
なぜ今 「アポロの歌」 か?: Tezuka Osamu's "Apollo no Uta" Has Been Adapted into a Live-Action Drama.

手塚治虫の問題作 (だと思ってる) 『アポロの歌』 が実写ドラマ化されることを偶然知ったのは、今月に入ってからのこと。

舞台版 『鬼滅の刃』 の無料配信からの、キャスト検索 → 禰豆子ちゃん役 →
髙石あかり → アポロの歌!? という流れだった (笑)。
彼女、次期朝ドラヒロインでもあるんだよね ✨

それでさっそく、昨夜放送の第1話を TVer で視聴 (起きてられっかw)。


実をいうと 『アポロの歌』 自体はかなり苦手な作品で (作風がとにかく重く
もれなくハズレというか、必ず! 100%! おかしなアレンジを加えるせいで
原作の持ち味を大幅に削いでしまう (私が愛する 『火の鳥』 と 『ブラック・ジャック』 はことごとく台無しにされた)、というのが私の中で定説化して


昭吾役の佐藤勝利の、どんよりとしてニヒルだけれどドライな空気感 (原作
人を惹きつける感じ) が只者じゃない!

渡ひろみ (Σ) を演じる髙石あかりの佇まいには非凡さが光り、見ているうち




この女神がアテナ・パルテノス像そっくりなんだよね (ここから試し読み
できる) 。
なぜアテナ? と思ったものだけど、アフロディテやヘラだと (日本人が)


I love Tezuka's works, but $${\textit{Apollo no Uta}}$$ just didn’t sit right with me at all.
The tone is overwhelmingly heavy, and the emotional weight is so intense that it’s almost suffocating.
It’s mentally exhausting to get through.

On top of that, every time Tezuka's works get adapted into anime, I can't help but get my hopes up, only to be disappointed without fail.
They tend to add bizarre modifications that significantly dilute the essence
of the original (both $${\textit{Hi no Tori}}$$ and $${\textit{Black Jack}}$$, which I deeply love, were
utterly ruined in this way).

However, after watching the first episode, I was really impressed!

The setting, while modern, had a subtly retro yet futuristic atmosphere that was executed brilliantly.

Satō Shōri, who plays Shōgo, was phenomenal.
He exuded a gloomy and nihilistic yet detached aura that was truly striking.
In the original manga, Shōgo was the kind of character who evoked a strong sense of repulsion, but in the drama, he has an inexplicable pull that captivates the audience.

Takaiishi Akari, who plays Watari Hiromi (a newly restructured character combining multiple roles from the original, now positioned as the protagonist’s childhood friend), had an exceptional presence.
The more I watched her, the more compelling she became.
Especially towards the end of the episode, when she was singing within
the screen—her presence was absolutely extraordinary!

The seamless transitions between flashbacks, the present, and occasional dream sequences were masterfully handled.
These shifts in time effectively highlighted the characters’ personalities
and relationships, creating an engaging narrative flow.

I’ve always thought that Tezuka’s works don’t translate well into anime,
but perhaps they actually work quite well in live-action adaptations.

Given how overwhelmingly bleak and suffocating the original story is, I have no idea how the live-action version will resolve everything.
But at this point, I’m genuinely looking forward to seeing how it unfolds.

By the way, in the early part of the original manga, a goddess appears to judge the protagonist.
What’s interesting is that this goddess looks exactly like the statue of Athena Parthenos.

I remember wondering why Tezuka chose Athena instead of Aphrodite, the goddess of love; Hera, the protector of marriage; or Nemesis, the goddess of vengeance.
Perhaps it was because Aphrodite and Hera don’t have an immediately recognizable design that screams “Greek mythology” to a Japanese audience?

I’m also eager to see how the drama will handle the role of this goddess of judgment and how they will ultimately tie the title back into the story.

ヘッダー画像は私が ChatGPT-Plus で生成しました。
なんか 「天地創造」 みたいですが、「ダプネがちょっとアグレッシブに見えるけど、それもまた神話の新しい解釈ってことでアリかも」 と ChatGPT がいうので、そのまま使ってみました。
もちろん無断転載は許可しません ✨

The header image was generated by me using ChatGPT-Plus.
It kind of looks like $${\textit{The Creation of Heaven and Earth}}$$, but ChatGPT said, "Daphne looks a bit aggressive, but that could also be a fresh interpretation of the myth, so why not?"—so I decided to use it as is.
Of course, unauthorized reproduction is not permitted.
