Unique Creatures in the southernmost island in JAPAN
こんにちは! Hello! My name is Wassamu.
I live in Okinawa, where is the southernmost island in Japan.
Okinawa has beautiful nature and I'd like to introduce the unique living things in Okinawa.
About Okinawa
Firstly, I'll tell you about the overview of Okinawa. Okinawa has humid subtropical climate and you can see various living things and plants. Plus, Okinawa is surrounded by beautiful blue waters. In the crystal-clear waters, colorful coral reefs and a wide variety of marine life, which reside there, create a dream-like world.
I love Okinawa. At the same time, I love creatures in Okinawa. When I joined a study tour of nature observation, I watched some rare creatures. I'll show you them. *Caution: some creatures are gross. NSFW
It would be better to show you something beautiful first. This is Common Mormon (binomial name: Papilio polytes). The interesting point of them is they mimic the poisonous butterfly. They look exactly same. Although I'll tell you in the case, it' okay to touch the poisonous one. But, don't eat them.
↑this is poisonous one (https://matome.naver.jp/odai/2146220245577784201)
Second one is gross. This is Centipede. I don't know the exact name, sorry.
I heard that if you are bitted by them, it's bloody painful. Don't touch them.
Poisonous snakes
They are poisonous snakes!, called Habu in Japanese. (binomial name: Ovophis okinavensis、Protobothrops flavoviridis). Easily I could find them on the road. They are so ferocious and people in Okinawa are afraid of them. But, we use them for the spirits.
↓Habu sprits↑
Sea cucumber
Next is a marine creature, a BIG sea cucumber. Surprisingly, at some area in Japan, people eat them. But, don't have a stereotype that Japanese people eat them in our daily life. I haven't tried them. You can buy sea cucumbers for food by amazon↓
You can see beautiful ocean and beautiful rare creatures in Okinawa.
Be sure to come to Okinawa!!!