前記事にあるように rocketpool minipool exit コマンドによってミニプールの1つから撤退を開始した。
使用するコマンドは rocketpool minipool closeである。
$ rocketpool minipool exit
Please select a minipool to close:
1: All available minipools
2: ミニプールのアドレス (32.338747 ETH available, 16.193086 ETH is yours plus a refund of 0.000000 ETH)
+============== Suggested Gas Prices ==============+
| Avg Wait Time | Max Fee | Total Gas Cost |
| 15 Seconds | 6 gwei | 0.0017 to 0.0025 ETH |
| 1 Minute | 6 gwei | 0.0013 to 0.0019 ETH |
| 3 Minutes | 6 gwei | 0.0013 to 0.0019 ETH |
| >10 Minutes | 6 gwei | 0.0013 to 0.0019 ETH |
These prices include a maximum priority fee of 2.00 gwei.
Please enter your max fee (including the priority fee) or leave blank for the default of 6 gwei:
Using a max fee of 6.00 gwei and a priority fee of 2.00 gwei.
Are you sure you want to close 1 minipools? [y/n]
Closing minipool ミニプールのアドレス...
Transaction has been submitted with hash トランザクションハッシュ
You may follow its progress by visiting:
Waiting for the transaction to be included in a block... you may wait here for it, or press CTRL+C to exit and return to the terminal.
Successfully closed minipool ミニプールのアドレス.
こちらはすぐ自身の引き出しアドレス(Ledger nano S Plus)に移動された。
この16ETHは様子を見て8ETH x2 のプールとして運用しよう。
今回の撤退処理にのついでに、Delegateのアップグレードも最新に更新することにした。これはrocketpool minipool statusの際に黄色い文字でアップグレードを促していることで気付いた。せっかくなのでアップグレードする。
$ rocketpool minipool delegate-upgrade
Please select a minipool to upgrade:
1: All available minipools
2: 0xミニプール1 (using delegate 0xA347C391bc8f740CAbA37672157c8aAcD08Ac567)
3: 0xミニプール2 (using delegate 0xA347C391bc8f740CAbA37672157c8aAcD08Ac567)
4: 0xミニプール3 (using delegate 0xA347C391bc8f740CAbA37672157c8aAcD08Ac567)
5: 0xミニプール4 (using delegate 0xA347C391bc8f740CAbA37672157c8aAcD08Ac567)
Minipool 0xミニプール1 will upgrade to delegate contract 0x03d30466d199Ef540823fe2a22CAE2E3b9343bb0.
Minipool 0xミニプール2 will upgrade to delegate contract 0x03d30466d199Ef540823fe2a22CAE2E3b9343bb0.
Minipool 0xミニプール3 will upgrade to delegate contract 0x03d30466d199Ef540823fe2a22CAE2E3b9343bb0.
Minipool 0xミニプール4 will upgrade to delegate contract 0x03d30466d199Ef540823fe2a22CAE2E3b9343bb0.
+============== Suggested Gas Prices ==============+
| Avg Wait Time | Max Fee | Total Gas Cost |
| 15 Seconds | 8 gwei | 0.0015 to 0.0023 ETH |
| 1 Minute | 6 gwei | 0.0009 to 0.0013 ETH |
| 3 Minutes | 6 gwei | 0.0009 to 0.0013 ETH |
| >10 Minutes | 6 gwei | 0.0009 to 0.0013 ETH |
These prices include a maximum priority fee of 2.00 gwei.
Please enter your max fee (including the priority fee) or leave blank for the default of 6 gwei:
Using a max fee of 6.00 gwei and a priority fee of 2.00 gwei.
Are you sure you want to upgrade 4 minipools? [y/n]