
LLMノート③ Contracts: Cases and Doctrine [Connected Casebook] (Aspen Casebook) 6th Edition
第3回損害賠償の制限 Limitations on Damages
C. Three Limitations on Damages
Page 68 Text introduction
Pages 68-72 1. Remoteness or Foreseeability of Harm
Hadley v. Baxendale
Pages 80-84 Hector Martinez & Co. v. Southern Pacific Trans. Co.
Page 84 R2K section 351
Pages 87-93 2. Certainty of Harm
Chicago Coliseum Club v. Dempsey
Pages 100-103 R2K sections 346, 349, 352
Anglia Television Ltd. v. Reed
1. Remoteness or Foreseeability of Harm (Hadley v. Baxendale) P69
Hadley v. Baxendale
The Hadleys (P) operated a mill. When the crank shaft of the mill broke, the Hadleys had to stop mill operation and ordered a new crank shaft. ハドリー家(P)は工場を経営していた。工場のクランクシャフトが折れてしまったため、Hadleys夫妻は工場の操業を中止し、新しいクランクシャフトを注文した。
The Hadleys were told that if they returned the shaft to Baxendale, a carrier, (D) before noon, Baxendale could deliver the broken shaft to the manufacturer, and the new shaft would be delivered soon thereafter. Hadley夫妻は、午前に運送業者のBaxendale社(D)にシャフトを返却すれば、Baxendale社が壊れたシャフトをメーカーに届け、その後すぐに新しいシャフトが届けられると言われた。
The Hadleys delivered the broken shaft before noon, but due to the carrier’s negligence, delivery of the new shaft was delayed several days. The delay resulted in £300 of losses for the Hadleys. Hadleys氏は正午前に壊れたシャフトを届けたが、運送業者の過失により新しいシャフトの配達が数日遅れた。この遅延によりHadleys社は300ポンドの損失(Lost Profits逸失利益)を被った。
事実審裁判所では50ポンドが認められた。原告はより高額(300ポンド?)を求め控訴した。原告は、これらの損害は、natural and necessary consequence of the breachであると主張した。
A nonbreaching party is entitled damages arising naturally from the breach itself or those that are in the reasonable contemplation of the parties at the time of contracting. Here, while the breach by Defendants was the actual cause of the lost profits of Plaintiffs, it cannot be said that under ordinary circumstances such loss arises naturally from this type of breach. There is a multitude of reasons for a miller to send a crank shaft to a third party. Defendants had no way of knowing that their breach would cause a longer shutdown of the mill, resulting in lost profits. Further, Plaintiffs never communicated the special circumstances to Defendants, nor did Defendants know of the special circumstances.
法廷意見は「reasonably considered to be a natural course of the breach」とか「fairly and reasonably contemplated by the parties at the time of making the contract」とかでないとだめということで、損害を限定した。
そして、communicatedされていないspecial circumstancesに基づく損害なので、「fairy and reasonably contemplated by the parties at the time of making the contract」ではない、と判示した。
Delay in deliveryによる損害は請求しうるものの、それはLost profitsではなく、Restitutionに限定されるので、そもそも50ポンドですら高いということになるだろう。
反対意見only liable to foreseeable damages
Court said that expectation damages (which puts promisee in the position that the promisee would have been in had the promise been performed) that were available to the Hadleys were limited by reasonable foreseeability 裁判所は、Hadleys氏に与えられる期待損害(約束が実行されていたら約束をした人がいたであろう立場に立たせる)は、合理的な予見可能性によって制限されていると述べた
→ Hadleys would not likely recover the £300 of losses in new trial ordered by court. Hadleys氏は、裁判所が命じた再審で300ポンドの損失を回復する可能性はないだろう。
Court reasoned that the carrier could not reasonably foresee the extent of damages that would result from the mill being closed down for a substantial amount of time. 工場がかなりの期間閉鎖された場合に生じる損害の程度を、運送会社は合理的に予測できなかった。
In an action for breach of contract, plaintiffs are only entitled to recover the measure of damages fairly and reasonably contemplated by the parties at the time of making the contract. 契約違反の訴訟において、原告は、契約締結時に当事者が公正かつ合理的に考えていた損害賠償額のみを回収する権利がある。
In an action for breach of contract, plaintiffs are only entitled to recover the measure of damages both parties may reasonably foresee as a result of the breach.
Hector Martinez & Co. v. Southern Pacific Trans. Co.
Plaintiff owned a dragline which is a large excavation machine. 原告は、大型掘削機であるドラグラインを所有していた。
The defendant shipped the machines from Ohio to Texas. 被告はこのドラッグラインをオハイオ州からテキサス州に出荷した
A carrier and a shipper arranged for shipment of the machines in five separate railroad cars. A single uniform bill of lading was provided. 運送人と荷送人は、5つの別々の鉄道車両でドラッグラインの出荷を手配した。1枚の統一された船荷証券が提供された。
The last of the five cars arrived late (a month later than promised) and the machine damaged. 5両のうち最後の1両が遅れて到着し、破損していた。
In addition, there was $14,000 worth of damage done to the machine when it was received in Texas.また、テキサス州で受け取った際、機械に14,000ドル相当の損害が発生した。
The shipper filed suit against the carrier, seeking compensation for wrongful deprivation of the dragline's use during the periods of delay in transit and of repair. The carrier filed a motion to dismiss (Rule 12(b)(6): failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted), arguing that the alleged damages were special damages and therefore were not recoverable absent notice of the possibility of such damages. 荷送人は輸送業者を相手に、輸送遅延期間および修理期間中のドラグラインの使用を不当に奪ったことに対する補償を求めて訴訟を起こした。運送会社は、申し立てられた損害は特別損害であり、そのような損害の可能性についての通知がなければ回復できないと主張して、棄却の申し立てを行った。
The district court granted the carrier's motion. 連邦地裁は運送会社の申し立てを認めた。
The court dismissed the claim, to which the plaintiff appealed. 裁判所はこの請求を棄却し、原告はこれを不服として控訴した。
The court found that general damages could have been awarded only if injury was foreseeable to a reasonable man, and special damages should have been awarded only if actual notice was given to the carrier of the possibility of injury. (p.82)
The general rule does not require the plaintiff to show that the actual harm suffered was the most foreseeable of possible harms, just that its harm was not so remote as to make it unforeseeable to a reasonable man. 一般的なルールでは、原告は、実際に被った損害が起こりうる損害の中で最も予見可能であったことを証明する必要はなく、その損害が合理的な人間には予見できないほど遠いものではなかったことを証明すればよい。
Reversing in part, the court held that the amount of damages that were reasonably foreseeable involved a question of fact that appellant was entitled to present to a jury. 一部を覆し、裁判所は、合理的に予見可能であった損害賠償額は、控訴人が陪審員に提出する権利を有する事実上の問題を含んでいるとした。
Damage is foreseeable by the carrier if it is in the proximate and usual consequence of the carrier’s action. 損害が運送人の行為の近親的かつ通常の結果であれば、運送人は損害を予見することができる。
This should be a jury fact. これは陪審員の事実とすべきである
★ In ordinary circumstances, lost profits are NOT contemplated by the parties
Something is foreseeable if: 予見できる場合とは
(1) That thing usually happens; 普通に起こる。
(2) Promisor is put on notice of special circumstances.約束者が事情を知っている
Damages available to the non-breaching party are bound, or limited by: 非違反当事者が受けることのできる損害賠償は、制限されている
(1) the non-breaching party’s duty to mitigate [damages] and違反していない当事者の[損害]を軽減する義務
(2) reasonable foreseeability, meaning that awards of damages that exceed reasonably foreseeable damages, resulting from breach, are not permitted. 合理的な予見可能性、つまり、違反の結果、合理的に予見可能な損害を超える損害賠償の裁定は認められない
☜These limitations favor the breaching party. これらは違反当事者にとって都合の良い限定とはなっている
Restatement (Second) of Contracts: § 351
§351. Unforeseeability and Related limitations on Damages
(1) Damages are not recoverable for loss that the party in breach did not have reason to foresee as a probable result of the breach when the contract was made;
(2) Loss may be foreseeable as a probable result of a breach because it follows from the breach (a) In the ordinary course of events OR
(b) As a result of special circumstances, beyond the ordinary course of events, that the party in breach had reason know (reason to know ≠ actual knowledge)
(3) A court may limit damages for foreseeable loss by excluding recovery for loss of profits, by allowing recovery only for loss incurred in reliance, or otherwise if it concludes that in the circumstances justice so requires in order to avoid disproportionate compensation.
2. Certainty of Harm (Chicago Coliseum Club v. Dempsey) P88
In March 1926, Jack Dempsey (D) and Chicago Coliseum Club (P) entered into an contract wherein the Club (P) agreed to promote a boxing match between Dempsey and Harry Wills in exchange for Dempsey receiving around $2.5M plus 50% of gate receipt profits over $2M plus 50% of net revenue from movie concessions or royalties received by the P; D also agreed to not engage in a boxing match between the time agreement was signed and the time of the match 1926年3月、ジャック・デンプシー(被告)とシカゴ・コロシアム・クラブ(原告)は、原告がデンプシー(被告)とハリー・ウィルスのボクシング試合をプロモートすることに同意する代わりに、デンプシー(被告)が約250万ドルと200万ドルを超えるゲートレシーブ利益の50%、さらにPが受け取った映画のコンセッションやロイヤリティからの純収入の50%を受け取るという契約を締結しました。また、デンプシー(被告)は契約締結時から試合時までの間、ボクシングの試合を行わないことに同意した。
As a result, P enters into 2 other contracts (one with Harry Wills (another boxer) for $50,000 - but no evidence this amount was paid - and one with Andrew C. Weisberg (promoter)) その結果、Pは他に2つの契約を結んだ(ハリー・ウィルズ(別のボクサー)との5万ドルの契約(ただし、この金額が支払われた証拠はない)、アンドリュー・C・ワイズバーグ(プロモーター)との契約)。
D Dempsey later claimed that there was no contract on July 10, 1926, thereby repudiating the contract → on August 3, 1926, P filed bill in Indiana court, requesting D be enjoined (stopped) from having the other fight for which D Dempsey was preparing. Dはその後、1926年7月10日に契約はなかったと主張し、契約を否認した→1926年8月3日、Pはインディアナ州の裁判所に請求書を提出し、Dが準備していたもう1つの試合の差し止めを要求した。(そして差止請求が認められた。)
Other fight was scheduled to take place before the Dempsey/Wills fight, in violation of Dempsey’s contract with P. 他の試合は、DがPとの契約に違反して、デンプシー/ウィルズ戦の前に行われる予定だった
P wanted loss of profits for Dempsey’s breach of contract Pは、Dの契約違反による利益の損失を求めた
(1) Loss of profits (expectancy damages) 逸失利益(期待損害)について
→ Court refused to award lost profits because profits too speculative
→ 逸失利益はあまりに遠いものであるため、裁判所は逸失利益を認めなかった。
(2) Expenses incurred prior to signing the agreement between the P and the D (reliance damages); PとDの間の契約締結前に発生した費用(信頼性損害)
→ Court refused to award pre-contract costs 契約前の費用は認められず
→reliance damagesにはなり得ない。契約前なので、信頼しようがない。
(3) Expenses incurred in attempting to force Dempsey into a compliance with the terms of his agreement with the P, legal fees (consequential damages); andデンプシーがPとの契約内容を遵守させようとするために要した費用、弁護士費用(結果的損害)
→ Court refused to award legal fees; once contract is repudiated, cannot increase damages裁判所は弁護士費用を認めなかった。一旦契約が否認されると、損害賠償額を増やすことはできない。
(4) Weisberg’s expenses (reliance damages) ワイズバーグの費用(信頼利益)
→ Court refused to award these damages because contract between P and D did not contemplate Weisberg’s expenses. PとDの間の契約では、ワイスバーグの費用を想定していなかったため、裁判所はこの損害を認めなかった。
Court permitted damages only for expenses incurred during time between signing of contract and defendant’s repudiation of contract.
Chicago Coliseum Club v. Dempsey stands for the proposition that the proper measure of damages for a breach in a performance contract includes the time period between the signing of the contract and the time of the breach. Further, to be recoverable, expenses must be incurred in furtherance of the general scheme and must not be purely speculative.
R2K 346
No (probable) loss = nominal damages
R2K 349
Reliance damages are an alternative to expectation damages
R2K 352
Damages are not recoverable for loss beyond the amount that is established by evidence
= can you prove the amount?
2. Certainty その2 Anglia Television Ltd. v. Reed (Uncertainty as a Limitation on Damages)
Anglia Television Ltd. (P) contracted with Reed (D) for Reed to perform a play for television. Because of a scheduling error, Reed repudiated the contract. Anglia could not find a different actor for the play, so abandoned project altogether → Anglia sued Reed for damages (did not sue for loss profits - sued for “wasted expenditure”)
アングリア・テレビジョン社 (P)はリード(D)と契約し、リードはテレビ用の芝居を上演することになった。スケジュールミスのため、リードは契約を否認した。アングリア社は別の俳優を見つけることができず、プロジェクトを完全に放棄した → アングリア社はリード社に損害賠償を求めて提訴(逸失利益ではなく、「無駄な支出」を訴えた)
Reed argued that Anglia could not recover expenditure incurred before the contract was concluded; could only recover the expenditure after the contract was concluded (Anglia had incurred director and manager fees before the parties entered into the contract)
Court allowed an exception to the general rule, and allowed Anglia to recover expenditures incurred pre-contract. 裁判所は、一般規則の例外を認め、Anglia社に契約前に発生した支出の回復を認めた。
It is plain that, when Mr. Reed entered into this contract, he must have known perfectly well that a large amount of expenditures had already been incurred and that if he broke the contract, all those expenditures would be wasted—he must pay damages for all the expenditures so wasted. リード氏がこの契約を結んだとき、すでに多額の支出が発生しており、契約を破棄すればそれらの支出がすべて無駄になることをよく知っていたはずであり、そのように無駄になったすべての支出に対して損害賠償を支払わなければならないことは明らかである。
Anglia Television Ltd. v. Reed stands for the proposition that in a breach of contract action, wasted expenditure can be recovered when it is wasted by reason of the defendant’s breach of contract.
Note; In U.S., non-breaching party will only be awarded post-contract [reliance] damages.