芸術の常識を覆しづづける      アフリカ人彫刻家 エル・アナツイ  (El Anatsui)



★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 第818号


してワイングラスに1杯♪ しっかり美味しくいただきました~。




November 25, 2024号 第一弾 Preview/ Art

◆"Portrait of the Artist in his Ninth Decade"
By Belinda Luscombe
El Anatsui broke art norms. At 80, He's still switching it up.

エル・アナツイ(El Anatsui) (^o^)

El Anatsui, 80, lives in Ghana, has had work unveiled in more than 20 exhibitions this year in cities as far-flung geographically and culturally as Shanghai, London, Dubai, and Lagos,
and is quite possibly the most in-demand visual artist alive today.

現在80歳のAnatsui氏、今年だけでも世界中の美術館で20以上のExhibitionsがされている。(タイム誌 2023年版「最も影響力のある100人」にも選ばれていた方でした!)


Anatsui often talks about his art in terms of the "nonfixed form," a reference to both the literal malleability of his monumental works and their adaptability to the space - and culture -in which they are placed. His art is as resonant in Singapore as it is in Switzerland.

自身の作品は "nonfixed form"(固定されない、型にはまらないフォーム)だと彼が言うように展性(malleability)があり、置かれた空間(と文化)の中に、溶け込める順応性(adaptability)

Most people have settled on describing his works as tapestries or quilts, partly because those are the closest things the Western art traditions have to his giant, supple swaths, and partly because the amount of close-up handiwork that goes into making them is similar.
Instead of thread and cloth, however, Anatsui uses the metal lids and neck coverings of liquor and other drink bottles, which are flattened and twisted into various shapes, and then linked together with wire.

空缶、リカー、ワインのふたやシールなどのアルミ箔を延ばして銅線でつないだ大きな「織物(タペストリー)」やキルトのような作品が特長。 (・o・;)

Bottle caps, Anatsui has observed, "have more versatility than canvas and oil."
He has spent decades experimenting with their capacities.

"Life is not a fixed thing," he has said.
"It is something that is in constant flux. And therefore I want my artworks to
have some element of that in them."

「人生とは、固定されたもの(fixed thing)じゃない。常に流れて(変化して)いるものだ。
だから、私は自分の作品の中に、そんな要素を持たせたい。」 (^ー^)

■ 生い立ち (?_?)

His father was a weaver and a fisherman, and Anatsui, the youngest of 32 children, grew up surrounded by people doing such repetitive and ultimately meditative work as weaving and mending nets.


When his mother died, he was sent to live with an uncle who was a Presbyterian minister, and from there to study sculpture at an art school that largely revered the Western canon.
But Ghana was gaining its independence from Britain during Anatsui's formative years, and he became interested in Ghanaian music and culture.

4歳のときに母親が亡くなり、キリスト教聖職者の叔父に引き取られた。その後は西洋の規範(Western canon)を重んじるアートスクールで彫刻を学ぶ。


In 1975, Anatsui got a job teaching at the first Indigenous university in Nigeria, in Nsukka, and set up a studio there.


His sheets, as he calls them, came to Western attention largely through a 2002 exhibition in Llandudno, Wales, that was so popular it traveled to nine other places in Europe and the U.S.


As his fame, and prices, started to grow, he employed local townspeople and students in Nsukka to help him keep up with the supply chain and the handiwork.


He doesn't usually sketch his designs in advance, "I let the material lead me," he has said.
"If it can't say something, then it better not be made to say it."
After all, he once noted, "trees grow without a blueprint."


今回は、このへんで。 (^-^)

