Kamala Harris has got the vibes!



★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 第805号






August 26, 2024号 第一弾 Cover Story/ US Politics

★今号のカバーストーリー、米大統領選 民主党候補 カマラハリス副大統領


◆ "Second Chance" By Charlotte Alter
The reintroduction of Kamala Harris

A contest that revolved around the cognitive decline of a geriatric President has been transformed:
Joe Biden is out, Harris is in, and a second Donald Trump presidency no longer seems inevitable.
Democrats resigned to a "grim death march" toward certain defeat, as one national organizer put it, felt their gloom replaced by a jolt of hope.

  • cognitive decline 認知低下

  • geriatric 老人の、老いぼれた

確実な敗北(certain defeat)へ向かう重苦しい死の行進(grim death march)。それに観念していた(resigned to)民衆党員たち。彼らの憂鬱(gloom)が、突然湧き上がってきた希望(a jolt of hope)に変わった。(^-^)v

Over the span of a few weeks in late July and early August, Harris became a political phenomenon.
"Our campaign is not just a fight against Donald Trump," she told the cheering crowd in Philadelphia.
"Our campaign is a fight for the future."

7月下旬から8月初旬のほんの数週間で、HarrisはPolitical Phenomenonになった!「ドナルド・トランプとの戦いだけじゃない。これは未来のためのたたかいです!」(フィラデルフィアでの選挙集会でのHarris氏の演説より)

Judging from the past few weeks, Harris' own party underestimated her.
Maybe the crowded 2020 primary just wasn't the right race for Harris to showcase her talents; maybe the vice presidency wasn't the right role.

多分副大統領職は、彼女に合った役割ではなかったかもしれない。 (-_-)ウーム

Suddenly, she seems matched to the moment: a former prosecutor running against a convicted felon, a defender of abortion rights running against the man who helped overturn Roe v. Wade, a next-generation Democrat running against a 78-year-old Republican. Perhaps above all, she has given Americans
the one thing they overwhelmingly told pollsters they wanted: a credible alternative to the two unpopular old men who have held the job for the past eight long years.


"有罪となった重罪人" 対 "元検察官"
"米国全州で中絶が合法化されることになったRoe v. Wade判決を覆すのに一役かった男" 対 "中絶の権利を守る者"
"78歳の共和党員" 対 "次世代の民衆党員"

これまでの8年間 大統領職についていた不人気な二人の老人に代わることができる信頼できる人物!

■ Kamala has got the vibes right now(今、カマラにはVibesがある!)

With Biden no longer atop the ticket, the moribund Democratic grassroots came to life. Within a week, Harris erased Trump's polling dominance in key states, turning a burgeoning landslide into a dead heat.

バイデンが選挙戦からおりて、死にかけていた民主党の草の根運動が息を吹き返した。一週間で、ハリスは、主要な州で優位だったトランプの世論調査結果を消し、「圧勝では?」という予感が強まっていたところを「大接戦!(dead heat)」に変えてしまった!

"Elections come down to vibes, and Kamala has got the vibes right now," says David Hogg, co-founder of the Gen Z political organization Leaders We Deserve.
"People are feeling the type of energy they felt during the Obama campaign," says Michigan state senator Darrin Camilleri. "It feels different than with Hillary, different than with Biden."
UAW president Shawn Fain called her a "badass woman."

「Badass womanだ!」(^-^)v

★ちなみに、Badass Womanというメーガン・トレイナーの歌がありました。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6tjkL1kZBI

これは、『ザ・ハッスル』(原題: The Hustle)という2019年に公開された米映画の主題歌だそうです。Wiki読んでて面白いなぁと思ったのは、実はこの作品のもともとのタイトルが『Nasty Woman』だったそう。Nasty Woman(意地悪女)はドナルド・トランプがヒラリー・クリントンに対して言い放った言葉です。(^_^;)

今回トランプと闘うのは、「Nasty Woman」ヒラリーじゃなくて「Badass Woman」のカマラ・ハリスということもうっすら匂わせてるのかも?と思いました。

■ アメリカ女性にとって...

Harris' moment also comes after eight years of transformation and triumph for American women.

After Clinton's stinging defeat in 2016, women flooded the streets in the largest protest march in U.S. history, then formed a massive grassroots electoral movement that helped Democrats overperform in most elections since. #MeToo reshaped the culture; Dobbs reshaped the electorate.
Mass enthusiasm for a woman is nothing new: Harris' run comes just a year after the blockbuster summer of Barbie, Beyoncé, and Swift.



今回は、このへんで。 (^-^)

