





元本割れの場合は不足分を扶養者等が負担。 配当が得られれば、子供を生みやすい環境になるのではないかと思いますし、扶養者へのベーシックインカムの役割も果たす。



その時点で最初の2100万円+差分の税金20%(上記例の場合2500万円 x 20%=500万円)を国に返還し、国はその金を新生児に再投資する仕組み。なお貸付金利はゼロとする。



少子化問題、老後資金問題も解決でき、国は将来の納税者を増やすことができ、社会に好循環を生み出して豊かな社会を形成できる、三方良しの政策と思うのですがいかがでしょうか? ちなみに20歳から年利4%で2000万円を複利で運用し続ければ40年後の60歳の時点で88百万円を突破。

年利平均4%の利回りは若干きついかもだが、海外は今後三十年は人口成長止まらないのでキャピタルゲインも狙えるはず。 親(扶養者)のマネーリテラシーも磨かれる→子供も同様、の好循環。



Long-term lending by government to each newborn baby (rough draft)

Government lend fund USD 200k per newborn baby to the supporters (for example parents), but supporters cannot withdrew the fund but can use it as an investment and can decide allocation of USD 200k by theirselves.

For example when they can use the fund to ETF, real estate, company stocks, gold, Bitcoin or whatever available for investment, and if the return p.a. is 4%, they can obtain USD 8,000 p.a. or USD 666.67 per month.
In this meaning this can be a basic income.

The supporters can select if they receive the return or reinvest. Once or more a year they can reallocate the fund.

If the return p.a. maintains 4% till the newborn grows 20 years-old and 1. if the supporters select to receive the return every year, it becomes USD 133k in total and 2. if they select to reinvest, the return will be USD 238k in total.
This is income gain only.
The government can have a tax to the income gain.

Regarding capital gain of the investment, also supporters can receive it and the government can have a tax to the same.

When a newborn baby becomes 20 years old, the supporters should refund the USD 200k to the government and the government will lend the fund to the newborn baby.
This means that this cycle is 20 years.
The number of newborns in USA in 2019 is 3.75 million. Hence the budget p.a. can be estimated as USD 750 billion.
As the cycle of this lending will be 20 years, the budget in 20 years will be USD 1.5 trillion in total.

If the supporters select 2 of the above option and 20 year-old person has USD 233k, and if invests with 4% p.a. through 20 years by his/her selection, the asset of him/her will be USD 511k, and through 40 years USD 1.1 million.

This will be a financial prop of a citizen and motivation to have a new born baby, and will be a social welfare.
The supporters are supposed to have right financial literacy and the idea is based mainly on the future of the new born baby.
