I, I'm really falling for you I hate what you're putting me through What have you done to me now? I just can't sleep at night My bed is wet Don't know how Will someone please turn out the light?
Busted『Falling For You』 こんにちは。 どうも、けこぜろです。
今回は2003年に発売された、Bustedの2枚目のアルバム『A Present for Everyone』より、『Falling For You』について。
Falling For You Semester's coming soon So I would like to mention I woke up in my room alone You're always welcome Next week my mum's away So now my future's bright and I'd ask to have you stay If I wasn't so frightened I, I'm really falling for you I hate what you're putting me through What have you done to me now? I just can't sleep at night My bed is wet Don't know how Will someone please turn out the light? You showed up at my door Just like in a teen movie I said "are you the whore I paid to come and fuck me?" I guess she found it funny When I said hello honey The piercing in her belly It turned my legs to jelly I, I'm really falling for you I hate what you're putting me through What have you done to me now? I just can't sleep at night My bed is wet Don't know how Will someone please turn out the light? Taking over my life But I don't seem to mind And there's no stopping you Taking me on a ride I'm, I'm really falling for you I hate what you're putting me through What have you done to me now I just can't sleep at night My bed is wet Don't know how Will someone please turn out the light? Will someone please turn out the light? I, I'm really falling for you I hate what you're putting me through What have you done to me now? I just can't sleep at night My bed is wet Don't know how Will someone please turn out the light?
Busted『Falling For You』 『Falling For You』はアルバム『A Present for You』の6曲目。 『A Present for You』は名曲揃いの名盤なのですが、ライブ等でもよく歌われて人気が高いのが『Air Hostess』『Crashed The Wedding』『Who's David』『She Wants To Be Me』『3am』の最初の5曲となっています。 そこから続くのがこの『Falling For You』です。 印象的なイントロと疾走感のある雰囲気がまた素晴らしい楽曲なのですが、歌詞もまた若者らしくていい感じです。 5曲の名曲に続く曲なだけにかなり印象に残っており、昔から割と好きな曲でした。
2023年のベストアルバムにはリメイクされたものが収録されました。 それなりに好きな曲だったので嬉しかったですし、原曲とあまり変わっていないのも良かったですね。
まとめ こんな感じで、Bustedの『Falling For You』の紹介でした。 昔から変わらず好きな曲で、曲の雰囲気から歌詞から結構お気に入りでした。 ベストアルバムでリメイクされたのも嬉しかったですし、昔と変わらぬ良さのある曲でしたね。