
【Koyomi】 June 22, 2024

72 Kou|Natsukarekusa Karuru: The Withering of Prunella Vulgaris
七十二侯| 乃東枯(なつかれくさかるる):ウツボグサの枯れる時期

The Significance of Natsukarekusa Karuru

Natsukarekusa Karuru refers to the time around June 21st to June 25th when the flower spikes of the Prunella vulgaris, also known as Natsukarekusa or Utsubogusa, appear blackened and withered. This period is a unique seasonal marker in Japan and contrasts with the winter solstice period known as Natsukarekusa Shouzu, when the plant begins to grow again. Although not well-known, this seasonal change has been observed and appreciated for its subtle beauty.



Characteristics and Habitat of Prunella Vulgaris

Prunella vulgaris, commonly known as Utsubogusa, blooms from May to July, reaching a height of about 30 centimeters. It thrives in sunny locations and produces multiple purple flowers on its flower spikes. These flower spikes, when dried after turning black, are referred to as "Kagosou" and are used in traditional medicine for their diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. The decoction can also be used as a topical treatment for swelling or as a gargle.



Cultural and Historical Significance

The Japanese name "Utsubogusa" is derived from the shape of its flower spikes, which resemble the quiver (utsubo) used by samurai to hold arrows. This historical reference adds a layer of cultural significance to the plant, connecting it to Japan's rich heritage. The observation of Natsukarekusa Karuru, while not widespread, provides a moment to appreciate the cyclical nature of seasons and the subtle changes in the natural world.


