


The Gnostic teaching of the Fall of Lucifer claims that after the war in heaven,
Lucifer's crown with an emerald in it fell to Earth. This emerald became the holy
grail. The bible talks about the fall of Lucifer and has curses against Lucifer in the
New Testament, declaring that Lucifer is fallen from heaven to Earth forever, with
the triumph of the “Nazarene”.


What does all this mean?


“Lucifer”: the name is the key. “Luc” is the name of the serpent, and “Fer” is from the ancient term “Far” which means ones own Shakti energy, or soul energy; the power of the light of the soul. “Far” is the energy of the Light Body. Heaven is symbolic of the crown chakra but also the higher spiritual realm that the ascended soul (also known as the light body) is always shown existing within, in the western and eastern texts.


The jewel, the emerald in the crown, is the symbol of the fully open crown chakra and the risen serpent that manifests this. It is also called in the east the Diamond body, the ascended state. Hence “Lucifer in Heaven” is the soul in the ascended state, the Light Body. “The fall of Lucifer” is the serpent being driven down to earth (the root chakra) by the enemy, and “the fall from heaven” is the fall of the being from the spiritually ascended state of the Light Body into the state of entropy to be imprisoned in matter by the enemy, in what the enemy calls Klipoth.


This is the ancient terminology of spiritual knowledge.


The Hindus, Greeks, and Egyptians warned if the soul stays trapped in this state of entropy this will cause the physical and eventual spiritual death of the individual. The way out is by freeing the soul by the magnum opus, which fully transforms the soul and body into a luminous being. “The Light Body”, or, “Lucifer”. The Greeks showed this by the symbol of octaves one in the lower state imprisoned in matter and one in the higher state transformed by spiritual light.

ヒンズー教、ギリシャ、エジプトは、魂がこのエントロピーの状態に閉じ込められたままだと、個人の肉体的、最終的な霊的死を引き起こすと警告しています。魂と肉体を光り輝く存在へと完全に変容させる大作によって、魂を解放することが、出口への道である。"光体"、すなわち "ルシファー "である。ギリシア人はこれを、物質に閉じ込められた低次の状態と、霊的な光によって変容した高次の状態とのオクターブの象徴で示した。

Lucifer is the spark of spiritual light within us that has been imprisoned by the enemy in a state of entropy. Lucifer is the serpent energy of the chakras and the nadis; it’s the spiritual power of light, and thus the light of wisdom.


Lucifer is also the Daemonic consciousness of Sophia, the awakened spiritual consciousness of the individual and one’s own energy which is this Daemonic consciousness. The mind purified by wisdom.


Lucifer rules the planet Venus, as Venus is both the properties of the Sun and Moon, the union of body and soul into one form. The union of male and female chakras and nadis by the inner union of the serpent. Venus is the energy of the chakras transformed into the one; the unified soul by the inner union of the soul when all the chakras transform their energies into each other, freely flowing into White Light, the Light Body, Lucifer. Venus rules the currents of pranic energy of luminous ether the breath of life that flow thought the nadis, chakras and mind the soul and being. Lucifer is the Light Body.


The ancient Gnostics worshiped the serpent Agathodaemon which means "The Good God". The symbol of Venus which is Lucifer and the name of Dionysus who is Venus to the Greeks. Dionysus was Jonnes in Greek and this is Onnes in Babylon, another name of Enki/Satan. This Jonnes is Jana Pandita in the east, a title of Murrgan who is called Venus as well in Sanskrit, and the God which rules the Light Body teachings of Yoga in Hinduism. The sigil of Lucifer is the ancient
symbol of the Agathodaemon.


The Gnostics called Lucifer Amor, which means "Love" and stated that "Love Conquers Death". Lucifer as the God of Love applies to Venus. Love is the inner union of opposites into one. The union of the chakras, nadis, body and soul into the Light Body; Lucifer conquerors death with granting immortality with the Magnum Opus.


The worship of the Agathodaemon was the internal worship of the inner Daemon or “Lucifer”, ones own luminous being, with the practices of methods to awaken the serpent energy and chakras and nadis and transform the elements of the body and soul into the ascended state of the Light Body, Lucifer. Worship meant Workship on the soul. Gnosis is an ancient term for the awakened and risen serpent. The Pagan Gnostic school had four levels of initiation based on the four levels of the Magnum Opus.


The enemy in their Kabbalah state they have bound the Gentiles into Malkuth which they call "The Fallen Realm of matter"; this is connected to Klipoth which means husk or shell without spiritual light or energy. This is the state of entropy in matter that the Jewish enemy has bound Gentiles into. This is the Demiurge the Gnostics were talking about which they called YHVH; this is the binding spell of the enemy. By binding Gentiles into Klipoth the jews are stating they have bound all Gentiles into spiritual death. This is the realm the Jews state they have bound Lucifer into which is a code for the Gentile soul. This is also the reason for the curses on Lucifer in the New Testament, which the Jews wrote as well.


The Gnostics were using reversed Hebrew angel names to open the chakras and raise the serpent upwards to the crown because they knew Hebrew is a binding spell to lock the Gentiles into klipoth and the way to undo a spell in Hebrew is to reverse it in Hebrew. And in their own schools one had to renounce Jesus before being allowed in. The Gnostics did literally worship and honor Lucifer, both inward (the soul) and outward (Satan). One has to understand the ancient
Gnostics were Pagan schools and they read the enemies texts and being educated in the meanings of spiritual knowledge and its uses they saw right away this was an evil program to ruin and destroy humanity. And being psychically open they could still communicate with our gods and they could see the enemy on the astral. However some on them put up a Christian dressing in public to avoid being persecuted and being executed by the Church. The Jews who ran the Christian Church demanded the total destruction of the Gnostics as Pagan heretics. The Catholic Church, the Jewish program for their Demiurge order of global control, sent entire armies against the Gnostics from France to Norway to try and wipe them out. One can still note the Dragon Churches the Gnostics built in Norway. Lucifer is called the Dragon in the Bible.


The enemy has falsely portrayed Lucifer within their Christian systems of Kabbalah, designed to bind Gentiles, with the lie of “Lucifer Christos”. This lie being that Lucifer is the lower world of Malkuth, the klipoth and the lower nature; and Christ being Kether, the higher nature on their Kabbalah tree. This is a binding spell on Lucifer meaning the Gentile who is Lucifer is bound in Klipoth,
and “Christ” represents the realm of Kether because that in Kabbalah is the Shekinah; the energy of YHVH, their binding spell on Gentiles, to keep Lucifer in Klipoth. Which is what these duped people are connecting themselves into – their own damnation. The entire Kabbalah tree and Hebrew letters these dupes work with is designed to bind the Gentile soul (Lucifer) in Klipoth and not allow the union of the chakras, nadis, and serpent to occur, which is to obtain the state of Lucifer. The dupes who follow this Jewish Kabbalah system are damned to spiritual destruction.

敵は、異邦人を縛るために作られた彼らのキリスト教のカバラ体系の中で、「ルシファー・クリストス」という嘘でルシファーを偽って描いています。この嘘は、ルシファーが下層の世界であるマルクト、クリフォト、下層の性質であり、キリストが彼らのカバラの木にあるケテル、上層の性質であるというものです。これは、ルシファーである異邦人がクリフォトにバインドされていることを意味し、 "キリスト "はケテルの領域を表し、それがカバラのシェキナーであるため、異邦人に彼らの結合呪文、YHVHのエネルギー、 クリフォトにルシファーを保つために。それは、これらの騙された人々が自分自身で接続しているものであり、彼ら自身の破滅である。これらの騙された人々が扱うカバラの木とヘブライ語の文字全体は、異邦人の魂(ルシファー)をクリフォトで縛り、チャクラ、ナディス、サーペントの結合が起こらないように設計されており、それはルシファーの状態を獲得することです。このユダヤ・カバラ・システムに従うカモは、霊的破壊に呪われる。

In the grail story, the Hero Percival had to renounce Christ and embrace Lucifer and the places of the dwellings of Lucifer: the forests and rivers and groves, and avoid churches and Christian rituals in order to be able to find the grail, which is the Light Body of Lucifer.


The emerald that fell to Earth is the spark of Lucifer imprisoned within matter the Light Body waiting, that light within is waiting to be activated and to transform you with the Magnum Opus into Lucifer. Like coal to a diamond body.


