UK発 培養肉(Lab-grown meat)は食の未来にとっての福音となるか!?



★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 第824号


☆ o(^ー^)o☆o(^ー^)o☆


2025年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。m(_ _"m)




The Guardianの記事から。。。(^o^)/

みたいなので、今週は、イギリスの日刊紙 The Guardianの記事から一つ。

◆ "Lab-grown meat is the future for pet food - and that's a huge opportunity."
By Lucy McCormick / Sat 4 Jan 2025 10.00 GMT

While the EU and US hesitate, the UK can become world leader in this burgeoning -and cruelty-free - innovation


Lab-grown meat (直訳すると、実験室(ラボ)で育てられた肉=培養肉)と聞くと日本ではまだ、養殖&畜産肉に比べて、値段が高い、美味しくないイメージ、体に悪い影響があるのでは??とどちらかというと、懐疑的な意見が多いかもしれません。(^_^;)

The UK became the only country in Europe to approve the use of lab-grown meat in pet food.


■ Futuristic, but the process is actually straightforward. (未来的? 実は単純明快)

It starts with the harvesting of a small number of animal cells, then the cells are fed essential nutrients to help them replicate and grow, similar to a yeast culture on a petri dish.
But unlike a whole living animal, there are fewer limitations on size, there are no welfare concerns, and the setup does not require such vast land, water and energy resources.


■ Often makes people feel uncomfortable. (何となく、違和感を感じる?)

In a world of genetic modification, E numbers and ultra-processing, we have learned that artificial equals bad.

遺伝子組み換え(genetic modification)、E番号(E numbers)そして超加工食品(ultra-processing)という世界にいる我々は、「人工のもの=悪い」と考えがち。(+_+)

  • E numbers:
    欧州連合(EU)では、食品添加物は E番号 (E number) がつけられ、欧州食品安全機関(EFSA)で評価される。

But lab-grown meat is not an artificial food; biologically it is meat.
The difference is simply the method - a method not unfamiliar to anyone who nursed a sourdough starter during lockdown.

そのメソッドは、パンデミックでロックダウン期間中、外出できず家でサワードゥ(sourdough starter)を育ててる人には、それほど目新しいものでもないようなもの。

  • サワードゥ(sourdough starter):
    →ちょうど、日本人が、ぬか漬けのために「ぬか床」を作るようなイメー ジでしょうか

■ The food most of us feed our pets today is full of artificial ingredients

While alive, farm animals are pumped full of antibiotics before being churned through a mass slaughter operation that is so unhygienic that meat is regularly infected with salmonella and other pathogens. Before it's tinned up, synthetic preservatives and artificial flavours are often added to extend shelf life and improve taste.

飼育されている間の家畜(farm animals)は、屠殺される前に抗生物質をたっぷり注入され(pumped full of antibiotics)るため、不衛生(unhygienic)なので、

★Compared with that, lab-grown meat provides a purer meat product that is free from infection and is genuinely cruelty-free. More than this, lab-grown meat is an important solution to the unsustainable environmental impact of a booming industry.


■ EUでは、USAでは...

In Europe, lab-grown meat is still making its way through the often lengthy regulatory approval process. Rightwing administrations in particular have fought back, with Giorgia Meloni's government last year describing cultured meat as a threat to Italian culture as it implemented an outright ban on production.

右派政権の国(rightwing administrations)ではとくに。イタリアでは「培養肉はイタリア文化を脅かすもの」として生産・販売禁止法案が可決されました。

While the US has actually approved lab-grown meat even for human use, a reversal may be brewing. Florida and Alabama have joined Italy in kneejerk bans, with the Florida state representative Dean Black declaring that "real meat is made by God himself"; other Republican states may follow and the meat lobby has trained its sights on the president-elect.

フロリダ州下院議員Dean Black氏「本当の肉は、神自身によってつくられるものだ」と発言。その他共和党州政府や畜産業界からのロビー活動団体(the meat lobby)は、次期大統領(トランプ氏)政権に照準を合わせている(train its sights on)。

■ Brexit(EU離脱)しておいて正解だったかも。 (?_?)

Against this backdrop, the UK's departure from the EU may provide an upside.
The UK has an opportunity to profit from an industry on the brink of an economic boom.


To help get lab-grown pet food on to shelves worldwide, the British government should throw its weight behind the fledgling industry, providing financial assistance to aid research and development.


While subsidies for traditional agriculture are needed to prop up the domestic industry long term, the cultivated meat industry needs only an initial boost to help it reach commercial viability.
This is good news not just for domestic food security and for the environment; it would also reap significant rewards for the post-Brexit British economy.

しかもこれまでの農業分野と違い、培養肉産業は商用化実現可能性に到達させるための最初の援助だけを与えればよいなんて....国内の食糧安全保障や環境保護だけじゃなく、Brexit後のイギリス経済にとって相当な報酬を得る(reap the rewards)ことにもなる。

■ Ultimately, pet food should be only the beginning. ペットフードはほんの序の口

While we may be a while away from swapping chateaubriand tartare for a lab-grown alternative, a next step might be the ready meal and fast food industries, which could easily swap ultra-processed products for a purer form of meat, free from the environmental and welfare burden.

最高級ステーキ料理(シャトーブリアンのタルタルステーキ)を培養代替肉にとりかえるようになるには、まだ先かもしれないが(may be a while away)、次は、超加工食品をよりピュアで環境や福祉の負荷のない培養肉にかえやすい、すぐに食べられる冷凍食品/ファストフード業界かもしれない。

The food of the future will be healthier, kinder and more sustainable.



今回は、このへんで。 (^-^)

