ラジオの時間 / Radio time
小倉淳さんの よく構成された番組知ってる?
ラジオで 朝4時半から始まるの 起きるのが楽しみ
番組 最後の「人生の時」の話 いいの!
「グッデイ!」ってつぶやくの 気持ちがほぐれる
主人は凝り性で 朝ご飯はいいから 身体揉んでくれって言うから
朝4時半から5時まで 揉むの
私 料理下手だから それくらいしないとね
主人が出かけて 上柳昌彦さんの番組 これは親切な授業
政治経済のことが 分かりやすく 教えてもらえるの
私そういうこと 苦手で 分からなかったから
主人と今まで 話が合わなくて 寂しかったの
聴いてると 私から話が出来るように なったよ
8時半までだけど 意地でも聴くの
主人は凝り性で 朝ご飯はいいから 身体揉んでくれって言うから
朝4時半から5時まで 揉むの
私 料理下手だから それくらいしないとね
私 ラジオ大好き 寂しくないの
笑っちゃう 真剣に聴いちゃう 私の授業
人生懸けてやってる番組は伝わって来る 感動する
私も頑張んなきゃって 思うよ
Do you know Atsushi Ogura's well-structured program?
This is relaxing time!
It's on the radio starting at 4:30 a.m. I can't wait to wake up.
The last episode of the program, “The Time of Life,” is great!
Muttering “Good day!” makes me feel relaxed
My husband is a picky eater and says breakfast is good and he asks me to massage his body.
I massage from 4:30 to 5 a.m.
I'm not good at cooking, so that's all I have to do.
My husband went out and Masahiko Kamiyanagi's program was a kind lesson.
I can learn about political economy in an easy-to-understand way.
I'm not good at things like that, so I didn't understand.
I've been lonely because I haven't been able to talk to my husband until now.
As I listened, I felt like I could talk to you.
It's only until 8:30, but I'll listen to it no matter what.
My husband is a picky eater and says breakfast is good and he asks me to massage his body.
I massage from 4:30 to 5 a.m.
I'm not good at cooking, so that's all I have to do.
I love radio. I don't feel lonely.
You'll laugh, and you'll listen seriously to my class.
I can feel the program that I've dedicated my life to and it's moving.
I think I have to try my best too.
(A story about when I started listening to the radio. Now it's "Asaborake")