This year is the Year of the Dragon, right?

"Mr. Dragon can breathe fire, huh?"
Let's listen and memorize the synonyms together.
What Really Matters|本当に大切なもの
We all search for something more
In a world that's always keeping score
They say success and money's what it's all about
But I know deep down, there's more to shout
We need something important, significant, essential
Something meaningful, vital, and critical
Gotta find the fire that burns inside our soul
Rise above the noise, take control
We need something important, significant, essential
Something meaningful, vital, and critical
Light the fire and let it show
important - 重要性や価値が高い
significant - 大きな影響や意味を持つ
essential - 絶対必要で、欠かせない
meaningful - 深い意味や価値がある
vital - 生命や成功に極めて必要
critical - 緊急の、または重大な評価や判断を要する