
個人的ベストライブ2023 -コロナ明けのライブ祭



It was May 8th, 2023, when Covid was lowered down to less dangerous level in Japan, which enabled us to enjoy music events as we did before: we could shout and scream without masks.



(厳しすぎるかもしれないが私にとってアーティストと一緒に歌う体験は唯一無二の体験だし、せっかくなら一緒にsing alongしたい!)

I make it a rule to memorize lyrics as much as possible before going to concerts. It's because I consider it disrespectful for the artists if I wasn't singing at all. (This might sound too harsh but singing with my favorite artists is an absolute special experience for me.)


our hub トリキ

I've gone to most of the concerts with my sister who luckily shares a similar taste in music. For the pre-show meal, we almost always fueled our stomachs with Torikizoku (a Japanese izakaya whose menu is all at¥360.)
At this point, whenever I dine there, my body thinks we're going to gigs. haha


In this vlog, I would like to trace back on the music shows I went to this year and look into details with my thoughts and feelings.
I'm also evaluating them with 5 categories: the number of songs they played, performance level, stage sets, audience, and the pricing on tickets; some might be judged by my prejudice.
This is a loooong one but I made a ranking at the end, so I hope you enjoy it!!


①Rina Sawayama in Zepp Bayside on Jan 18th (Wed) 整理番号35番

・曲数 ★★★☆☆ 17曲
・演奏の上手さ ★★★☆☆
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★★★ セット
・客層 ★★★★★ クィア人種誰でもフレンドリーな空間
・チケットの値段 ★★☆☆☆ 9000円

今年一発目はまだマスク着用が必要だったRina Sawayamaのコンサート。

彼女は昨年のSummer Sonic大阪で初めて見たばっかりだったけど、今回は屋内ということでライトやセットも駆使されてて、雰囲気が全然違う、
言うなればRina Worldにいるような気分でした。

最新アルバムHold The Girlがリリースされてからのツアーだったので、サマソニでは演っていないImagining聴けて最高でした!!


2023 started with Rina Sawayama where we still had to wear masks. I actually just saw her for the first time at Summer Sonic 2022, but this time at an indoor stage, the show was completely different from then. I was so happy to see Rina perform "Imagining" from her latest album, "Hold The Girl." It's such a sick song.

②girl in red in Umeda Club Quattro on Jan 25th (Wed) 整理番号17番

・曲数 ★★☆☆☆ 13曲
・演奏の上手さ ★★★★☆
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★☆☆
・客層 ★★★☆☆ 押してきた女子多め
・チケットの値段 ★★★★☆ 6500円

girl in redの日は関東の大雪でmerchが届かなかったため、先に注文してあとで配送という異例の対応に。


On this day in the middle of the winter, it was snowing hard both in Osaka and Tokyo, which is a super rare thing to happen. Therefore, her merch delivery from Tokoy didn't make it on time and fans in Osaka had to buy merch and wait till they get posted later, which was also super rare. I was also a bit worried about the starting time being delayed an hour, but once Marie started singing and jumping, the venue got so hot that we almost forgot it is freezing and snowing outside.  I got a chance to talk to her a bit between songs, which made my night even more special.


③Wet Leg in Umeda Club Quattro on Feb 14th (Tue) 整理番号A59番

・曲数 ★★☆☆☆ 12曲
・演奏の上手さ ★★★☆☆
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★☆☆
・客層 ★★★☆☆ 最後の曲でいきなり後ろから押して前行った輩がしまいにセトリ貰っててやきもきした
・チケットの値段 ★★★★☆ 6000円

グラミー賞を受賞してすぐ来日したWet Leg!!



they’re so british💙

I got to see Wet Leg freshly after they got the Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Performance. I remember Rhian and Hester drinking tea from disposable cups with the tags of tea bags still hanging. As an Osaka native, I felt happy to hear Henry, the drummer, repeating “Ookini,” the Osaka dialect for saying “thanks,” so ookini Wet Leg!!


④Phoebe Bridgers in Muse Hall, Kyoto on Feb 18th (Sat) 整理番号207番

・曲数 ★★☆☆☆ 13曲 
・演奏の上手さ ★★★★☆ レアなアコースティック
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★☆☆ ソファと北斎の絵でリビングルームみたい
・客層 ★★★★☆
・チケットの値段 ★★★☆☆ 7650円





Seeing Phoebe perform Kyoto in Kyoto is definitely one of the top highlights of 2023. That was all I needed, really, despite being only able to see the top of her silver head sitting down on a sofa. So I gathered all my nerves to my ears.

⑤Phoebe Bridgers in Namba Hatch on Feb 20th (Mon) 整理番号40番

・曲数 ★★★☆☆ 16曲
・演奏の上手さ ★★★★☆
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★★★ ビジュアルが絵本の世界
・客層 ★★★★☆ 皆で叫んだ
・チケットの値段 ★★☆☆☆ 9150円


Taking revenge, this time I was able to settle in the front row. And what’s more, Phoebe started getting off the stage and walking around us!! And when she came walking in front of me, her hand touched mine!!
But her hand was thin and ice cold.


⑥Wallows in Ebisu Garden Hall on Feb 24th (Fri) 整理番号A144番

・曲数 ★★★★☆ 21曲
・演奏の上手さ ★★★★★ 今までのアルバム、EPから満遍なくありがとう
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★★☆ ランプ
・客層 ★★★★☆ 海外の子が全部の歌詞覚えてて歌ってて見習おうと思った
・チケットの値段 ★★☆☆☆ 8800円

なんやかんや全部のEP, LP持ってるくらい好きで、

Wallows is a band that I have all the vinyls from Spring to Tell me that it’s over. I don't deny the fact all three members are good-looking, but on top of that, I can assure you that their musical performance is also an A plus.
The frontman Dylan starring in movies and TV shows, I know he gets everyone’s attention, but standing in front of Braedon, who plays guitar and sing vocals, his smiles took my heart away.
Wallows being a worldwide band, there were fans from all over the world. Everyone wants to see them closer. So as their show time was approaching, the crowd also started pushing forward. A group of foreign girls tried making their way through the empty gaps, which annoyed me. But as the show got intense and the crowd jumped around, I found myself in the front second row, and the girls were behind me.

⑦Arctic Monkeys in Zepp Bayside on March 15th (Wed) 整理番号226番

・曲数 ★★★★☆ 21曲
・演奏の上手さ ★★★★★ アレックスターナー
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★★★ ミラーボールが光る時
・客層 ★★★☆☆ アグレッシブなファン多し 
・チケットの値段 ★☆☆☆☆ 12000円

Arctic Monkeysはミラーボールとの相性が良いね。
Alex Turnerのギターの弾き方と独特なMC: "Osaka Arabella"という謎の言葉を作ったり、大盛り上がりでシンガロングもできて、ショーとして大満足でした。

There’d better be a mirror ball and there was

Arctic Monkeys never goes wrong with a mirror ball. They even get the best out of each other. On their setlist, they played “Arabella” which was unexpected and not performed on the former show in Tokyo.

⑧Ashnikko in Umeda Club Quattro on March 24th (Fri) 整理番号2番

・曲数 ★★★☆☆ 15曲
・演奏の上手さ ★★★☆☆
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★★☆ レーザービーム、ダンスがパワフル!
・客層 ★★★☆☆ 始まった途端変な人に変な事聞かれた
・チケットの値段 ★★★☆☆ 7000円




ライブ後出待ちに成功して、2か月後にパートナーのArlo Parksも同じ場所で見るよって伝えたら、レコードだけじゃなくてArloのフライヤーにサインしてくれた(笑)

We got the best number 1&2 on the ticket, which confirmed we got the best positions ever. Osaka was the first show on her Weed Killer tour, so I was excited to hear her latest song from the new album. If the venue were bigger like at Coachella, we could’ve seen the stage set and dancers, but Ash used every corner of the stage with her dynamic and powerful moves, which was more than enough to energize the crowd.
My sister and I were able to catch her outside the building after the show, and we had a fun chat about her travel in Japan and she generously signed my DEMIDEVIL vinyl and also a flyer of Arlo Park’s Japan Tour in July. And I got Arlo sign the same flyer next to Ash’s and it’s completed;))

Ashnikko & Arlo together in one place♡

⑨Men I Trust in Umeda Club Quattro on April 27th (Thu) 整理番号89番

・曲数 ★★★★☆ 21曲
・演奏の上手さ ★★★★☆
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★★☆ 
・客層 ★★★★★ 穏やかで良き
・チケットの値段 ★★★★☆ 6000円

日本での初めての1人ライブはMen I Trust。


This was my first ever solo attendance to a gig in Japan. To enjoy the set in a more chill way, I got my spot at the front row on the second upper floor which was as high as the stage, so I had a good view and didn’t have to lift my head up. Their songs sounded even better live, and some were arranged in a medley.

⑩The 1975 in Aichi Sky Expo on April 29th (Sat) A6 3列9番

・曲数 ★★★★★ 22曲
・演奏の上手さ ★★★★☆ サックスの存在感
・演出の凝り具合 ★★☆☆☆ 北米ツアーとのセットの差にガッカリしたけど楽屋から会場までカメラ回って登場するのは鳥肌立った
・客層 ★★★★☆ リクエスト曲のボード持ってる人沢山
・チケットの値段 ★☆☆☆☆ 17000円

⑪The 1975 in Osaka Jo Hall on April 30th (Sat) 6列24番

・曲数 ★★★★☆ 21曲(セトリにBe My Mistakeが無かった)
・演奏の上手さ ★★★★☆
・演出の凝り具合 ★★☆☆☆ カメラに向かって顔面ドアップMatty
・客層 ★★★☆☆ 皆歌おうよ?!
・チケットの値段 ★☆☆☆☆ 17000円

The 1975は毎年Spotify Wrappedでトップアーティストになるほど聴きまくってるし大好きなバンドで、今回でライブを見るのは5回目。




I’ve got The 1975 as my top Spotify Artist for 3 years in a row. This shows how much I love their music and this was my fifth time watching their show. Seeing them 2 days in a row turned out not really a good idea for me because the latter show felt inferior to the former one. I just couldn’t help myself from comparing. And the venue being at a stadium had pros and cons: we didn’t have to show up early to get to the front and we wait sitting on chairs, but the downside is that the crowd can’t really go loud and wild in a good way to enjoy the mood.

⑫Arlo Parks in Umeda Club Quattro on July 6th (Thu) 整理番号5番

・曲数 ★★★☆☆ 16曲
・演奏の上手さ ★★★★☆ Arloのギター掻き鳴らす姿は今でも忘れられない
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★☆☆ 
・客層 ★★★★☆ 
・チケットの値段 ★★★☆☆ 7000円

Arlo Parksはよく黒いTシャツを着てるから、私も黒いTシャツで参戦。

Carolineでステージの上で思いっ切り転んでたから曲の後”Are you OK?!”って心配してたのですが、東京公演でも同じタイミングで転んでたらしい。(笑) 


I often see Arlo in a black shirt, so I decided to wear my black shirt of Lorde's first album. During Caroline, her whole body fell on the stage so I was so worried, but Arlo was smiling, and later I found she did the same at the former show in Tokyo. haha But her stage performance was so energetic and powerful while her voice sounded delicately like an angel's.


⑬Tramhaus in Osaka Circus on November 11th 整理番号A2

・曲数 ★☆☆☆☆ 11曲
・演奏の上手さ ★★★★☆ 
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★★☆ フロントマンが気ままに客席にやって来た
・客層 ★★★★☆ ノリノリ
・チケットの値段 ★★★★★ 4500円




詳しくはA Lucid Dreamという素敵なmusic reviewサイトに載せて頂いているので英語ですが是非読んでください!

I was undeciding whether to go to Tramhaus' gig or not; however, right at a good time, I got to know a guy from the Netherlands who happens to be friends with the band members which made me feel like some kind of a fate.
I hadn't really listened to post-punk music before, becuase it is different from what I had been usually listening to like indie rock/pop, so I was a bit nervous not knowing what it would be like. But when the music started, before realizing it, my body was moving as if on its own. Everyone on the stage, especially the frontman was the most powerful and energetic. I had written a report about them on a lovely website called A Lucid Dream, so please check this out if you want to know more about that night!


⑭Alex G in Osaka Shangri-la on November 28th (Tue) 整理番号140番

・曲数 ★★★★★ 23曲
・演奏の上手さ ★★★★★ リクエスト聞いてくれるの熱い
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★★☆ ライティング良き
・客層 ★★★★☆ リクエスト曲を選んできた熱烈ファン多
・チケットの値段 ★★★★☆ 6800円

Alex Gは正直に言うと数曲しか知りませんでした。

それから最新アルバムを聴きこみ始めたけど、アルバムカバーに見覚えがあってなんでやろ、、って考えてたら、去年Alfie Templemanのフリーライブで渋谷のタワレコに行った時に、AlfieがAlex Gのコーナー見てじっくり視聴してたからや!と思い出しました。


To be honest, I only knew a few songs. I'm sorry. But I decided to go see Alex G's gig because I had heard his reputation everywhere including from my favorite artist, Alfie Templeman. Back in 2022 October, when Alfie came to Tokyo to do his first-ever show in Japan, I was able to catch him at Tower Records Shibuya. And the moment he saw this Alex G corner, he immediately walked up, put on the headphone and soon started vibing. I didn't have Alex G in my sight at the time but looking back now, I regret not checking my favorite artists' favorite artist.  

Alex Gに反応するAlfie T


⑮Alvvays in BIG CAT Osaka on November 30th (Thu) 整理番号701番

・曲数 ★★★★☆ 18曲+リクエスト
・演奏の上手さ ★★★★★
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★★★ ビジュアルが良かった
・客層 ★★★★☆ ある旅行中のオーストラリア人にmotifsのこと教えてもらった
・チケットの値段 ★★★☆☆ 7500円



I only knew a few songs before one of my friends kindly asked me to go to Alvvays' show together. Since we bought tickets a few weeks before, the numbers were not that good, but we got to enjoy the show on our paces and with more rooms around us in the back.
They had a back screen projecting some nature scenery images double-captured with the band playing on stage.

I had an interesting encounter after the show, and it's my first post here so please check this out, too!

⑯Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds in Osaka Festival Hall on December 4th (Mon) 一階12列目44番

・曲数 ★★★★☆ 19曲
・演奏の上手さ ★★★★★ さすがベテラン
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★★★ お花とビジュアル良き
・客層 ★★★★★ ノエルのファンは見てて和むし皆を盛り上げてくれる
・チケットの値段 ★☆☆☆☆ 15000円

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birdsは2019年に同じ会場で見たのですが、その時は二階の一番後ろの席だったから、今回ファンクラブ入会して取ったというのもあって一階の12列目でみれた!




I saw them at the same hall in 2019, and my seat was the last row of the second floor.
However, thanks to the fan club, I got a better seat this time, which was the 12th row on the first floor.
Oasis, Noel's former band, is and forever will be my legendary, so I got goosebumps just seeing them close in my own eyes.

Their existence equals national treasure.

Same as 2019's tour, Noel created his own world with flowers on the stage, visuals on the screen changing for each song and the use of bright colors.
His voice sounded never better, and I couldn't believe he is the same age as my father. haha
I was also happy to see him play songs from Oasis era.

The fans, by the way, were so energetic and fun which made me smile and more excited.

⑰Mariana in our Heads / motifs / The Bilinda Butchers in SOCORE Factory on December 8th (Fri) 整理番号20番

・曲数 ★☆☆☆☆ Mariana in our Heads 7曲 /motifs 10曲 / The Bilinda Butchers セトリ無アンコール有
・演奏の上手さ ★★★★☆
・演出の凝り具合 ★★★★☆ 背景プロジェクター使用(再生ボタンが見えてたのはサゲ)
・客層 ★★★★☆ 海外の人も多く、"Are you Chinese?"ってTBBのフロントマンに聞かれた
・チケットの値段 ★★★★★ 4500円(これで3組見れたのはお得)

ラストは一晩で見た、Mariana in our HeadsとmotifsとThe Bilinda Butchersの3組
motifsが本命やったけど、日本のMariana in our Headsも関西出身で親近感湧いたし、演奏も良かった!
The Bilinda Butchersはベース、ボーカル/ギター、ギターの3人が横一直線に並んでるだけでカッコよかった。

My last show of 2023 concluded with three bands, Mariana in our Heads, motifs, and The Bilinda Butchers.
Although my main purpose was to see motifs, I also really enjoyed the other two the same amount.
motifs consists of 5 members who altogether made mellow but powerful sounds.
The Bilinda Butchers was overwhelmingly the coolest just by standing in a straight line. Their performance was also cool and seemed having room in their minds: no rushing, but the transition between songs was smooth.

I got to say hi to them after the show, and they were so kind and sweet despite their calmness and mysteriousness on stage.
motifs was kind enough to send me a DM, and everything they did to me made the night so special.

I'm glad this was how the last gig of the year concluded.

Thank you for making the night like a dream.
And I'm glad it's not a dream.


Now I've covered them all,


I'll reveal the rankings for each category!!

①曲数部門 Alex G



Alex Gの持ち曲が多い中、即興でやってくれるのはさすがの今までの経験力があるからこそだと思う。

For the most number of songs played, Alex G won!!

In total, he played 23 songs!!

It was a bit funny when Alex assured us we have an encore, so he played 5 requests directly from the floor.  

念のためリクエスト曲のコードを確認するAlex G

②演奏の上手さ部門 Wallows


Maybe they look like just trendy-hippie-indie trio, but each member’s vocal and instrumental performance was at high level.

For Quarterback, Cole and Dylan switched and made a nice transition in between the set.

2位 Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
3位 Alex G
4位 Alvvays
5位 Arctic Monkeys


③演出の凝り具合部門 Phoebe Bridgers (Osaka)

特に最後のI Know The Endで家が燃えて崩れていきながら叫んだのが忘れられない。

The images on the back screen changed for each song, which got me excited to see how they changed like a story book.

Especially during I Know The End, I still cannot forget screaming as I watched a house burning down in flames.

2位 Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
3位 Rina Sawayama

Phoebe Bridgersと燃える家

④客層 Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds


Maybe a bit drunk, Noel fans were so excited and ready to welcome Noel back after 4 years.
I can confirm that Noel fans are all good fans.

2位 Men I Trust
3位 Rina Sawayama

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birdsのハッピーなセット

⑤チケットの値段  Mariana in our Heads / motifs / The Bilinda Butchers


Not to be too stingy, but I was able to see 3 incredible bands for ¥4,500(about $30)!!

It was my first time to go to the venue and a bit far from the station and central Shinsaibashi, the bar area was chic and the bathroom was covered with band stickers everywhere.
But the only downside is that smoking was allowed and after staying there for 3 full hours, my hair, jacket and bag were all in disgusting smell and didn’t go away after one wash.



looking back in numbers

①行ったライブの回数 17回


In total, I attended I7 gigs this year, which is equivalent to almost one show every three weeks.

①チケットの合計金額 151,400円(about$1072)


As I was tapping on my calculator, I felt like doing something terrible. haha
Some people might be shocked by the amount of money I spent on tickets,
but I guess the ways to spend money differ from person to person depending on their values.
I prioritize live experiences, and they are rather priceless.
However, this is just the face value, so drink tickets and other fees are not included, which scares me.

②貰えたセトリの数 3枚

Phoebe BridgersとArlo Parksとmotifsのをもらえました!!


I was able to get three setlists of Phoebe Bridgers, Arlo Parks and motifs!!

I try to take a good care of them by filing or displaying in a picture frame.
They help me make playlists and revisit the good memories at shows.
I know it can be a warzone sometimes, and people can be beasts when leaning over bars and reaching their hands, however,
it gives me that feeling of triumph when I manage to seize one.
Getting a setlist does not necessarily change a thing about how much fun I had during the show,
but bringing one back home feels like taking a piece of memories of the night.



Artists I am seeing in 2024!!

①Holly Humberstone
②The Japanese House
③Domi & JD Beck
④Taylor Swift


Artists I want to see in Japan!!

②Troye Sivan
③Hippo Campus
⑥English Teacher
⑦King Krule
⑧Slow Pulp
⑨Beach Fossils
⑩Charli XCX



Attending shows is a blissful and luxurious time in terms of being in the same room with artists and listening to their music in real life instead of streaming and playing records.  


For me, seeing artists I support from the other side of the world as close as to hear their breathing and sharing the moments with other enthusiastic fans leads to the joy of living.


I made new friends at gigs and seeing them at venues makes me feel like I'm about to have fun, and talking about our favorite artists is something I cannot do with my friends from high school.


2023 was a year when I enjoyed music in smaller venues, which gave me opportunities to interact with artists before/after shows.
I had never imagined I could ever talk to them because I had always thought artists existed above clouds and were unreachable.
No matter how big or small they are in their music career, any artist or whoever makes art is like a god to me.
Seeing them at a merch stand and talking to their fans in their eyes makes me feel impressed because traveling abroad must be already exhausting but they generously and kindly answer fans for signing and photos without showing any tiredness.
Through these interactions, I can see their personalities that cannot be seen by just listening to their music on my phone. And it makes me love their work even more and keep listening to them forever, which I will do.
As a same human being, I want to be strong and kind to people  like them.


It has been two years since I started working full time, and work got busier, but even on dark days, I could keep going because I had something to look forward to. I work and earn money to buy tickets and merch!!


I want to say big thanks to artists who came all the way to this weirdest country, Japan, and even bigger thanks to those who cared to come down to my hometown Osaka. You don't know how much I appreciate for giving me dreams, hope and power.
And thank you for those who read my blog up till here!! You're amazing.


I can't wait to go to more shows and meet new music and people in 2024!! Happy New Year everyone!!
