
【Koyomi】 September 11, 2024

Seasonal food|Prunes

The Origins of Prunes

Prunes have a fascinating history that stretches back over 2,000 years. Their origins lie in the Caucasus region, located between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea in Western Asia. From there, prunes made their way westward as a dried food carried by traders. Over time, they spread throughout Southern and Western Europe as well as the Balkan Peninsula, becoming an essential food source. In Japan, prunes were introduced during the early Meiji period, initially grown in Nagano and the Tohoku region due to the favorable climate. Although cultivation didn’t take off at first, the fruit later gained popularity when a missionary in Karuizawa planted them, and local farmers like Kihachiro Tsuchiya helped cultivate them further in Nagano. However, World War II interrupted these early efforts.



Prunes as a Superfood

Prunes are packed with nutritional value, making them a true superfood. They are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients not only aid digestion and promote a healthy gut but also support youthful, healthy skin and help prevent bloating and high blood pressure. Additionally, prunes are low in fat and cholesterol. Despite their many health benefits, it's important to note that prunes contain a relatively high amount of sugar and calories, so consuming them in moderation is key.



Varieties of Prunes

There are many different varieties of prunes, and their availability changes depending on the season. Some popular varieties include:

- **Opal**: A large prune harvested in late July to early August.
- **Santas**: A golf ball-sized prune known for its thick flesh and easy separation from the pit.
- **Early Rivers**: A small, purple-black prune harvested earlier in the season.
- **Purple Eye**: A large prune harvested in mid to late August.
- **Sugar**: A traditional variety that has been cultivated in Japan for many years.
- **Burbank**: Another large prune variety.
- **Stanley**: A medium-sized prune with a sugar content of about 16-18%.



- **オパール**: 7月下旬から8月上旬に収穫される大粒の品種です。
- **サンタス**: ゴルフボール大の大きさがあり、肉厚で種と果肉の分離が良いことが特徴です。
- **アーリーリバー**: 小粒で、果皮は黒紫色の品種です。
- **パープルアイ**: 8月中旬から下旬に収穫される大玉のプルーンです。
- **シュガー**: 日本で古くから栽培されている代表的な品種です。
- **バーバング**: 大玉のプルーンです。
- **スタンレイ**: 中玉サイズで、糖度は16〜18度あります。
