What is WOVN's Welcome Box?
At WOVN, everyone receives a Welcome Box when they join WOVN.
But actually, some of us already working here may not know about this fantastic box.
I asked Yui, who is in charge of general affairs in the corporate division to learn more about the box.
What is the Welcome Box?
The Welcome Box is sent to our new members when they join WOVN.
We started to send it to all full-time employees from 2020.
In the past, we used to ask new employees to come to the office in person on their first day to pick up their computers, meet the team members, and guide them through the onboarding process.
Since the pandemic, we’ve mainly been working from home, and the onboarding is done online.
We want to welcome new members and show that we appreciate them choosing to work at WOVN. But without meeting them in person, I thought it wasn't easy to introduce ourselves and show them what it’s like to work here.
So that’s why I made the Welcome Box: to show our warm welcome before they join WOVN.
The recruiting team and I work together to decide and come up with new ideas on what to put in the box by sharing information about the new members.
I hope they feel welcomed by the recruiting team and WOVN members when they open the box.
What's inside the Welcome Box?
There are a bunch of WOVN exclusive giveaways in there. Let me take you through them briefly.
We may be updating some of the things inside, so stay tuned!
1. WOVN Imabari Face Towel
Our Imabari face towels are made of a unique fabric that remains fluffy and soft no matter what kind of water they are washed in. They can be used wherever you are in the world.
2. WOVN Imabari Handkerchief Towel
The handkerchief towel is hued with the green WOVN color.
3. WOVN Original Shopping Bag
We made these bags for members to use daily when free plastic shopping bags were banned. We were already mainly working from home when we made these bags. Our working environment had dramatically changed, and our CEO’s office wanted to send a gift to our members to show their appreciation. This was the first of a series of gifts to our members since the pandemic began.
4. WOVN Thermo Mug
The second gift, the thermo mug, was the idea of our CFO, Fujiwara-san. Like our shopping bag, this one is also intended for use at home.
5. WOVN Bath Salts
The bath salts were made to be used as giveaways at our events and at trade shows.We were a bit playful in making this because Hayashi-san, our CEO, loves hot springs.
6. WOVN 7th Anniversary T-Shirt
This T-shirt was sent to all members when WOVN celebrated its 7th anniversary in March.Everyone wore it to our online 7th-anniversary online party.
7. WOVN Original Hand Sanitizer
The hand sanitizer is a new item created by the communication branding team.Now an essential item in this day and age, sanitize your hands anytime and anywhere.
8. Book by our COO, Hisayuki Uemori: "Multilingual Experience: Gaikokujin Senryaku No Tame No WEB Tagengoka (Web Multilingualization to Promote Foreigner Strategies).”
This book, written by Uemori-san in 2019, is sent to our new employees as a must-read assignment before they join WOVN.
It is full of our COO’s passion, with a message as follows: “Don't miss the 10 trillion-yen market! The key to Japan's growth lies in foreigner strategies!”
There’s a message from our CEO inside, too
Our CEO, Hayashi-san, has put his message on a card for the new members
joining forces with us.Here I'll only introduce the first part of it, and I hope you read the whole message when the box arrives.
I am Takaharu Hayashi, the CEO at Wovn Technologies. Our mission at WOVN is to"create a world where all people can access all data in their native language."
We have these huge ambitions and are all on the same boat.I'm always really excited when new members join us.
(to be continued)
See what recipients of the Welcome Box are saying.
Let me share what some recipients of the Welcome Box are saying.
I'm glad to hear that everyone liked it!
I found books, T-shirts, towels, mugs, shopping bags, and bath salts inside.
Thank you for sending me so many WOVN giveaways.
I really appreciate it, thank you!
I can't wait to join, and I look forward to contributing as soon as I can.
(S, joined in June)
I received the giveaways you sent me the other day. I appreciate your kindness, and I am grateful for WOVN.
I started reading the book thoroughly as well. (H, joined in March)
Thank you for the book and all the giveaways.
My junior high school daughter loved the mug and is already using it. (She says she feels like camping when she uses it) (Y, joined in August)
I received your gift yesterday. I was surprised but was very happy to see what the box had inside.Looking at the 7th Anniversary T-Shirt, I could tell everyone at WOVN loves the company, and I'm proud to now be a part of this company. My wife was also pleased and commented that WOVN is such an excellent company. Thank you again. (H, joined in July)
The Welcome Box arrived earlier today! I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Although I'll be joining remotely from overseas, I'm so glad to feel that I'm welcome as a member of the team! Thank you, and I look forward to working with you all! (T: joined in June)
As the Welcome Box-maker
At WOVN, we ask new members to write a brief profile with their pictures and hobbies before joining. I like to look at them while packing the boxes, wondering what kind of person they are, eager to meet them, and hoping they like the box.
The people at WOVN may seem quite shy, but they are all actually unique and very good people. I hope our new members will get a chance to talk to our diverse team when they come to the office.My hope is to facilitate more internal communication like this.
To all WOVN members
Although you won't be given a Welcome Box since you've already joined (laughs), our internal EC website has items found in the Welcome Box and other exclusive giveaways that are not provided with the Welcome Box, so be sure to check it out!
I believe that the new members will often meet the current members for the first time online.
I think it's hard to capture the atmosphere and the warmth of the workplace online, so it would be great if we could communicate as members of a big WOVN team, even if we are in different sections.
This will definitely help to make our work go smoothly. The people at WOVN are all wonderful, and I hope you find out soon just what makes them wonderful.