次世代のリーダー 2024      Nicola Coughlan(ニコラ・コクラン)



★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 第814号


衆議院選挙終わりました。New York Timesにも、日本の与党が過半数とれなかったことがニュースのヘッドラインの一つになってた。 (+_+)





October 28, 2024号 第一弾 Cover Story/ Next Generation Leaders

前号のCover Story(特集)も、次の世代の注目の100人で、その中に

今号の特集「Next Generation Leaders」次世代のリーダーたち11人で

表紙は、アイルランド女優のNicola Coughlan(ニコラ・コクラン)でした。

◆ Nicola Coughlan (Ireland)
Galway girl who bet on herself and won.
By Olivia-Anne Cleary

The Netflix phenomenon's third season, in which the actor took center stage
as Penelope Featherington. Coughlan's season would go on to become the sixth most watched season of TV in Netflix's history, beating out The Night Agent and installments of Stranger Things.

Netflixの人気ドラマシリーズ『ブリジャートン家』わたしもシーズン1から大好きでずっと観てましたがシーズン3のペネロペ役で大ブレークしたNicola Coughlan。


"I just feel really lucky to be working, because all of my 20s, I wasn't," she says.
Coughlan, now 37, can be unassuming. Yet she's confident and bold in her approach to the industry and her newfound status in the public eye.

「(俳優として出演し)仕事をしていることが本当にラッキーだと思っている。20代のときは全然なかったから」 現在37歳のCoughlanは控えめな態度(unassuming)。
だけど、エンタメ業界と最近手に入れた、世間の注目を浴びる(in the public eys)というスターとしての地位(newfound status)、については自信と大胆さをもっている。(^-^)v

She has found her stride in the industry, but she's far from complacent.
"There's no making it," she says.
"You just have to keep going and can't rest on your laurels."

業界では本領を発揮し出し(find one's stride)つつも、そこで満足する(complacent)ことはない。
「やった!これで成功(make it!)なんてことはなくて、その先も進み続けて

■ シーズン3:コリンとペネロペ (Polin)のラブストーリー

シーズン3も、良かった~。何がいいってやっぱりペネロペ(Nicola Coughlan)の魅力です。

The third season focuses on the love story between Penelope and Luke Newton's Colin Bridgerton, a couple affectionately coined Polin by viewers.

  • coin (v): 新しい言葉などを作る。

"A lot of people really want me to marry Luke," she says with a laugh.
"We have this gorgeous friendship. We have such a love for one another and this experience that I'll never have with someone else again."

Of Penelope and Colin's first sex scene, she says,
"It was intimate, but it was also scary because of the level of nudity.
We wanted to do justice to the story and this beautiful moment where he makes her feel really loved and they're vulnerable together. I'm so proud of that scene."



■ 体型(Body)に関するコメントについて

She was repeatedly asked about her body. She was called "brave" for taking on the role.
She insists:"Don't call me brave. I have a cracking pair of boobs. There's nothing brave about that, that's actually just me showing them off."


But Coughlan is concerned about the impact of such narratives being upheld.
"I'm a few sizes below the average size of a woman in the U.K. and I'm seen as
a 'plus-size heroine.'"


Not to mention: "I worked my arse off for that show. I barely saw my family and friends, and people were just going, 'But your body …'" She knows it can be meant as a compliment.

言うまでもなく「わたしはあの番組のために『イヤと言うほど頑張ってた(worked my arse off)。家族にも友達にも会う時間もないほど。それなのに「でも、あなたの体型で...」っていうコメントだけなんて...」これは誉め言葉かもしれないけれど。(-_-;)

"But I don't take it as nice. Making it about how I look is reductive and boring.
What if I was suddenly going to play a ballerina and lose a sh-t ton of weight,
are you not going to like me anymore? That's insane and so insulting."


■ People pleaser がpredatory behaviorに出くわすとき

Coughlan, who considers herself a "people pleaser," often finds herself walking a tightrope when it comes to calling out predatory behavior.

  • people pleaser: 〈しばしば批判的〉他人の言いなりになる(気弱な)人、

  • walk a tightrope: 綱渡りをする、危ない橋をわたる。

  • predatory behavior: 搾取的、略奪的な行為

"I oscillate between two things as a woman: It costs nothing to be nice, and women don't owe you niceness. Both of those things are true," she says.


■ イスラエル vs ハマスの紛争について

Opting to speak out about the Israel-Hamas war, she shared various fundraising efforts for the people of Gaza on her Instagram page.


"My dad passed away a couple of years ago, and I don't really speak about him very much, because it's very personal," she says. Her father worked as a peacekeeper for the U.N., and her family lived in Jerusalem before she was born.


"That was literally what he was doing-trying to broker peace in that area," she adds.「(募金活動は)父がやっていたことと同じこと:その地域で平和を仲介する(broker a peace)」。


今回は、このへんで。 (^-^)

