
ティアマトの悪夢(The Nightmare of Tiamat)

「Ark of the Chritos」の続きです。

Many are probably familiar with Tiamat in the guise of her many names, including MAMA, “The Lady of the Gods,” (Chaldean) and MAYA, “Mother of the Waters” (Mayan). In the Hebrew tradition, Tiamat is called MARAH (the sea, mother, or matter), which is the root for MIRIAM or MARY. The meaning of the Akkadian word Tiamat and the Hebrew tahom are the same, ‘the deep.’ In Genesis, it is upon the waters of the Deep that, in the
beginning, God’s, apparently feminine, soul moves. Another Hebrew title of this Great Serpent is Leviathon, whose worship was established by Moses and dismantled
by Hezekiah.1


Despite centuries of dismantling and obfuscation of myth and history by religious and political authorities, the recollection of the nightmare of Marah or Tiamat stirs deep
within the human psyche. The alchemist Paracelsus states that every constellation of the heavens is within each of us. “The Sun is the heart,” he writes, “and the other planets of the solar system are within the brain.”2
Tiamat and Planet X are likely within us too.


History remains embedded in language. Apart from out of place artifacts, record of the ‘evil’ Tiamat’s destruction may be rediscovered in the chips and fossils of words used in modern language.


Consider for instance the French cauchemar or English nightmare. The mahrt (German: ‘mare’) is an evil spirit from the Underworld. Then there is the Old Slavonic mora, ‘witch’; Russian mora, ‘ghost’; Polish mora, Czech mura, ‘nightmare’; Latin mors, mortis, ‘death’; Old Irish marah, ‘death’, ‘plague’; Lithuanian maras, ‘death’, ‘pestilence’; and the sinister Irish Mor (r) igain.

例えば、フランス語のcauchemarや英語のnightmareを考えてみよう。マールト(ドイツ語で「馬」)は冥界の悪霊である。それから、古スラブ語のmora(魔女)、ロシア語のmora(幽霊)、ポーランド語のmora、チェコ語のmura(悪夢)、ラテン語のmors、mortis、「死」、古アイルランド語のmarah、「死」「疫病」、リトアニア語のmras、「死」「疫病」、アイルランド語のMor(r) igainという不吉な言葉もある。

Each of these words encodes the nightmare of Marah or Tiamat, and the patriarchal view toward the ‘goddess of chaos’. The meanings of these names sound like recollections of a bad marriage or warnings of doom.


In contrast, when the word mare is interpreted from the matriarchal view it takes on a completely different tone. Mer is an Egyptian word for both “waters” and “mother-
love.”3 One of Egypt’s oldest names was Ta-Mera, Land of the Waters, which could be interpreted as the Land of Love or the Great Mothers.4 Mary was the Great Fish who gave birth to the gods, later the Mer-maids or Mer-man, who were depicted as half-human, half-fish, including E.A., called Oannes (‘dove’) by the Babylonians, shown opposite as a male god in a fish suit, and Jesus.


魚の着ぐるみを着たE.A.の神官が柱(Axis of Life)を手入れしており、上空には飛行船が浮かんでいる。紀元前2000年頃の封印。ニューヨークのピアポント・モルガン図書館所蔵。

A thousand tales warn how those who pursue the mermaids, and their knowledge, are lured to their doom.


Mari was the basic name of the goddess to the Chaldeans. In Saxon times mare was written mere, which means pure, true and also lake. In the Holy Grail tradition the Lady of the Lake bestowed Excalibur, King Arthur’s
sacred sword, upon him (which he pulled from a stone). Camelot, the wonder city of King Arthur, was a city of love (mer). “There was,” says Tennyson, “no gate like it under heaven.”5


All Asia called water (Mer) a female element, the original primordial matter, which the Greeks called arche. Thales of Miletus, considered one of the Seven Wise Men of the ancient world, said water was the first cause or arche. He developed an early form of atomic theory based upon this idea.


Jesus’ mother, Mary, also received the title of “Ark” (arche, arch, or bow) or “Gate of Heaven” in Revelation 11:19: “And the Temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in the temple the Ark of his Testament.”

イエスの母マリアも、黙示録11章19節にある 「神の宮が天に開かれ、その神殿にその遺言の箱が見えた 」で、「箱」(アーチ、弓)あるいは「天国の門」の称号を受けています。

When the puns and alternate meanings of Ark are factored in it brings even more excitement to the prophecy:


“And the Temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in the temple the Arch or Gate of Heaven.”


The Cathars (‘Pure Ones’) of Southern France, who said Jesus came from the pure land of AMOR, or Love, worshipped the Goddess and claimed to possess the secrets of Jesus that he delivered and they interpreted in his special language. The opposing forces of ROMA, the Church, exterminated them and attempted to destroy these teachings. In The Crystal Halls of Christ’s Court,6 I presented evidence that the Cathars were the spiritual descendents of E.A.


The mysterious Knights Templar protected the Cathars and shared many of the Cathar teachings. These Knights of Christ recovered and preserved secrets once housed beneath Solomon’s Temple atop Mount Moriah (Marah) in Jerusalem. Their symbol, two riders on a single horse, is widely thought to be a symbol of their impoverished or ‘poor’ state. This is contradicted by the enormous wealth of both the founders of the Order and of the Order itself. The Templars were ‘pure’ knights who guarded the secrets of the arch or gateway to God, the Arch or Ark of the Christos.



The mythology of Tiamat may reveal another layer of meaning behind the Templar logo. The word mare also means horse. In Sanskrit the word harit, meaning the light of morning, bright, and resplendent, means also horse.7 Horse may be resolved into Horus, the Egyptian god of light and son of Isis/Stella Mari, who was one of a group of Egyptian goddesses called Hat-Hor, and Eros, the god of love. In Icelandic horse is hross, in Dutch ros, in German ross – and ros means wisdom. When he was 40 years old the prohet Muhammad received his first divine revelations in a cave on Mount Hira.


The priestesses of Mare, including Jesus’ chief apostle, Mari or Mary Magdalene, were called horae (harlot-priestesses), the guardians of the Axis Mundi, the Pillar or Ladder to Heaven, by the Greeks, in Babylon harines; among the Semites they were the “whores” called hor, which, wonderfully enough, means a hole.8


The hare is a symbol of the guide of souls who opens holes in space, ala the hare in Alice In Wonderland. To dive into the holy hole of the goddess, filled with water, was to delve (dive, dove) into the mystery of the ultimate secret of life. This may explain why the Hebrew word for horse also means to explain.

ウサギは、『不思議の国のアリス』に登場するウサギのように、空間に穴を開ける魂の導き手の象徴である。水で満たされた女神の聖なる穴に飛び込むことは、生命の究極の秘密の謎を掘り下げる(dive, dove)ことであった。ヘブライ語の「馬」が「説明する」という意味も持っているのは、このためかもしれない。

Communing with the goddess in her ‘holy hole’, a human could achieve the spiritual enlightenment called horasis.9


This last definition is especially provocative since, as we will see, the entire mythology and symbolism of the Shining Ones revolves around gateways or ‘holes’ in the fabric of space-time – the Goddess herself. These Shining Ones were purveyors of extraordinary scientific and alchemical knowledge, enlightenment teachings. I will
show that the Templars recovered this knowledge.


From their descriptions these ‘water holes’ are strikingly similar to the stargates and wormholes, the celebrated Einstein-Rosen Bridge featured in such favorite movies as Stargate and Contact. These ‘holes in space’ – or holes in the body of the goddess – are tunnel systems linking two regions of space-time and connecting universes.


Mathematically it was thought that one could theoretically travel into a black hole, pass through a connecting tunnel, and emerge from a white hole in another part of the universe. The idea of travel by black hole was replaced in the 1980s by the wormhole.


Mystically, access to such a stargate would bump us up the evolutionary ladder, enabling us to join the immortals and to journey to the billions upon billions of galaxies, the ‘cells’ that compose the body of the Goddess.


An important issue to physicists involved in the design of wormholes involves shielding the passengers from interactions with the exotic material that composes the throat of these tunnels. This substance might have harmful effects on human beings. Scientists propose three possible ways to deal with this problem. One would be to shield the passengers through a protective tube, for example. The second way would be to concentrate the exotic matter in one area or to use special sorts of exotic matter that are less harmful. The third solution for dealing with this matter would be to keep it as far away as possible and avoid human contact with it.11


As I have investigated elsewhere, and will explore in more detail in the pages to come, the myths and scripture that refer to the Shining Ones allude to their construction
and use of wormholes. Their solution for protecting the passenger from the exotic matter has not been thought of by modern wormhole designers.


They transformed the passenger, the human being, into a Shining One.


The myths of the Shining Ones suggests some form of genetic alteration that triggered a shift from human to Homo Christos that protected the rider from the exotic matter and enabled them to scale the ancient ladder, or ride the white horse, to Heaven.


Simply, one would not casually walk through one of these water doors, star gates, white holes or “space doors of light or wisdom,” as is commonly portrayed in movies. Instead, an extraordinary mental, physical, emotional, and physical training was undertaken preparatory to this excursion. The result was the transformation from a human into a pure being. E.A. and Ninharsag were the ‘gene smiths’ who designed this transformation. Myths and scripture indicate that this transformation can happen in an instant elevating the human to the level of the gods.


As noted, E.A. was greatly opposed by his half-brother Enlil, who sought to keep humanity at the level of slaves and sex objects. One biblical story that illustrates this
conflict is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.13


The Bible goes to great pains to make the explicit point that Lord Melchizedek, the King of Salem, who may be equated with E.A.,1 initiated Abram and his wife, Sara into the mysteries of the Holy Grail. After this Abram became the new and improved Abra-H-am.13 Sara became Sara-H.14 The ‘H’ symbolizes the ‘ladder to Heaven’.

聖書は、E.A.1 と同一視されるかもしれないサレムの王、メルキゼデク神がアブラムとその妻、サラに聖杯の謎を伝授したことを明確に指摘するために多大な労力を払っている。この後、アブラムは新しく改良されたAbra-H-amとなり、13 サラはSara-Hとなった。14 「H」は「天国への梯子」を象徴している。

At the same time E.A. is creating this miracle for Abraham and Sarah, the Lord (Enlil?) suddenly takes on a sinister personality. He dispatches the two angels who accompanied him to visit Abraham’s nephew, Lot, in neighboring Sodom and Gomorrah. Within days, the citizens of these twin cities would suffer a holocaust, their existence all but erased from human memory, by a premeditated and preventable thunderbolt from the sky of atomic proportions. In a scene reminiscent of the obliteration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, at dawn one morning, as Abraham looked upon the valley below, fire came down from “the Lord out of heaven.”15 “The smoke of the land went up like the smoke of a furnace”16 Sodom and Gomorrah were gone.

E.A.がアブラハムとサラのためにこの奇跡を起こすと同時に、主(エンリル?)は突然、不吉な人格を持つようになる。彼は、同行した二人の天使を、隣国のソドムとゴモラにいるアブラハムの甥のロトのもとへ派遣するのである。この双子の都市の市民は、数日のうちに、計画的かつ防止可能な天空からの原子爆弾の雷撃によって、人類の記憶からその存在を消し去るホロコーストに見舞われるのである。ある日の明け方、アブラハムが谷を眺めていると、「天から主が」15 「地の煙は炉の煙のように立ちのぼり」16 ソドムとゴモラは消滅した。

As a result of the blast of light from the Lord that caused the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot’s wife turned to a pillar of salt. Generations after generation have been told that the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah were wicked fornicators who disobeyed the Lord (Enlil?) and given the warning about what happens if they too disobey God.


Have we heard the whole story here? When we look up the word saltation in the dictionary it means a sudden genetic mutation.17 The mutation described in the story of Lot’s wife may be something of the order of the transformation of the caterpillar into a butterfly or homo sapiens to homo Christos. From this perspective this story reflects another episode in the ongoing antagonisms between Enlil and E.A. If E.A. were teaching the principles of God Making in Sodom, Enlil most certainly would have been out to stop him.


Lot’s name means ‘hidden’. Often, the secret societies had good reason to hide the knowledge of this mutation in a labyrinth of esoteric symbolism. It makes one a god, and
a formidable opponent to the existing world order. Misuse of this knowledge could easily transform one’s existence into a torture chamber. Sudden en-lightenment can strike
like a “bolt from the blue,” destroying all limitation.


In ancient times the energy that produced this transformation, symbolized by the ‘H’, was well known and was connected to Tiamat. As evidenced by his ‘tool kit’ of ‘bread and wine’, Melchizedek, like Jesus, may have been a priest of Mari or Mary, who originally possessed these tools and was the dispenser of charis or compassion, a pure or white energy that could transform the human being into a ‘white horse’.18


Interestingly, without the ‘c’ charis is haris,
compassion, and may be reduced to hrs, or horse. Charis is found in the title of Jesus, Christos, Christ or Charist. This was the root of Eu-charis-t, the ceremony performed by Melchizedek and by Jesus at the Last Supper when he poured wine for the disciples to drink, saying, “this is my blood (DNA).” Jesus said, “Whoso eateth my flesh and drink my blood I will raise him up at the last day.”19 This was the ceremony that featured the Holy Grail, the vessel or ark of immortality.

興味深いことに、'c'を除いたcharisはharis,compassionで、hrsやhorseに還元されることもある。カリスは、イエス、クリストス、キリスト、カリストの称号に見られる。これはメルキゼデクとイエスが最後の晩餐で弟子たちにワインを注いで飲ませ、"これは私の血(DNA)である "と言った儀式、ユーカリス・ティのルーツである。イエスは「私の肉を食べ、私の血を飲む者は、終わりの日に私が彼をよみがえらせる」と言った19。これは、不死の容器または箱である聖杯を取り上げた儀式であった。

This ceremony may be traced to Egypt and the tradition of the goddess Maat, the personification of “Truth” or “Justice” in ancient Egypt. As the lawgiver, Maat was
comparable to Tiamat who gave the sacred (ME) tablets to the first king of the gods.


Those who lived by Maat took a sacramental drink that conferred ritual purity exactly as the drinking of the wine in the Christian celebration of the Eucharist brings renewal.20 Maat’s potion brought life-after-death to the peaceful, but death to violent persons.


Reworking or re-wording Revelation 19:11’s prophecy reveals that the white horse-riding Christos, the redeeming compassion and wisdom, emerges from a white hole riding a white wave of pure light that enlightens us by triggering the knowledge stored in our DNA, the ‘copper book’. This white wave or white horse heralds the arrival of Planet X.


As the Lord of the Waters (arche, Ark, arch or
bow) or “Gate of Heaven,” I will show that E.A is the technician who guides this hole, cable or pipeline of light.


As the legend of the mermaids warns, doom follows those who are unprepared for these energies.


A belief firmly seated in folk memory throughout the world associates the white horse with the beginning of time, and hence with the creation of humanity. Tales tell of it cantering or rising up out of the bowels of the Earth (the remains of the goddess Tiamat’s body that formed the Earth, according to the Sumerians) or from the depths of the sea.


In the Neo-Babylonian plaque shown here we see the emblems of the gods in the uppermost register.


At the bottom we see a horse riding on a dragon as it rides the river of the underworld. A figure with serpents in each hand rides the horse. Priests in fish suits tend a body on the next register.


It is worth noting that in China there is a long tradition of interchanging the dragon and the horse. There is Long–Ma, the Chinese ‘horse-dragon’, which brought the Ho-t’u – a plan of the river, also called Ma-t’u, or plan of a horse – to Yu the Great. The word Matu draws a clear connection to Tia-Mat.


In many other Chinese legends, from the Li-sao of Chu-yuan to the Si-yu Chi, horses take the place of dragons. In both cases they take part in the quest for knowledge of immortality.21 It is no coincidence that the
forerunners of the secret societies, the early purveyors of Taoist alchemy (Tao means ‘way’), wore the guise of ‘horse-dealers’, nor that Mat-so, who introduced Zen teaching to China, was called in a pun upon his name ‘the young foal’.

朱淵の『李荘』から『四有記』に至るまで、他の多くの中国の伝説では、馬が龍の代わりを務めている。21 秘密結社の先駆者であり、道教の錬金術(Taoは「道」の意)の初期の提供者が「馬商人」の装いをしたことや、中国に禅の教えを伝えたマトソがその名をもじって「若い馬」と呼ばれたことは、偶然の一致ではあるまい。

The Sumerians had quite a number of different names for this other world that is accessed via the horse-dragon: arali, irkalla, kukku, ekur, and ganzir. Otherwise it was simply known as the ‘earth’ and the ‘land of no return’, or ‘the lower world’.22


From various sources we learn that there was a stairway down to the gate of the e-kur (for which the word ganzir was used). According to the Sumerians, it was possible to open up a hole in the ground that would give one access to the underworld, also known as the APSU, which as we will see, is another name for the galactic center, giving rise to the notion that these holes connected Earth with Heaven.


The Sumerian poem ‘The Descent of Inanna to the Underworld’ (also preserved in the Akkadian version, ‘Istar’s Descent’) described in detail the spectacular circumstances of gods who overcome the laws of nature by descending into the Underworld and returning.23 In both cases this is only achieved by the provision of a substitute,
or a soul double, that takes their place or is left behind in the underworld so that they may return. In Egypt, the ka was considered the soul’s twin. Every human being has a ‘lower self’ (the ba) and an immortal Higher Self. The lower self resides in the physical body. The Higher Self resides in Heaven. It is closest to God. Plato taught that this twin was our Guardian Spirit.24


The most striking, and perhaps least known, of the examples of the horse-men comes from the Dogon tribe of Africa who worshipped E.A. as Oannes. A Dogon carving
portrays Orosongo (literally ‘light song’), horseman of the skies, coming out of the skies with the Ark, which came down from Heaven with the originals of all living things
(perhaps the origin of the word arche-type?). The initiate notices that it contains a group of signs, a jagged line with the surface meaning of vibration of matter, light and water. The vibration represents the spiral descent of the blacksmith who brought the Ark. This is E.A.25


The white horse with wings of Greek legend, the Pegasus, is another familiar example of this tradition. Pegasus was born from the “wise blood” of the Moon goddess Medusa’s head when Poseidon, the founder of Atlantis and another name for E.A., mixed this blood with sea-sand. Medusa was the serpent-goddess representing “female wisdom” (Sanskrit medha, Greek metis, Egyptian met or Maat) Tiamat inscribed on the all-powerful Tablets or Stones of Destiny. Hence, Pegasus was born from Tiamat. Pegasus was named for the Pegae, water-priestesses who tended the sacred spring called Pega at the shrine to Osiris at Abydos, Egypt. Osiris was the Egyptian god whose body was split into pieces, ala Tiamat, and resurrected or re-membered by Isis.26


The tradition associating the crescent-shaped horseshoe with good luck originates with the story of Tiamat. Hindus, Arabs and Celts regarded the yonic shape of the horseshoe as a symbol of the Goddess’s “Great Gate.”27 The Greeks adopted this symbol as the last letter of their alphabet, Omega, literally, “Great Om,” the word of creation beginning the next cycle of life. The meaning of the horseshoe symbol was that, having entered the Door at the end of life (Omega), the soul would be reborn as a new
child (Alpha) through the same Door. When Jesus is identified as the “Alpha and Omega”28 it represents a “cutting and pasting” of the earlier tradition of the exploded planet.

三日月形の馬蹄を幸運と関連付ける伝統は、ティアマトの物語に由来する。ヒンズー教、アラビア語、ケルト語は、馬蹄のヨニックな形を女神の「偉大なる門」の象徴とみなした27。ギリシャ人はこの象徴をアルファベットの最後の文字、オメガ、文字通り「偉大なるオム」、次の生命のサイクルが始まる創造の言葉として採用した。馬蹄のシンボルの意味は、人生の終わりに扉に入り(オメガ)、魂は同じ扉を通って新しい子(アルファ)として生まれ変わるということであった。イエスが "アルファとオメガ "28 として識別されるとき、それは爆発した惑星に関する以前の伝統の "カットアンドペースト "を表している。

The two-faced meaning of the “Mare” words reveals the two versions of the destruction of Tiamat. One from the victor’s perspective that fears her as a beast to be conquered and subdued like a wild black hole; the other
from the victim’s, or perhaps the survivor’s, point of view which views her as the lost Mother, the white horse or white hole of healing light, to be rediscovered and nurtured.


The conflict between the two viewpoints continues in the human psyche to this day with Earth in the balance.


In a later chapter we will investigate several prophecies, including those of the Mayans’, which indicate a wormhole will open again in 2012. The Shining Ones from Planet X, I have proposed, are the technicians in charge of this transportation system.


The primary question in our age, as in times past, will be who is in charge of this gateway? Will the descendents of E.A., who sought to uplift and educate humanity, even to the level of the gods, be in charge? Or will the legions of Enlil, the militaristic commander who seeks to sexually
subjugate and physically and spiritually enslave humanity be running the affairs of Earth?


Myth and history, examples of which we will explore, are filled with clues and stories of human beings who have encountered the Shining Ones or their teaching and transformed themselves preparatory to the wormhole experience. What if this sudden genetic mutation became available in our world? What if a computer chip, pill or potion was offered on the market that could trigger this mutation? Imagine what would happen if the energy field of Earth suddenly was bathed in an intense new energy that triggered a dramatic change in human consciousness.


In The Healing Sun Code29 I discussed the Hopi prophets who said we are entering a time when the earthly duality of love and fear gives way to a new reality: what I referred to as a new duality of love and love beyond love, super love or hyper love. This transformation is sparked by our alignment with the center of the Milky Way galaxy, which we will explore momentarily. The galactic center is the source of the vibrations I am describing. A symbol and knowledge system is encoded within these cosmic rays that trigger receptor sites in the retina of our eye and our DNA.


As these cosmic rays come ‘on line’, love, the
‘highest’ vibration in the old world, will become the ‘lower’ vibration in the next higher world, just as fear is presently the lower vibration in our world. The exotic force
of hyper love exists within the hearts of each of us. When we choose love over fear we invite hyper love to enter our lives.


During this time our powers of manifestation will increase because our hearts and minds, our thoughts and actions, will more and more be the same (they will be in “synchronicity”). This means that thinking the thought and the action will become one. The safety net of the lag time between thought and action will be elminated.


In order to survive these times and create this new reality each of us will have to access the white horse or Ark of the Christos within and tap into the white wave of Love
Force of the universe. We will be asked to acquire our ‘H’.

