随筆 English practice 1
As the season for TOEIC and other certification examinations draws near, a sense of inner turmoil mounts within me. With serenity, I acknowledge the confines of my capabilities, yet I am resolute in my endeavor to exhaust every avenue available.
Though I may not possess the innate prowess of those graced with exceptional talents from birth, I am confident that through diligent effort, I can narrow the chasm between us to some degree. However, mere financial investment is futile without introspection and strategic methodologies. Otherwise, resources will be squandered.
Thoughtless expenditure is fruitless; funds are best allocated towards the acquisition of appropriate instruments. First, we must understand our individual strengths and weaknesses, and develop effective strategies accordingly. For those who find their attention waning, it is advisable to engage in brief, focused study sessions. Conversely, for those with fleeting memories, comprehension should be prioritized over rote learning.
Occasionally, one might be daunted by a sense of impotence, tempted to surrender. Yet, flight forfeits the prospect of cultivating an improved milieu and the perseverance required therein. Coveting the aptitudes of others is unproductive; rather, it is the sagacity and resourcefulness in harnessing one's innate faculties that carve a trajectory for the less gifted to thrive.