natural sites. Studies, however, have shown the opposite to be true. When local people's livelihoods depend on famous buildings or natural beauty spots, they are much more likely to conserve these against damage.
Finally, tourism leads to greater international understanding. Tourists, especially those from wealthy countries, can make contact with very different lifestyles. The presence of outsiders can also stimulate local people, making them aware of the broader world outside their immediate environment and introducing new ideas and outlooks to them.
Although tourism can undoubtedly bring problems, careful regulation can ensure that it benefits both visitors and local people. For these reasons, I believe that the advantages of tourism far outweigh the disadvantages.
Agree or Disagree: Globalization helps eliminate poverty from the world
Globalization is the most efficient and effective way to end poverty. Globalization leads to a more effective international division of labor, the spread of valuable skills and knowledge, economic growth, and increased wealth.
First, elementary economic theory teaches us that trade growth between countries allows each country to focus on what it does most efficiently.
When wealthy countries invest in poorer ones to take advantage of the lower labor costs, they also teach local people valuable skills and knowledge. At the same time, they help to finance essential infrastructure. Moreover, the wealth generated by these investments allows local people to develop new businesses of their own.
Finally, as the countries' economy grows, the local people will experience more wonderful personal wealth and choices. As this happens, they have more freedom to educate their children as they wish and enjoy cultural and leisure pursuits. These kinds of activities will lead to a better quality of life.
Today, many people oppose globalization and seek to return to the past. This stance is a terrible mistake. Experience shows that the best way to reduce poverty is through economic growth. Free trade and globalization can achieve.
Does technology have a positive effect on environmental conservation?
Technology does not always positively affect environmental conservation, but it can and should do so in the future. The benefit is that technology can save resources such as paper, develop renewable forms of energy, and better preserve biodiversity.
One good example of technology's positive effects is the problem of deforestation. The recent rapid development of IT technology makes the traditional need for paper disappear. E-mail, for example, is rendering standard mail obsolete. As the demand for paper is one of the biggest causes of deforestation, a decline in its use will make it far easier to save the world's rain forests.
Technology can also help the environment by developing renewable sources of energy. We have been developing solar power and wind power quickly today, and they are already helping to reduce the need to use fossil fuels. These forms of energy are impossible without better technology.
The final point is that technology can help us preserve biodiversity in several ways. Technology allows us to do things such as keep track of different species, monitor the health of endangered animals, and determine whether wild areas are inhabitable. Furthermore, advances in biotechnology may even bring species back from extinction.
For all these reasons, technology can have a positive effect on conservation. Although technology has caused environmental problems in the past, it will allow us to solve those same problems in the future.