



Prior to 1975, Andy owned Blackacre in fee simple absolute. In 1975, Andy by written deed conveyed Blackacre to Beth and Chris “jointly with right of survivorship.” The deed provides: “If Blackacre, or any portion of Blackacre, is transferred to a third party, either individually or jointly, by Beth or Chris, Andy shall have the right to immediately re-enter and repossess Blackacre.” 1975年以前、アンディはBlackacreをFSA所有していた。1975年、アンディは書面による証書でBlackacreをベスとクリスに「生存権を伴うJT」として譲渡した。この証書には「ベスとクリスがBlackacreまたはその一部を単独または共同で第三者に譲渡した場合、アンディは直ちにBlackacreを取得する権利を有する」と記されている。【JTかTinCか、年号的に敵対的占有を検討する可能性】
In 1976, without the knowledge of Chris, Beth conveyed her interest in Blackacre to Frank. 1976年、ベスはクリスの知らないうちにBlackacreの持分をフランクに譲渡した。【切断】
In 1977, Beth and Frank died in a car accident. Frank did not leave a will and his only living relative at the time of his death was his cousin Mona. 1977年、ベスとフランクは交通事故で死亡した。フランクは遺言を残しておらず、死亡時の親族はいとこのモナだけだった。【モナ半分】
In 1978, Chris and Andy learned that Beth had conveyed her interest in Blackacre to Frank. When Mona approached Chris a day later to discuss her interest in Blackacre, Chris told her that he was the sole owner of Blackacre and she had no interest in Blackacre. Chris posted “No Trespassing” signs on Blackacre. He also paid all of the expenses, insurance, and taxes on Blackacre. Andy and Mona have never taken any action against Chris’ possession of Blackacre. 1978年、クリスとアンディはベスがBlackacreの持分をフランクに譲渡したことを知った。その翌日、モナがBlackacreの権利について相談しようとクリスに近づいたところ、クリスはBlackacreの唯一の所有者は自分であり、彼女はBlackacreに何の権利もないと告げた。クリスはBlackacreに "No Trespassing "の看板を設置した。また、Blackacreの経費、保険、税金をすべて支払っていた。アンディとモナは、クリスがBlackacreを所有していることに対して何のアクションも起こしていない【M追い出され・C金負担】
1. What right, title, or interest in Blackacre, if any, did Andy initially convey to Beth, Chris, and himself? Discuss. アンディは当初、Blackacreに対するどのような権利をベス、クリス、自分に移転したか。
2. What right, title, or interest in Blackacre, if any, is held by Andy, Chris, and Mona? Discuss. アンディ、クリス、モナはBlackacreに対してどのような権利を有しているか。


1. What right, title, or interest in Blackacre, did Andy initially convey to Beth, Chris, and himself 

Joint Tenancy: A joint tenancy exists when two or more individuals own property with the right of survivorship. The joint tenancy must be created with each joint tenant having an equal right to possess the property, with each interest equal to the others, at the same time, and in the same instrument.
Fee Simple Subject to Condition Subsequent: A fee simple subject to condition subsequent is a present fee simple that is limited in duration by specific conditional language. Upon the occurrence of the stated condition in a fee simple subject condition subsequent, the fee simple will terminate if the grantor demonstrates intent to terminate by entering the property or bringing an action to recover possession.
Restraint on Alienation: A restraint on alienation is when a grantor attempts to forbid the sale the land that is being conveyed. Generally, restrain on alienation is void, but may be valid when it is for a limited time and for a reasonable purpose. Here, no valid time limit or reasonable explanation. 【択一知識:時間的な限定があろうと絶対的な移転制限は基本的に無効と解される】

2. What right, title, or interest in Blackacre, if any, is held by Andy, Chris, and Mona

A’s Interest: No interest, because the restraint is void and thus A does not have the right to re-enter.
C and M’s Interest: Severance of the Joint Tenancy: Joint tenants can convey all or part of their individual interests during their lifetimes to a third party, thereby severing the joint tenancy. Here, the conveyance severed the joint tenancy, leaving C and F each with a half interest in Blackacre as tenants in common.
Intestate Succession: When an individual die without a will his interest passes to his heirs through intestacy. Here, F did not make a will and thus M (only living relative) will get one-half interest of the Land.
Ouster: Each co-tenant in a tenancy in common has the right to possess all the property. When a co-tenant refuses to allow another co-tenant access to the property, then there has been an ouster. Here, C ousted M. When C found out about M in 1978, he told her that he was the sole owner of Blackacre and she had no interest at all.
Adverse Possession: Even though C ousted M, M still had a one-half interest in Blackacre. She could, but has not yet, go to the courts and ask them to force C to allow her access to her property. M will attempt to use the doctrine of adverse possession to claim title to the entire property. The doctrine of adverse possession allows ownership to be granted to a person who exercises exclusive physical possession of a piece of property for a certain amount of time. To acquire title by adverse possession, the possession must be continuous, actual, open and notorious, hostile, and exclusive.
- Continuous: Possession of the property must be continuous and uninterrupted for a period of time (20 years at CL)
- Actual: A person trying to claim title to land through adverse possession must actually possess the land. Here, C lives o Blackacre so he does indeed actually possess it.
- Open and Notorious: Possession must be open and notorious, such that a reasonable true owner would become aware of the claim. Here, C lives on Blackacre, has posted no trespassing signs, paid taxes.
- Hostile: The adverse possessor must possess the land without the owner’s permission.
- Exclusive: Possession cannot be shared with the true owner.


