ゴビ砂漠でウラン採掘: 将来のクリーンエネルギー?原子力発電
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 第793号
前回、特集 Next Generation Leaders (次世代のリーダーたち)で
表紙を飾っていたNcuti Gatwaを紹介しましたが、そのほかにも10人ほど
選ばれていた中に、日本人もいたので(^▽^)/ 一応、メンションしておきます♪
◆ Shunsaku Sagami, Japan
"The Young Billionaire Using AI to Secure the Future of Japanese Businesses"
★ 佐上 峻作(さがみ しゅんさく)は、日本の実業家。
May 27, 2024号 第二弾 World
◆ "Uranium Dreams" By Charlie Campbell
The promise of clean nuclear power brings the West to Mongolia
The Gobi Desert is on the cusp of another reincarnation, one that its supporters believe could help future-proof the global energy landscape.
In October, the French state-owned nuclear firm Orano signed a $1.7 billion deal to extract and process uranium from the Zuuvch-Ovoo mine.
昨年10月、フランスの国営企業Orano社が、モンゴルのゴビ山脈にあるZuuvch-Ovoo鉱山でウラン採掘を行う契約(17億ドル)をモンゴルと締結しました。 (+_+)
Mongolia boasts the world's second largest uranium reserves, which promise to catapult this landlocked nation of 3.5 million into position as a key player in the global renewable-energy transition.
豊富な鉱物資源をもつモンゴル。そのウラン埋蔵量(uranium reserves)も、世界が再エネへ移行していく上で今後中心的役割を果たしていくことでしょう。(._.)
The E.U. has included nuclear power plants in its list of "green" investments that can be funded by its own green bonds, given the energy produced boasts just a quarter of the carbon footprint of even solar. Even Germany, which shuttered most of its 17 reactors after Fukushima, is now openly considering developing small modular reactors.
■ 地政学的、環境、経済上の課題
Mongolia is an acute illustration of the geopolitical, environmental, and economic challenges facing mineral-rich nations seeking to benefit from emerging technologies.
Mongolia, squeezed between Russia and China cannot shrug off historical and geopolitical baggage so easily. Since democratization in 1990, Mongolia has cultivated ties with the West via its "third-neighbor policy," of which the Orano deal is a prime example. But a nation reliant on Beijing for 90% of trade and Moscow for 90% of imported gas and petroleum must tread carefully in this fraught new era of great-power competition.
アジア北東部に位置するモンゴルは、ロシアと中国の間に挟まれた位置にある鉱物資源の輸出中心の国。二大国との関係性も、慎重に対処し続けていかなければなりません。 (-_-;)
The nation remains blighted by endemic poverty and, because of a reliance on coal for heat and power, some of the planet's most rancid air. Mongolia's coal addiction is especially perverse considering the bounty of clean power at its disposal.
Whereas coal last year accounted for over half of Mongolia's total $15.2 billion export revenue, the hope is that future mining projects can enhance, rather than impair, quality of life.
家畜とともに草原を移動して生活する遊牧民(nomad) の人たちが住むゲル(移動式住居)では、多くの場合まだ石炭が使われていることもあって、大気汚染が深刻です。(>_<)
Resource exploitation is a charged issue in Mongolia, a third of whose people are nomadic and fiercely protective of ancestral lands.
"I'm confident that we will have a successful cooperation with Orano," Mongolian Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai tells TIME.
"But it is important for us to have public acceptance so that the project can be legitimate among the people of Mongolia."
国内では、伝統的な暮らしを続けている人たちからの、原子力のための採掘に対する強い反発があるという感情的な問題 (charged issue)も根強いようです。(・o・;)
Securing that legitimacy has been a key focus for Orano, which formed a local joint venture, Badrakh Energy, to run Zuuvch-Ovoo alongside Mongolian state mining company Erdenes Mongol LLC. Orano committed to putting $1 million annually into community projects near Zuuvch-Ovoo, whose pilot site welcomed 670 visitors in 2023 - herders, students, and NGOs, to whom
the company strove to explain the mining process.
ウラン資源開発の正当性(legitimacy)を地域にしっかり伝えることがOrano社(地元に立ち上げた合弁企業 Badrakh Energy社)が力を入れているところです。牧畜民(herders)、学生たち、NGO団体に、しっかりと採掘のプロセスについて説明を続けています。(^_-)-☆
■ 厳しすぎる「冬」が、はからずも、プロジェクト推進の宣伝となる?
Nuclear power and the mining projects necessary to fuel it will always have detractors. However, the Gobi's increasingly problematic winters have inadvertently served as a propaganda tool.
The herders have always contended with dzuds, severe winters that arrive after summer droughts and trigger widespread animal death.
This year was a particularly bad dzud, which affected over 90% of the country and killed over 4.7 million animals as pastures were buried in snow and ice.
At least 2,250 herder families lost over 70% of their livestock.
The frequency of dzuds has brought home to Mongolia's rural population what has become irrefutable to its urban dwellers: that the climate crisis is deadly, and clean energy vital to mitigate its ravages.
Dzudsが頻繁に起こるようになって、もう、都市部だけじゃなく農村部に住むモンゴル国民には、痛感させられず(bring home to)にはいられません。
今回は、このへんで。 (^-^)