Air Purifiers and Acute Respiratory Infections in Residential Aged Care: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Journal:JAMA network open. 2024 Nov 04;7(11);e2443769. pii: e2443769.
IMPORTANCE : The effectiveness of in-room air purification for the reduction of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) in residential aged-care facilities (RACFs) is unknown.
OBJECTIVE : To investigate the effectiveness of in-room air purifiers with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)-14 filters in reducing the incidence of ARIs among residents of RACFs.
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS : This randomized clinical trial used a multicenter, double-blind, 2-period, 2-treatment crossover design for 6 months from April 7 to October 26, 2023, in 3 RACFs with a bed capacity of 50 to 100 in New South Wales, Australia. The purposive sampling approach included permanent residents in private rooms in the enrolled RACFs. Data collection was performed every 2 weeks and required no additional follow-up beyond the final data collection on October 31, 2023.
INTERVENTION : An air purifier containing a HEPA-14 filter was placed in rooms of participants in the intervention group, and an air purifier without a HEPA-14 filter was placed in rooms of the control participants. The groups crossed over after 3 months.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES : The primary outcome was the incidence of ARIs, assessed with logistic mixed-model regression.
RESULTS : Among 135 participants randomized (70 to the intervention-first group and 65 to the control-first group), 78 (57.8%) were female; mean (SD) age was 85.2 (8.6) years. In the intention-to-treat analysis, the use of air purifiers with HEPA-14 filters did not reduce ARIs compared with the control (OR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.32-1.04; P = .07). Among the 104 participants who completed the entire study, the intervention reduced ARI incidence from 35.6% (37 participants) in the control group to 24.0% (25 participants) in the intervention group (OR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.28-1.00; P = .048).
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE : In this clinical trial investigating use of air purifiers with HEPA-14 filters for reducing ARIs, no significant between-group difference was found in the intention-to-treat analysis. However, a significant reduction in ARIs was identified among participants who completed the entire study. These findings may help inform future large-scale studies of respiratory infectious diseases.
高齢者居住施設において、HEPA-14フィルターを使った高性能空気清浄が急性呼吸器感染症(ARI)の発生率に及ぼす影響について、オーストラリア・ニューカッスル大学のBismi Thottiyil Sultanmuhammed Abdul Khadar氏らの研究チームがランダム化臨床試験を実施した。その結果、HEPA-14フィルターを用いた場合とそうでなかった場合で、ARI発生率に有意差は認められなかった。JAMA Network Open誌
第1フェーズの参加者135人の年齢中央値は86.0歳(範囲 59.0~103.0)、平均年齢は85.2歳(SD 8.6)、女性が57.8%だった。介入群に70人、対照群に65人が割り付けられた。このうち113人が、入れ替え後の第2フェーズに参加した(介入群:55人、対照群58人)。
病原体が特定されたARI 36件のうち、SARS-CoV-2が19件(52.8%)、RSウイルスが16件(44.4%)、ライノウイルスが1件(2.8%)だった。
介入群は対照群と比較して、初回のARI感染までの時間を短縮しなかった。90日以内の感染までの制限平均時間では、介入群では78.1日(SE 2.1)、対照群では74.2日(SE 2.3)であり、有意差はなかった(ハザード比:0.67、95%CI:0.42~1.07、p=0.09)。 著者らは本結果について、全体の解析では統計学的に有意な結果は得られなかったが、全試験を完了した参加者ではARIが有意に減少したことが確認され、HEPAフィルターを備えた空気清浄機がARI予防に有用である可能性を示唆し、今後の大規模研究の基盤になるだろう。やはり、マスク、手洗い、うがい(口腔ケア)が手軽で安く確実な方法で、経済的余裕がある場合に空気洗浄機もいいのかもしれませんね。