
#3 to be coach

Last week end, I participated in the event which theme is "coaching"

Actually, I've studying coaching for 4 years and contiuning gradually this two years.
I'll talk about coaching next time.

Coachingi is  really difficult but on the othe hand it's easy.
Because I think coaching is not "skill" but "the way of being".

Anyone can be coach from now.
and the most important client is myself.

There is a lot of things around us.
Work, Money, Infromation, Social media, a lot of confusing stuff for us.
so, we might need to focus on myself deeply.

oops, I'll go to bed. it's end up today

Teacher(GPT)’s feedback

Your sentences are understandable but have a few grammatical errors and could benefit from some stylistic changes for smoother reading. Here's a revised version:

Last weekend, I participated in an event whose theme was "coaching."

Actually, I've been studying coaching for four years and have continued gradually these past two years. I'll talk about coaching next time.

Coaching is really difficult but, on the other hand, it's easy. Because I think coaching is not a "skill" but "a way of being."

Anyone can become a coach starting now. And the most important client is myself.

There are a lot of things around us: work, money, information, social media, and a lot of confusing stuff for us. So, we might need to focus deeply on ourselves.

Oops, I'll go to bed. That ends today.

Notes on the changes and explanations:

  1. "Last week end""Last weekend": "Weekend" is one word, and you don’t need a space in it.

  2. "which theme is""whose theme was": This adjustment is needed for grammatical accuracy.

  3. "I've studying""I've been studying": Added “been” for the correct verb tense (present perfect continuous).

  4. "contiuning""have continued": Corrected the spelling and adjusted the tense for clarity and accuracy.

  5. "this two years""these past two years": Corrected for grammatical accuracy and clarity.

  6. "Coachingi""Coaching": Corrected the typo.

  7. "othe hand""other hand": Corrected the typo.

  8. "Anyone can be coach""Anyone can become a coach": Added “become” and “a” for grammatical accuracy.

  9. "now.and""now. And": Added a space after the period for proper formatting.

  10. "There is a lot of things""There are a lot of things": “Are” is correct because "things" is plural.

  11. "on myself""on ourselves": Changed to “ourselves” to maintain plural consistency (since "we" was used).

  12. "it's end up today""That ends today": Revised for clarity and correctness.

Feel free to adjust as needed based on your personal style and the context of your communication!
