
seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #06 dark zone

#06 dark zone

T University Hospital, where YURI works as a doctor, is near Ochanomizu Station, and among the five best hospitals in the world.
In the morning after her night shift, YURI is going up the stairs to her office on the seventh floor.
MOROBOSHI is supposed to pick up and take her to Mt Takao hideout.
Entering the office, she feels different from usual.

"Anybody there?"

Light being on, she find a shadow, the size of human,
sitting on the center of the long sofa.
The MYSTERIOUS dark zone looks as if it hid something in it.
YURI calmly askes it what it is.

Then, MOROBOSHI just gets there
and moves his eyes slowly from YURI to the shadow.
The response of ET radar allows him to wear the red glasses,
the darkness lets out,

[[[ I'm from Pegassa City.  I came to the earth with a mission. 
But I got injured because I was beaten by a man
whom it happened to hit when wandering about. 
I've gotten some medicine,
and if you don't mind, can I have a rest here for a while. ]]]

"Of course you can because it is a hospital here. 
Some humans are violent, so instead of them I tell you I'm sorry. 
We aren't violent, relax please,"
YURI smiles.

"Are you COMRADE?"

[[[ Yes, not INVADE. ]]]
COMRADE meant friendly aliens, not invasive.

dark zone

Meanwhile, the other members of The Youth get astonished
to hear some extraordinary top secret news.
One outrageously huge flying object,
which can possibly be thought to be an artificial asteroid,
is destined to hit the earth.
After deviating from its proper course for some reason,
it has lost control and now keeps flying in a zigzag.
Finally in due course, hits the Earth.

No doubt,
the news would make all over the world get into a panic.
The authorities call repeatedly over the MYSTERIOUS thing,
but get no response.
Every country is making its own preparation
to carry out a defensive or an offensive.
In addiction, the global meeting was held
for the deployment of interplanetary missiles.

In contrast to the urgency,
the conversation peacefully continues
between the terrestrial and the extraterrestrials in a small office.

"I see.  Your mother planet is wandering around without its orbit, isn't it?"

[[[ Exactly.  PEGASSA is not so large as EARTH,
but the technology is much more advanced than that of EARTH. 
We have the only difficulty controlling our destiny. 
We have almost hit another planet many times over until now. 
Each time our technology has helped us survive.  All the time. ]]]

"Well, what is your mission?"

[[[ I cannot say.  It's a secret.  But I want to tell this to you. 
PEGASSA citizens are extrmely considerate of others.   
So, even if our planet were going to hit EARTH,
then it would decide to blow up at the sacrifice of itself.  Absolutely. ]]]


"Sorry, a moment."
MOROBOSHI gets a call from AMABE.

"MOROBOSHI, something incredible happened."
He understands everything and returns to the office. 

Then, the shadow says.
[[[ You just know it.  I know, you are the Youth, aren't, you? ]]]

"If it is true, what are you here for?"

[[[ You say, some people are violent on EARTH. 
Likewise, some citizens are not considerate on PEGASSA like me. 
I earnestly love our home, great PEGASSA.   
I don't, never, want it to disappear,
even if it has decided to blow up to save the beautiful blue ship. 
I"m here to destroy EARTH for PEGASSA. 
You will use your arms to destroy our ship. 
I"m sorry, but EARTH technology cannot make it. 
You do not have any consideration about others but  only for yourselves. 
And cannot but swing us to the sword. 
I will never forgive you forever and ever. ]]]

On having finished its words,
the dark zone rushes running away out of the room.
MOROBOSHI runs out after it.

Missiles has fired already at PEGASSA,
but they can not make a single scratch at all, as the shadwow says.
They hit the planet one after another in vain.
By and by, suddenly it blows itself up with an explosion.

Alien PEGASSA leaves the hospital and goes down the slope
in the direction of Suido-bashi Station. 
They both runs too fast for anybody to see.
It turns left into Hakusan Street, passing Jimbo-cho.
When arriving in Kitanomaru Park, it raises its hands up to the sky.
Soon an enormous black globe falls on the ground
and goes deeply down toward the center of the earth.

"PEGASSA blew itself up."

[[[ EARTH is to blame.  An eye for an eye. ]]]

When DARKNESS aims a gun at MOROBOSHI,
the lightning has hit the black shadow,
which bounces the knife with a metalic sound.
It lets the gun drop and runs away at full speed into the darkness.
Instead of chasing it, the young man with red glasses
dives into the hole the globe has made.
The next moment, flies out up to the sky with the globe on his hands.
To tell you the truth, there is nothing dangerous
with either the gun or the globe. 

Driving Beetle on the way to the hideout,
YURI and MOROBOSHI received a call from AMABE,
hearing the news about avoiding a collision.

(There are a lot of nations and a variety of people. 
Similarly, there are a number of planets and a diversity of aliens. 
And someone loves others.  Someone only loves itself. 
This collision trouble might have the world unite for a minute,
but in a minute it will disunite.  Each one will restart its own battle. 
Appealing its power by nuclear development
or struggling for a small island in territorial issues. 
They probably have reasons such as history, religion.  Even so…) 

"Human beings cannot realize a peaceful world for trvial reasons. 
Nothing else is more important than life…"
YURI interrupted in his mind.

MOROBOSHI is surprised,
"I'm thinking about the same thing." 

"Somehow, seeing the darkness reminds me of the dark zone, doesn't it?"

"Where is he now?  I'd like to see and talk with the guy once more."
(as the same COMRADE aliens).

#06 the end

