Jinmenusagi - Kanja Ninja |English translation
行く先々 辿る奇跡
行き着く先 サハラ砂漠 きさらぎ駅
Following miracles wherever I go,
I end up at the Sahara Desert, Kisaragi Station*
*Japanese urban legend about a fictitious railway station. The station first came into the news in 2004, when a ghost story was posted on the internet forum 2channel. (source: wikipedia Kisaragi Station)
天の河 眺めながら 吸うマルボロ
Profits to be earned here and there
I smoke Marlboros while looking at the milky way
肋に薔薇 胸には蠍 極めつけに手に鰐
Roses in my ribs, scorpions on my chest, crocodiles in my hands to top it all off.
Ever since I was a child.
物心のついてからは汚れ仕事 (ぽろぽろ)
Night after night, night after night, ramblings and musings.
Ever since I can remember, I've been doing the dirty work.
ナナハン馬力 ジメヌサギ
when I decide to do something, I'm always right on the spot
750cc jimenusagi.
我流浪人 履かぬナイキ
週に数度 韻の文 怒鳴る
Rhyme like Yamada man*
ronin in my own style, never wears nike
a few times a week, rhyming sentences, yelling
*Yamada Man (real name: Tomonari Yamada, September 26, 1971) is a member of the Japanese hip-hop group Rappagarya, and an MC and trackmaker.
生き字引となる 緻密に拘る
My hobby is getting serious, I have become principled with opinions.
become a living dictionary obsessed with precision
タール17mg 息吹紫に染まる
17 mg of tar, my breath turns purple
I travel far to foreign lands and sing again
香港 海南 ドバイからカタール
尊ばなけりゃ罰当たる マジ祟る
Hong Kong, Hainan, from Dubai to Qatar
if you don't respect it, you'll be punished, you'll be cursed for real
たった今に価値がある (価値がある) 価値がある 価値がある
The value is in the present moment.
Do you know who I am and where I come from?
俺のジョブ 世を忍ぶ
乱破 透破 間者 忍者 x7
My job is, with a secret identity,
“rappa”, “suppa”, “kanja”* ninja
俺のジョブ 世を忍ぶ
亡き人を偲ぶ忍者 忍者...
My job is, with a secret identity, ninja, in remembrance of the dead
*“Rappa”, “suppa”, “kanja” are other ways of calling ninja. Depending on the era or area, the name of this job had several variations in ancient times in Japan.
It's like a Walther P99.
My aim's so accurate, it drives you crazy
こちら睨みつける眼差し 絡みつくミミズク
The eyes that glare at me, the owl that twines around me
不思議と落ち着くディスク再生 (bubble down)
strangely soothing disc playback (bubble down*)
It sucks, but it's the best
*Bubble down is the name of jinmenusagi's own music label.
Pa-Ke in a Po-Ke* is the answer
Chakra opens right in the middle of the forehead
Pa-Ke / Po-Ke*
=Pa-Ke means "packet", Po-Ke means "pocket" in Japanese way of pronunciation of English
Somehow I still can't fall asleep in the middle of the night
I have to Flow to feel better.
Looks like premonition has turned into realization
I don't know about that...
放火魔 ma fucker
Arsonist, mama* fucker
I guess it all started with you messing around with the potatoes you dug up.
*The word arsonist in Japanese ends with the sound “ma” so saying “ma f**ker” after “arsoninst” generates the word “mama fucker”, equal to mother f**ker.
Apparently, there's more where that came from, so...
It's pouring out of me and I can't stop.
原始的悪足掻き たまに漏らす溜息
”Yaruki”(eagerness), “Genki”(energy), jimesagi*.
Scattering cash and stuff
Primitive, useless struggle, sometimes I can't help but sigh
*This phrase came from a Japanese female politician, IWAKI Nobuko, whose slogan is “Yaruki, Genki, Iwaki”, which means “Eagerness, energy, IWAKI”.
And “Jimesagi” is a shortened way of saying “Jinmen-usagi”. The sound of “n” or “u” tends to drop when it is pronounced rapidly.