ナチュラルワインと音楽 Natural wine and music
“Music is generally perceived as the most universal of all art forms.”
パスカル・シモニュッティの"オン・サン・バ・レ・クイーユ”はナチュラルワインに開眼したきっかけの一本。ワイン名はフランス語で "I don't give a fuck 知ったこっちゃない"という意味で、もちろんsex pistolsの名盤 "Never mind the bollocks"をオマージュしています。
そんなシモニュッティにワイン造りを学び「俺にとって神様」というロワールのブレンダン・トラセイはフランス人の母を持つニュージャージー出身の元ミュージシャン(パンクバンドのギターボーカルでバンド名はThe Insults 爆、The Dead KennedysやBlack Flagと対バンしてたそう!)。個性的なエチケットはもちろん、葡萄の旨みが凝縮されたナチュラル味たっぷりかつエレガントなワインはシモニュッティ直系。
先日入荷したブレンダンの新作「メロウ・イエロー」。お察しの通り、キュヴェ名はドノヴァンの楽曲 "Mellow Yellow"から。
Born high forever to fly
The wind velocity nil
Born high forever to fly
If you want your cup I will fill
ハイに産まれて 永遠に飛ぶ
ハイに産まれて 永遠に飛ぶ
君が望むなら 君のカップを満たそう
ジュラの生産者、パトリス・ユグ・ベグの、こちらも先日入荷した "BIG BUNCH THEORY”。
こちらのエチケットはJazzミュージシャン、カーラ・ブレイの "BIG BAND THEORY"をオマージュしています。
No language nor thought required, but rather the five senses and enjoyment through one's own sensitivity. Art, as I see it, is something that simply stimulates our senses. Without all the difficulties.
Pascal Simonutti's "On S'En Bat Les Couilles Vin de Bagnole" is one of the wines that opened my eyes to natural wines. The name means "I don't give a fuck" in French, and of course it pays homage to the sex pistols' classic album "Never mind the bollocks".
(I found out later) Simonutti studied winemaking at Gérard Schueller et Fils, and was impressed by Bruno Schueller's "viticulture that draws out the power of nature and the true potential of the terroir. He disliked appellations, which were indispensable for conventional French wines, and stuck to VDT (Vin de Table), which means table wine without AOC declaration.
"I don't care about winemaking regulations or judging". How punk, how artistic, how cool! And it's so delicious! However, due to injuries from a motorcycle accident and bad weather, the production volume dropped year by year, and of course the price skyrocketed due to lack of supply. (Simonutti has since retired from winemaking.
Brendan Tracey of Loire, who learned winemaking from Simonutti and is "a god to me," is a former musician from New Jersey with a French mother (he was a guitar vocalist in a punk band called The Insults Bomb, and played with The Dead Kennedys and Black Flag). In addition to its distinctive etiquette, the wine is full of natural flavor and elegance, with a concentration of grape flavor that is directly related to Simonutti.
The new Brendan's "Mellow Yellow" just arrived. As you may have guessed, the name of the cuvee comes from Donovan's song "Mellow Yellow".
Born high forever to fly
The wind velocity nil
Born high forever to fly
If you want your cup I will fill
A white wine made from 100% Moulon de Bourgogne.
Mellow yellow color from the moment it was opened, with more mellowness on the second day, and a downer that stayed high on the third day and beyond. It's amazing. This wine is really amazing. (My personal opinion, of course.)
This is the "Big Bunch Theory" from Patrice Hugues Beg, a producer in Jura, which also arrived recently.
The etiquette here pays homage to Jazz musician Carla Bley's "Big Band Theory".
By the way, Patrice is a former mathematician. Mathematics is the universe. From the Big Bang Theory, to the Big Band Theory, to the Big Bunch Theory. Art and the universe, connected by wine.
I'll try to put together some etiquette and music next time.