
【Koyomi】 September 20, 2024

Various Things About the Seasons|rice harvesting

Preparation for Rice rice harvesting Harvesting: Managing Water and Timing

Before rice harvesting, one of the key preparations is managing the water in the fields. Known as “otoshi mizu” in Japanese, it involves draining the water from the rice paddies before harvesting. This step is essential to ensure the fields dry out enough to make harvesting easier.

The timing of rice harvesting is also crucial. Typically, rice is harvested about 40 to 45 days after the rice ears emerge, which is called “shussui” in Japanese. Early varieties of rice take about 90 days from planting to harvesting, while later varieties can take up to 120 days. Monitoring the development of the rice plants ensures that harvesting happens at the optimal time.




The Importance of Drying After Harvesting

After harvesting, the rice needs to be dried immediately. This process is critical because if the harvested rice, still in its husk, is left sitting, its quality can quickly deteriorate. Farmers with drying machines must ensure that the amount of rice harvested each day corresponds to the capacity of their machines.

Drying the rice after harvesting ensures that it retains its quality and flavor, which is essential for both personal consumption and selling it to markets. Neglecting this step can lead to significant losses.




From Planting to Harvest: A Long Journey

Rice harvesting marks the end of a journey that began with planting months ago. For early varieties, the journey lasts about 90 days, while for late varieties, it can stretch to 120 days. The entire process requires patience and attention, from planting to managing water levels, monitoring the growth of the plants, and finally, harvesting.

Each step of rice cultivation plays an essential role in ensuring a successful harvest. Farmers invest considerable time and effort into this process, making the moment of harvesting a truly rewarding experience.



