
LLMノート⑦ Contracts: Cases and Doctrine [Connected Casebook] (Aspen Casebook) 6th Edition
第7回 現状回復的損害賠償請求
B. Restitution--Damage Interest and Cause of Action
Page 205 Text introduction
Pages 205-212 1. Restitution for Breach of Contract
Bush v. Canfield
R2K sections 371, 373
Pages 212-220 2. Restitution to the Party in Breach
Britton v. Turner
Vines v. Orchard Hills, Inc.
R2K section 374
Restitution 返還
- Damages awarded to prevent unjust enrichment when one party has conferred a benefit to another party without gratuitous intent. - 当事者の一方が無償の意図なく他方に利益を与えた場合に、不当利得を防止するために与えられる損害賠償。
Unjust Enrichment不当利得
- What one party receives a benefit without consideration (without an exchange of value) 一方の当事者が対価なしに(価値の交換なしに)利益を受けること。
Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 371. Measure of Restitution Interest
If a sum of money is awarded to protect a party’s restitution interest, it may as justice required be measured by either: 当事者の返還請求権を保護するために金銭が授与される場合、必要に応じて以下のいずれかにより測定することができる。
(a) The reasonable value to the other party of what he received in terms of what it would have cost him to obtain it from a person in the claimant’s position, or請求者の立場にある者からそれを得るために要したであろう費用の観点から見た、他の当事者が受け取ったものの妥当な価値、または
(b) The extent to which the other party’s property has been increased in value or his other interests advanced他の当事者の財産が価値を増した程度、または他の利益が向上した程度
Quantum Meruit
= Equitable doctrine allowing recovery for labor and materials provided by one party in order to prevent unjust enrichment by the benefitted party. 利益を受ける当事者の不当利得を防止するために、一方の当事者が提供した労務や資材の回収を認める衡平法上の原則。
Restatement (Second) of Contracts §373. Restitution When Other Party is in Breach 相手方が違反している場合の返還
(1) Subject to the rule stated in Subsection (2), on a breach by non-performance that gives rise to a claim for damages for total breach or on a repudiation, the injured party is entitled to restitution for any benefit that he has conferred on the other party by way of party performance or reliance. (1) (2)に記載されている規則に従い、完全な違反に対する損害賠償請求を生じさせる不履行による違反、または否認の場合、損害を受けた当事者は、当事者の履行または信頼によって相手方に与えた利益を返還する権利を有する。
(2) The injured party has no right to restitution if he has performed all of his duties under the contract and no performance by the other party remains due other than payment of a definite sum of money for that performance.傷害当事者は、契約に基づく義務のすべてを果たし、相手方による履行が、その履行に対する明確な金額の支払い以外に残っていない場合には、返還の権利はない。
Bush v. Canfield (Restitution)
Contract for the delivery of flour; 2000 barrels of flour were to be delivered for $7/barrel; the buyer paid $5,000 in advance, and was to pay the remainder $9,000 upon delivery of the flour; seller failed to deliver flour on delivery date. 小麦粉の引渡しに関する契約。2000バレルの小麦粉を1バレルあたり7ドルで引き渡すことになっており、買主は5,000ドルを前払いし、小麦粉の引渡し時に残りの9,000ドルを支払うことになっていたが、売主は引渡し日に小麦粉を引き渡さなかった(小麦の値段は下がった)
→ P sued D for breach of contract PはDを契約不履行で訴えた。
Jury in lower court awarded $6,771 (representing the $5,000 paid in advance plus interest); 下級裁判所の陪審員は、6,771ドル(前払いした5,000ドルに利息を加えたもの)を認めた
Usually, damages are calculated based on the expectancy interest (difference between the market price and the contract price) 通常、損害賠償は、期待利息(市場価格と契約価格の差額)に基づいて計算される。
Here, the market price of wheat was less than the contract price → had there been no deposit, no damages would have been awarded because non-breaching party would not have been harmed 本件では、小麦の市場価格が契約価格を下回っていたので、仮に預託がなければ、非侵害者は損害を被らなかったので、損害賠償は認められなかったでしょう。
Contract price = $7/barrel x 2000 barrels = $14,000 契約価格=7ドル/バレル×2000バレル=14,000ドル
Market price = $5.50/barrel x 2000 barrels = $11,000 市場価格 = $5.50/バレル x 2000バレル = $11,000
Contract price ($14,000) - Market price ($11,000) = $3,000 (this is how much the non- breaching party saved by covering) 契約価格(14,000ドル)-市場価格(11,000ドル)=3,000ドル(カバーすることで非違反者が節約できた金額)。
Supreme Court of Connecticut ultimately affirmed the jury’s awarded amount, reasoning that when there is a deposit (partial performance), the damages equal the restitution interest (of the down payment), which equals the value of the article at the time and place of delivery plus the interest for the delay. コネチカット州最高裁判所は、最終的に陪審員の裁定額を支持し、頭金(部分履行)がある場合、損害賠償額は(頭金の)返還額と同額であると理由をつけた。
Want to prevent unjust enrichment of the seller - seller would have been unjustly enriched if seller retained the $5,000 deposit without consideration 売主の不当利得を防止したい - 売主が5,000ドルの手付金を無対価で保持すれば、売主は不当に利得を得たことになる。
Part Performance [paid deposit of $5,000, so $9000 due on contract]
• Winning Contract ($3000 profit) $17,000 - $9000 = $8,000
• Losing Contract ($3000 loss) $11,000 - $9000 = $2,000 [This is the result that the dissent wants]
• Restitution of $5,000 is available because of partial performance. This is best result for nonbreaching party in losing contract.
■Dissent 反対意見
If the contract is cancelled, unjust enrichment shall be returned. 契約を解除すれば不当利得返還を認める
Full Performance [already paid in full $14,000, so $0 due on contract]
• Winning Contract ($3000 profit) $17,000 - $0 = $17,000
• Losing Contract ($3000 loss) $11,000 - $0 = $11,000
• Restitution is not available [risk is on purchaser with payment in full]
No Payment [Paid $0, so $14,000 due on contract]
• Winning Contract ($3000 profit) $17,000 - $14,000 = 3,000
• Losing Contract ($3000 loss) Entitled to nominal damages for breach of contract.
• Restitution is not available [no conferral of benefit on defendant]
Part Performance [paid deposit of $5,000, so $9000 due on contract]
• Winning Contract ($3000 profit) $17,000 - $9000 = $8,000
• Losing Contract ($3000 loss) $11,000 - $9000 = $2,000 [This is the result that the dissent wants]
• Restitution of $5,000 is available because of partial performance. This is best result for nonbreaching party in losing contract.
Bush v. Canfield stands for the proposition that when a buyer pays a deposit (representative of the buyer’s partial performance) and the seller does not perform any part of the contract, damages equal the buyer’s restitution interest. In these circumstances, the buyer’s restitution interest equals the value of the deposit at the time and place of delivery plus interest. 買主が手付金(買主の部分的履行の代表)を支払い、売主が契約のいかなる部分も履行しない場合、損害賠償は買主の返還利益に等しい。このような状況では、買主の返還請求権は、引渡しの時と場所における手付金の価値に利息を加えたものに等しい。
Restatement (Second) of Contracts §374. Restitution in Favor of Party in Breach
(1) Subject to the rule stated in Subsection (2), if a party justifiably refuses to perform on the ground that his remaining duties of performance have been discharged by the other party’s breach, the party in breach is entitled to restitution for any benefit that he has conferred by way of part performance or reliance in excess of the loss that he has caused by his own breach. (1) (2)項の規定に従い、当事者が、相手方の違反により自分の残りの履行義務が免除されたことを理由に正当に履行を拒否した場合、違反した当事者は、違反した当事者の権利を有する。違反した当事者は、一部履行または信頼によって与えられた利益について、自己の違反によって生じた損失を超えて返還する権利を有する。
(2) To the extent that, under the manifested assent of the parties, a party’s performance is to be retained in the case of breach, that party is not entitled to restitution if the value of the performance as liquidated damages is reasonable in light of the anticipated or actual loss caused by the breach and the difficulties of proof of loss. (2) 当事者の明示的な同意の下に、当事者の履行が違反の場合に保持されることになっている限りにおいて、清算的損害賠償としての履行の価値が、違反によって生じた予想または実際の損失および損失の証明の困難さに照らして合理的である場合には、当該当事者は返還を受ける権利を有しない。
Quantum Meruit
Quantum Meruit = Equitable doctrine allowing recovery for labor and materials provided by one party in order to avoid unjust enrichment by the benefitted party. This is a default rule that may be contracted around. It is particularly important in employment contexts. 利益を受ける側の不当な利益を避けるために、一方の当事者が提供した労働力や資材の回収を認める衡平法上の原則。これはデフォルトルールであり、契約で回避することができる。これは、雇用関係において特に重要。
A claim in quantum meruit is usually an action to recover the reasonable value of services rendered by one party to another. Quantum Meruitの請求は、通常、当事者の一方が他方に提供したサービスの合理的な価値を回収するための訴訟
This may be a default rule or an immutable rule depending on jurisdiction 法域によっては、既定のルールであったり、不変のルールであったりする。
Britton v. Turner (Quantum Meruit) P212
Britton (P) contracted to work for Turner (D) for 12 months for $120. ブリトン(P)はターナー(D)の下で12ヶ月間、120ドルで働く契約をした。
After 9 months, Britton quit without Turner’s consent and without good cause. Turner then refused to pay Britton for the 9 months in which Britton provided his labor to Turner. 9ヶ月後、ブリトンはターナーの同意もなく、正当な理由もなく辞めた。ターナー社はその後、ブリトンが提供した9ヶ月分の賃金を支払わなかった。
→ Britton sued for value of services rendered. そこでブリトンは、提供したサービスの対価を求めて訴訟を起こした。
Court affirmed recovery granted by lower court under quantum meruit (award of $95). 裁判所は、下級審で認められた量的衡平法による回収(95ドル)を支持した。
“By the operation of the settled rule that the breaching party gets nothing, the party who attempts performance may be placed in a much worse situation than he who wholly disregards his contract, and the other party may receive much more, by the breach of the contract, than the injury which he has sustained by such breach, and more than he could be entitled to were he seeking to recover damages by an action.” 違反した当事者は何も得られないという定説の運用により、履行を試みる当事者は、契約を完全に無視した場合よりもはるかに悪い状況に置かれる可能性があり、相手方は契約違反により、その違反により被った損害よりもはるかに多く、訴訟により損害を回復しようとした場合に得られる権利よりも多くのものを受け取る可能性
“If, under such circumstance [the non-breaching party] actually receives a benefit from the labor performed, over and above the damage occasioned by the failure to complete, there is as much reason why he should pay the reasonable worth of what has thus been done for his benefit …” このような状況下で、(違反していない当事者が)実行された労働から、完成しなかったことによって生じた損害以上の利益を実際に受け取った場合、自分の利益のためにこのように行われたことの妥当な価値を支払うべき理由は同様にあります...
Had Britton not recovered for the value of his services rendered then Turner would have been unjustly enriched. Turner could not elect to refuse what he had already received. もしブリトンが提供したサービスの価値を回復していなければ、ターナーは不当に利益を得ていたことになる。ターナーは、既に受け取ったものを拒否することはできなかった
Britton would not have been able to recover if the damage he had done by quitting had been greater than the benefit that Turner received from his services rendered. ブリットンが辞めることによって被った損害が、ターナーが彼の提供したサービスから受けた利益よりも大きければ、ブリトンは回復することができなかった
Here, could have contracted around quantum meruit default rule ここでは、quantum meruit default ruleを回避する契約が可能であった。
Britton v. Turner stands for the proposition that where labor is performed under a contract for a specified price, the party who fails to perform the whole of the labor contracted for can recover in quantum meruit the value of the labor performed to the degree it is greater than the damage to the other party. 指定された価格の契約に基づいて労務が提供される場合、契約された労務の全部を履行しなかった当事者は、相手方の損害を上回る程度まで、履行された労務の価値を回復することができる
Vines v. Orchard Hills, Inc. P216
Vines (P) contracted to purchase a condo. Vines paid $7,880 as a down payment (10% of the total price 78,800USD), which would Orchard Hills, Inc. (D) would keep if Vines breached the contract. Vines (P) はコンドミニアムの購入を契約しました。Vinesは頭金として7,880ドルを支払ったが、これはOrchard Hills, Inc. (D)は、Vinesが契約に違反した場合、頭金を保持する。
Shortly after Vines paid the down payment, he was transferred to another state (for work) and reneged on the contract. Consequently, Orchard Hills kept the down payment [as liquidated damages]. バインズさんが頭金を支払った直後、彼は仕事で他州に転勤となり、契約を破棄しました。その結果、オーチャードヒルズ社は頭金を(清算的損害賠償として)保管した。
→ Vines sued to recover his down payment. バインズは頭金の返還を求めて訴訟を起こした。
・ 原告としては、違反後に物件価格が上がったので、むしろ被告は原告による違反によって利益を受けており、損害など何ら被っていないのであるから、したがって原告は頭金を返してもらえるはずである、と主張した。
・ P had to show that seller has been unjustly enriched - had to prove that the damages suffered by D were less than the down payment. Pは、売り手が不当に利益を得たことを証明しなければならず、Dが被った損害が頭金よりも小さいことを証明しなければならなかった。
[ところでliquidated damagesの基準は?Reasonableかどうか。]
Court held that Orchard Hills would be entitled to damages if it was injured at the time of breach [Not at the time of trial]. Lower court had measured damages at the time of trial, so upper court set judgment aside and remanded case. 裁判所は、Orchard Hillsが違反の時点で損害を受けた場合、損害賠償の権利を有するとした。下級審では裁判時に損害額を測定していたため、上級審では判決を破棄し、再送した。
Vines v. Orchard Hills, Inc. stands for the proposition that a party breaching a land sale contract may recover the down payment if he can prove that no damages were inflicted upon the seller at the time of the breach. 土地売買契約に違反した当事者が、違反時に売主に損害が与えられなかったことを証明できれば、頭金を取り戻すことができる
(注:立証はthe damages suffered by D were less than the down paymentでもいい)
Quasi Contract
= An obligation imposed by law to prevent unjust enrichment. Also called a contract implied in law or a constructive contract, a quasi-contract may be presumed by a court in the absence of a true contract, but not where a contract—either express or implied in fact— covering the same subject matter already exists. 準契約=不当利得を防止するために法律で課せられた義務のこと。真の契約がない場合、裁判所は準契約を推定することができますが、同一内容の契約が既に存在する場合は推定できません。
Because a quasi contract is not a true contract, mutual assent is not necessary, and a court may impose an obligation without regard to the intent of the parties. The remedy is typically restitution or recovery under a theory of quantum meruit. Liability is determined on a case- by-case basis.
準契約は真の契約ではないので、相互の同意は必要なく、裁判所は当事者の意図を無視して義務を課すことができる。救済措置は、一般的には、返還またはquantum meruitの理論に基づく回復です。責任はケースバイケースで決定されます。
Cotnam v. Wisdom (Quasi-Contract) P221
Harrison was thrown for a streetcar and suffered serious injuries. Wisdom (P), a physician, attempted to render emergency aid at the scene but was unsuccessful. → Wisdom sued Cotnam (D), the administrator of Harrison’s estate, for the value of his services. ハリソンは路面電車に投げ出されて重傷を負いました。医師であるウィズダム(P)は、その場で応急処置を試みたが、失敗した。→ ウィズダムは、ハリソンの財産管理者であるコットナム(D)に対し、自分のサービスの価値を求めて訴えた。
Court determined that the trial court improperly allowed evidence of Harrison’s financial situation, so remanded the case for a new trial. BUT, court held that Wisdom was entitled to quasi-contractual damages (or compensation for services rendered under quasi-contract). 裁判所は、裁判長がハリソンの経済状況に関する証拠を不適切に認めたと判断し、再審を求めて再審理を行った。しかし、裁判所はWisdomが準契約上の損害賠償(または準契約に基づいて提供されたサービスの対価)を受ける権利があると判断した。
Cotnam v. Wisdom stands for the proposition that a person rendering emergency services to a person may collect reasonable fees therefor. 人に緊急サービスを提供する者は、そのための合理的な料金を徴収することができる
Martin v. Little, Brown and Co. P224
James L. Martin (P) wrote a letter advising Little, Brown & Co. (publisher) that portions of a paperback had been plagiarized, which he offered to send to them. Consequently, Little, Brown &Company (D) sued for copyright infringement. James L. Martin(P)は、Little,Brown & Co.(James L. Martin(P)は、ペーパーバックの一部が盗用されていることをLittle,Brown & Co.(出版社)に知らせる手紙を書き、その手紙を出版社に送ることを申し出た。その結果、リトル・ブラウン社(D)が著作権侵害で訴えた。
Thereafter, Martin demanded compensation for his services. その後、マーティンは自分のサービスに対する報酬を要求した。
Court determined that no contract implied-in-fact or implied-in-law existed, because Martin informed Little, Brown & Co. of the plagiarism gratuitously. Martin could not infer that Little, Brown & Co. was going to pay. Further, Little, Brown & Co. had not been unjustly enriched, hence Martin was not entitled to restitution. 裁判所は、マーティンがリトル・ブラウン社に盗作の事実を無償で知らせたことから、黙示の契約や黙示の義理の契約は存在しないと判断した。マーティンはLittle, Brown & Co.が支払うつもりであることを推測することはできなかった。さらに、Little, Brown & Co.は不当に利益を得ていなかったので、Martinは返還を受ける権利がなかった。
Martin v. Little, Brown & Co. stands for the proposition that one who volunteers information for another’s benefit is not entitled to restitution. 他人の利益のために情報を提供した者には返還の権利がない. This is because no contract between the parties will be implied, so the benefiting party is not unjustly enriched. 当事者間の契約が暗示されないため、利益を得た当事者が不当に利益を得ることはないから
Factors to Consider in Determining What Type of Remedy is Appropriate
1. Adequacy of monetary relief → Monetary Damages vs. Equitable Remedies
2. Whether non-breaching party has made any expenditures in reliance on promise → Reliance Damages
3. Whether breaching party has substantially performed (whether breach was material) → Substantial Performance
4. Whether non-breaching party incurred losses that could have been avoided → Duty to Mitigate
5. Whether contract includes clause that sets damages → Liquidated Damage Clauses vs. Penalty Clauses
6. Whether the non-breaching party is unduly enriched → Restitution, Quantum Meruit
7. Whether non-breaching seller is a volume seller → Lost Volume Seller (recover for lost profits)
8. Whether contract is for sale of land or unique good → Specific Performance
9. Whether non-breaching party has purchased substitute goods → Cover
10. Whether non-breaching party has spent a reasonable amount on substitute goods → Difference between Contract Price and Cover Price vs. Market Price
11. Whether full performance of non-primary clause would encourage waste → Change/Loss in Value vs. Cost of Repair/Full Performance
12. How/Whether parties entered into an agreement → Implied-in-Law Contract, Implied-in-Fact Contract