『エビ中』 のおかげで少年は生き続けることができた。
(Important note: This is a rough translation, so please bear with me. I'll be leaving the whole English version at the end.)
何も感じないのは最悪だ。落ち込むのは疲れるし、特に人生を終わらせないと決めたなら、他人に負担をかけることになるからだ。私は自分自身を愛していないかもしれませんが、私に愛を与えるべきだったにもかかわらず愛を与えなかった人々さえも、他の人全員を愛しています。ある日、目が覚めて、何かを感じたい、「愛」を感じたいと思った。幼い頃から音楽に親しんできたので、私はいつも音楽が好きだった。幼い頃から音楽に親しんできたので、私はいつも音楽が好きだったし、今日まで合唱団の一員でもある。正直なところ、私は自国の音楽が好きではない。『KMKZ』や『Parokya ni Edgar』といったバンドを追っかけたことはあるが、それ以外は特に興味がない。
長兄がiPodを買ったとき、彼のプレイリストに日本のバンド「マキシマム ザ ホルモン」が入っていたのを覚えている。一聴して恋に落ちた。メタル・ミュージックに恋するようになるとは思ってもみなかった。それが私の日本の音楽の旅の始まりだった......。
それからは、X-Japan、Crossfaith、Galneryus、the GazettE、Crystal Lakeなど、主に日本のメタルバンドしか聴かなくなった。
さくら学院にはすべてがある。かわいいメンバー、キャッチーな音楽、そしてたくさんの種類。まさにパーフェクトだった。このグループのおかげで、今では「家族」と呼べる仲間を見つけることができた。でも、主にBABYMETALのせいなんだけど、みんなは私が初日からしっかりしたさくら学院のファンだと知っている。やっと生きる理由を見つけたんだ、グループのおかげだけでなく、私を理解し、愛してくれる友人をやっと見つけたからだ。私の人生の "この "部分について話すことはできるが、ここで書くのは避けたい。
私が彼らを追うのを本当に止めたのは、彼らの "妹分 "グループである「私立恵比寿中学」だった。今まで見た中で最も素晴らしいグループだった。今でも鮮明に覚えている。彼らのMVの「 仮契約のシンデレラ」は、私が彼らを好きになったきっかけだった。MVだけでなく、音楽も、彼らのボーカル・パフォーマンスも、ダンスのスキルも、とても良かった。今までいろいろなグループを見てきたけど、ここはまさに一流だよ!デビュー当時はルーキーだったという意見もあるだろうが、それこそが私が彼らを愛する理由なのだ。
私は 2012 年から彼らをフォローしてきましたが、私のファンになる唯一の手段は、彼らの MV を見ることと、すべてのビデオやその他の投稿に「いいね!」することでした。私の最初の推しは鈴木裕乃さんでしたが、彼女が卒業した後は真山りかさんに乗り換えました。彼女はとにかく歌が上手かったからです。でも、また推し変するまでに時間はかかりませんでした。2014年以降、私の推しは松野莉奈だった。彼女には可能性を感じたし、彼女の成長を後ろで見守ることも厭わない。しかし、私の二推しは中山莉子だった。私がりななんを好きな理由と同じだ。
私がフォローし、現在もフォローしているグループをいくつか挙げることができる(そのほとんどはすでに解散しているからだ):わーすた、drop、GEM、sora tob sakana、ミライスカート、BELLRING少女ハート、Cheeky Parade、デビルアンセム、プレディアナ、ベイビーレイズJAPAN、ドロシーリトルハッピー、チームしゃちほこ、ロッカジャポニカ、たこやきレインボー、アイドルネッサンスなどなど。
信じられないかもしれないが、私は2012年から2019年まで、大量のグループを同時にフォローした。私たちは独自の「ミニ」ラジオ局を持っていて、私は指定されたアイドル DJ です。また、日本の音楽を共有する独自のグループもあり、私はアイドルだけを投稿する男です。
私はアイドルに感動し、自分が何を求めているのかがはっきりと見えてきた。私はとても発言力があり、彼らについて何かを書くのが大好きだったので、将来は何らかのジャーナリストになりたいと思っていました。私は自分の人生に満足していたので、将来のためにいろいろなことを計画した。しかし、残念ながら、それだけでは私のうつ病を克服するのには十分ではありません。あれこれやったけど、結局辞めちゃったんだ。まだ生きていたくないって思うから。 数カ月間沈黙していたが、アイドルが私の生き甲斐だから戻ってきた。それでも書きたいので、ある日、アイドルをテーマにしたFaceBookページを作ることにした。フィリピンではアイドルが一般的でなかった時代だから、そこで私はただ共有したいことを書いていた。それを毎日続けたある日......。
見出しを読んだだけで、涙が出てきた。朝も早かったので、ただのジョークであってほしいと思った。泣きながら眠りについたが、残念ながら目が覚めても同じニュースだった。私は夢など見ていなかった。私は急いでPCに向かい、すべてを読んだ。私はボロボロで、打ちのめされていた。この世からいなくなりたいと思った。その時私は皆さんに「生きる理由は何ですか?」と尋ねました。公共の場であろうとなかろうと、どこに行っても涙が止まらなかった。私は泣いてばかりでしたが、ある日、「エビ中ファミリー」のさまざまなメンバーと話すことにしました。実際に彼女のキャリア全体をサポートするためにそこにいる人々と話すことができるので、私の気持ちは少し安心しました。 私自身は彼らのライブを見ることさえできませんでした。私は彼女の通夜中に彼らにお悔やみの言葉を送らせました。
時間を飛ばしたので、戻ろう。私は我が国のアイドル・コミュニティで尊敬される人物であり、私のチームと私は自分たちのローカル・アイドル・コンサートを作ることにした。控えめに言っても成功だったのだが、ある "ミス "があって、完全に台無しになってしまった。あの頃はバカだったから、流れに身を任せていた。
それが私の人生最大の過ちだった。私は彼女に人生のすべてを捧げてきたのに、別れた後は悲惨な結果になってしまいました。落ち込んでいた男がまた落ち込んだ。私は日々の生活を続け、幸せでいっぱいだったが、ある瞬間、突然泣いてしまった。自分は大丈夫ではないと思っていた、私はただ、それが襲ってくるのを待った。その日、私は家に戻って母のところに行き、母のそばで泣きながら眠った。翌日だ、 私は自分の人生を立て直そうと決めた。彼女は私が生まれて初めてセラピーを受けるのを助けてくれた。セラピーに通い始めて3年になるけど、すっかり別人になったよ。最初の2年間は、うつ病から完全に立ち直るために捧げてきた。
2023. 自分のルーツに戻ることにしたんだ。私はアイドルファンに戻った、やめたわけじゃない、ただ、以前のように100%ではなかった。ちょうど桜井えまと仲村悠菜が加入したタイミングで、私はエビ中に戻ってきた。
まだ触れていませんが,一度だけ観たことがあるのですが,TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2018で,印象に残っています。しかし、私は彼らのフルコンサートを見るつもりだ!
Wiljanz (ウィルジャンス) AKA Protektor (プロテクター)
SNS Links:
X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/wiljanz_
I was nothing but a depressed little boy my whole entire life. It's really a no-shame headliner at this point.
I knew I was depressed back in 2012 because of a major life event. It completely changed my outlook on life.
I stopped caring about myself and focused on helping others because I never wanted to see anyone turn up to be like me. I had no reason to live, no reason to do anything at that point.
Feeling nothing kind of sucks. Being depressed is tiring too, especially if you decided not to end your life because it's a real burden to other people. I may not love myself, but I love everyone else, even the people who should have given me love but didn't.
One day, I woke up and decided that I want to feel something, I want to feel "Love". I was always a music lover, as I was introduced to it at an early age, I am also a part of a Choir to this day. I am not really a big fan of my country's music, though I followed a couple of bands namely "Kamikazee" and "Parokya ni Edgar", but other than that, I have no other interests.
I remember when my eldest brother bought an iPod, and there was this Japanese band, "Maximum the Hormone" in his playlist. It was love at first listen. I never knew that I would be in love with Metal music. It was the start of my Japanese music journey...
From there on, I only mainly listen to J-Metal bands, such as X-Japan, Crossfaith, Galneryus, the GazettE, Crystal Lake, and many more.
But one day, I went to my elder brother's room and I saw him watching an MV, the music caught my ears, it was something new. It was AKB48's "Kaze wa Fuiteru". A metalhead was amazed by a girl group's music?! I was also surprised!
Maybe it was my instincts that kicked in, I saw beautiful girls and I instantly fell in love (I'm sorry I just want to be loved hahaha).
My life changed again at that point. I completely jumped right into the "Idol" world. I've said to my friends (and even in our podcasts) that I've followed AKB48 for only a week. Why? There's just too much stuff going on, mainly too many members. So I searched the internet about Idols, and there it is, I found a group to my liking, "Sakura Gakuin". It was the most memorable thing I've ever done in my life, and I still laugh at it every time I remember it.
Sakura Gakuin has everything. Cute members, catchy music, and a whole lot of varieties. It was just perfect. Because of this group, I've found a group of friends that I call "Family" now. But mainly because of BABYMETAL, but everyone knows me as a solid Sakura Gakuin fan since day 1. I've finally found a reason to live, not just because of the group, but also because I've finally found friends that understand and love me. I can talk about "this" part of my life, but I'd rather not write it here, it's a different story for a different time.
I've continued my search for Idols. There, I stumbled upon SDP's "Momoiro Clover Z", they're really popular from that point (it was 2012), and I didn't hesitate to delve into the group. I loved them, they're really good, but I haven't really stayed for a long time because the members are not really my type (I love Shiorin though), maybe because they're old??? (sorry, just my preference), but I still listen to them from time to time to this day.
What really stopped me from following them was their "little sister" group, "Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku". It was the most amazing group I've ever seen. I still remember it clearly, their MV of "Karikeiyaku no Cinderella" is what made me love them. It was so good, not only the MV but the music too, not to mention their vocal performance, and definitely their dancing skills. I've seen different groups now, but this is just top-notch!
I've followed them since 2012, but my only means of being a fan were watching their MVs, and liking all their videos and other posts. My very first Oshi from the group was Suzuki Hirono, but after she graduated, I switched to Mayama Rika, because she's just really good at singing, but it didn't take long until I oshihen again. From 2014 onwards, my oshi was Matsuno Rina, I just saw a lot of potential from her and I'm willing to watch in the back to watch her progress, but my Nioshi was Nakayama Riko, same reason as why I like Rinanan.
I've never talked about me being a fan of Ebichu from friends, because I know it's a complete conflict of interest, not just them but all the groups I follow. I was very vocal about my Idols, I follow plenty of groups after finding Ebichu, and I was just so stoked to find and follow more. I can list a few of the groups I followed (because most of them are already disbanded) and still follow today: The World Standard, drop, GEM, sora tob sakana, Mirai Skirt, Bellring Girls Heart, Cheeky Parade, Devil Anthem, Predianna, Babyraids JAPAN, Dorothy Little Happy, Team Syachihoko, Rock A Japonica, Tacoyaki Rainbow, Idol Renaissance, and many many more.
Believe it or not, I followed tons of groups all at the same time from 2012 to 2019. We have our own "mini" radio station and I'm the designated Idol DJ, we also have our own group where we share Japanese music and I'm the guy who only posts Idols.
I was so moved by Idols that I had a clear sight of what I wanted. I was so vocal and love to write things about them that I wanted to become a Journalist of some sort in the future. I was happy with my life, so I planned a lot of things for my future. But unfortunately, it's not enough to overthrow my depression. I've done this and that, but I ended up quitting because I still just wish I was not alive. I've gone silent for a few months but came back because Idols are what makes me want to live. I still want to write, so one day I decided to create a FaceBook page that focuses on Idols. There, I just write things I want to share, as Idols are not common in the country during those times. I continued to do that every single day, until one day....
February 8, 2017. I was awoken early in the morning because my phone was vibrating non-stop. I looked at the notifications, tons of people tagging me everywhere.
"Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku's Rina Matsuno passes away at age 18."
I couldn't believe it, just reading the headline brought tears to my eyes. It was early in the morning, I was hoping it was just a joke. I cried myself back to sleep, and unfortunately, after waking up, it was still the same news. I wasn't dreaming at all. I rushed to my PC and read everything. I was in shambles, I was devastated. I wanted to be gone in this world even more. I asked everyone what is a good reason to live at that point. I was crying nonstop, everywhere I go, may it was in a public place or not. All I did was cry, until one day, I decided to talk to different "Ebichu Family" members, my feelings were a bit relieved because I get to talk to people who are actually there to support her entire career, unlike me who haven't even got to see them live myself. I've let them send my condolences during her wake.
I cried about it for 4 months straight, until one day I decided to take her death as an inspiration. From that point, the page where I used to just talk about Idols became a page filled with information from different Idol groups. I started writing news, I started interviewing people about their knowledge of Idols, I started spreading the Idol world and more intensely. The page grew in popularity, and I've had several people help me manage it.
I said to myself, I couldn't just support my Idols by just writing about them. I started buying merchandise from different groups, from singles to apparel, everything.
I started spreading Ebichu to my friends, and almost all of them loved them. I had a sigh of relief because all this time, I thought they won't like them, but I was wrong. My friends and I started to watch all their DVDs/BDs. We laughed at Extra Shot Non-Whipped Caramel Pudding Macchiato and Girls' Business Satellite, amazed at how good they are at every Famien and Daigakugekai. It was just so fun watching them perform. Unfortunately, back in November 2020, Typhoon Vamco hit our country, and I couldn't save most of my CD collection in our house, because I am now living in a different city. I knew I should have brought those when I moved out, but I can only carry so much. I've saved and ripped most of it and I still keep them today. One day, I'll buy everything back.
We time skipped, so let's go back. I was a respectable person in the Idol community in our country, and my team and I decided to create our own Local Idol concert. It was a success, to say the least, but there was a "mistake" that happened that completely ruined us. I was stupid back then and just went with the flow, as long as I can do what I do then I'm fine.
During that concert, I decided to finally say my feelings to my crush. It went well(???) because we eventually became together. I've shared with her my love of Ebichu, and she also loves them, telling me that she constantly listens to them thanks to me. I've said this a lot, If I love something I give my all to it. I've stopped doing what I was doing and focused on my relationship, I've finally found a reason to live for my future. This time, it is strong enough to defeat my depression, and finally had the opportunity to do what I was supposed to do back then. But all good things eventually come to an end. Our relationship didn't last long enough, and so did my will to live.
That was one, if not the biggest mistake of my life. I've put all my life into her, resulting in a devastating result after the breakup. The guy who was depressed was once again depressed, but even more this time. I continued going with my day-to-day activities, I was happy and all, until a moment when I just cried all of a sudden. I knew I wasn't okay, was just waiting for it. I came back home that day, went to my mother, and just cried myself to sleep beside her. The next day, I told her that I needed to fix myself. She helped me go to therapy for the first time in my life. It was the best feeling ever. I've been going to therapy for 3 years now, and I'm a completely different person. I've dedicated the first 2 years for me to completely recover from my depression.
2023. I've decided to go back to my roots. I came back to being an Idol fan, not like I stopped, but I just didn't 100% do it like before. I came back to Ebichu at the right time, as Emma Sakurai and Nakamura Yuna just joined.
But people didn't know I was still fanboying Ebichu from 2020. I got my eyes on Kokubo Yuno during those times, but Nakayama Riko was still my number 1. Fast forward, Yuno became a much better Idol, and I completely love her personality, I just love her so much at this point. Then comes Nakamura Yuna, when they released the video of Mikakunin Chugakusei X on their debut stage, instantly fell in love. She's perfect in every way. Then I started questioning myself, "Where will I put Rittan?". Took me a month to just think about it, and finally decided...
Kokubo Yuno is now my #1
Nakamura Yuna is my #2
Nakayama Riko is now my #3
But, Matsuno Rina will forever be my number 1!
I started being vocal again on SNS, both Twitter, and Facebook, and was willing to meet new Family members. I've also started to buy new merchandise from them!
I just don't say anything, yet, as I'm planning to become a Black Tiger member first. (As of this writing, I am already a member on August 18, 2023.)
I'm also just shy, as I'm from the Philippines.
I'm finally planning on seeing Ebichu live hopefully in the next few years, if not next year! I haven't mentioned it yet, but I've seen them once, but it was on TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2018, and it was memorable. But I'm planning to see them at a full concert of their own!
I just want to thank Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku, for being there throughout my journey, and still thankful that after all these times they are still who they are. Thank you for shaping me, thank you for inspiring me to do what I want, thank you for giving me another chance to live, and thank you, Matsuno Rina.
Here's to more years!
Wiljanz (ウィルジャンス) AKA Protektor (プロテクター)
SNS Links:
X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/wiljanz_
My Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/DoitfortheAidols