
【Koyomi】March 24, 2024

The Various Things of Seasons|Tsumikusa (Picking Wild Grasses)

In the early spring, the act of venturing into the fields to pick various wild plants and flowers isn't merely a foraging effort—it represents a profound engagement with traditions that bind us to nature's rhythms. This blog delves into "Tsumikusa," the Japanese tradition of harvesting wild vegetation, a custom steeped in history, culture, and nutritional value.


The Roots of Tsumikusa

In ancient times, before vegetable cultivation became widespread, the onset of spring heralded the gathering of edible wild plants and mountain vegetables. This practice was not only a quest for food but also a celebration of the season's bounty. The Manyoshu, Japan's oldest collection of poetry, contains verses that reflect on the beauty and joy of picking these wild greens, illustrating the deep historical roots of tsumikusa.



The Nutritional Wisdom of Wild Spring Plants

Spring wild plants like Yomogi (Japanese mugwort), Seri (water dropwort), Tsukushi (horsetail), Nobiru (wild garlic), and Jyona (a type of wild vegetable) are rich in nutrients that help eliminate toxins and waste accumulated in the body during winter. Consuming these plants is not just about enjoying the flavors of the season; it's a healthful tradition that naturally detoxifies the body, showcasing the wisdom of aligning our diet with the seasons.



Tsumikusa as a Cultural Practice

During the Edo period, tsumikusa evolved into a popular leisure activity known as "noasobi" (field play), where people would venture outdoors, picnic basket in hand, to enjoy the day picking wild plants. This practice was a blend of sustenance gathering and enjoying the aesthetics of nature, underlining the cultural significance of tsumikusa that transcended its role as a food source.


