【ka ta ka na / カタカナ】Let's learn Japanese the voiced sound and plosive sound
This time, we will introduce how to pronounce voiced and plosive sounds in katakana.
1、The voiced sound and plosive sound
This is a table of the voiced sound and plosive sounds.
The voiced and plosive sounds are mainly the sounds k-, s-, t-, and h- with the characters " ゛" or " ゜" attached.
2、Practice the pronunciation of voiced and plosive sounds
We have created videos that allow you to practice on the ga, za, da, ba, and pa lines.
By watching and practicing over and over again, you will master fluent pronunciation!
🔷ガギグゲゴ / ga gi gu ge go
🔷ザジズゼゾ / za ji zu ze zo
🔷ダヂヅデド / da di(ji) du(zu) de do
⚠️ヂ and ジ are "ji” sounds.
⚠️ヅ and ズ are "zu" sounds.
To make the sound change easier to understand, "ji"(ジ) is represented as "di"(ヂ). Also, "zu"(ズ) is represented as "du"(ヅ).
🔷バビブベボ / ba bi bu be bo
🔷パピプペポ / pa pi pu pe po
3、Vocabulary introduced in the video
🔷ガギグゲゴ / ga gi gu ge go
ガ / ga ➔ガーリック(gārikku)
ギ / gi ➔ ギター(gitā)
グ / gu ➔グッド(guddo)
ゲ / ge ➔ゲーム(gēmu)
ゴ / go ➔ゴール(gōru)
🔷ザジズゼゾ / za ji zu ze zo
ザ / za ➔ ザクロ(zakuro)
ジ / ji ➔ ジム(jimu)
ズ / zu ➔ ズボン(zubon)
ゼ / ze ➔ ゼリー(zerī)
ゾ / zo ➔ ゾウガメ(zōgame)
🔷ダヂヅデド / da di(ji) du(zu) de do
ダ / da ➔ ダーツ(dātsu)
ヂ / di(ji) ➔ チヂミ(chidimi)
ヅ / du(zu) ➔ カナヅチ(kanaduchi)
デ / de ➔ データ(dēta)
ド / do ➔ ドーナツ(dōnatsu)
🔷バビブベボ / ba bi bu be bo
バ / ba ➔ バナナ(banana)
ビ / bi ➔ ビリヤード(biriyādo)
ブ / bu ➔ ブーツ(būtsu)
ベ / be ➔ ベーコン(bēkon)
ボ / bo ➔ ボタン(botan)
🔷パピプペポ / pa pi pu pe po
パ / pa ➔ パイ(pai)
ピ / pi ➔ ピーマン(pīman)
プ / pu ➔ プリン(purin)
ペ / pe ➔ ペン(pen)
ポ / po ➔ ポケット(poketto)
Watch the video repeatedly to get used to voiced and plosive sounds.
4、YAE's message🌸
Those who learn are those who grow. Keep learning at your own pace!
Let's enjoy Japanese together🗾🌈