Charlie and the Chocolate Factory UK版とUS版語句比較
手元にUK版とUS版があったので、以前途中まで印をつけていたものを書いておきます。どちらもPUFFIN BOOKS版です。
章番号 UK版の語句 US版の語句 の順です。
2 UK chocolate bars US candy bars
2 UK refrigerator US icebox
4 UK sweets US candies
4 UK sugar balloons US candy balloons
4 UK sweet US candy
5 UK the confectionery genius US the candy-making genius
5 UK bars of chocolate US candy bars
5 UK chocolate bars US candy bars
5 UK bars of chocolate US candy bars
6 UK as proud as anything US as pround as can be
6 UK the famous English scientist US In England, the famous scientist
6 UK 'You see, boys,' US "You see, fellers,"
6 UK 'A Wonka chocolate bar!' US "A Wonka candy bar!"
6 UK a Wonka bar US a Wonka candy bar
8 UK a gum chewer US a gumchewer
8 UK I gave up gum and started on chocolate bars US I laid off the gum and switched to candy bars
8 UK I'm back on gum US I'm right back on gum
8 UK To tell you the truth, US To tell you the honest truth,
8 UK And was she furious! US And was she mad!
8 UK At night-time, US At nights,
8 UK lift US elevator
8 UK the rotten ones US the crummy ones