
【Koyomi】 April 23, 2024

Did you know that the name for the flounder in Japanese, "karei," likely evolved from "karaei," reflecting its leaf-like color and ray-like shape?


Varieties of Flounder

Flounder is not just a single fish but encompasses a variety of species, each with its own peak season. Here are some of the main types of flounder and their optimal seasons:

1. **Marbled Sole (Makogarei)** - Best in winter, especially from January to March.
2. **Barfin Flounder (Magarei)** - Its season extends from winter to spring, with peak tastiness from December to April.
3. **Stone Flounder (Ishigarei)** - Best from early summer to autumn, especially from May to October.
4. **Halibut** (often categorized with flounder) - Optimal in late autumn and winter, particularly from November to February.


1. **マコガレイ** - この種類は冬が旬で、特に1月から3月にかけて最も美味しいとされます。
2. **マガレイ** - こちらも冬から春、特に12月から4月にかけてが旬です。
3. **イシガレイ** - 旬は初夏から秋にかけてで、特に5月から10月にかけて美味しいと言われています。
4. **ヒラメ**(カレイ科に分類されることもある)- 旬は晩秋から冬にかけてで、特に11月から2月が最適です。

A Staple in Japanese Cuisine

Flounder is widely caught in Japanese waters and enjoyed in various dishes such as sushi, sashimi, and simmered dishes. With each type offering different textures and flavors, it's recommended to taste various kinds during their peak seasons.


