
【 あいさつ1 / a i sa tsu1 / Greeting 1】

In this article, we will introduce phrases to use when greeting someone you meet for the first time.

1,First meeting greetings

There are three basic phrases to use when greeting and introducing yourself when meeting someone for the first time.

①    初めまして / ha ji me ma shi te 
        ➔ Nice to meet to.

②    私は(なまえ)です。/ wa ta shi wa (name) de su. 
  ➔ I am (name). 

③    よろしくお願いします。/  yo ro shi ku o ne ga i shi ma su
  ➔ It was nice meeting you. 
       ➔ I am honored to work with all of you.
       ➔ I’m looking forward to doing business with you all.
       ➔ I’m looking forward to seeing you next time.
       ➔ Thank you in advance for your help. etc.

These phrases can be used not only in the workplace, but also when greeting someone for the first time at school, etc. They can also be used in one-on-one greetings and in situations where multiple people are involved.

2,【 Video】 First meeting greetings

This video introduces how to greet and introduce yourself when meeting someone for the first time, including saying "Nice to meet you."

In Japan, there is a strong tendency to place importance on first impressions. Therefore, when you meet someone for the first time, you can make a good impression by saying "Nice to meet you" and introducing yourself. This will increase the chances of building a good relationship with the person afterwards. Watch this video many times and practice greetings so that you can greet them smoothly in real life.

3,Why Japanese people value greetings

In Japan, greetings are very important in communication. Greetings let the other person know that you are aware of their presence. Valuing greetings is the key to building good relationships.

We also introduce various greetings in the video so that you can use them according to the situation. Let's deepen our understanding of greetings and put them to use in real life.

4,YAE’s message

Persistence is power.
Even if it is a small step, no matter how slowly you take it, that step will surely become a shield that protects you. Keep doing what you can now🌈✨
